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Orono Weekly Times, 19 Sep 1984, p. 9

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Champion Novice Jumper at Orono Fair (rnso ITimes~, ledne"mà wpt', Ir19,19814-9 New Northumberland iewcastle Director To increase higher q"uality education High Roller ridden by Greg WiIf Burrus of the Durham Shelley Geddes of R.R. 4 Division with Let's Have A Kurti of King City was the Farmner's Counlty Co - Bowmanville, Queen of the Ceilidhi, reserve champion Champion in the Novice. operative presentedj the Fair. which was ridden by Debbie Jumiper class at Sundays cooler on behalfof theCoop 1-igh Roller was also Heather of R.R. 4 Bowman- showý at the Orono fair. with assistanlce l'roll Mis>s Champion of the Hunter ville. New life in' the Orono Fair Sheep Show Gyar y ushingham, a formier chief superintendent wîth the Carleton Board of Ed(ucation near Ottawa, lias now bceen Director of Educa- tion for the Northuminberland and Newcastle Board of Education for a month and a half having taken over the position with the local board on1 August lst. Tuishing2ham r ecently stated his chief aimi as head of the Northumberland and Newý,castle Board of Eduica- tion is to provide " an in- crease in higher quality education while maintaining the current tax level." The new director has stated that local board operat ion is, one of the more diffîcult and demanding to work for as- there is less money to go around for aIl facets of the operation than in the larger boards. He did state that demands for special programs is just as trogl i n the, Nor- thumberland and Newcastle area as anywhere else. He said due to the lack of large industrial assessments there is a lesser amount of money to provide the demand for new programs and that it does take longer 'for their imi- plementation. Tushington- said most boards of education have suf- fered significant budget cut- backs over the past couplý of years. He hias said, "intellec- tually people can understand the need for cutbacks, but where it involves their own childreni, it's a different mat- ter, when the individual calis for- increased spending." The director -said the only way to resolve the maLter is (o stretchI dollars by employing comrpetent, versatile people.. Tushingham, who takes a ,cut in ýaIary by coming to the Northumberland and Newcastle Board, said .he ac- cepted the position because hie likes the area, wanted a change and felt there was a challenge with the niewposi- tion. He further said that ad- Iiinistrators are possibly busier today than in the past due to the implementation of many, more special educa- tional programs. TENDER Tenders will be received by the undersigned 'until 3:00 p.rn. Wednesday, September 26, 1984 for the purchase of one (1) 1985 Van Type Truck with Trade-in. Specificiations may be ob- tained fromt the office of: JLA. Bird, Business Ad- ministrator and Treasurer The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education 834 D'Arcy Street, North, Box 470, Cobourg, Ontario K9A 4L-2 P.O. No. 03731 Date of Publication: September 19, 1984 There was a great improve- leven breeders. interes. flocks of Wes. Armstrong, ment in the Orono Fair Sheep The larger than usual show The above exhibits were a Boyd Ayre -and G-Clen show this year wvith well over did create greater spectator nixed class representing the Glaspell. 