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Orono Weekly Times, 24 Oct 1984, p. 4

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4-Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, October 24, 1984 Orono Bantams win Oshawa Championship DEVELOPER WANTS $2 MILLION BACK Two Toronto developers are suing the Region of Durham for the return of $2 million in letters of credit whichi they say the Region cashed improperly in September. The suit which is, before thec Ontario Supreme Court also asks fthe Reg'in 10 terminate the developmrent agreemecnt whereby the developers weùre to develop Brooklin upI)to a population of10,00 bythe end ot this century and to supply funding for water and sewa,,ge installations for the- presenit vilage of Broo,-klin. Durhami Region state they have fulfilled their side of the agreemient even though the developmnent will not pro- ceed. $7,500 IN FURNITURE STOLEN IN BURKETON Furniture and applicances valued upwards of $7,500 has been stolen fromi a new home under construction in Burketon. The items included a micro-wave, living room fur- n itu re, clothes dryer, dishwasher and other items. Property was owned by Joseph Rekker of Darlington Township. Orono again this year played in the bantam division of the Oshawa Parks Soccer League. A t the end of the season we were in second spot while the Oshawa Kingside entry was at the top. In order to get into the championship game Orono had to knock out Thornton/Dundee and Glen Stewart, theni we were on our way to that ail impor- tant game. At 9:00 a. m. Sept. 15, the Orono spectatoi-s were wating at the Civic Fields in the cold drizzling ramn for the start of the game against Kingside. Finally it got under way and we witnessed some of the best soccer playing of the year. -About fifteen minutes into the first haîf Kingsîde scored, but our teamn now applied a littie ex- tra pressure and sure enough it paid off. Orono tied it up on a goal by Richie Dupe. With about ten minutes left in the haîf both teams ex- From Around the Région NEW PONTYPOOL CROUP FORMED A LaLeche Group hias been formed in Pontypool an-d are now holding monthly support meetings for any mother who wishes to breastfeed her baby. The meeting provides pertinent information and counselling. There is no charge 10 joîn the group. Further informa- tion is available by contact ing Melisande Neal, Box 57, Pontypool, Ont. LOA IKO. NEW COUNTY DUMP Northumberland County is expected 10 open a new dump to provide service to four of its municipalities. The dump is 10 open-in June of 1995. The new waste disposaI site will provide service to Seymour, Hasting, Percy and the Towni of Camip- belîford. COBOURG ELIGIBLE PROVINCIAL FUNDS The T'own of Cobo-urg is elîgiblelfor upt) fo$ 150,000in provincial fnda low in- terestî Joan undcer he ne Commercial AeaImprove- ment Programn. The Twnis considering miatching tisý amount f'or a total expeni- diture of $300),000 in the downtown areaI. Cobourg, states one count- cillor, is boomfing with a $150,000 nmaiin street reitalization programi, a $400,000 Otario Neighb ourhood Ipoe ment programn, S0,0 ex- terior improvemeniiýts b the old fire hall and $70,000 worth of landscaping at Vic- toria Hall. WILL CANCEL NURSING PROGRAM An administration spokesman for Durham Col- lege, Don Michie has sated that if the teachers' strike is not settled by November 5 the College wîll have 10 cancel the programn for the year and first and second vear students will lose their year. There are 100 students enrolledi in the first year pr o- gram and 90 in the second year programn. Forty-seven students in the thîrd year will not-be affected. Michie said there is no way the program could catch up if the strike lasts beyond November th. REGION TO STUDY 911 EMERGENCY NUMBER The Region of Durham angwith Bell Canada and affected services are 10 under- take a nine month study to the possible implementation of' -es-tabl-ishin-g-a -911 emergency n umber for the Region - Police, ambulance and fire departments are urging the establishment of the emergency number. The Town of Newcastle does have an 911 emergency nuniber f'oruLs fire depart ments which is now in effect. COLLEGE BUS SERVICE LEGAL, The Ministry of Transpor- tation and Communication has rep(rted that there is nothing wrong with Durham College operating their bus servýice for students. changed goals for the second time, this one being netted for Orono by Jeff Van- haverbeke. After a well deserved haîf time break, both teams returned to the field deter- mined to win. Kingside slip- ped one past our goalie Mark Sargent to take the lead again, but not for long. Within minutes John Sotriatidis put us back in the game again with his tieing goal. As the minutes ticked b5y the Oshawa PUC, com- plained of the College service stating the service did cut into the revenue for the city operated bus service which does have