2. 1.2 5.1 it'iS Dorothy Robinson, always held a great interest in selection of books available Orono, was one exhibitor at books and is librarian at the or gifts and educational pur- the Orono Town Hall annual Lockharts-Orono Public poses. Craft show last week-end school has ventured into a Mrs. Robinson is shown where she had on exhibit and business enterprise handling above viewing a selection for sale a fine of pre-sehool books for the pie-scholer. with Cindy Carscadden, a children's books. She does attend book parties sudent at Orono Public Mrs. Robinson, who has upon request and does have a school. Classiffied Ads (Continued fromn page 1l) THANK YOU 1 would like to thank everyone for supporting the Town Hall Christmas Craft Show again this year. Al the vendors for putting on a super display of Chrismas 2Gift items. Everyone who participated in any way to make the show a success. Special thank you to Glady Brown for playing the piano, Donna Adam and Bea Reid for hostessing and the Apple Blossomn Shop for the lovely flower arrangement. Eileen Stephens Orono Town Hall Board 21,a.c. -BIRTH ANNOUNCEMIENT WATSON - Charles & Mamnie are proud to announce the birth of their baby boy Andrew Charles, born Nov. 14/84 at 5:15 p.n. weighing 8 Ibs. 12 oz. at Oshawa General Hospital. Proud grandparents are Mvr. Bruce Yeo and Mrs. Ruth Yeo of Orono and Mr. Charles Wat- son and Mrs. June Watson of Haliburton. Many thanks to Dr. Beatty and staff at OshawaGenteral Hospital. 21,a. IN MEMORIAM SUTTON- In loving memory of a dear husband, father and grandfather, Reginald Sutton, who passed away November 25, 1976. Our thoughts are always with you, Your place no one can fui, In life we loved you dearly, In death we love you still. We know you walk beside us, And when our life is through, We pray that God will take our hands, And lead us straight to you. Sadly missed and lovingly remembered by his wife Frances and family. 21,ap. DEATH NOTICE BARLOW, Hartley H. - At Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville on Wednesday, November 14, 1984, Hartley Barlow, Orono, Ontario, beloved husband of Jo, dear father of Roger, Toronto and Bonnie, dear grandfather of Dan. Rested at home in Orono with service held from the Lang Chapel, Orono Cemetery, Friday, November 16, 1984. Interment Orono Cemetery. 21 ,a.c. CAREER TRAININC 1 kEU, 128 page Career Guide deseibes 200) correqpondence Diloma Courses. Siani on yoîîr new carceer oday. Graîîiîîîîii)iiiiiuîe (Depi. A) 263 Adehlde Sireci wsî. îîrîîîîî. -8(1(-268 1121.N SIR SANLI() t-îR>kîMiGÇ LE HalîblUi oiî ilo0le'i'i 1a 20 week Sawînill Maîîageisseiii Prograiiî sîaiîî Nîeiibi84sp 'red bY ilIse (anada iii~it.i. CgJ~. li li iiiiliîîio . -t, li ol i So uaîs t ifle i((7105) 457-1680- fl/C Budget- meets expecta tions (Continued from. page 1) the Bowmanville Minor Hockey Association this fal and revenue for the 1984-85 year were paid to the new association, ht was pointed out that an effort is being made to have the hockey an-d figure skating prlgr*ain nNewcastle vilage Operated by volunteer groups. There hias been a decline in enrolmient in Newcastle whiich ill1have an adverse affect on the net Operating position. The r eport states there were some cost savings at the' two outdloor pools this sumll- mer. The report also stated that there has been a slackening off on initerest in theNecs tde Fitness C-entre facithity and rentais hias declined to a level expected b)y staff. The Centre hias n.o w been operating for a period of four years. In summiiary the treasurer states the budg-et review ini- dicates tijat the budget is be- ing Weil controlled by the various departmnents and that there should be no areas of particular concern at the end of theyear. LIVES 1OCK FOR SALE L ARGE CLEARANCE and CONSIGNMENT AUCTLION, 1 rday, N-s.ip.i 23rd. 10il) ar. Approximalely 65 Tracior,, Caweranid 11 ruckk, Snow Blowers, C ombines and a large varieîy of al iypes ýoft new Mid used equipuieni Speua noie. T his is îur Aniiual Faîil Cleanl-up Sale feiu ing1La nîsîe1 o\w ol iac1rand farm equipnsni iliai wi11 be sold îoll înreeed an i[ld absolLluly (offhe highesi bidcier, a,; Iis illhe bcour lasi auijionrio) 1984,.ITinus C(ash or good cheque d ay nt sale. T rucking iiid Lunch albl.Trc orsobe sold'inside.Auiner.CI Gillberi, Doit lowler and Firîc D1i. x.aynle Ward Fatiim Eqipînienti, y SATIJRDAY, IDeccbr I Mcaii Auction (cente, 1indsay C on- sîgnînenîs wanîd.Sktdoos. larmn m1ac1hineyý, iracirsars, iruýk, con- ,iruciioii îîîachînerioos eceîo hce. ïT oiîîîtsigîxphone (705) 324-2783 or brîng io barn [by Noveisiber 24ih. n/i FOR SA LE PROFESSIONAI CANDLE Business Equîpmeîîît. Valuk $.50 Walccu i.Oiarîo N8A 4L5. 