tu Church to Celebrate lOth Anniversary Special Induction Service for Rev. Fred R. Mimnes at Orono, St. Savîour's Anglican Church is holding a Homne Coming Ser-vice thîs Sunday,' November 4th at il:0O a.m. in recognition of its 1 th an- niversary. Archdeacon Ongley, a former rector at St1. George's Anglican ChLUrch] in Oshawa, The induction service to Offieilily welcome Rev. Fred R. Milnes, B.A., B.D. into the Orono-Kirby charge, took place Sunday evening, October 28th in Orono United Church. A good representation \from Oshawa Presbytery, Wiîth thý chairman- of Presbytery Mi-& Mrj orie G. Ferries, secretary Miss Beatrice McLean, and Mrs. Olive Bell giin the caîl to worship. Mrs. Ernest Gilbank gave the scripture readings and the sermon "Shared Responsibility"' was delivered by Rev. John A. May, Minîster of Harmnony Uniited Chutrch . Rev. May was also a former mnemrber, of Renlfrew Presbytery, anýd recenitly in- ducted intio Harmony Chuirch. Promises were given by the members of Orono-Kirby congregations to support and encourage Rev. Milnes in his work, as together we worship God. -By Rev. Mliles to exercise his calling to be fa1fu'fàand assume his new respon- siblities to this charge. -By Presbytery - to support Rev. Milnes. in his new pastoral charge. Mrs. Marion Milnes, the Minister's wife rendered a very beautiful sole "Recause He Lives." The Orono choir presented a lovely anthem "-My Wonderful Lord" and the processional hymn was "Thine is the Glory". A social hour was enjoyed by the large crowd downstairs with memnbers of the U.C.W. serving a. delicious lunch. Fifty attend Parent-Teacher Liaison meeting at Clarke Hi wilI be the guest speaker for the Home Coming Service. During the service the new Parish Hall will be rededicated as the John Breeni Parish Hall in recogni- tion of the late Mr. Breen's UntirinIg efforts in the com- pletion of the hall. "Citizen off the Vear Awards" I-w of Newcastle Mayor Rickard of h tono Newceastle has informed the news miedia that the Twnis accep)ting nioinations from citize.ns and group inithre Town of Newcastle f'or Citizen of the Year awýards. Theawd have beeni established to clebrate the Provirice's Bicentiennial and the Tenth anniversary of the Townr. This year there will be eleven recipients of the award to miark thie leven years of the Town of ecate Citizens and groups hav\e until Novemiber 9thI to submnit their nominations for onle of the awýards which are to be registered With the Townv Clerk, Mr. D). W. Oakes ai 40 Temiperance street, Bownville LIC 3A-ý6. A short istory of the noiniee's -ontLributiis to the coiMmFLunity would be ap- preciated. Board of Education meeting at the PineS The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Educa- lion will be holding a fuîll board mreeting at the Pines Senior Public School on Thiurs;day, Novemrber 8th at 7:30 p.m. The public are encouraged to attend as threse meetings are normal- ly lheld in Cobour1g and thiis is ant opportunity to support the- trustees and to demnonstrate, by attendance, that there is in- terest in the decisions the board makesý on behaîf of the local educational systemll. Oiver 16 Tables at Town Hall Card Party The Orono Town Hall card par-ty held last Wednesday evening had a good turnout with sixteen and a haîf tables pre- sent. George McDonald and Normna Moffat tied for high score with 89 po;ints, followed by Hilda Caswell with 86, Reg. Eliliott withi 82; Gladys Greenlwood 81 and Robin Alldred also with 81 points. Lw score went to May Tabb. The lucky draws were won by Dora Micloniald aýnd Jim McGill. The next card partieswllbe lheld o oebrlt and Novem-ber 28th. plan to attend for a good eveniîîg uof un with friencis. Wreaths Availâble Wreaths are available for pDLIUchase hrough9 the Canat- ian IC-lei. For thoýse w ýih1t1ingwmke purchase and la\inga wreitat t the Cenotaph on NovemiberIl in Orono please con- tact Cith1er arývyPariner or loria (ira ip Of~o. Following the service and dedicationlunch will be serv- ed by the ladies of the church. A booklet referring to the history of the church is being