Orono Fair this week-éend Thursday, Fridàay, Saturday, Sunday, Sept. 6-9 The Orono Fair, which is possibly the largest annual event to be held in Orono, takes place this week-end under the sponsor- ship of the Durham Central Agricultural Society. Somte new at- tractions have been added and alongwith usual line of entertain- ment and the agricultural produce and livestock the show again will fill the three and half days from Thursday evening to late Sunday afternoon. Thursday evening will feature the Miss Durham) Central Queen of the Fair contest along with the annual Durharn County Holstein -show, fiddler's contest and the demolition derby, whichl last year proved most popular. Added to the events on Thursday evening is a newý feature in the form of .a competition in Break Dancing and Air Band- The Honi. Dennis Timbreil. Minister of Agriculture and F-ood will offieially open the fair on Thursday evening. Alil inside and outside exhibits aswell as-thermid'way wiIi be open on Thursday evening. Friday noon the school parade gets underway from the Orono(- Public school and this event hias been growing in numbers of public school students who not only take in the parade but also (Continued page 2) OronoUEEMptttfhl PuhllShed Every Wednesday Orono MWeeklY -Timres, esa, September 5, 19841 Lawrence Sweeps D-N riding Allan Lawrence represen- ting the Conservatives in Durham Northumberland swept to victory on- Tuesday wihhis greatest majority since coming to the riding. Unofficial figures, with al polis counted, gave Lawrence a toti of 24j873 votes givng himi a majority of 16,023 over his ciosesi rivai Darce Camp- Allan Lawrence Gearing Up for Terry Fox WaIk-A-Thon SuSeventy year old Andy Sutrch Sr. is gearing up l'of the Snday, Septmbher 23rd Terry Fox Walk-A-Thoni which he organizes for this area. Andy states he is already wýalking seven Jmiles a day in preparation for thec walk this year. Anidy's Terry Fox Walk--A-Thion is to start out trom Highway 115 at thie Durhami Forest Road just north of the Enterprise intersection and will continue, across to Highway 35 and then into the Mosport area and return. Total mileage, seven miles. Startîng tinie states Andy is 9:00 a.m. Sunday, F Septembher 23rd. Anyone wishing to miake donations or join the walk are asked to phone Andy at 983-5839. Any donations made by cheqtue are to be made out to Andy Sutch In Trust Terry Fox Fund and sent to Andy $ut,-'-, R.R. 3 Pontypool LOA IKO. 2800 vote at Advance Poils Accordinig to returning officer, Jean Capeling, Durhamn Northumerland Riding, 2800 voters cast their votes at the seven advance polis held within the riding. While figures were not available for the number voting at advance polis in 1980 the returning officer feit the numnber in 1984 surpassed that in 1980. It is aiso anticipated that some 5000 new voters have been added to the iist of voters which would be a 3.8 percent increase from the 52,992 eligîble voters in the 1980 federal elec- tion in the Durham Northumberland riding. In 1980 seventy percent of the eligible voters cast their ballots, a total of 39,212. Seventy-seven register for Figure Skating Seventy-seven children from the community have registered for figure skating under the Orono Figure Skating Club. Pre-registration was held at the Arena on one night, in each of the past two weeks. According to Mrs. Gayle McKenzie more chiidren are expected to register and thiat registration wiil reach the, 125 ejildren who skated wihthe club iast year. Registration f1orms are availabie through Mrs. MeýKeni- zie. It diln't happen that way Wve now, tearn thlat it wýas (lhe Or-ono Girl's Bantamn Teami No. 1, coached by Charlotte Anderson, thiat were c:on- solation winners of the 'A' divi'sion ir' oftbail tournamrent hield in Orono on August 25thi. We hiad rep)orted that Ilhe team coached by Ken Prescott and Richiard Thomnas hadl been the risoiation winr."No[ so," staies Charlotte, -\we wnriked bell, liberal, withi a vote of 8,850. Roy Grierson, NDP polled 7,889 whiie Flynn for thie Rinos polled 349 and Liberterian, Pag ie, 216. The total vote on Tuesdlay in Durham Northiumberland totalied 42,177 whichi com- pares with 39,2 12.1in 1980 and Newcastle Concert Series arranged l'iekets aie niow available for the 1984-85 season of the Newcastle and District Con- cert Series. Al concerts take place in Newcastle Comimun t- ty Hall on Sunday evenings at 7:30 p. m. The first concert on Oc- tober 21 featuires a 20-voice group from the, Oshawa Choral Society with mnusic from the 20's to the 50's. This concert will be cabaret style. On November 1 8th, the 'Bowkun Trio perform. These three girls - Sandra Bowkun (flute), Julia Bowkun (cello) and Ellen Meyer (piano) -have appeared at the St. Lawrence Centre Town Hall and at Stratford's Summer Music; and have selected, ar- ranged and recorded music for several Canadian film and TV scores. Their style is in- formaI. On March 10, 1985 Lyracord will star in perfor- mance. This unusual com- bination of harp and tenor preserits everything from folk music to areas from grand opera, with solo harp works. The harpist Gianette Baril haas made solo appearances' with the National YoutÏh Or- chestra and others and won top prize in the 1982 Du Maurier Search for the Stars. The tenor James McLèan, amnong other ap pearan ces, was Jack Rackstraw& for Stratford's hit "HMS Piniafore-' in 1981. The Bowkun Trio and L-yraicord are sponsored by Juenlesses Musicales - Youthl and Music Caniada, -antiinte- national orglanizat ion dedlicated to giving promi.singp youing professional muit-sicians a boost ,ip, the laddlerofsc cess. Peýggy MIatthys, chair- mnan ofithe local promnotional « -tincd age 2) Celeb rat, represents about 74 percent of the total voters. In the Clarke Township, Orono and Newcastle area Allan Lawrence was away out in front with a total number of 2862 votes. This included advance poli result. Roy Grierson, NDP, was in second place with 909 votes foiiowed by Darce Campbell in third place with a total of 842 votes. Flynn for the Rhinosceroýs Party cuollecied 32 votes w\ith the Libertarian, Page, polling 21 votIes. Ilithle 1980 electioni, ,sc98th birthday Mrs. Florance 1-. Mahler, Orono, celebrated hier 98thi birthdayý last week and as has been the habit over the pasti seventeen yvears madelhei- weckl1.\\ iit o lher hairdresse at Anni's Beauty Salon. Mr.Mahter resides wiýth Maher, ,where over the week- endc thevceIbrae he98th Lawrence, who had been solicitor general in the short- livedl Joe Clarke government collected 17,216 votes. Liberai candidate, Ed. Schamerhorn, -pulled in 11,326 votes whiie NDP Fred McLaughlin received 9,30,4; Libertarian Bob Martila 367 and Marxist-Leninist, Robert Platt, 16 votes. 1Ailan Lawrence will be commencing his fifth terni of office in the House of Com- mon<. Across the nation the Tories havevinted the couin- (Continued Page 2) MNrs. Florence L. Maher wasý born in 1886 in Desoron- to, Omnio and spent mnostot lier life in Point Annc before nosing to Oronosentn yeai ago.