11MDI EDEL IVLRY ON HOCKEY .JERSEYS - l()1 T,.1B11 dieiiru aio rv anîd save! Peier Upioîi Jacket wroirî . CaIl 11î ice 00616461 li sotmiilie catalogue. S ROCK BOTTOM PRICEFS $ Three hrand nea qaonseî buildings ai supei prîces. (nte s 26 ,sl-2 wih 912 x 12 sliding door Iar $4,450. Ston lookîng! rhese ssoi'i f1st loîîî. Cal(416) 221-7353. STEEL BUILDINGS pre eîîgîneeried l-Beain Coîsirucîîoîî aîsidi or liîgibl oi flic lwei prce. Phonte solleci: Steel Spaît Buildings 416) 456-12(X). STFEEL BUI LDINCOS Mamiua,(cirsclearance. Ltmiiied quanitiies. Bus Nos. i Imîiediaie or ,pi iudlîver y. No inieresi iii siorage charges. Subsîaîîîîal discountîs duîrtng sle.(Caîl toîl free I-80-461-7689. (Area (ode 807' (aIl (7115) 335-5972.1 i/c BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY $10,0010 SECOND INCOME., Seil high quality distitllers and ilier iîi I'on parifI iîîg waî er iii ilie homne. For more inlorîsatiin water Purîty Syieîîîs. 537 Brantî S. Bulingitin, Ontario, L7R 3X6 (416) 639-0503, PERSONAL MEt-T YOUR MATCHI. For al ages and uaicid huassof fictmb)cî s aliotîsiii isîclci yol. Prestige Acqualiiîi suces. Call olinec I 81023-63 ours: Nooîî îo 8 pm.1 CARLER TRAINING IRUC R<ING C(ýAREERS. Job iraining anid placeîîîenî heip, Aiiîong Caîîada's top 10 ssage carîîîîîg' grup. Phione Mers On Cs neare,[imbaîîcls. Caîîubrd-e 519) 623-2411), lîronio (416) 251 9073. îî/c VIEI.P WANTELI)- '.KIZ 11.1,,TECINl'ICAI. MECHANIC, Class A NModerii ,elqipiiped hop, Scopeexpericnc- esseittial. Contiact Tîîwî anîd (Counir Aulo Sece Mukoa Lid. Poi (arlingiz 705)I765-5864 Dass; (705) 765-5618 FEseîîîîîgs. FOR SALE FRL : FTIue iiarîoCaîtoc (Gide, a 96 page book, wîîh ceryl-ea subserîption ici Comipass Rone "the bush traveller's niewsleir" Send $10.00 t0 Compass Rose, Box 215, Lanark, Ontario. KOG IKO. nie~ CARFEIRTRAINING 1 tUCKING CA'eREERS. Job \training and placetisenl help. Amsong i adî iop 1J0 wage eanlîîng roup'. Phoîse Mer, On 's ncaresi hralis.b. lotiîno (416) 251-1)(73. Oîw (613) 521-3489. i/c FOR 8SALe, 1 ARMi IZRS: pi aved Ili lieuii îulý î iîiii. Qu]a1Ii sw r i N's ei ii (lii4îi p cs.Cii liedîrapplîcaliors. EpneîcdIllrcu il ii il stice 9~.(tlI aî îîliîîsulaîiîîî. (611267-6711. o 6),PuO Cla Nei PC of t Presidt 983-964 Winniri - Bill L 1lst vic 987-525, Fisk 98/ Tomnlinî Viece Orqpno ,Neekly Times, Wednesday, November 21, 1984-9 3rke-983-5244; Sth Vice -Bonnie grk-e- CunVice-Glenda8-445erw*i1 Vicc-astle hewi wcastîe983-5046; 7th Vice -Pauline 4 ~ Storkes 987-4253; 8th Vice - en 85 Jack Russell 786-2735; 9[h Vice - Micheal Dengis licers 786-21154. ent - John Reid Directors: Les Reid 983-5424; 41; Secretary - Marsha Francis Jose 987-4789; Joan ig 983-5558; Treasurer Hodge 983-9402; John Mur- -ver, 987-4912. phy 786-2490; Orvîlle Chat- ce- Maryon Riley terton 983-5546; Kay Lycett 4; 2nd Vice - Elsie 983-9 405; Brian Caswvell ý7-5262; 3rd Vice - Bill 786-2465; Dave Watkins son 983-5803; 4th 983-9537; Wilda Johnson - Walter Stapletotu 987-4016. KINSMEN ANNUAL TO Y SAL E ANGLICIAN CHURCH HALL FRDYand SATURDAY NOVEMBER 23-24 FRIDAY 6 to 9 - SA-ýTURDAY 9 to 2 Warehouse Prices - Brand Names VISA and MASTER CHARGE accepted NEW YEAR'S EVE DANCE TICKETS to be sold Saturday, November 24 at 9 a.m.. $45.00 a couple NOTICE ANNIJAL PARKING PERMITS FOR WINTER TRAILS (Cross-Country Skiing and Snowmobiling) Are Now Available from thie Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority Annual Permit Fee $25.00 They may be purchased at the Authority of- fice at the northwest corner of the junction of Highways 28 & 401, Monday- Frîday 8-.30-4:30. Ladies Aqua-Fitness at the Town of Newcastle FITNESS CENTRE COST: $30MO for 10 - 1 hour sessions (includes 45 minutes water exercises and 15 minutes swim, sauna, whirlpool) REGISTRATION November 26 - 28, 1984 at Community Services office, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville LiC 3A6. 8:30 am 4:00 p. M. Mail-in registrations to the above address will also be accepted prioir to Novem ber 28th. Forms available at Fitness Centre & Community Servic es. CLASS TI MES: Tuesdays 9:15 - 10:15 a. m. (Starts Dec. 4) WVednesdays 8:00 - 9:00 p.m. (Starts Dec. 5) Thursdays 9:15 - 10:15 a. m. (Starts Dec. 6) Classes are iimited to twenty people so register now! For further information, call the Fitness Cen- tre at 623-3392. P.O. No. 1085 Date of Publication November 21st.