............. ..... Classified Ads (Coniinued front page 11) LOST One pair of prescription glasses Friday afternoon in front of Orono Timies. Phone 983-5173. * 14,a.p. THANK YOU The family of the late Robert Kent-wish to express sincere appreciation to relatives, friends, and neighbours for their many expressions of symparhy, acts of kindness, and for donations to the Bowmanville Memorial Hospital Building Fund and to the Cancer Society. Special thanks to Rev. Fred Milnes and Morris Funeral Chapel and to- Drs. Siemon, Shrives and Sachdeva and the nurses of the first floor Special Care Unit, Bowmanville Hospital. Sincere thanks to the Orono U.C.W. who prepared and served a lovely lunch. Marjorie Kent and family 14,a.c. CAREER TRAINING FREE 128 page Career Guide describes 200 correspondence Diploîna Courses. Start on your newý carecr today. Granton Institute (Depi. 5A) 263 Adelaide St. West, Toronto. 1-800l-268-1 121. ni'- LEARN INCOME TAX byý correspondence. Individual, Business and Far-m reurns. For Free Br)churje. No. obligatioýn. Write: U & R Tax Schools, 207-1345 Pembina Hy npg Man. R3T 2B6. n/c EARN EXTRA Iý NCOME!i, Learni to prepare tocome tax rettros by corr iespondence. Local franchise available. For detai1s Write: Tax Tîme Serv ices Liiîed, 1304 Spee'rs Rýd., Oakv ille, Ontario 1L6L 2X4. n/c tCOMING EELNT1s CLE ARINO ;IDU'STRL'ýý[ AUCT1ION. Saturday, November 17 10 a.rn. Feversham in llinig and .Farm EFquipmenî Landscnpîng and Con- tracting cquimn. One miile north of Hwy. No. 4; 7 mites west ol Hwy. 24; 10 miles east of wyM1. (519) 9-22-2532. flic WINSTONE AW,ýARDS. Sounids makethe difference, Casa Loma, November 26, 1984. L ong Jo)hn Baldry, Much More! We eai. For tickets (416) 665 8000 or BASS. n/c MISÉ. HOME VIDEO CATALOGUE. AIl tilles copyrightcd. Colourful boxes. Cal Toîl Free 1-800-663-6555 or write ON TRACK VISION, 13381 72nd Av., Surrey, B.C. V3W 2N5. n/c FOR SALE HOCKEY JACKETS - S16 UPl. Jerseys -$1J0 UP. Buy direct fromt the factory and save! Peter UpLon Jacket WVorks. Tol free 1-800-661-6461 for your free catalogue. n/c $ LOWEST PRICES EVER $ Surplus înventory by Quonset buil manufacturer being sold ai sacrifice prices, Woýn't be undersold! gimmicks. Serous onîy caîl (416) 663-53i3. WOOD & METAL WORKING MACHINES. Qualiiy Tools, Io prices. Bandsaws,' table saws, jointers, planers, retal/wood lai mnany more. Free Catalogue; Busy Bec Machine Tools Ltd., 18 Bas Rond, Concord. Ontario. L4K 1G6. Phone (416) 738-1292. FOR SALE FINALLY IT'S HERE .... The perfect Christmas gift for Ont travellers. "Big Red", the street atlas of Ontario, in compact b, forîn, conînins over 300 street guides to Ontario îowns and cities, mileage indicators and highway guide. "Big Red" isîhe Good Budc anyone who uses Ontario roadways. Order before Nov. 301h to in dclivery before Christmas. Get $350 worîh of street guides, aIl in compact library-sized book. Easy to rend, fits glove compartment for only $29.95 plus sales ta\ and $2 shippinig. Moniey back guarani m01 compleîely saisfied.,Caîl (416) 239-5553 or (416) 239-8405. Ci cards accepted. Or send cheque or niy order to: Mapte LeafN 4800 Dundas St., West, Islinglon, Ontario M9A 1IBI. PERSONAL MEET YOUR MATCH. For ail ages and unatached. Thousamd memibers anxious 10 meel you. Prestige Acquainlances. Caîl Toit I-800-263-6673, Hours: Noon 10 8 pi. ORIENTAL WOMEN seek literate courleous correspondence Canadians for language practice, friendshîp, or cuItuoral exchai Cherry Bl310os, Box 1021 AP, Honokas, Hawaii 96727. PETS IRISH WOL FHOUND Pups Reg. C.K.C. Champion