Hold draw at opening At the otticial'opening of Orono was the winner. to right) Debbie Bourne, Ann mother, Jean Hetherington Reflections in Orono some Above Evelyn Crabb (Ieft) Dreslinski, co-owners 'of and grandmother Evelyn weeks ago a draw was held in drew the winning ticket. Reflections, 'Bourne's Crabb. wbich Jamnie Shielter of Those taking part were (left by Roy Forrester The Falcon did oblige Bill Bunting and 1 did spend four bours Sunday morning, with an enthusiatic and knowledgeable grouip of birders from Pickering tour- ing the Oshawa Second Marsh under the guidance of Jim Richards of Orono who bas bêtn instrumental in sav- ing the Marsh for en- viroamental reasons. It isras an education fo'r th< two of us fromt Orono anc besides 1 again realize I'm but a rank amateur when it comes to identifying birds and in my general knowledge of birds. The Pickering group, nuimbering close to twventy- five, were A wNork;ing on their yearly list 'of birds they wisbed to record and the Marsb is of such habitat that mnany species do exist even for the committed birdcer. These birders have a yearly, list that outdistances mny life- imie record by quite a numii-ber. They travel over the entire province for listings, and keep in 'contact witb a telephione bot line for infor- mnation of any unusal bird that miay be seen and record- ed. Bui Bunting added eleven newý, birds to bis lîfetime list and 1 added eighit. This is remnarkable for one outing, at least for- mie wben aIl year I hiad but added three new bird.s. Plovers, Godwits, Black- backed Night Herons, Yellowlegs, Pectorial Sand- pipers, Dowitchers, Green winged Teal and Sanderlings alon g with a Rusty Blackhird- wxere somne to be ment ioned. It was always the case "Do youi have this biirdi?" we one was sighted 1i tbe scope and thle mund fats, im the M1,arsbwa an ideal lcto f ~t nmbes o bids One birder jokingly asked Jim Richards if hie couild turn up a Peregrine Falconi for viewing and most of the d Pickering group said it was y one tbey needed for their list. c The Peregrine Falcon bas ýf been near extinction especial- ly in tbis areaof Canada, il The Ministry of Natural f Resources have however been endeavouring to reintroduce the bird in a number of loca- tion in Ontario including AI- quonguin' Park and in e downtown Toronto.- The Ministry bas brouight young Peregrine Falcons. from s Aberta and raised tbemi in r locations on the talbildings in the city whnere it is feIt cont- siderable food is available * and nesting locations do resemble some\vhat to that of tire natural environment for * the birds. The Peregrie Falcon, is wý,ithiout doubt, the fastest of ail birds on the wý,ing and reach esspeeds of b undreds of miles ant houir iniits dive on prey. After a couple of bours in the Marsh on Sunday we witnessed aIl the shore birds, wýitbout exception, take to the air. It happenied so sud- deniy that you knew there had to be a profound reason. The shore birds were there one moment and gone the "lis a falcon . . . a Peregrine Falcon" was the wýordsý of ai couple of birders and theref above the mud flats some 1, 50 -feet soared the speyfalcon looking for its prey. il circled for a minute or two thenso\wly\ soared off in- to the distanlce. It did hoiever ake an in- dication of gowing inito a dive anld did fold back ils wings 'tepoarlyanId head ear- tbwarJds bt his dive was or- School board takes stand on funding The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Educa- tion last week moved to sup- port the stance of the Ontario Public School Trustee's Association which is opposed in principal to increased fun- ding for Catholic Schools. The move came after receiving a staff report in' which it was pointed out if al Catbolic students now atten- ding grade'nine in the public school system changed over to Catbolic, High schools enrolment could-drop almost ten percent. The staff report however 'aid that siich predictions were an exercise of specula- tion and estimation. Premier Bill Davis an- nounced June l3th that separate scbools would be given full funding for al grades instead of being cut off after grade !l0as' presently exists. The new system is to be in effect for 1985. The staff report said if al C'atholic grade niiner now in the system moved to separate ig.h schools it would reduce the Northumberland and Newcastle teaching staff by nine teachers. Such a reduction would af- fect decisions on programa of- ferings, accommodation, staffing, transportation, ad- ministration and other facets of the overaîl operation of the secondary school system. the experienced bird watcbers from Pickering and to say the least it was something Bill and 1 don't expect to see for sometime to corne. The Second Marsh is an in- teresting place and the habitat it does provide is well wýorth saving. To this end we mliUst congratulate Jim Richards for his dedicatien anýd years of untiring work in achieving, what at time must haive scemed an impossible It will be there for others to The board bas decided to have discussions with the Peterborough-V7ictoria-Nor- thumberland and Newcastle separate school board when more information on the change is made knowni. The local board will also convene a meeting of trustees, board administra- tion and the bigh school teacber's union to discuss the situation. Orono cuk!vly inie,We da, kOcter3, 1984-3 KI1NS'llM EN BI1NGO ORONO ARENA COMMUNITY CENTRE $50000 JACKPOT EVERY SECOND TUESDAY 7:30 p.m. OCT. 9 & 23, NOV. 6& 20, DEC. 4 & 18, ORONO WEED CONTROL GOVERNMENT LICENSED1 LAWN SPRAYING . WEEDS INSECTS - FERTILIZING (CIL) DRIVEWAY SEALING : Work Completed by Licensed Professional FREE ESTIMATE PHONE BOB 983-5267 BOX 277, ORONO Thnanksgiving 1Foods ..........Priced Right! ~~ Ca n. UtiIity Grade lb. .98 FROZEN kg 2.16 T . an. Grade A lb. 1.38 "'u rfey is'- Frozen - BTEBL g30 Canada Grade "A" Beef - Boneless Round. Steak wRoast lb.2.69) ____________________________kg 5.93 Kraft CHEESE WHIZ 500 g jar Reg. 3.99 2.49 Bick Pickles 1 Litre Jar Sweet Mixed i6 Dilis Yum -yumi. ea. .6 GAINSBOROUGH FROZEN PIE SHELLS Reg. 2.35 1 .69 NO NAME Cheese Snack Crackers Compare with Christie Ritz 450 g package 2.01, )9 CAVENDISH FRENCH FRIES 1 kg package Regular 1.65 NOW i1.2 PLEASE CHECK YOUR MAIL FOR MAN Y MORE THA NKSGIVING Ai4 rond H ome The Regional Municipality of Durham Ho liday Closure of Sanitary Landf ill Site THE DARLINGTON LANDFILL SITE WILL -BE CLOSED ON Monday, Oc- tober 8, '1984, for the, Thanks9iving Day Holiday. Normal operations wiIIl continue on Tuesday, October 9, 1984. W.A. TWELVETREES, P. ENG. COMMISSIONER 0F WORKS I. j -~ ~ *' SPECIALS - Cvii N ISH M Phone 9352C ý 1