Fund raisin g hits $1 million of $2. 7 million local fund raising At a reception on Monday evening the Expansion Fund cornrittee of Mernorial Hospital launc-hed' a carn- paign for local funding in a total of $2.7 million. The target board was unveiled by Deputy chair- -~an, Mrs. Diane Schwartz and Mayor Rickard. Mrs. Schwartz and Memnorial Foundation chairman, Tom Cowan, informed the gather- ing that $1 million had already been collected. Pictured above are: Bary McNamnee, honoiirary treasurer, Tom Cowan, Mrs. Schwartz, Richard Elston, hospital administrator and Mayor Garnet Rickard. Published Every Wednesday Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday,_oeer4,18 Orono man receiving Bicentennilal medai The Province of Ontario as a Bicentenniýîal project is honouring somne 1,984 On- tario re-sidents for their outstandîng coinmunity ser- vice across a wide field of in- terests. Ontýario Bicentennial Medals are to be presented on December 9th to the reci- pients. James M. Richards of R.R. 2 Orono received a letter recently fromn Premier Davis as one recipient of a Bîcentennial Medal. In speaking wtb Mr. Richards he stated he was quite surpris- ed, "after ail 1 bave been bugging the Province over conservation and preserva- tion for a good numnber of years. Mr.1 his great mIerest and wvork in. the promnotion of conserva- tion and preservation in the local area as well as other parts of the Province. The recipient has volunteered al bis spare time to the field of nature and dur- ing the past twenity years bas become well1 known for bis stand to save the Oshawva Se- cond Marsh and to now pres;erve its unique status througb rebabilitation. It is an unending battle as development conditions to put, pressure on the natural condition of the marsh but Richards continues to meet the challenges. The 'list of undertaking in the field of natural life is unending for Richards who has provided volunteer work at the Ontario Museurni and has been a contributor to many publications and works of his own throughout the years. He bias been a memnber of the local conservation authority anid is always ready A campalgn to raise $2.7 million locally for Memorial Hospital in Bowrnanville was launched Monday night by the Expansion Fund commit- tee at the Flying Duitchrnan Motel Hotel. The local ca- paign is to augment funding for the $5.8 million plans for upgrading and expanding of facilities at Memorial Hospital. Deputy chairman of the committee, Mrs. Diane M. Schwartz, R.R. 2 Orono, an- nounced at the gathering that already $1 million had been subscribed to the fund through donations of the Town of Newcastle, $300,000; Hospital Founda- tion $600,C00, Durharn Fast Junior Farmers $500: group of friends of Dr. McKenzie S6,000; Hospital Auxiliary, $20,0m; Knights of Colum- bus $1 ,150; Loyal Orange Lodge $300; Nurses Associa- tion, Local 160 $3,400; Rowmanville Rotary $10,000; $85 ,000 estate funds of Ralph Simpson and as well pledges from local service clubs such as Newcastle Lions Club $35,000. Mrs. S'chwartz noted that contributions and pledges as of Monday evening amounted to $1 million leav- ing $1 .7 still to be colle-cted from local and area businesses, organizations and individuals. The Province of Ontario is contributing- $3.1 million to the funding of the upgradîng and expansion plans. The brief reception cerernonies was chaired by Tom Cowan, chairman of the Memorial Hospital Board when Mayor Rickard and Mrs. Schwartz unve-iled the target board which will bc us- ed to record the progress of the fund raising carnpaigni. The Memnorial Hospital Expansion Fund committee is headed by Joseph A. Kraerner, R.R. 2 Oronio, who has a di1stinguished interna- ' career in the pulp and paper industry who has been president of Kruger Pulp and Paper Ltd., Montreal and who during World War Il served with the 83 Pathfinder Squandron of the RAF Bomber Comnmand. (Continued page 2) Sehool Board debate ends with no results The Northumnberland and Newcastle Board of Educa- tion in regular meeting, last Thursday evening at the Pines Senior Public School carne to a stalemate whien enideavouring to take some zaction on a request for infor- mation by the Ontario Public School Trustee's Association. The Trustee's Association were asking the board what affect was anticipated as to the increased funding for secondary education for the Separate School Boards. The Association is gathering in- formation in order to make a submnission to the provincial Commission on Planning and Implemrentation in respect to the Separate School increased provincial fundîng. The Ncorthtimberla.d and Newcastle Board of Educa- tion on Mo.-day night went nowhere in their deliberations and after three attempts did nothing as to replyîng to the request for informationý. A motion by Hal McKiight of Bowmianville to send a letter to the Association stating they wofful fot be replying to the request was even defeated. As to the request Trustee E. Creighiton asked that the matter be tabled stating that information as to the effect locally was only guess work (Cçontinued page 8) Orogno Remembrance Day Service at Cen okzph, î . ~ s?~ J James M. Richards an honour to have been chosen as one to receive the Bicentennial Medal whîch no doubt is being awarded for [ ~ap~luge * Ready for New Vears? The Great Pineridge Kinsmen Club wvill -have terNew Years' Eve Dance tickets on sale at their aninual1 Toy Sale being hield in the Orono Town Hall oîn November 23rd and 24th., The dance tickets will go on sale at 9:0 a.m. Saturday miormIng. First corne, first served. Price $45.W0 per couple. Professor Squàîir's Book, Soon Ready Accroding to Mrs. Lynn Lovekin the reprinting of the Professor Squaîr book ba's been completed and with the book now in the bindery de' y is expected within a few days, The Newcastle and District -ýistorical Society has undertaken the reprinting of the booka- a Bicentennial project and books are avalable frorn the Scey Denied second srey a d,ýitimn Kepneth and Flinc ackson of Mifl Street, Oront. have been denied theiraplcto to build a second storey adi- dition over a portion o hi existing dwelling-. The denial carne throughi the Com ce Adjustm-ent who pointe-d out that it appeareîd that re-. red, parking couId fot bc accorn- rnodated on the property,. The c-ommittee stated thiat the intent of the Zoning By-law could not be in keeping with the applica- tion of the variance bei-ng sought. The Orono Remeýmtrance Cenotapli was agarn well at- mnembers or the Legion, members of vartous organiza- Day Service at the local tended on Siinday with veterans, friends and tions in the Village.