125 entries representedl by Classified Ads (Continued tjrm page 11) BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT- MACDOUGAL, Gary and Jean (nee Tamnblyn) of Oshawa, Ontario are happy te announce the birth of their daughter St ephanie Annette 9 lbs. 4 ozs. at Oshawa Genteral Hospital on Tuesday, September 1l, 1984. A sister for Sarah Jane. Proud -raridparents are Mr. & Mrs. L.A. MacDougal, Bowmanville and Mrs. James C. Tamblyn, Oro no. Special.îhanks to Dr. C. Rowe and nurses of the 4th & th floor. 19,a.c. THANK YOU On'behaîf of the Orono Fair Board and Bicentennial' Parade Committee, we wish to thank ail the participants and sponsors taking parf in our parade o n Saturday, September 8, 1984. 19,a.C.' A nmosîsi n:eretak 0myins elacjtives andj neigLhbours for flowers, cards, bseso l lruî telephonrecalîs and visits duning my styinbowmanville Memnorial Hospital. Also special îhianks 10 nurses on floor one and Dr. Miklos. Bill Reid 19a. -AREER I RAIMNN 1 REE 128 page C rer (iidcshîîws hîîn liitriat Irone t outt ii 2113top payîng fuIl and part tintue tits. frar i i Itîiw , .265 A A tetaide Sitreet Wcîlormoai ('t 4161977- 3929îîdy UJiieinptuiycd? EARN M(>NEY tus tax seasit, tji crîtiîeîîîTas p)reparaîttîn. U & R Tas, SctIitîit, 201711345 Peiibitta 1Hny. Wîîîîîpcc. Mai. R3T 2B6. iiC' MU SICAL.TAII( Leanît PIANO tir OR(iAN ,iiii Neî,. asy Choiid Meititidh tît tc lion boik w"(Iîc 'set ae qikytahsvtkeshoard su>Ies 11nIîuding " tiý a ' îd îttîpli ied miisit. rcdîîîg AttItîcîtu bers ii li rî8î way lctalslice. Wite. Ki N'S uLYBIIARI) IutIURSI',Bits 2205, Station A, Mîînlon1. N.B. FtIr 8.11, C<)MIN(, I 'V'FNI AN'! IQUIF: 511(1W ANI IlQUJ tSHO<W , IttitÇt .t..adW.s Iarge,ýi Antique StîîîssSale mîh titi st2(X) Il 'Oiat iI', Jleut dettci s Satirda. Scptcitbel 2211dt 8 4 putAtitstit 2 .itiriPIelairk -0t11 ii s6 iticlat iituttt. tall Nàs ici acci ii 11 iîrIlus i. 413/QI'W. A<,RKtliI ILRAI, WORK rRAININ(, AiRlC'UI I URAI VilRIs I RAININ(, (ppoitiiîttiies Abîîîart isîtîsi tialI%,,setit î.5ietirie, lie stigle I1ittijîait tîtatai A sriiidt. 21 ttii ie 5, alai. A iit 1 3( OMS loi Lkautteta .andrSil i îîîîc )cii tî ti M iii ae r'speIitetîcce if tlplîîî hIi rîî.tt iiîttttncIir'tt -I ss i lstcieut d Ile"cs. t.oiid criitiîîettai titi iiiîtiic l ait îtr'îiali.i uisr.1iiirr' t(iitul îîîîî i tic(istrt i itu tlig, tîsiie ,andî îuitiioi rcieir'iiin. CîiiîtPlanti Mantager,. 6131283-3181 K7A 41 1I AîîcîîîîîîtKerrV.ti Rt OR Il R i iîtiriiitiiîta 'liiit ager I iir'iliiOtaio îî icekîý. 1h'e Rr'rcord Nr'ss iiiiiI II. Oiti iii tiiditttu kil'. i al rî t îiitie'î. I s..r'Ir'ti hetirii tiiparkague. riiipcte[ tIti s.A1î1iî \Stîstîi- Riiii.ld, . Bol\Iis158, SittIitiK ît, Otario,îîî.k7A 4! t1 «['132332 10OR SALE! M Il )1111113Nt.,S 3îîi, i -li \ ClIrtiitreliii ui ý,-lo pri irt rotitit W t ,ttis 31 21 tt'l), etigItý,i I îîîîed (Ut tI.'iiiiic A Il-,î SA V ILt. îlt ilt iet88 6 69 S[EEL BLJ I 115( lrlî 'izes'. lit tupes .sî sdI. ienti.rii ,p.i"r.Bitsdiiel al fi..î'îî.e'.t. îtt uîîîî Ilîri (416) ii7i-I34;. lBAI $ICl.1I 16 tii. Buit rîeri ttu Ilelus'triiandtirlair! Pîetrlipiti Wîîîkt. .ttlolt'lice I 8181661 6461. Fii sîtîi liceo \ltNl Qîî.îî i/ lockIriiîî\iiicîis ,1-24 $6.95, S-24 $.51,2599 $5,(X). I(X) titi'.$4.40, Nîtîtîci aI'. Nitilcai , t Mhtt'. lit'lît .lie M.itiie\ARCO 1)SAI I1 1836 Selkirk SI_. V.îîîrîîîcîIt. 