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Orono Weekly Times, 12 Sep 1984, p. 9

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Classif ied Ads (Continuaed f'rom page 11) THANK YOU 1 would sincerely like to thank Dr's Coffey, Westgarth and Sylvester, Nurses and Staff of Bowman- ville Memorial Hospital for the excellent care 1 received during and after my recent emergency operation. Also to my family, friends and relatives for the Iovely cards, flowers and gifîs, and visits and for enquiries to mny well being since my return home. Very much appreciated. Bernice Partner 12, a. c. I would like to thank my friends, neighbors andn family for flowers, cards, gifts, phone calîs and tl' Prayers. Special thanks to Father Par, Dr. Angi, E lihargava, Dr. Coutu and staff on 6th floor and9 floor for thieir vionderful care while I was a patient Oshiawa CGeneral. Sinicerel Marg\Vint 22,a To eachi and everyone wýho hielped in any way wvithi Hot Meals and Bar Privileges served at Orono Fair-. T success of a venture such as this, depends on a lot hielp from mrany volinteers, and we certainily do havec excellent turn-out in our community. for our ma customner, over thie four days, your piatronage isa preciated. Thank you ail. Orono Aýrefia Improvemn an.d Projects Fund Commiti 12,a CAREER TRAINING F-REE 1- 28 page Careet (,tîtid hon hon (o trattt at home ltr 2051 payin Ii tl atd part tinte wutbs Canioit Institie, 265A. Adelaîde Sit Wesî,Tornt1.11l>14161)97 929ioas. SIR SANDI ORD 11F sLEMINC«ClLECtE1 Hau ilbtîtoîtai iplus t, 1el,-ngja20 ne,,, WMk MA1 % ýNAiEMEi Nr POC, at Noveiner 5 po Ils\red h the anada Enlotteu nCcire, titi tiltt noraotsali Bath IBol jîtCOI) 457160 1 OR SAILE SUT1E1 BUll D INCi Dict îitriCleaîani.e. lp tii4o)petsettti counts ud is30 ti120,>' nus i r~tth nît cd qilaîtit es -ActN SA\E.iCal>l lkltlire I 80) 461-7689, PROPANE RktiC11R,1R1Etgt ned sel.ninedittLuI s/e. Somie nsed paris. Pr)oane kitcheni ranges. Spectal onr relrtg-,erators. Abrahaîn Marttn, Lnwood. (519) 698-2289. tI.PWANTED 11,1\c suitlîaIld siî si i sls niiiaiiaguelexeperieriee? If '«t, w Iuld ittt Il, o so A , i il (e ii'înaial sales organiu ai oi s g uns ii oigl a iciiîiid ii iaisio)ll ptograi We arc ici111 forpci pIe %%il IleN pci lient tldc a I a s apas ut y to0 iise iiiio a -inaiiageineiit poi lintutt îii kIl soir qitali Isi v otoofoui mianiagemnft I aining posi- tionsn e nill lain sVoirtiii cadi anid cery level of our'ivuinless gîtai atice soi an111ioite l i tarI, hascd ou yur qualifIicaitois -place ntairaeiictniti i ttt.<(tI, ar cuciiitttded ptple tiîed apply. No icitpliotie iiet siens p (ae < Il rion tfoi a pet soîîal men Icw1 Il tise. (416) 922-7992. 9 -Sput. AIIINSAlE 01\1 111 IIl1DISPERSAI, of'MARC HHURLSV 1SIMME NILS SaIllf dti 'Septel'cieî1 3 198(4 John îDcVries. Cnti p,.(Oui ani. I-ou tîloi uîîaton ca.l ts ii! Auitetn Seî sce (613) 2813-4734. FOR SALE, 'fSACRII ICI I'RIiIS $ Muîs( sdI. 2 aIl seel qiîittisei sty.le huiIîlîîîî, so]i iltecti erected, miie is 46 s\X80. No i stable otiet nel îîrd Sjo, oîit% îîced caîl. Caîli 416) 486-18(07, Fm. 14ý ti/c CARI 1.1 (PPORTIUNIIES SIR SANIFORI)1I1 1-MIN('CO mI Iu lltbîtuii t C miattiptus us ,it tel tittca16 steek IIARI)Vst Nl)N I UMBI I SL1 I IPROC.RA\,l sîtu 'te Septettulîci 17 spoîîioted lk (tle C antada Iîtpivîttt tt tut ut iti t ii al Bar[, Btîluîî 7105)457-1680, <OMIN(. I. N 1VS RIClIIiI ACRICUI FA AIR- Riclitittîu. Oti Sept ettt ei 14 16.V