ve untveiled ut St. 'Siviour~s Anniverswry uouncil agrees on si*te for new town admnistrative centre Thne congregation of St. Saviour's Anglican Church at -~their iOOth anniversary on Sunday honoured the late John Breen through the rededication of their Parish Hall to now be known as thie -John Breen Parish Hall". His two children, Patricia and Mark, uinveiled the pla- quewhc will now be attach- ed Io the Parish Hall in his mlemlory. The 'Hall was r'ededicated by Ille ven. F. G. Ongley (left) assisted by the Rev. Allen E. Haldenby, Rector at St. SaioLir's A n glic ani Church, Orono. Thec Anniversary and uInveiling of the plaqule \were well attended with the Ven. Frederick G. Ongley, M.A., Archideacon Emneritus giving thesermon. Lunch was served foolow- ing the unveiling of the plua- qe in the John Breeni Parish Hall. *rono Uct te Published Every Wednesday Oron WeklyTims, ednesday, November 7, 1984 [ bappwùw~,., Clarke Libr-ary-Museum jiot to be designated A request from the Town of Newcastle Local Achïtec- tural Conservationi Advisory Committee to have the Clarke Library.-Museum building at the corner of Church and Centre Streets in Orono designated a historical building wvas turned dlownt by the Genreral Purpose commjttee of the Town on Mon- day. The request goes back to 1983 when the Town decided to contact the Newcastle Library Board as to their opinion which has been received in the negative. Thle Town somne weeks ago also turned aside a request for the designaion of the Orono Town, which also, had been re- quested by the LACAC committee. Reassesswient drops Town tax revenue On Monday Kathryn Campbell, *tr-easuirerI for the TowIl of Newcastle revealed that assessment re-adjustmrent made by the CouIrt of Appeal duinig the summier lias reduIced total tax revenue for the Town in the amnount of $125,000) of this amourut thirty percent would have been used directly by% the Town with the remainder to the Board of Education and the Regioni. She said she expects that the Town could loss a furt ber $ 180,000 ini total revenue as 30 cases have been appealed to a higher court. She felt also the Town could face further appeals in 1985 as residents becomne aware of somte of the adjustments. Quiet in Orono on Hallowe'en Il appears everything was quiet in Orono during the Hallowe'en celebrations with the younger children having a great time caling door to door in the Village. Some residenits, report upwards of 100 calling during the course of the evening. Not so quiet in the Brooklin area where $31,000 in tosses have been reported in fires which destroyed a vacant house and as welt damage to ant adjacent barn. No couint in loss has been placed on- the rorching of t\>(- other barniswhr loss was inimnal. -SNOWFLAKES" ai Whitby Library Show "Sowlkea show ýof water colours by Mur]eenýi Remington wvill be heuld fromi Novemnber lth to 24th. The public is invited to the reception on Saturday, November lOth front 4:00 to 7:00 p.m. in the Auidtorium- oftire Whitby Public Library, 405 DUndas Street W_, Whitby. Music by Fred andi Joy Brooks. Openin.g hours are: NMondayý to Fr1.idIay 9:30 a t 9 p.m., Saturday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Closed Sundays. ) NO uniis now for Bowmanville arena The General Pi-pose enm- tv ,tiidv ,; to the nmeed oft mi1:t tee of the Town oif Newcastle on Monday tabled any decision as to funding for a niewý Bowmanville Arena. It was suggested by thie Town Manlager that uantil thle Town had receivecd a feasibýi- ty S[luy s lo lie eeu 0 fil arena any fuinding proposaI would be premiature. There was little discuIssionI on the recoinmlen dat ion other than to approve the recoin- mendation., A recommiendation in a report J'rom the Town Ad- ministrator, David Johnston, developed into real action on Monday with the General Purpose con-mittee recomn- mending that 40 Temrperance Street and area west on Church Street being the, loca- tion for the TowIVs Ad- minstration headquarters. Further the committee rec- commencled that staff prepare costs and available funding for the planned renovation and expansion of the present Bowmnanville Town Hall for the ad- ministration building. The discussion came before committee through a report front the Town Ad- mninistrator, David Johnston, who had suggested that coun- cil that during 1985 council select a preferred site for a new administrative centre. Cotinc. Hubbard said she was preparcd to take action and spoke of Napanee and Trenton w,ýho have gone for- ward with expansions an>d renovations to provide suitabte municipal quarters. -We are in the Charles Dickens era, we have a disaster, you can't walk in the front door", shte said. Couinc. Hubbard said staff a-id departmnents should be under one roof and' we should be getting rid of a lot of our buildings in this municipality. "l'mi quite prepared to look at this in 1985, l'mn prepared to bite the bulet," she said. Mayor Rickard said he could support the recommen- dation and to look at a long range plan. He said Newcas- tle Hydro was about to, spend more money for new quarters than it would have cost to purchase the Pineridge lands somne years ago. Counc. Cowman said she was flot abouit to support the recommendation but would support that 40 Temperance Street be the location for the Town administrative center usng the property to the west which they owned. She pointed out that it ,vould take some time to get plans ready , well into 1985. Conce. Hamre said she agreed ai-d noted that the Town already had planýs f6r the renovations and addition to the present Town Hall in Bowmnanville. Ail that is needed is the budget, she said. On motion of Counces. Hlubbard and Cowman the 40 Temperance site was sup- ported by mrembers of count- cil. The Town does have an amount of some $547,000 in thie Administrative Improve- mient Reserve Fund. 11n 1981 the Town received a consultants report known a s the Diamond report in which a plan was set for-th ini renovating the prescrnt Bowm-anville Town Hall along with the addition of an office tower to be con- structed on Townt property directly west of the present town hall. This undiertaking would provide municipal of- fices, a community hall along with restoration of the out- side of the presenit hall. A price tag of $2,256,3W0 was attached to the plan for thre renovations and the addi- tion andwa then in 1982 dollars. li was estimated that for a sumn of two and a half million dollars furnishing and other necessities would cover the cost of providing new adequate municipal offices along wt the community hall. ,Stutt's Pharmnacy added a thley gIreetedi customners in the haàvc to say. Forbes, Wendy Stacey, Jim dash of l-allowe'en last traditioni of ilhe day. A Picturcd above Charlene Stutt and Susan Dennis. Wednesýday morning whenj refreshine greeting one wouild Bro-en f the