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Orono Weekly Times, 31 Oct 1984, p. 3

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Chatterton- Comerford Wedding Fontaine-A rd Wedding ChiId Find Progra m Nov. 10 'Fhe Block Parent Associa- tion of the Town of New,%cas- te is sponsoring the Civitan Club of Oshawa Child Find program with the program. being launrched on Noe'ember iOth at the Bowmanville Malt fromi 10:00 a.m., to 4:00) p.m. The programn is designecd 10 assîst Parents;, police and news media to identif'y and locate lost children. For a nominal fee of $ 1.00 parents are provided wîth a card on which their child's fingerprints appears and on rever se side a black and white photograph. This card is presented to the parent for safe'>'leeping and is the only card to be produced. Children under the age of six have imprints of their palm or foot used instead of finierprints., If the child should disap- pear, parents' thenr give the card to the police to assist in the search. The program was first started in London, Ontario by the Civitan Club and does have the support of police. It is a non-profit veniiure. Patricia Ann Comerford, daughter of Starliey and Teresa Comerford of Oshawa, and David Orville Chatter- ton, son of Orville and Betty Chatterton, Orono were United in marriage on Septeînber 29, 1984 at St. Gertrudes Church, Oshawa by Father Vince Daniel. The bride wore a formai' white gown of poly-chiffon. The sweetheart n-eckline, bodice and leg of nhutton sieeves were trimnmed in soft Chantilly lace. The skirt felI into aCathedral length train also trimmed in Chantilly and Ale'ncon lace. She wore a semi-Derby matching bat et- ched in Chantilly lace with an attached French illusion veil. The maid of honour was Ita Kelly of-Qýhawa and the bridesmaids were Mary- Jayne Comerford, Pami Taylor and Debbie Wirsching ail of Oshawa., Best man for the groom was Gien Wood of Oshawa and the ushers were John Berry of Orono, Charles Har- ris of Orono and Steve Allen of Newcastle. The reception was held at the Thunderbird Golf and Country Club in Ashburn. Prior to her marriage, Patricia was entertained at severai showers. On August 7, 1984 a misceilaneous shower took place at the Magic Car in Oshawa hosted by co-workers of the bride. Friends of the groom hosted a Jack and Jili party at the Brownsville Community Cen- tre in Newcastle, on July 28, 1984. On August 13. 1984 a miscelianeous shower took place at the home of the bride's sister, hosted by the aunts of the bride. On August 22, 1984 a miscellaneous showver took place at the Kirby Church, Kirby hosted by Mrs. Bonnie ,Reid and Mrs. Florence Allen. Orono-L ockharts School News Orono Campus News by Camieron Esler Gr. 5 The Orono Public School Saf'ety Patrol hias two teamis this year. They patrol in three places. At Manger's Garage are Kelly Hjentig, Shane Gyvlytiuk, Scot McAllister, JsnMao.At the school are Allison Cochrane, Vicky owrs Carl Borwn, Tara W ae Krista Clapdorp, Karrie For- rester. At the post ofieare Jim Partner, Shawn Ken- nedy, David Stender, Melanie Rypstra, Kevin Scott, Sheani Winning, Michelle Ruthier- ford. Danny W ilson and Jason Kilpatr. k are spares. by Daniel Kiiks Gr. 5 Ms. Dorland Ms. Dorland likes teaching. She has been teachin-.g for 7, years. She enjoys mecigi Lockhart and OrontoPS She has liked ail of h students that she bas taýught She likes comp-uters andsh is taigacomputercous onea week in Tomronto. Orono Sports Orono Public School bouse league games have finished with soccer. The Cougars won by a score of 2-0 over the Panthers'. Lockhart Campus News byv Elaine Mote On October 3lst, 1984, there wvill be a Great Pum- pkin, Race at Lockhart coo.First the kids get intor thlerboue ague teams which, are: Mohawk, Bella, Coola, Iroquois and lackloot \ We!have tîo carry 'lhe ptîmp)lkiii down [rom ihe b)ack l[iild imb he school." Thlen we have to draw a face on it and take the insides out. After that, wecarve the face eut and decorate the pumn- pkini. The first team whdo is done first will gel points forj t heir eam. It will be fun. Alsýo on Tuesday, October 231rciwe hlad exchange: stdnscomec to our school. Heye cfrom Quebec. They viie