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Orono Weekly Times, 17 Oct 1984, p. 9

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Classified Ads (Continued [romt page 11) ANNIVERSARY- I r. & Mrs. Clarence Therteil request the p 1ýr company at their 4th Anniversary dar day, November 3, 1984 at 8 p.m. Orono Ari munity Centre. Best Wishes only. Janice and Steven are pleased to invite famil and neighbours to join themn in the celebrato parents, Boyd and Doreen Wood's 25th Wed niversary at'thfe rno Community_ Centre c October 26, 1984 at 9 p.m. Best wishes only. CAREER TRAINING FREE 128 page Career Guide shows how to train at hon paying fuil and part time jobs. Granton institute 265 A. Ac West, Toronto. Cal (416) 977-3929. EARN EXTRA INCOME: Learn to prepare income ta correspondence. Local Franchise available. For details wrii Services Limited, 1304 Speers Rd., Oakville, Ontario L6L LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Registered Polled HEREFORDS. Bu!ls, herdsire, yearl Cows with, without calves. Bred, open heifers. Free istec dlaie PolIed Herefords, Brnkmnan Arnold, Glen Huron, (7( FOR SALE New Glten Free COOKBOOK, 300 tested recipes. Now whoie family. Ciuaranteed. $1000X p.p. Write: Gail Diav 9501-72nd Ave., Grande Prairie, Aiberta. 1-8V 6Al "PENNY ROLLERS" WVrap, pennies, nickels, times quickiy and easily! One wraps ail. Uses free banik wrappeî paid. Send cheque, M.O. Penny Roller Products, PO. B Erie, Ontario L2A 5N2. AIRTIGHT COOKSTOVE: Large firebox holds lire hours. Cook your meals and heat your borne. Information time Stoves Limited. R.R. 4, Aylmier, Ontario N5H 2R3. PROSPECTOR Invents LightWegt Low Cost Succesý BOX. Aluminum construction. Proven ground tetng unit. conitrolled recovery test. 3V2 feet 0f siuice. Comipiete weigi The "Yukon Pinch" from "Sluice Box City" 180 - 13425 Hwy. Surreyý B.C. V3T 2T8, Canada. STFEEL BILDING.S. Director Fatory Clearance. Up- discounts. Widthis 30' t0 120' any length. Limited quantitiý SAVE. Cal toîl free 1-800-461-7689. $GUARANTEED BEST PRICES $ Mlanufiaciturer buildings cearing out three odd sized buildings. Up to 4 SACRIFICE PRICES. First corne first served, deai factor, (416) 663-53231. Orouie Weekly Timtes, We4inesdaY, October 17, 1984-9 27 new teachers jorn Setup e DUrhM ceege taffboard for Durhm Coege taffBig Sîsters )ieasre or There are 27 new staff rîce Satur- members at Durham College reia Com- this Fail, which includes 19 17,3 ,ax. new Faculty members, 3 Ad- 17,31a.c. ministrative staff, and 5 Sup- port Staff. ly, friends In the Academic area in )n of their Adult Training we have John dding An- Hardy, who was formerly a n Friday, pipe welder with State Mechanical in Sarnia; Arthur 17,a.p. Barks, who was the owner of 17,a.p. Copper Metalcraft; John Woodward, who cornes to us e for 205 top [rom the Region of Durham, delaide Street and Anthony McCloskey, who was a tool & die mater n/c at Standard Modemn ax rturn by Technology in Toronto. In te: Tax Time Applied Arts -we have KarI 2X4. Cermack and Neil Cobham, n/c. who will be instructing Dmn- lings, calves. i ng Roomn Management in herd. Aron- our new Food & Beverage; 05) 466-5533. Mel' Barlow, who was a n/c sports. consultant for the cook for the Ministry of Tourism and vis, No. 128, Recreation; Stephanie Hawkins,, formerly president n/c of Torus Interior Designers in and qurters Calgary; and Paul de Souza, rs $595 post in our Sports Administration ox 405, Fort programt, who recently completed his M.B.A. at the n/c University-of Hawaii. In the îwenty four Business Division we have $100. Super- Carolyn Woloski, formerly of Bordçn & Elliott, Bar- n/c risters & Solicitors; Michael sful SLUICE Conte, a manager of opera- ý99.8 percent tions analysis [rom ITT; and it 28 pounids. Pat Rogin, who was a King George Technician in Support Staff n/c at Durham for the past few years. In Health Sciences, we' t0 40 percent have Aileen Whiteford, who ie.Act Now, bias been a sessional at nc Durham for two years, and nc Ann Stapleford, formerly a rof quonset Head Nurse at Scarborough 40% reduced. ry direct. Cali AGENTS WANTED nc To h old ARE YOU ADVENTUROUS? Crave Success? L ove Travel? YES? Join Us! NowýEstabiishing our Corporate Managem)ent Staff Naitonally n o w LAI and hnternaîiionally. W;e pay Top Dollar for Top People. C'omissýion J W f.D V period, Salary -& j, Expenses if quaiified. Cail BLue Maple Produ!cts Today (416) 673-0747. nlc com petition D EALRS WýýA NTED QUALIFIED DEALERS> 1867 Confederationi Loýg Homnes require The Durham Region additionai deaiers, ighesti commiissions paid. Contact Mike Mur1phyý, Public Works Association Box 9), BocagenOtario. KOM iAM) (705) 738-4131. will beholding their First An- î îE 1 pM1,A 1 F1)n/c nual Snowplow Competition PRE.SSMNI, wa,,nted tooperase 4-Uri Cmuitte Prcss. Repiy on November 3, 1984, at the siating reviuseperience in youri Resumie. Haitoni His Hleraid. 