sired. cînaîed, wonrmed, Gýuaranteed Healthy. (705) 382-6115. Show and toc k. BUSINESS OPPOR TUNITY $10000 SECOND INCOME. SelI high qualiîy dîstîters and filter for purifying waer inIi th roc. For more -nfomaion Waer-P-s yses,537 Brant St. Burlingin, Ontario L7R 2G6 (416) 639-050 CASH DAI LY! TURN $900 tonto $1,800 weekly with fast movînt CILusîVe un1ique produIIciithat people wanî. Companîy sponsors trait programns. Repen hsies.10%profit. Mr. Nash (416) 443-0379. AGNS, fuît or part lim. aIe/1-emaile. No seling requirt I'oteniai one olthte best aller mnarket car producîs,. New break thrc in ihiîic ouivLe field. A paitnîd Canadian product. High proftl clusive lerriory. $500 Stock învestmcent. No hassle rnoney lt guaranîcee. Caîl Mr. Harvey, (416) 636-9422. 3932 Chesswood1 Domwnisview (Toronto) Ont. M3J 2W6. CAR'.RItTRAINING, TRUC(KINGý (ARLER'S Job -traniîîg and Placemetîc-'Hi Aiiong Caiadas, top 10 wagc earnuîîg group. Phonte Mers On 's ticai branich. Toornto (416) 25l-9073. Ottawa (613) 523-3489. IIELP WANTED 1 REE SILMINAR. Saturday, November 17/84 1:30 p>i.. EtLOW RIBBON halui, ed! Mix and Match Ternio Bevragewsare, Store and Sçrvc ilents,, Gourmet Spices and table linens are part of our ex- liv lîne Invesigate ground Iloor opportunities. (Comision and muflti-level sale,. CARA INN, 62-57 Airport Rd., Mississaujga, Ontario. 1 4V I1E4 or ca[1 (519) 893-1600X. CARVEER TRAINING TRUCKIG CAR0RS1JOBTrainingand Placement -Hlelp. AmonigCanada's top 10 wýage carniniggroup. Phone Merv Orr', inearest branich. Camhridge (519) 623-24130, Toronto (416) 251-9073. n/c SALES AGENTS WANTED ENERGETIC LADIES \WANT'ED! Part or full time. Exciting in- corne, fulfiîing position maiking other wornen look and feel great. Be firt "SEASON'S" Certified Colour Consultant in your comniriy. Fantasîic for Christmas. Averaige $200 tu $400 per dlay. Incredible but Truc! A great opporîunity for the wonan rcady for it. For info and/or interview caîl NOW. Toit free 1-800-387-3939, Toronto (416) 449-5928. n/c FOR SALE $ SACRIFICE PRICE $ 3 straight wal ail-steel buildings being sold ai distress sale prices by local dealer. Brand new inventory, neyer been erected. Low Low Prices. Caîl Bob at (416) 221-7353. n/c BARN ROOFING & SIOING. 30 gauge galvanized and galva1lumed $41 per square. 30 gauge prepaintcd $5800. Minimum order 30 square. Custom Farm Matertal Sales. Laird MeKeen. (416) 779-3322. - HELP WANTED 32 bed HOSPITAL require full ttme ambulance atnat E.M.C.A. graduate. Duties include maIe nursing. Caîl Espanola Genecral Hospital, Espanola, Ontario, (705) 869-142o, DISTRICT MANAGER. We re i quire a capable person to hande matui orders in your towît. Staring îrnrniiiiedinîely, ovn vehlicleesenia.]lex penses paid, Plus prolit 1hailig. Write or cal (416) 48-5689. Consumers Home Servicýe. POn. Box 1324, Station A, Toronto, Ontýarjo M5W IG7. ilC FOR SALE FARMERS. Sprayed bret 'hene insulaton. Quality work aiWetr Ontario prtces. Certified applicators. Experienced in agriculturali rfit1 stoce 1975. Cali Wnrrnth losuintion. (613) 267-6711, Box 460), Perîh. Onl- tario K7H 3Gl. FANTASTIC SAVINGS PETIT GODIN STOVELS - Uitdquaity( -hautiful, enamelled. cast iron, CSAapproved, irîîghî wýoodstüves. At dealer cosi. Cal (613) 632-9281. Write Box 681, 1Iiawýkesbujry, Ontario K6A 2Y2. n/c rivater land woodlot markings ding John Broderick - Rice Lake lNo Unit Management Forester n/c Does your upland hard- wood Woodlot need manage- wesî ment? Do you kniow how thes, much you forest products are salîic Worth now', and in the future? To help answ'er these ques- taro