mu 1 imaim" . - _.., 'l' 111+w4ii, .... . ..... - - ïwffl Orono Weekly lim Ar ff ÀW ÀV Àifdu À vmtc M W£ WÂFÀFÀWÀ040À Âv NOTICES If you have questions or concernis about your municipality, please feel free to, call me at ether 983-5505 or 987-5039, Diane Hamre, Counc. Ward 3, Town of Newcastle. WORK WANTED Will babysit in my home weekdays. Plenty of room. Cail 983-5554. t . Free Ear Piercing - Studs $5, Birthstones $7.50. Hoopers Jewellery Ltd., 39 King St. W., Bownmanville -623-5747. 7,14,21 ,28,a.c. HELP WANTED Noone's Restaurant requires cook and waitress. App- ly in person. 983-9980. Part time nanny, Leskard area. Own transportation preferred. Please telephone 983-9796. 14,a. TRUCK & AUTO REPAIRS LTD. To Al Cars and Trucks TOWING 963-9151or 9~95 Phone for Anniversary, Wedding and Family Portraits in our Studio, your Home, or on Location. 78 King St. W., Bowmanville 623-2404 0. *CHATTERTON Electrical Contracting- Pole Line Construction PH-ONE 983-6546 or 983.5940 Orono, Ontario Phone 416-623-3393 Orono caIJ 983-9547 For promptx, courtéous, efficient service when buying or selling and for îhè larget,( selection of properties in thie area., 234 KING ST. EAST COMING EVENTS Heather Social Club Annual Bazaar and Tea, Satur- day, Decemnber lst - 2 p.m. in the Oddfellow Hall. 14,a.c. Orono Meals on Whecels. T hose interested in receiving a hot dinner two days a week phone 983-5702, Marlene Risebrough. t. f. Nov. 21 - 8 p.m. Color Analysis Demonstration Orono United Church Main Hall. Tickets $2.50 available fromn Mrs. Bertha White 983-5415 and Mrs. Thelma Vagg 983-5613. Draws & Lunch. Proceeds to -Mission & Service. 31,7,14,a.p. A workshop to make Christmras wreaths and cen- trepieces will be held at the Orono Showcase Co- operative, Church and Park Streets, Orono on Novemnber 22nd and 28th at 7:30 p.m. To register, send to Mrs. Elaine Haines, Box 223, Orono, LOB I MO by the I2th of November, $10.00 for the complete cost of the course and materials. 31,7,4,21 ,a.c. Orono Town Hall Christmas Craft Show Arts, ceramics, candles, rîce paper art, sewing & bake table, etc. Friday, Nov.. 16 2 - 9 p.m; Saturday, Nov. 17 10 - 5; Sunday, Nov. 18 12 - 5 p. m. 14,a.c. The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education Sehool Maintenance Person $10.16 per hour The Board requires a Maintenance Person for the Western Area Maintenance Shop~ near Bowman- ville. Minimum Gradte 1-2 education. Provincial Cer- tificate in one or more of the electrical, mechanical, and plumbing and heating trades. Ex- perience in building maintenance and related mechanical and electrical equipmnent. Ontario Classification G Driver's License. Applicants are required to complote the Board Ap- plication for employment form wvhich may be ob- tained at the Board Office at 834 D'Arcy Street in Cobourg, or by telephoning the Personnel Depart- ment at (416) 372-6871. Previous applicants need not reapply. Please -forward, complet ed application forms by Wednesday, Novemiber 28. 1984 to-: Personnel 'Department The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education P.O. Box 470, 834 D'Arcy Street North Cobourg, Ontario K9A 4L2 An Equal Opportunity Employer r o J Call for a no obligation evaluation of your home, acreage or farm or for information on properties in the area. 987-4733 623-4445. Chris Stapieton Sales Represenîative 983-5093 Town of Newcastle Publi, Libraries proudly presents., Tim Gosley Puppets production of THE UGLY DUCKLING. To t'ake place at the Orono Town Hall on Saturday, November 24, 2-3 p.m. Recommended for children of ail ages. Tickets are $2.50 each and may be picked up at the Bowmanville Library, the Newcastle Memorial Library or the Clarke (Orono) Library. For more information please call 623-7322. 14,21 ,a.c. Books and Crafts Books for ail ages and interests including an excep- tional collection of hardback and paperback books for children. Also, a fine selection of pottery, glass, silks, furs, toys, etc. At the ELVA REID GALLERY on Durham Rd. 9, 3 miles east of Kirby. Phone 983-9339. OPEN WED. through SUN, Il a.m. to 5 p.m. 14,21 ,28,a.c. NOTICES Orono Meals on Wheels Those interested in receiving a hot dinner two days a week phone 983-5702 Marlene Risebrough. 14,a. (Continued page 9) Music by your hast SPARKY Ail Types for Ail Occasions 983-9600 Electric-Arc and Acetylene Welding KENNEDY'S CUSTOM FABRICATIONS Small repairs - custom farm equipment - ornamen- ta[ railngs - specializes in custom built ornamen- tai gates Free Estimates Government Certif led Phonle 9839377' SCome to ~ FRED'S HAR"'V EST Q SA LE FREE Butternut Squash with $5 purchase Special 112 bushel (21 lb.) MACS & CORTLANDS 3.45 Cee Grade 5.45 Fancy Grade SPARTAN & SPY, FLEMISH BEAUTY & BARTLETT PEARS Squash - Tomatoes - Potatoes WE MAKE THE BEST CIDER AT THIS TIME 0F VEAR FRUIT MARKET HWY. 35 SOUTH 0F ORONO 983%*e m5628» 0 PHOTO fSlopI 1 can seli your houise. Please give me a cal for an appointment. V'il be happy to show - you any property at your convenience. Pat irwin lyCett Res. 983-9475 or 983-9605 Office Linoes: Orono 983-9300' Bowmranville 623-6000 ~1 iioni