45 Regional Oshawa/Whitby Guelphi Street, Georgetown, Ontario- L7G 3/6 Depot. ncThe purpos2 of týhis event is PERSONALt,,-fl:1 ola red MEET' YOUR MIATC'H. For ail ages and unaitachedý. Thoiisands of w-odtYohv red mnembiers anxious fo mecet vou. Prestige Acquainancs. C'ali toi free ly comlpetition betwýeen ail thle I-800-263-667'3. Houirs: Noon tu 8.. municipalities wih the n/c Region, and to deteriniie thle Nomnaonsar bing SnowpVflowý Opleration) Noiiiiion ar bengreceived niow for ntroJunlior C'ilîzeni of 1he Year awards. Contact iis, ne0spaper to nominnate ant ouistaniding youing Teamn. 2) Tro try and miake t.he person aged 6 to 18, whio deserves mnore thian a par on the hiack'. public awtare of the profes- n/c sionalismn invýolved in public FOR SALE Works Activities. BARN ROO)FiNG & SDG.30 Giauge, gaianized and gavaiumred Wne aneac sa $41 per qae.3iag prepajinted S58.00. MIinimumý order 30 square. ît*rmane nc is-l C'tstomi Farmn Maieriai Saies. Laird M en(416) 779-3322. operation uinique to n/c' municipalities and cannot be SU)PER KEYLITE: T'his precision mnade clip fus instantly over any Perase th i een wii-dI hel key. No mnore fumiibiing i thie dark, for house or car keyh1oIes. A iruly ehp ti vn ilIe! fabuious gifi. Oniyý $2-. YverneIie, 99 v'incennres, Poine Claire, Que. tncrease understanding of the, H9R 4MII difficulty of these drivers' n/c Job. FARMIERS: SprLyed UIrethen e insuilation., Qualiy work ai Western A similar competition bas Ontarlio prices. Cer i fied applicators. Experienrced i agr*icoîtural reiroiit been taking place in the since 1975 Cal WaNVrmtih Insulation. (613î)267-6711, Box 4,60, Perth, On - Chicago area for- about seven tario K7H 3GI. years. n/c The event will include a BARGAINSinsur-pius tools,sh!optupies and hardware. Send SI for written test on the rules of the catalogue. Ref'unded on. fîri oroer. Seund 10 SURPLUS, 1640 Midland road, a circle check on a vehi- Ave. Scarboroughi, Ontario N11P 3C21 cIe (to [nd defects), and thien C'AREER TRAINING /c a driving test. Trophies will CAREER IN TRUCKING, Divers neceded. Now is the timte for your be awarded to the wininers. C'lass "A". For interviews, uontaut Merv Orr, Toro)nto (4I6> 5 03 This event will be starting OItawa (613) 523-3489. Bt 9:00 a.m. Saturday morti- ing. For further information or a, copy of our regist ration manual, please contact: Brian Trachell, c/o Region 'of Durham, R.R. 1, Pickering, Ont. Ll1V 2P8 (416) 683-1471. Ili..q-lire of General Hospital. The Technology Division ad- ditons include Judy Davies- DeFinney, an English and communications teacher who taught at Sydenham High School; Gregg Taylor, a research chemist [rom Synitax Incorporated in Mîssissauga; Ian Kirk, who taughit at Durham as a sessonal in metallurgy subjects for the past year; George Saoulli, fortnerly t senior civil & structural engineer at CIL In- corporated; and Ante Vrdol- jak, who was a sessional in- structor t Seneca. 'In Ad:' ministration we have Don Sinclair, Director of Human -Resources, who cornes to us [rom American Cani Corporation in Toronto; Lynda Sauriol, our new Af- firmative Action Co- ordinator, f ormerly a development officer at the Ministry of Health; and Patrick Hilson, our new Plant Services Supervisor from Lambert Canada in Scarborough. Support Staff additions at the College include: Susan Gibson, a technician in our Food & Beverage Manage- STORE HOURS: Mon. to Thurs. 9 to 6 - Frn. 9 to 9 Saturday 9 to 6 - Sunday 10 to 8 The steady growth of the Big Sisters Organization bas produced the need of an ad- visory board in the Oshawa- Whitby-Newcastle area. During the recent meeting of community people, Joan Sanderson was named to head this advisory board. The board will be employed on a volunteer basis to prepare a constitution and set policies for the organization. Members of the working, board are Colette Losier, Linda Lowery, Irene Reid, Rev. John Peters, Charles ment Program who comes from TRS in Oshawa; Cathy Booth, a Techinician in word processing and computers who gradluated [rom Durham in May; Janis Richardson, former graduate of Durham who bias worked part-time in Registration for the past year; William MacDonald, ýa new Trandeman Journeyman in the Plant Department; and Valerie Coakwell, new Secretary in the Industrial Liaison Department, who graduated [rom Durham's secretarial program in May. Morison, Sharon Young, Judy Murray, Charles Marlowe and Lee Barnes. Since its formation in 1972 under. the mnme of the Friendship Club, Big Sisters has seen a growing demaând for its services. Presently, the organization bas 48 matches and several young girls Ieft waiting for a Big Sister. The matches currently in progress' are constantly monitored by the Big Sister co-ordînator, Carol Rhodes. The aim of Big Sisters is to provîde a special friend to young girls who are in need of stimulation, encourage- ment or perhaps a healthy acTult model. The focus of1 the programt is the prevention of more serious social and emo- tional problems developing. A United Way Agency, Big Sisters is housed at Simcoe Hall Settlement Hlouse and operates under the umibrella of the Simcoe Hal Women's l.eague. Are you f inaIIy ted up with everything that you're using to coritrol it?,We can help 110%. CALL eur Hotllne No. 1-814-231-1800

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