iflifrlaxa ir1oe- NOTICES If, you hiave questions ot conceruls about your unicialit, plese fel llret o l e uucat l ilier' 983-5505 or 983-5039, Diane Hamire, Countu. Ward 3, Toî fNewcast le. -WORK WANTED Will babysit luiny- home weekdays. Plenty of room. Cal983-554. t. f. Free E.ar Piercing- - Studs $5, Birthstones $7.50. Hoopers Jewýellery Ltd., 39 King St. W., Bowmanville -623-5747. 7,14,21 ,28,a.c. HELP WANTED Noone's Res.tauirant reqluires cook and waitress. App- ly in person. 983-9980. t .f. Pari-ime eekends, to cdean stal, barnl and feed hor-ses. Mui b le rliable and :onscientious, 14 years of' age,-or older. (Calevenlings Tr1illium Mras983-5980. 7,a. c. -COMING EVENTS Kenidal U.C.W. is holding is annual bazaar in Kenldal Chuýkrchi on Novemnber lth, 1984. Everyvone welcome. 7,a.c. ori ooMcal On wlîeik. those inîeriesîed iniieceivîing a hot ditîner îwo davsý a wcek phone 983-5702, Marlcie Nov. 21 - 8 p.m. Color Analysis Demonstration Orono United Church Main Hall. Tickets $2.50 available from Mrs. Bertha White 983-5415 and Mrs. Thelma Vagg 983-5613. Draws & Lunch. Proceeds to Mission & Service. 31,7, 14,a.p. A workshop to make Christmas wreaths and cen- trepiec:es will be held at the Orono Show case, Co- operative, Church and Park Streets, Orono on November 22nd and 28t h at 7:30 p.mn To iregister, send to Mrs. EHaine Hainecs, Box 223, Orono, LOB 1IMO by the l12th of Novembfler,$10 for flhe complete cost of thie course anid materials. 31,7,4,2l,a.c. "Sntitw'akes"' Water Colours by Mauree n Rem- into NîxmbrlOtit to 24the (inclusive). You are cor- dially iniîed to Ithe reception on Saturday lth November,ýi, 4 pmi.nî. 7 p.m. in the Audlitorium at Whit- byPltit i :1iiary, 405 Dundas Street WVesî, Whithy. M ui ll be by Joy\ and Fred Brooks. Oengho)urs: Mioniday to Friday 9:30 a.m. to 9 p.mi., Saîuridav, 9 a.mn. to 5 p.m. Closed Sutîdays. HWYCK1&5U O 0.CHATTERTON TRUCK AUTO Electrical Contracting - REPAIRS LTD. Pole Line Construction G~ PHOTO ITED Phione for appointment. Anniversýary, Wedding and Family Portraits in (Ur Studio, your lHomeý, or on Location. 78 King Si. W., Bowmanville 623-2404 PHON E 983-5546 or 983-5940 Orono, Ontario t: Phone 416-623-3393 Or-ono cail 983-9547 For promptcourteous efficient serice when )uying or sef1ng and for thle largesi selection of properties in the area. 234 KING ST. EAST DRESS IKE A MILLIONAIRE FOR $3.00 Shop at the Salvation Army Thrift. Store 35 Division Si., Bowmanville. Furniture needed. Pick uip service THURPSDAYS ONL Y - 623-3761. Clothing drop) box at Arrnstrong's IGA in (Orono. 24,7,21,5, 19,at.c. WANTED Hay, round or square bales, 983-5811. 31,7,a.c. ARTICLES FOR SALE Firewood for sale. Evnns 983-5980. 7, a.c. Franklin fireplace comlplete wýith screenl, eceClt condition. Phone 983-5382. 7,a.p. FOR SALE 1 rebhlHoney, Mild White H[oney. (Cet your i lnteî tîpvwhile supplies last. Binig yourowncotanes i hîîv un of ours - some 30 lbi. pails axailable. ARNo[TF'S, Main StrLeet, Orono (sign itire 983 1)372. Music by your hast SPARKY. Alil Types for Alil Occasions 983-9600 1~~ ré__ Call for a no tri foirration on plr 'rop t 'l I'area 9 87ô,- 4 7 33 62 3-44 451 Chris stapieton- Sales Representative 983-5093 IUM (a,1984 Cavalier type( 10 1iaîchhac:k, blue, 2 door auItoinatic, power steering, power braLkes, dfoseetc:. $7,8(X). Phone 983-5322. FOR RENT -3 bedr0oom apartment withl arg£e hack yard, suitable for small famniy. Phone 983-5817. 7, a. c. ýTHANK YOU He famnily of Marion Evans wish to express, their încere appreciation to rltvs friends, Antiock and Bowmanville nieighbotirs, and al organizations for floral tributes, sympathy cards and donations to charities during the bereavemient of' wife, mother, grandmioîher and sister. Thank you. C'olville & Don Ev\ans Date Sebu WV.A. Waddell -DEATH NOTICE BURLEY, Olive - At Memnorial Hospital, Bowmaniii- ville, on 'Wednesdlay, Oct. 3lst, 1984, Olive Burley of RR 1, Orono, in 8th year, beloved wife of C'larence BuIrley, dear aunt of Doreen Taylor of Beaver-toni, and Ken Witty of Nova Scotia, dear sister of' Janet Brady, Ruby Foskett, Hazel Mitchell, ail of London, Max 'Wit- ty of Beaverton, and Charlie Witty of Calgary. Service was held in the Morris Funieral C'hapel, 1Bowmiianv\ille, on Friday, Nov. 2nd. intermient Lakeview C (emietery, Newtonvilleý. 7,a. c. KENT1, Robert - A\t Memnorial Hospital, lomn ville, on Mlonday, Nov. 5ith, 1984, Robert Kent of'RR 1, Orono, in his 68th year, beloved husband of Marjorie, loved father of Marie (Mrs. Bill Tamiblyn), Carol (Mrs. Doug, Barrabaîl), Bill, Jamie, Brent and Girant, lovingly remnemrberedby his 20 grandchildren. Ser-vice was hield in thec Mor-ris Funieral Chape!, Bowmnanville, on Wednes- dayý, Nov. 71th. Cremnation. 7, a.c. (Continued page 9) Eteçtrtc-Arc and Acetylene Weiding KEN NEDY'S CUSTOM FABRICATIONS StnattIre,patrs custom tarm equîpment -ornarnen- taýýi raîings; specializes in customn built ornamen- Goveri nt Certitied Phone 983-9377 VtCometo ~ FRED' HA RVEST SAL E FREE Butternut Squash with $5 purchase Special 112 bushel (21 lb.) MAIACS & CORTLANDS 3.45 Cee.Grade 5.45 Fancy Grade SPARTAN & SPY FLEMISH BEAUTY & BARTLETT PEARS Squash - Tomatoes - Potatoes, WE MAKE THE BEST CIDER AT THIS TIME 0F YEAR FRUIT MARKET HWY.' 35 SOUTH 0F ORONO 98 03 -56 28 To AIl Cars and Trucks TOWING 983-9151 or 983-'91652 1 can sel[ your house. Plaegive me a cal for an appoint ment. l'il be happy to show - you any property at your conivenience. pat irwin lycett qw i Res. 983-9475 w7 m or 983-9605 Office 0ne.Or 9, 930( Bowtnanvt le 23-6000 .... ......... ....... ..... -lect ical