Orono) Weekiy Times. Wednesday, November 21, 1994-3 They had a dressup party' Orono-Lockharts Sehool News by Elaine Mole and Lauri Sokoljuk bn Thursday, Novemnber l5th, 1984, Mr. Eamies class had a supply teacher. Her nrarne is Mrs. Tremeer. Shie is a very fun teacher. WVe did reading and spelling- then it was indoor rece.ss 50 we played a garne called Hucýk'le Buikie Beanstock. First some people go out in thle hall and wait until sorniebody says you can cone back ini, during thiat timie sonebody lhas hidden somiething in thie classýroomn and thle people imusî find il. Mr. Witheridge hiad Mrs. Hillis as a supply teacher. We worked hard to compiete our math and readingl. She is, a very frienlyv teacher. MNr. Eames and Mr. Withieridge are attending an educationial conferenice in Tloronito. Last Thursýday we ad a great time ith MNrs. Hill. Shie is a fantasîic draina teacher. Jenny TenW'À,estenýienid hd fun doîng the miemory train- ing gamne using feelings. Mr. Eames' class enjoyed the mernory game on the sites of Ausîralia. Mrs. Ralfes' class hiad a bal îoo. We had a spectacuilar timie! ORONO CAMPUS NEWS by Danette Ward Gr. 5 Mr. Pheffer (Pfeffer) Mr. Phieffer visiled our grade 5 class on Nov. 15. He brought samples of evergreens for everyone. Mr. Phieffer works in the Oronoo reforestation. They ship trees, to people with 6 or more acres. He's been worKinig t here for 12 years. Right now threy, are spring lifting. Trees are beînig put in cold storage for- threinter. There are 5-8 million trees in the Orono reforestation area. by Tany ýTherteli GOr. 5 MR. STEPHENS MIr. Stephens has been teacingI for fiteen ye ars. He likes his job and( he says every day is different. He says teaching in, Orono is thie spice of his life. Mr. Stephiens teaches grade six. PYTBOWMALL HEARING OPENEII ON MONDAY The Ontario Municipal Board is conducting a hearing as to the proposed Pythbow Mail ai Baseline an~d Waverley Road in Bowmian- ville. The Town of Newcas- lie, Bowmianviiie Businessmien 's Association and the Bowmianviiie Mail are objecting to the proposai wAhile the Reg-ioni of Durharn and local unions are in sup- port of the mail. The hearing opened oni Moniday in the Newcastle Town Hall and is expected to carry on for a couple of weeks. Joins the Frank Mutei r team Kay WeatheraUl, a promi- nent Conservative living in Port Hope, second vice- president of the Ontaio PC Asýsociation and wllo had ac- cepted the position of vice- chairmnan of the PC Leader- ship Conv.-ention committee has resigned the later position 10 jomn the camnpaign team of Frank Miller who is seking the Conservative leadership. Miller is considered by many as the front runner in the race. It may be sorne time since Hallowe'en but then it was on Hallowe'en that the above picture was taken at the Orono Nursery School ai the Orono Unitedi Churcfr The children were ail dress- ed up and enjoying the event with their fellow students at the sch ool. I THIS COUPON ENTITLES BEA RER TO IFREE INSTALLATION AND FREE RENTAL TIL JAN. 1185 OF AN AQUA FINE. SO-L WAY Expires: NOV 25, 1984 Limit One Coupon Per Installation QUAFINE WATER REFINERS 51 Needham Street Lindsay, Ont. K9V 5E7 Jim Plumpton, Sales Rep 1-800-461-1 429 by Larry Solway Ready or not, here I corne 1 like good conversation. You iremember "conversa- lion." lt's what you gel wýhen people actually exchange ideas. My favourite c:onver*sa- tionalist is a cousin of myv wife's with a long and distinguished record of com- rnlty service as a psychiatrie social worker. When she talks 1 listen. When 1 talk she walks out of the room. Seriously lhough... For me there are two sets of ideas: mine and the ones not worth lisîening to. At làst that is the" iew of thousands who have lislened to or read what 1 have to say. ln spile of democracy, imost people get along best with people they agree with. The cousin says mny pro- blem is that 1 "challengýe" people too rnuch. Challenge turns people off. Makes lhen squirrn. Feel uncomifortable. Worst of ail, it makes themn defensive. When people are defensive they eîher gt ugly and aggressiv'e or sulflen and sulent. Whal is the alternaýtive? Accordinig 10 her il is, to find commioni ground and enlargeý it. She says il is important that you first listen carefuilly 10 what somieone is saying or) tryin.g to say. Try t es anlother personi's vaues nd ideas even bTefor e -eyv spoken. Having s eîhien you deliberalely avoid treading on them, you com- promise. In her terms, if she wvorks wilh a social delin- quent who refuses sçhool or- work or social responsibliîy she does not point out the er- ror of his ways. She tries to understand. The word is "ýempalhy." She says my problem is that rîght away 1 hold up the miirror and tell people where they wenl wrong. 1 lake another, person's, opinion, and if il &o-en't measure up i trash t. She says that everyone is enîtitled to a set of values, and however risdirected 1 may think îhey are, those values are precious, lhey must be understood and accepîed before they cýan be altered. 1 say i don't have the lime, the patienceë, or the luxury of waiting wýhile someone crawls out of the cave. So 1 arn back in prini again. t have a forum again. Archimnedes, the Greek mathemnatician-physicist- philosopher said: "Give me a place to stand and I can, move thle wrld."- He meant with a fuLlcrurnm placed in the right spot and a long enough han- die, youi couild make a lever that could nmove a weight as bigL as the world. Mvy "place to stand" is a 4iiumMaybe IL çan move somethinq. Enlough iphilosophy. If you have read this far you are curious beyond belief, or in- credulous, or guilible, or stuck with time on your hands, or for some mischievous reason in- terested. Challenge is my style. 1 challenge ail of us. Look around and ask questions. Be critîcal. Not mindlessly negative - Ihat is not truly critical. Critical means 10 develop the abiiity to digest information and to make judgements based on that in- formation. On fact. On research. On educaîed obser- vation. ',"Nol liking" something isn't good enough unless you can say why you don't like il. Thisfcolumn will be critical and it will challenge. Nothing will We too private or too sacred. It will challenge the mindlessness of "single issue", politics, attitudes o f education and educalors, religious zealots, town plan- ners, pet loyers, senior citizens, drivers, shoppers, diners, and drinkers, loyers, liars and louis. It will be local where it counits, natio nal where it hurts, international where it miaiters, personal where the shoc pinches. This mnay sornetimes be funny, sometimes fuirious. And if thîs; long and i mn -riing egnnn~asboréd vôu --i will be thie last tlme. 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