printed and will be available during the Home Coming (Continued page 2) Some fifty parents and teachers were in attendanice at the Parent-Teacher Liaison Meeting on Thursday evenring at the Clarke High School. During the course of the evening the new eduicational programs were outlinied as welI as an explanation of the school's code of behaviourj. The, committee this year is to-be headed by Willis Bar- rabali and Sylvia Parker as co-chairpersons with Eva Darington Township womrian killed Kathryn Baker, 37 of R.R. 5 Bowronanville, is djead afteri losinig control of her car andgoîng o)ff' i a baked turrninto a field near Mosport Raceway sometime SwL1aturdayorinng. Baker was thrown f'rom her 1979 Plymouthiii automlobile and landed fifty feet aw ay in a field near her Lot 1, Conc. 9 house, states Durham Region)ial Police. The accident was discovered at 7:30 a.mt. Saiturday by passing motoisýts. Fact A lot of Pumi Fin Uder Submnits Mr. Tom Bastedo, Q.C. of Toronto, the fact finder ap- pointed by the Education Relations Commission in the negotiations between the Secondary Teachers and the Trus.,tees of the Nor- thumnberland and Newcastle " ' Board of Education submit- ted a report to the Education Relations Commission on October 26, 1984. As required under the School Boards and Teachers Collective Negotiations Act, î the teachers and trustees now have a period of fifteen days for further negotiations n the basis of this report. There is, provision for an addîtîonal five days if both the trustees and the teachers agree and the Commission approves. If at the end of this time the parties have not made or lrnewed an agreement, then the EuainRelations Commission vwill maeethe fact finder's report public. Teygrow pumipkins big The Boatrd and Seconldary out in the c-ountry and accor- Teachersý have been in ding to the Ron Hoopers in negotiattions for a new con- the fouirth concesýsion- of tract sinice [he beginning of Clarke this 130 pup ijst the year. kept gr-owing andiii wii Nichols, secretary, Dorothy Drysdale, treasurer and Phlilippa a ndci iennis Schmiegelow, as public rela- tions persons f'or the commit- tee. Other officers are to be ap- pointed in the near future for fund raising, assist with the lifestyle program and be part of the telephone grid system. In speaking with Mrs. Parker she stated there was need for fundinig in almost, every departmient ut the scchool anid the parenit-teacher associat-ion wouild endeavour to assist ini providing some of these 1funrds. Shie also pointed to a gridl teleyphone syte ltat will be put into operation toý establish a quick form of communication between parents and the school. One parent will be respon- sible for*one classroom. This parent will contact three other parents of students in the class who in turn wilI con- tact a further three until al parents of students in the class have been contacted. This will be establîshed for every class in thne school. Mrs. Parker said everyone at the meeting on Thursday was Most supportive of the programs and ail signed up to ffssist in one form or another. Vice-Chairman for Tory Convention Kay Weaitrall, a long-time and well-known Tory woke fomPortiHpean-d vcreietofthle Ontario Pro- gresive onsevatie Asociaihas acceptedî the position of vice-chairman fjor [the OtroLedrhConvention being heli ini Toronto fIm Janiuary 4th to 6th. The conivention1 is being held in tihe CNE Coleseum.II Weaterall wa aso soughit by a ýnumber of candidates for the leader-ship to be Part o hi campaigni teamn. Weaterail opted for thie position of výice-chairman of the conven- tioniorg-aizationi which- she ,aid, "would indeed be a challenge". 1 pkin for Hallowe'en i thi s summer unttil it reached a weight of 130 ipoundis. Greg Hooperisiý picitured aliong wAith Ilhe 1mon1ster with an ordinary sized pumprkinl. The giant si7cd rpumpkin will have n-o difficulty turning on its charm for trick or treat nlighit vwen the kids make their annual visits ithrouighout the commuity.ý eektp ~tme~ Puiblishied Every Wednesday Orono WeeklyTie, ededaOctober 31, 1984j rie). r 0 7no a,