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Orono Weekly Times, 17 Oct 1984, p. 6

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6-Ortono weekly'limes, Wednesday, October 17, 1984 Picking Rasperberries inid Octo ber Sometimes nature. defies Edna Mercer dlaims this pre- good pruning Iast flu and the itself and this is the case ýin sent crop is much better than addition of leaves and some 'the rasperberry patch at the the first crop earlier this year. straw to maintain the Mercer's, Mil Street, Orono. There is no scarity of ber- moisture may have a lot ta do The raspberry canes are ries on the bushes to which with produeing the preserit producing their second crop Mrs. Minnie Taylor can at- bountiful erop whieh has of beautiful, giant-sized test. been on the canes for the past raspherries and- in fact Mrs. Mrs., Mereer suggests a two ta three weeks. Octorber 13, 1938 A chimney fire at the home of Henry Cantrell, Main Street North, Orono brought te fire fighting equipmnent front the fire hall at 6:15 a.m. on Wednesday morning. In about 3 minutes the engine was on the scene with a ful crew of the brigade presenit. A fine extinguisher was all that was nieeded ta stop the blaze. At the latest W.A. meeting, Mrs. M. Davey wvas in 1charge of -the devotional period. The president Mrs. W.M. Stutt was in the chair and Mrs. Hoan at the piano. Cecil Bruton has accepted] a position as a drug apprien- lice in Midland. Mr. Clifford Jones left on Monday ta take a positioni in the Rager Majestic Radio shop ini Toronto. Percy Lunin, John11Grady and Madison Hiall took ad- vantage oa' the nice weather over the wAeekend f'or a fishing expedition and retuirn- ed wýith a nice catch af pike. Thurs., Oct. 16, 1958 Help needed at Ri nk. Thje first organized bee ta complete the Orono Arena wiIl be held this Saturday morning and afternoon. It is the intention ta lay the ce- ment floor in the basement where the dressing rooms and heating plant will be plaeed. Plenty af help will be needed so came out with your shovel . ýs4rs. A.L. Hooey . was honoured by 1the Qrono W.A.1 for her involvement and hielp in the Orono W.A. Mrs. Carson, on behalf ofthe W.A. presented Mrs. Hooey with a small gift as a token of appreciation. The W.A. are sorry that Mrs. Hooey is leav- ing town ta make her home in Bowmanville. The teenagers will be selI- ing apples door ta door throughout the village given ta themn by Tolman free of charge. The money will be us- ed ta help the teenagers group in its work. Sportsmen Enjoy Skeet Shooting Members of the Orono Fish and Hunt Club are fin- ding much enjoyment in their new skeet range north of thre village at Enterprise. Thi re\Nw clubhouse has been intalled and members are practising theit shot at the clay dises. Anyane interested miay get further details from any, miemb'er or fromi Jerry Duvall or Cordon Watson. A dozen live-trapped martens have been tranlsfer- red from the heart of Algon- quin Park ta the Peter- borough crown, game preserve and the Ganaraska Forest in Durham County. It is hoped thre ones released ai Peterborough will provîde a fur population for îrapping. Ganaraska foresters are hav- ing problems with an over abundance af red squirrels and mice eating valuable tree sceds. Squirrels and mice just bappen ta be a marîen's f avaie diel. Tuesday, October 9, 1984 was the regular meeting of Heather Rebekah Lodge No. 334 Orono. Noble Grand Sister Marion Adams presid- ed with Vice Grand Sisýter Joyce Major, assist ing. The highlieht of the even- ing was the vi sitation of Sîster Mary Vinkle, District Deputy President of' District No. 8 Oshawa East. The purpose of the visit was ta instaîl the of- ficers for the ensuing year. Sister Vinkle was introduc- ed by Sister Olive Milison and was ushered through a guard of honour making an arch wit\h carnations. Sister Marian Adams extended ta her a warmn welcome alang with the other dignitaries. Brother Harry Wade, Past Grand Master of the Grand Lodge af- Ontario was in- îroduced by Sister Ethel Hall. Lady Jean Youngman, Chaplain of-the L.A.P.M. af Ontario, introduced byýSister Bertha White and Lady Nelda Thompson, Past Presi- dent of L.A.P.M. introduced by Sister Doreen Swan. The newý officers installed are as follows: Noble Grand Sýister Joyce Major Vice Grand Sister Rena Pears Jr. Past Noble Grand - Sister Marian Adams Recording Secretary Sister Mae Allen' Treasurer- Sister Olive Milîson Financial Secretary Sister Berha White Warden Sister Violet Dunlop Conductor Sisîi rNorma Mof(li by October 31 s If yu kniow of a "good kid " whio deserves a n award for COMMU11ntty work, bravery or striving ta over- corne a physical limitation, nomnate themi for an Ont- arto) Juniior Citizeni of thre Year award before the end of October. Bicentennial history books, airline trips across Canada, a reception with Ontarios Lieutenant Gov- ernor, plaques and lapel pins are the prizes awvaiti ng Ontarios 1984 Junior Citi- zens. "We are seeking ta honor Ontario's outstaniding young people -- not just the superheroes, but also the goad