%-rioN eektIlimnes. Wedaîesdal, Seplemnber 19,1984 SPORTS Orono Mos quit o Soccer iteam - Champions On Monday, September 10 the Orono Mosquito soccer team capped off a very suc- cessfui season by winning the Bowmanville United Soccer League Championship. The trail to the championship started way back on August 15 against Ranger Photo Lab of BowmanviIle when Orono triumphed 2-0 on goals by Trevor Davies and Jamie Bail. In.our next game we suffered our only ioss of the double knockout piayoffs against Newcastle Il when they trounced the good guys 4-O. Game three was against Tyrone 1 who we trashedi 9 to 1, Trevor Davies and Jason Adie each scored 3 whiie An- dy Taylor, Mark Kurosad and Janey Boumeester rounded out the scoring. Game 4 was a reai nailbiter with Cari Brown sînking the winner over Tyrone Il ini a kickoff. Trevor Davies and Jamie Bail notched our other goals. Game five saw Trevor Davies go on a scoring ram- page counting no less than five goals against Bowman- to defeat them 7 to 1. Janey B oumeester and G ord Mut- ton accounted for the rest of our scoring. Winning this gamne put us in the semi-finals against Newcastle 1l, the f eamn that had beaten us earlier in the piayoffs. Despite having to relocate to another playing field before starting the gamne, Trevor Davies got us off on the r-it foot by giving us a 1-O lead eariy in the gamne. Eariy in the 2nd hiaif Newcastle struck for two quick goals to take the lead. An ail out attack mnounted by Orono finaiiy Paid off close to the end of the gamne wheri Gord Mutton potted the tying goal whichi stood up until the end of regulation time. Because of the deiay in starting the gamie it had become quite dark and it was decided to replay the gamne later in the week. This second gaine saw a scoreless first haif but early in the 2nd haif Trevor Davies put the good guys ahead to sfay with two goals. Newcast le il a goal lafe in the garne. Thus the stage- was set for the champîonship game against Newcastle i who had finished in first place after regular season play. In the final Newcastle i came out flying and hit for the first goal but Trevor' Davies evened the score just before the haif end- cdt. In the second hallf both teams weýýnt ail out to -,et the go ahiead goal. frinaliy wth about three minutes to go Jason Adie drilled a Iow shot that eiuded the Newcastle goalie and gave Orono the lead. The leagues ist place teami was not about to give up yet and mnounited an ail out ai- îack on the Orono good guys. Their efforts finally paid off or so il iooked when they were awa,ïrded a penalty kick with less than iwo minutes to go. However Todd Gray whose play had been nothing less t ihan spectacular îhroughfouîit he playoffs came u1P bigger than ever in the Orono goal when he made Newcastle fron tying thie score. So ended Newcastle's chances and Oronio went on to win Ilhe chamlipioniship. If was a tremecdous teamn effort. After thie îropy presenta- fions the celebration ajourni- ed to Momi's Kitchen in Orono where the boys were treated to a hiamburg, driniks and fries, thanks to Matt Snelders. i would also like to thank thle fan who wýrote a ietter 10 the edîtor of the Bowmanville Statemian a fewý weeks ago comnpiaiingi, about our leam mecmbers swearing and shiowing poor sportsmian- ship. Their remiarks were ant insýpirationi to our teamn in our drive for the champi.ioinship. On our lasi thlree games of the playoffs against two fine Newcastle teamns, thiere was not one instance of poor sportsmanship-or swearing. The Ncwcasflc teamis and our own team should be com- mended for their fine pia.. Back Rowý - Left to kiiht Coach: Paul Hienry, Shean Good yetýr for Orono II Squirts Soccer Orono Il Squirts seeing everybody again next FotRw yo hre Orono Il Squirts had a year. Picture above are: DrnRw yson rry hilipCnn- good season this year. They Back Row (L to R) Alex ivsngham , Tom Tambln, did well in the playoffs Hergarty, Coach, Chris Lee, StehernHaTym ablhe beating out two other teams. Ian Borutskie, Paul Woods, STerafford. issingate Be The coaches would ike to Daryl Houston,Kei Deremo, Justin and Jeff irhank parents and players for Brown, Lawrence Houston, Hughes, Shane McQue and their support throughout the Dave Drury, Coach. Ryan Regimbai. season and look forward to Freea Sirnply corne in and cul with one of our Pioneer/Partner chain saws and we'll hel p you keep your chains sharp with a f ree NorUtec file guide. Save up to $40.0! Pick out one of our featured sa",, and we'll take Up 10 $40ý00 off the list price. OFFER VALID 5EPTEMBER 1 7THRC)UCH DECEMBER 31, 1964, OR WHILE SUPPLIES LA5T RO A nLPH Win! While you're ai it register 10 wif a free trip for two to Sweden. No purchase necessary.* For official rules see entry form at yçiur local Pioneer/Parîrier Dealer.j MGh-u uIoN. we made our name in hardware MAIN STREET, ORONO Phone 983-5207 Gad"rka surveys Orono creek valley The Ganaraska Region couple ot weeks since the ' Conservation Apthority proposais were delivered to through a summer program the owners. 'carried out river valiey He feit that a number of studies, where permissions projects would be eligible for were granted by the affected assistance under the Conser- owners, on the Orono, vation, Services Program of Hunter and Stocker Creeks as the Authority and it is the in- weil as a smail section of the tention of the Authority to Wiimot Creek in the Kendal recontact at ieast twenty-six area. property owners somne time The crew meet with eighty- around the first part of Oc- eight property owners twice tober in an effort to interest during the summer, first them in takîng part in the gaining the permission to Conservation Services pro- conduct the study and to gram. Hancock also said the survey the water way and undertaking was a new ven- finaliy to submit a proposai ture for owners. which could include sugges- The Project Manager aiso tions for improvement of the said if tree pianting schemes creek system. were to be undertaken in the The final reports were' spring, it would require the distributed the last week in Authority ordering the trees August and the first week in this fail. September to the'ei ghty-eight Hancock noted that the property owners. Authority had undertaken Most of the proposais were projects along the Orono directed towards erosion con- Creek under the Conserva- t rol of the various waterways. tion Services program and 11n speaking with Brian presentiy had similar projects Hancock, Project Manager to undertake in the Crooked of the Ganaraska, he said'at Creek and Starkvilie area. He this point there had been no said stream bank erosion was indication that projects the most serious problem would be undertaken but he found by the study. noted that it had onily been a Kennedy, Peter Cowan, Carl Brown, Michael Cl',ay, Michael Tomnlinson, Jamnie Kevin Scott, Todd Gray, Bail, Andy Taylor, Treffor Gord Mutton, David Dav ies, Mark Kurosad, Barnett, Adam Downie, Jason Major, Jane Jason Burnhamn, Gien Bar- Bouwýmeester, Derrick Den- nard. ni, Coach: G or d Absent: Jason Adey, Front Row - Left to Right Coach: Ailan Hall COACHES Alilpersons interested in coacbing or helping with Orono Minor Hockey for the coming season - please plan to attend a coaches meeting on Satur- day, September 22 at 10 a.m. at the Arena. Thanks Orono Amateur Athletic Association