tions, the Ministry of Natural b.7k Resources wil1 mark trees to with be cut in private woodlots at dy.of no cost to the landowner, as it[f Ministry staff Will mark oniy redit those trees which should be Sap, hiarvested now as saWlogs or n/c should be thinned f0 provide improved growth rates of the better quality trees. ds of After marking the Free WOOdlot, thte owrner Will be n/c providied wvith a summary - showing the number of trees with marked, and the estimated nge. boardfoot volume by species. The summary for fuelwood trees Will show the total Vac- esimated number of cords pet for ail species, and the estimated volume of nUc fuelwood contained in the sawlog tree tops. The kits ministry eau -also provide a urtry Checklist for Timber Sale 3. Contracts. This will assist the 11c - landowner and the family ex- lawyer in preparing a written ning agreement between the I an- downer and the, contractor. This should help to avoid un- ed. necessary damage to the îughx woodlot during harvesting, ack and will result in better Dr., growth and increased value n for sawlogs in the future. nc At the request of the Ian- el. downer, the Ministry of Natural.Resources will adver- tise the time for sale in the I/c monthly Regional Timber 5ervice Sale Notice. There is no cost C for this advertising service. T Logging contractors can con- T tact the own er directly to in- C sPect the timber and negotiate ifs purchase. It is the landowners responsibility to ensure that oîîly trees marked by ministry staff are harvested by the logging, con- tractor. For more information Ministry of Natural Resources office in Lindsay. 1-705-324-6121 -from Peterborough area 799-5201 -fromt Oshawa area 571-3211 Orono Weekly Tintes, Wednesday', Novemnber 14,1984-9 WEEELV TDIUb U i U iilU TELEPIIONE (416) 983-5301, P.O. BOX 209, ORONO, ONTARIO LOB Smi PRINTING AND PUBI.ISHING Roy C. Forrester KINSMEN ANNUAL TO0Y SALIE ORONO TOWN HALL FRIDAY and SATURDAY NOVEMBER 23-24 FRIDAY 6 to 9 - SATURDAY 9 to 2 Warehouse Prices - Brand Names VISA and MASTER CHARGE accepted NEW YEAR'S EVE DANCE TICKETS to be sold Saturday, November 24 at 9 a.n.. $45-00 a couple TENDER SEALED TENDERS, for the supply and delivery of the Petroleum Products listed below, addressed to the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle, Office of the Clerk, 40 Temperance St., Bowmanville, On- tario, LiC 3A6, wili be received in the envelope pro- vided until the specified closing timne and date. Tender Documents can be obtained from the Pur- chasing Office at the above address. Tender No. T84-22 -PETROLEUM PRODUCTS *Approx. 200,000 litres "Regular Leaded Gasoline" No. 2 Grade -Approx. 25,000 litres "Regular Unleaded Gasoline" -Approx. 250,000 litres "Diesel Fuel 011", No. i Grade Closing Time & Date: 12:00 Noon (Local Time), *uesday, November 27, 1984 The lowest or any tender not necessarily ac- cepted. Mr. D.M. Homeniuk, P.P. Pîirchasing and Supply Agent, Corporation of (lhe Town of Newcastle. -. Telephone: (416),623-3379 Ext. 67 Date of Publication: Novemnber 14, 1984 POÔ. No. A 1125 DURHAM EAST PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE ASSOCIATION Annual-Meeing, Election 0f Officers, And Election 0f Leadership Convention Delegates *T-WURSDAY, NOV. 22, 1984 *8 P.M. *COU RTICE SECONDARY SCHOOL (turn north at lights at Nîchiols Motors than turn left at next intersection) * GUEST SPEAKER THE HONOURABLE DENNIS TRIMBELL 1984 membershîp purchased prîor to October 8, 1984 or a 1983 memnber-, ship renewed prior to the meeting is necessary for voting privileges.