etettIgtlît . atîd.Heas s Hiti e,,Sîe.Cuut ail le, 1ithts'uussus ioîact i .Vus tit lls f(6i31 1(38 4421) Ci Federation(111 of Ontario NaurliMs My îeir Dr' 9th tin edy, 1ter a.c. the flhe of anl any ap- ient tee a. c. > toptt lci ites 1dis- Ntîn nes' h /c wooij A'ýI)NilME[AL WORKING MACINI S. n>î uos loncît îtees. andsLaws. lable saws, jiniers. planiers tea/wît iilîhes. naîîl ureirc cat(alognýe: Busy Bec Maîltîne bols 1 Ld.18 Biasattc Rîad, CoeirOitartî. L4K K6. Phf (416) 738-1292, l/c CoMMERICAI. PRoPERIN ()FRE 1FOR RENT, tîatît oy. 144'x 21'1 nu )hasentetîts ý114' \ 21'. îîîîdeti iiîîîîîanîd reat etît r,îecs, narelîtitse n t i 6501 sq.f. ttas alatlle idc Ocohes. Sid Card (519) 842.4123. I IVES 10CK FOR1SALÉE C OIRA ltBRI I DE R PROCRAM, putdtticesiltîttalît *s tit spîtelliClî iit its, sîttt îcitoleod rettîrî. Conîtît,îet cetici tît tîîtt Rutît 2,Mîtîît1 u es. tîai iiiNO( 210 j519) 323-43122. FOR SALE U R INE-ERASE (taniices remnoval tif urîne tdog, cai. pet tlle). Sinis don, Irutîi sarpet s. iegardiess stinîtage. lice Bt ou. iti. Ru cel) 1 cîî~sIittttîtd> Bits 75(X), LondontOttiantut NSY 4».. PERSONAI. S 1OP 13[D\\ 11 1INC i. Uuîîd 1Litiititut.ttas sirtcied u-set 20(tO cass cdctîîg ristaes eii nassesj, iisuîîetîie sseakeits s(,tlaîlte ncuuietial uîîlunîîttîuîîtîtt[tUt.. C,.Bit3311, Camhîdgc N3-l 43 sau Agi, anîd Pliuitt Nuittlilet. h ic WAN[El) NE 1 DI1):I armitfamitllestii houst Iitîcinliala g ui iitri a ees Aplirl Nus tttet.M ustpi(uts îl atntlyaiIIîtîîptîeî e. t uttuttandîîi h id aid aîî îgalun îu..write. tDaniHatîsutît .Bit\1454, Rîîl'ct tus . t tut PERS(>NAI. MHI1 1 OUR\MA\t1 H iuitral ages anîd îîîaîîaliîeî. l.IiîuiîîsnuIis i ni \:oIes oastutosiii lîteet ut. Prestige Asqutii aise.. Caîl I tiltlice 18(1 263 -9101.Htuî:Nutuituii 8 p.niii MIS(. NO0MINA IONS aie tîeitg tccîsed i iuui uuOtiario iii îîi tC ti/cii ol hu c atal ds.Couuutaci iiitvispap;' it uititirate ait ouîsî,îlîîîli yuuîuîprsutîtaged 6 1',18, 1 ') , ttdstss ttihîtîuui' tai uIt tlleli uk. F'OR SAlI' MUS I SE 1l.'le I uîguîîecîeît Al îeîîll u au -lte. a1sut Qututuusci Maît ",s/c asuîalo ir uui pecial dîscututî . Cal (416) 62'6-1794. i asl'lsu. atci6pi.11 CotllcîiAsýtolit watîs FISH TRACK LAKE POLLUTION The arrivai of the latest provincial bulletin on1 the dangers of eating- sport! fish quickiy dispeils a hbt summier day's fantasy about taking up praetresîdence e ithe nearest lake. lt's flot an easy life being a fish these days. If you don't gel wiped out by acid ramn, there's a decenl chance you'Il wind up with cancer. Scientists are increasingly iooking on fish as the can.aries of the deep. In Ger- many for example, three cities monitor the quaiity of their drinking water by rely- ing o n the special characteristies of the West African eiephant-truck fish (or, gnathonemus petersi t0 you icthyiogists). Normaliy, this fresh-water species gives off measurable electrical im- pulses lasting a fraction of a second every minute. But if pollutants appear, the fre- 'ýuency of the signais decreases, indicating that, it's lime to test the water. These unlikeiy sounding pollution fighters are ex- tremeiy sensitive to changes in their aquatic environmrent and can respond to a new water samrpie every hour. It only takes .3 milligrams of lead per litre or 1 part per 10,000 trichioroethylene, 10 noticeabiy slow the rate of electrical mîuissions. And re- cent experimenîs at Cobourg Technicai College where the monitoring system was developed, show that the fishi is sensitive to most common pollutants. 