cur Fren,,ch class. Gwenyth Joan Ard became the bride of Bertrand Joseph Fontaine on May 19, 1984 at Orono United Church. Reverend Wayne Wright of- ficiated and the organist was Mrs. Martha Farrow. The bride's arrivai was an- nouniced by the sound of bagpipes. She was pîped into the church by' her cousin, Kent Campbell, who also playeda slection of Scottish tunes when the happy couple emerged after the ceremony. The bride is the daughter of Jim and Joan Ard of R. R. 1, Orono and the groom 's parents are Levain and Ber- tha Fontaine of Richibucto, New Brunswick. .For her -wedding, Gwen chose a Victorian style gown of white satin. A high neckline of Schifli lace was enhanced by a bodice of ne- embroidered Alencon over satin. The sîceves were leg-o- mutton and the chapel train wvas bordered by re-embroidered Alencon lace. A fingertip veil of silk illusion was caught to a headpiece of pleated chiffon.' The bridiai bouquet was a delicate orchid cascade, with, wisps, of trailing ivy vine, comiplimented by portrait roses of soft candied peach. Touches of aqua blooms, baby's breath and sprigs of. stepanotis completed the ar- rangement.;1 Mary Gibb (Lowery). was matron of honour and the bridesmaids were Faye Fon- tainie (Stewart) and Evelyn Rosario (McLaren). They %oie Victorian style blouses of aqua polyester satin and formai skirts of teal green silk tafftet a featuring pleated cumbierbunds. Aqua col- oured blows trimmned with tuile illusion and tiny flowçrs to miatch their arrangements were wýorni in thieir hair. Their arranigemnents wvere dainty fe-owbouquets of petal peachi apple blossoms with a :omiplimentary peach orchid. accenited with tîny aqua tea rssanid babyv's breath. Gary F7ontain was his brother's best mani. Another broither, Yvon, was an usher along with a friend, Alistair Rosario." They were attired in black tuxedos and the groom in black fulI drests tails.. .Receiving the guests at the reception in Tyrone, the bride's mother wore a cocktail Iength gown in. fuchsia coloured chi ffoni. The groom's mother assîsted in a gown of dust ry rose organza. Prior to her wedding, the bride was honoured at showers given by co-workers, friends, communlity andj family. Gwen & Bert are now living in their home in Bowman- ville. A Future for Angea ... A Future for the War Amps And when there are no more War Amnputees? A question we are asked. and we have a vury god answer. Angela Cra:g s a memiber f urChldAmnpuItee Prgrým anid wears a special rovo electric arm iihand id e War Amps he!ped to provide. This kirnd of help. iand the miany progjrams we opeirte, wiil continue far into the future because when there are no longer War Amnpultees, we will becomne THE CANADIAN AMPUTEES FOUNDATION and will ConItinLue to offer children lke Angela everti hope fior the brightest future Ainp utees helping ampu tees. Our legacy wilI live on SWis Io 0cati us? Diai toit Iree: Metro Toronto residents: (416) 488-0600 Area Codes 519,613,705:1-800-268-8821 Ail oher codes: 1-800-26848917. The War Amputations 0f Canada la a registered charitable orgarrization operated on a nçn-prolii baste, under the conirol and direction entirely of OUr 0wfl membere. Shouid you wiah tuflher information please do flot heeiate to contact us. Charitable Insttution Registraton, number 0286831-09-13 Donation Addfess: War Amputations of Canada, Key Tag Service, 140 Merton Street, Toronto, Ontario M4S lAS W1NTARIOi i DRAWj Clarke, High School November 15, 1984 Tickets available at Mom's KitchenI * Sponsored by Newcastle & District Chamnber I 0of Commercei E* Admission $3.50 including Wintarîo Ticket COKE, or DIET COKE, SPRITE, DIET SPRITE, TAB JOV& plus 30c per btle deposit Soft Drinks 75OMIbottle 3 9 White Sugar 2 kg bag99 Product of Ontario, Canada No. 1 POTATOES 10 lb. bag m99 ROYAL ASSORTED. JeIIy ,rPowders 8gbx4.9 Assorted, Ready 10 serve Hiabitant Sus8Iztn99 Product of Ontario, Canada Fancy Sparan Aples 31b.bag &99 Chunk light in ail, in water or flaked 6.5-oz.. can C OR N IS H'S Phone.983-5201 Orono, Ontario Cloverleaf Tuna Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, October 31, 1984.3 ----------- «99

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