Fail F/o wer Show and- meeting Orono Horticulture' fall show-meeting double winner in the recent Orono Horticulture Show displaying the best arrange- ment in the show as well aý placing first with "For ail nagements with Mrs. Challice Thy Bessings" in the is Mrs. Petrie of Blackstock decorative class. an Ontario Horticulture View'ing the winning arr- Association judge. The judge gave timely tips to the exhibitors following the judging and the evening's program., Otani Published Every Wednesday O)rono Weekly'JimesQ, W'ednesday, Oçtobcer 17, 19)84 PHOTO CONTEST DEADLINE APPROACHING The Clark,- Toniship MuLseumi Photo contest deadline is fast approachiingo, October 31, 1984. The local organization promotion lias somte good cash prizes available in fuu'r cate-got ies with tiiose with 50111e expcî - tise in phiotog-raphy and want everyone with a set of tens wo participate. The categ-ories include black and white prinits, colour prints, slides and a class for the m-ost unusuial old photo. Further details are available h\ phioninig 983-5837, 786-2955 or 786-2954. WEST LOSES OUI TO WIIITBY NATIVE LyeWest of Orono and Oshiawa Buiniessmian lost oui toi Bob Boychyn, -38, a miember of the Boychyni and Boychyn law firm, in the bld to represent the conservaties in the next provinicial election. The two men were seekingl the PC nomination for Oshiawa ridling. Boyehyni, defeated by Mike Breauigh in the last provin- cial election will agaiïi face Beuh a strong contender to ag-aini take the Oshawa ridlingL for the NDP. INTERES1?ED IN ORONO MUSICAL GROUP? Thiere has bceen some interest sho wn to date for some formi of Oronio musical activity in rthe form of a band. Some have made it knowni they are interested to attend a meeting be- ing- called for tonighit, Wýedniesdlay, in the basement of the Oronio Towni Hall, limie of the rmeeting 7:30 p.m. Shwn our îniterest at the meeting could well be the begining lof' a musical g-roup again in Or-ono. BOARD PURCHASES NE'W PHOTO COPIERS The Board of Education has pur-chasedc three new phioto copiers to replace old copiers for Orono,-Lockharis school, Hampton Junior Public School and for Central Public School in Bowmý,ianville. The Board hias also approved the expenditure of $1,431.17 for the purchase of a Vibrýophonie for Clarke High Sehiool. HAND IN RESIGNATIONS The Durhiam Central Agriculturial Socieýty Boarid met on Monday eeni1i ingwen ,thrug rrso ndencc buî George Carson anid Les Reid tenere tei1 eintos George Car-son hias held the posmit io fair manager wvhile Les Reid assisted with varjou pojeîsaitthe fair. Theriesig-nations weýirel'ci-ferdo ithe Board o ietr to be cons;dered at a later date. Mr. Crsn tated fhow much the had enjycd orkig ,r ithe fanr and asked thiat his resignation take eff.l'ect asof nsuary1,l985. Ponders Newtonville water supply solution Briani Devitt of the Depart- recommended that repaîrs ment of Heal' th Services of and new wells be drilled for the Region of Durham sub- each of the individutal lots in mitted to the Town of Newtonville., Newcastle council members The report called for the on Monday a report'relating repair of séven existing drill.- to the recently completed ed wells,' and the drilling of stuidy of water supply in the 125 new wells. itiNwa s Village of Nçwtonville. estimated each well woulid The report confirmed cost in thie neîghboutrhood of pollution of almost eighty $7,407.00l of which amouint percent of the wells in the the provinice would pay hamlet of which there are seventy-five percent o'f thle some onie-hundred and thirty. cost. Homie owners %ouil Furthier the report sug- face a bill of somne $ 1,952.00 gested two recommendations although this cost would de- as solution to the problem pend on the depth of the and in final assessment i - - - lueo1page1J) Choral Society first Th,- "Larders Full" was the theme for our annua faul mieetinig, held Thursday, Oc- tober 4 in the Main hall of Orono United Church. The stage was attractively decýorated with pumpkins, clored leaves, corn stalks and f*lowýer-s to welcome the good crowd. At this meeting we gave a sailute to Town of Newcastle emblem "Thie Apple". One large table hield a class of Ap- ple arranigements, entitled "Apple of My Eye" and recipes for using apples. Mrs. Carol Mostert wont this class. The special speaker for the eveninigmwas our own Orono limes editor, Mr. Roy For- rester, anid he in turn brought Mr. Bill Bunting (retired front the Ministry of Natural Resources). Roy brought a very interesting resumne on the hiobby of "Bird