a $1 .7 million deficit. Durham College operates their service from Bowman.. ville on the east and from Ajax in the west. MARKS lst ANNIVERSARY The Durham Save-A-Heart has marked its first anniver- sary of operation within the Region of Durham and ac- cording 10 chaîrman of the association has met ils objec- tives for the initial year of operation. Through donations from the area hospitals and a dona- tion from the Oshawa Rotary Club, the association pur- chased ils first manequin for training purposes., The non-profit organi za- tion is dedicated 10 training one in every five in Durham Region in cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Numerous training courses have been undertaken throughout the Region in the first year of operation. At the, annuai meeting Hilda Marshall, co-ordinator of Metro-Save-A-Life spoke to the gathering outlinîng oh- jec-tives and organization. Citizens in Durham in- terested in taking a CPR course may contact Durham Save-A-Life in ils location at 292 King St. W., Oshawa 571-1152. WIIITBY RECEIVES IMANS ADGRANTS Hc Town iof Whitbyhas been grantied priovincial boans andK grants in an amount t otallingS_ 22ý )Oa for d03&flLLWa1tenîvotnos. The Town is expected 10 off the watcfles, thie pace of the game really became hci and the end of the gamie kept getting cdoser and dL'oser, finally Orono owei poweried Kîngside and R[iie Dupe put in the winning goal. The final score was Orono 4 - Kingside 3. From your loyal fans, "ýCongratuations, it sure was the way to) end the season". A special thank you to Tonyv Wood and Bo--b Lewis for their time spent in coaching the team this year. provide boans and graints and with contributions from the, Downtown area businessmen the total monies available is expected to reach $450,0M for physical imiprovemients in the downtown core of Whit-- by. ASHE WON'T SEEK LEADERSHIP Government Services Minister, George Ashe, M. P.P. for Durham West has announced that he will not be seeking the position of leadership for the Ontario Progressive Conservatives. Ashe, a self-declared right wing conservative, said there are others seekingil the leader- ship having his viewýpointf. He also said it is a pricey venture costing upwards of $300,000 to $500,000 for a serious con- tender. QUESI CENT RE LOOKING TO FUTURE Ruth Banks, operator of Quest Centre, a school foi Bright and Gifted Children tiin Whitby is looking f'or a new location for her school and is presently investigating new land sites. The present school does not have a gymnasium, for its 88 pupils. The school was established in 1981 and has _grown in enrolment to the present 88 which covers classes trom kindergarren toegrade: 1l. AIR SERVICES COMPETING Two air srie which would provide service toe Oshawa are in compt-ition to set up a service that woufld ex- tend as far east as Mlontreal and wesîto Windsor and would also connecite1 Oshawa and Bufl'alo. Oshawa Ct Council e\- pects eone or the other tIo hein TELEPHONE (116) 983-5301,PO. 0X 209, ORONO, OTRO O M PRINTING AND PUBLISHING ROY C. Forrester *Letterheads *Envelopes, *Business Cards Invoices *Labels * Invitatiýo(ns* Brochures NCR Forms* Continuous'and Snap-Out FoJrms TENDER T84-20 SEALED TENDERS'for Contract No. T84-20 submitted in the envelope provided to the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle, Of- fice of the Clerk, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario, are invited and will be received by the Clerk until the specified clos-> ing time and date. TENDER No. T84-20 - HALES BRIDGE ROAD APPROACHES Closing lime and Date: 12:00 Noon <Local lime), Tuesday, October 30, 1984. The work for the Town of Newcastle under the direction of the Director of Public Works, Mr. RG. Dupuis, P. Eng., involves the reconstruction, of the approaches to Hales Bridge (Lots 12/13. Concession 111, Former Township of Clarke) for a length of approx- imately 120 metres. Theapproximate quantities of major items are as follows: Earth Excavation (Gradinig) Granular 'A' and Granular 'B' Rtprap 1.200 m3 1,300 t 40 im3 Plans, Specifications and Tender Forms are available at the office of Totten Si ms Hubicki Associates, P.O. Box 398, IA King Street East, Cobourg, Ontario, K9A 4L1. A certified cheque in the amnount of $2000.00 mUst accompany each bid and the suc-, cessful hidJers cheque shall be retained untii the work is comy.leted f0 the satisfaction1 of the Towin of Newcast le. The Iowest or any tender not necessarily ac- cepted. Totten Sims Hubicki Associates, Con sulItant s, lA.KingSt. E-.P.O. Box 398 Cobourg, Ontarto. K9A 4Ll Telephone: (416) 372-2121 Mr. D.M. HornýenîukP, P.P., Purcrasinq & Supply get Co-ýrporation of the Town 0 f Newcastte. 40 Temperanice Street. Bowmnanville, Ontarîo. LiC 3A6 Telephone: (416) 623 -'379 Ext. 67 Date of Publication. October-24-th7T-9S4 PO0 No. Ai1171

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