6PW 1 11641 (t44 BtII.SOPPORFI'NIIý tIIRIS I lAS CAStI! %lsîîe itai(tîîsîrsîhCitîiis.t ,d kîtîtîs Iai tîttîtesia C('tît Iicýistt etîîîts cîs i le Rt (iAI .939 I îliiitt iAieIL- Depl 1îî 13,I iîîî.M4t.i 21 h BUISINESS (IPPOR I UN'%WIS/A<,i NI S %NWANTIEl QUAII IF '1) lItAI tRS: l 61186 oil cttitiIîgHitti te îr')îîî adiîttiotia Iiivalci s Il iestnimnissois an . iltItact ikeMiii tilts (o\ 9, Iltitiras ceiti,(ii ' iai.Kt'M I At)(7105> 738--4111 Aie \ olein ii, naici ,i n i ootiand bad i asic ai i ici r o n Ti isk? Pl(iofiabliîio li i 5 toit lioîîîhonte lling ('anada',s popular budget pi red n ai ci Lii i leti di i ci til iimarinrt'a ici ure rcail Iîg loi $239.501. No iiiîcstiiiiciii icrcsai s C îiiiiari Kciih Lanîsing. I B.H. Indusiries. 116 Vîretisv Rd. C-9, C'oncord ( Loronto) Ont. L4K 2M3. (416) 661-1142. Res. (416) 494-9849. Weekend (416) 936-4565. ni/c BUSINEtSS (>PP(RTUNITY $ 1 ,18E SF'C ONt) lN(OME. Seil) Iîgh qualitv disiillers aîîd tiller kifs [Lii pîii ils îg naicr i ilie lhonteî. C ontact us iodav for imore information. V'ii Pii iii \ c 5s.37 Bi ani Si reèî, Burliiigîoit Ouitario L7R 2G6. (416) 609 0 11 n/c FOR SALE l'IRA I tPUBL ICAT IONS -Elecîroiieprojecrislaw inîptified. con- îmiiii iaci i s 'iVi i cii bsecpert s dcdiraîedtoillic Ireedom ii iitornna- tio. Soiiiieiliîicorcc sii Send scît 'addresscd siamped civelope for lice îiiîî iiiatiiiiii Piratc Publicataionis, 214 Kinig Si. Fasi. Suitei2014, Iailion, On(hati i1.I8N i135. PER SONAL 511 I YOIJR MA tCH. ['îir ail agcs and iiaiiaehed. Thousands of' îîcîichi s atiiiîîs(ti iee tioi. Prestige Acqiiaiiiaices. C'ailto)> t ree I18W-1263-91013NoTii 8 p.iii. nec HI'IP WAN Wl) sA IlM A VIKl a gos ci îîîîîcîîîpioi ai. This is îîîî Thisis a prîigrarn io rîeci nueo peole atiltt ies, knoiiîwldge, aind 6e'tiI. No age lii i.1 ii noe iîî ia iiBox 1511, Siaiion 1B. Buiinigioii, Ontiario 1 7P 4(,'. il i. AN I [QUE MARKE I 33 Antiqute IARKL 1 I Sunidavs. (ai i yîîîg Pare. Sýotih oltrc-iii4 KiloinierciSmit i i1*401, LmI su 'A'ilci Rd., Souti to ii Nu 3, Stîtlli Lut i/c CAIREER TRAINING t.ARI IR NIP Ut IN 1 .Et)î ieis îîccded.Non s ihe fitte iiitrain loi m i,\îî1 q ý ' Iiiiltcisens contact Mers Orr, Toroitto. (416) 251-91173, thanva f61 3 52.3-3489. s ~n/ ANIIQI E MARKET AN 1 IQV I 51111W ANI) SAtLE, Sept. 28 129, Sept. 29 12-9 p iii , Spt.11-Il5Sput Nepcaîî Sporisplex, 171 1Woodrolte, Nepean, t)ili Anîîi qýiic lt.Icriililer s. iiatgia. Admissioni $1.50. Itiquiries (416) 62130174. nec ('ARi I'R OPP(>RTUNITIES Su Sairitoi Itetîîtt . ile Haibitoti (amtpui t'.teriîîg a 201wk SANS%111 t IANAki:NIL NI1 PR(RiRAM startititiNoscniner 5. spon-, h\ [ed lie irt.anatda I tillii tîctînte.cFoii lîttlîci infoîrmîationitcal Iftti, i tiiti(7015) 4s7 t6811 il / I IN IUocK sA I. 1)1 1 k t1 IA N., 1 1 11 1 1 kFR Y(1 B(1 AI Titititii at1 Ial .sa 1 u, St itidas "eI!tiiri 3ai t i'.111.sinairta stork t ant (cogCoti> oit'11lIt Ldl tl(iiiiii'criltît aikisi îsAutioti Sis:e(613) 283-4730. I AS Il RN lN IARIII & QI I Bt C' Il RS[ Y Iîiidiitii salc, Mn-ii da\, . i totiet I1, 98t412 noitît. ('tcîtsile lit ,cltsuliiigztapo\- itaiets Mi liradtstt m ritt'rtindelîtî. J itîsîAitriiotiSersvire. 1613) 2,M-47310 i/r 1-01R SALE I A R NIl RNS l)iti . i ttet tîeîîc iiitatiii Qttailît s siork ai \Neiii t [lii i id li ies ci lic>aîttiaîi . \ petiecd i il afnicîîtîîîlilaI tei1tif îtt ,ittru' 975 t.ttWttttiiItstttitt.(13)267-67Il. Box 4611.Pet Ii. <li

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