Watching", and stated it lias become a real family-type hobby, as al ages 'can really enjoy it. Following his talk Roy then presented a very delightful show of birds in our own areas on sldes. Along with his interesting commentary, we were aIl quite convinced we should take uipthis hob- by! Following Roy's presenta- tion, Bill Bunting then displayed bis- newest hobby, thiat of Photography of Wiîdflowers. Bill, is of course, another avid bird watcher, but bis entire love of nature, follows through in wildflowers and the beautiful outdoors. His lovely stides were most appreciated by al in attendance. AIlI in 'ail we are undecided as to which hobby we'l pursue, but both are beautiful. Cor. Mostert thanked both men for their presentations. Ihe "Country Store" was well attended and especially the fresh made cider by Ann Evans was picked up quickly. 1Ihe judge for theý flowers and vegetables was Mrs. Petrie, a certified O.H.A. judge from Blackstock, who gave out some very helpful hints on how better to display our items. (Continued page 5) Eight teams compete mi Orono Oldtymers Orono Seniors Hockey withi Wally Mazur popping Club hosted their annutal the winning goal for the Oldtim-ers Tournatnent on Newý,castle team. Saturday, October 13 at the Gamne 3 saw Oshawa Orono Arena. Teamis vere In- Stortec take~ on Norwýood in vîÎted from MarkhMamn, Whit-. yet another squeaker. Stortec by, Norwýood, Oshawa came out on top in this by a Surdsers, Oshawýa Stortec, 5-4 score with the winner New,,castle, Bowmnanvjlle and scored by Brian Tedesco. .Or-ono's Mom's Kitchen to Gaine 4 featured Whitby do battle f'or the $500.(X) A.J.B. Hleating against the, ""chamnpionship prize. Markhamn Ferraro's. To the The f'anls were treated to some surprise of a lot of people, excellent hockey as practical- Whitby took this one by a hy every gamle was a close score of 3-2 with Whitby's contest with several games Teo Glendenning putting in going into ovcrtime. the winner with 2.32 left in M om'>s kitchen and Bowmaniville's King's Gardens opened the tourna- mient at 8 a.m. with King's Gardens squeaking out a 4-3, victory. Bowmanville led at one p oint by a 4-I score but Momi's kitchen fought back to wti one goal but felI short at the end. This relagated Mom's to the con- solation round. The second gamie had Newcastle Jade Garden against Oshawa Sudsers. This was another right contest with Newcastle taking ,fie win, by a 2-1 score the last period. The rournament now entered the second rounid as Mom's Kitchen, Sudsers, Norwood and Markham in the consolation round andi Bowmanville, Oshawa Stortec, Newcastle and Whit- by still in the battle for the $500.00 first prize. Orono's Mom's Kitchen took on the Oshawa Sudsers. at 12:00 p.m. with Orono dominating by a 4-0 score. Pete Mc- Cullough was the gunner in (Continued page 3) Concert series event 1>IP of ChorfflSocity goup' lime is running short for get- ting a season's subscription ticket, to the 1984-85 Newcastle and District Concert Series. The opening concert is on Sunday evening, October 21. A 20-member group from the Oshawa Choral Society are presenting a programn of songs from the 20)'s t o ithe present. The Choral Society performs 2 musical comedies a year in Oshawa. The latest were "Cam Local members of the Scey G adnd Phil Hy vn ere BowmmilleDramaWorhopl production o)f "Ilicks" at the, Fly-ing ,Dtchmma. Thfli irst con- cert ofthe Newcasle mid District series' on october 21 -vil be cabaret style. The second concet is on Sun- day, November 18. Starring will be the- Bowkum Trio, three young professional artists play- ing flute, celloamd piano. The third concert will be on Sunday, March 10,195 Lyracord, a duo of harp mnd tenor voice, wfl be featured. Youth mnd Music Canada spon- sors this concert as well as the se- cond- one. The fmnal concert of the series on MAarch 31, 1985 sees t he return of the Châimax Jazz, Band. Ail concerts stant a 7:30 p.m. in Newcastle Co)immunityHall. Tickets for theeies f4are $20 for aduits mnd $10 for students. They mnay be oti nàed in 01rono from Jonatlhanj Staples, Ray Melvilleamd Maga e Heder- son. T ickets are aso avalabIle at the first concert of the sýeries oni October i21. The Oshawa Choral Socle- Newcastle anid Dis;trict Con- ty are presenting a program- cert Series committee. efof 3 song0f1r1th [lentveiesý" Pictured above are Audrey, this Suinday evnigin the Hennessey (centre) and Phil Necsl own as thefis Hayman (right) both of con(cert of a series of musical Newcast le Village., evenîts sponsored by the