all round kids who are working today ta become a ur leaders of tomnorrow, " said Dave Wenger of Mount Forest, Chairmian of the Junior Citizen programi. Nomination forms are available at community newspaper offices and the deadîine for nominations is October 31. The Junior Citizen pro- gramn, co-ordinated by the Ontaria Community Newvs- papers Association, i sponsored by CP Air. Lieu- tenant Governor John B. Aird is the program's pat- ron and additional support s-being received this year f rom the Bicentennial Pro- gram operated by the Ont- Color Bearer - Sister Marsha Winning Inside Guardian- Sis.ter Marilyn Major Outside Guardian- Sister Ruth Andrews Chaplain - Sister Isabellê Trim Musician Brown R. S.N. G. jor L. S.N. G. Cooper R. S.V. G. Barrabal L. S.V. G. -Sister Giadys -Sister'Betty Ma- -Sister Maude -Sister Laverne Sister Carole Boyd R.S. Jr. P.N.G.- Sister Mary% Thompson L.S. Jr. P.N.G. - Sister Darlene Hardy R.S. Chaplain- Sister Ethel Hall L. S. Chaplain Sister Velrna Watsorn Degree Captain Siter Mae Allen Press Reporter - Sister Gladys Gamsby The installation wýas per- formed in a very dinified and meaningftl way with Sister Jean Y'oungman at the piano and SisLi Rowecna iz- zard as soloisi. Sister Marion Adams naw being a Past Noble Granid was extended an initai ion by President Sisteru Violet Dunlop to join "Ctlb 62" and attend our ncxi mneeting. There were a few short speeches by the visitors, br- inging messages tram ithe dif- ferent -branches of the Order aller which lunch was served in the banquet hall and a very enjc able social houi was '.pent. aia( Ministry of Tounrismi and Recreation. hInts first three years, the pr ogram r ecei ved a total of 428 nominations and organizers are hoping for a nrew record in num1l- bers jn i amîaed ini1984. Thre 12 OuItstandînig nom inees and tlheir families wili be(, gurests of Ontaria Community Newvspapers Association at its annual convention in Toronto next Mar-ch, when Lieutenant Governor Aird mill make the presentations and hast a special receptian for the visitors in his Queen's Park suite. Each of the 12 nom- in ees wil11 receive a CP Ai r ticket ta any Canadian dest nration,, a family portrait with the Lieutenant Gov- ernaor, a plaque and lapel pin. An additional 12 top- ranking nominees wiII re- ceive an airline ticket and a certificate, ta bc presented] by tlheir 'local newspaper publisher. 'Ali the young ~people nomînated in 1984 Junior Citizen nominations due ORONO ARENA COMMUNITY CENTRE OCT. 9 &,23, NOV. 6 & 20, DEC. 4 & 18 Te Cre t An i h NOTICE 0F HIGHWAY CLOSING TAKE NOTICE that thie Council of the Cor- poration of the Town of Newcastle, at the Councîl Meeting ta be held in Court Room No. 0-O Police Building. Bowmanville. Ontaria.' on..Tuesday, November lth, 1984, at the hour of 9:30 o'clock in the forenoon, propose to pass a by-law ta stop-up and close and ta authorize the sale of parts of the unopened road allowance, lying between Lots 22 and 23, Concession 10, in the former Township of Clarke, now in the Town of Newcastle, more particularly described as follows: ALL those partions of the unopened road allowance, lying between Lots 22 and 23, Concession 10, in -the farmer Township of Clarke, now in the Town of Newcastle, hereinafter descrîbed are hereby stapped-up and closed; ALL AND SINGULAR th-at certain parcel or tract of land, sîtuate lying and being in the Town of !ewcastle, Regional Municipalityaof Durham, Province of Ontario, and being com- posed of parts of the unapened raad allowance, Iying between Lots 22 and 23, Concession 10, of the former Township of- Clarke, now within the limits of the Town of Newcastle, and being more particularly designated as Parts 1 and 2, accarding toaa Reference Plan deposited in the Land Registry Office for th e Registry Division of Newcastle (No. 10), an the 2lth day of August 1984. as Plan 10R.1894. Dated at the Town of Newcastle thîs 3rd day of October 1984. David VW Oakes. B.A.,A M.C.T. Town Clerk Town of Newcastle 40 Temperance Street Boewnanville. Ontario. LlC 3A6. File ý7744.134 Publication')at(-: Wednesdlay. October 17,1985 P 0 No A0331 s's~ wîil receive a Bicentennial b)ook. Groups and Individ- uals car) be rniniated if they have performed single or0 otnun acts of cour- agshouîî îrîenuîty, re- sourcefulness, fortitude or self less service. .Nomninees may also be involved in worthwhi le commr-unity service, have overcome disabling physi- cal or psychological handi- caps, or have performied acts of hieraismn- perhaps endangering their own lives, Any nomninee f rom pire- viousb years who continues ini their noteworthy end- eavorsi s el igible ta be nom- irnated again. A Junior Cit- izen cani be aged 6 to 18 years and any citizen resi- dlent tin Ontario can submit a nomination. For further information: Elizabeth Sweeting OJCY Co-ordiriator Ontario Community Newspapers Association P.O0. Box 451l Oakville, Ontario L6J 5A8 Phone toII-free 1-800-268-5054 FROM THE Dini and Distant Past Heather Rebekah Lodge News

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