1 Closer to home, delegates to the recent annual meeting in T'oronito of the Citizens, Coalition GelLakesý United, saw Dr. John-Black of Rossweil Memqdrial In- stilute, illustrate how, Great Lakes pollution may, soon be îracked by monitoring fish wiums. Black retriexed sedi- ment from an iiOhio river of thec saine namne that is poiiuted by a group of hydro carbons common to iron and Orono Weekly Times, September 12, 1984-9 CARIAIR I RAININ<, C RItR IN It L( KIN(.., . ..... . -1 d 1N-, s tic tuti1,1, tai ti la-t o ' JI i -r, ,îstjs ,nu Mci t Iîîîîî 4 1 t9( 17> itiîs (61,3) 52>3489. steel industries harbours. In'his lab he fed an extract of' the pollution 10 one group of' brown buiiheads, which are com.monly afflicated with ugly skin tumors in the Black River-, and painted if on another group. Eight out of ten f'ish in the first group soon lhad dama'gedI ivers1ith the same type of tumors as in their Black River- km .And wý,ithiin a year the gr'oup with the body paint grew skin 1tumors , again similar to those fromntelicriver. To date, very few tumors cani be pinned on specific chemicals. But that situation may chang-e as research pro- Ceeds. lt's a sinister situation. Unlike a decade or two ago, whIeni heavypollution wiped, oui fish stocks in some North Americ an waters altogether, todays carcinogens appear to cause a whole range of delayed reactions. More than 800 chemnicals have been iden- tified in the -Great Lakes; hence the term chemical soup.1 Goiters, reproductive tailure, impaired immune ,,ystems, increased suscep- tabiiity to parasites and infec- tion, as well as cancer, afflict a host of species inqluding saimon, _sucýers, goldfish, carp and the bhullhead. Whiat thîs rmqans in terms of 'humnap healthi is not yet clear. No\one has a handle on he omi ind effects oSf al the ceias But there's po doubt, that when we eat (ktb we are subjecting ourselveý to an experiment in toxicoiogy. Chemicals do make their way up the food chain. So a word of caution when reading the government's "Guide to Eating Ontario Sport Fish": remember the geographer's dictum that "the inap is not the territory." ore cikoen6 to So let's acknowledge the outstonding ,ycung citizens of Ontario, through the Bicentenniai Yeor "Junior Citizen of the Year" awards program. Young people aged 6 ta 18 who have proven their courage, ingenuity, resourcefulness,' initiative, leadership, fortitude, community service and self less performance are eligible for ýnominations. We're not looking for the "Isuper-heroes" *.al.- round, good kids are good citizens f00. This year the 24 top-ranking nominees wili receive a CP Air ticket, good for any Canadian destination. Twelve of the recipients will attend the Ontario Community Newspapers Association convention in Toronto and a reception with the Lieutenant Governor. Submit your nomination now. The final deadline for 198.4 nominations is Octeber 3 1. Nomination forms are avoulable thro'ugh this newspaper. Contact: Roy C. Forrester Orono Weekly Times Main Street, Orono - 983-5301 ...or cou 1-800-268-3034 to have a nomination form miaîled to you. A joint Bicentenniai Year proîect of the Ontario Ministry of Tourism and Recreation, CP Air ond Ontario Community Newspapers Association. CPAur 1El Aàverisemnent cdesgned & prepaced bv Katie L. O'Leary

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