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Orono Weekly Times, 28 Nov 1984, p. 9

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Orono Weekl> Fîmies, Wednesday,, Novemnber 28, 1984. Classif ied Ads (Conhîntued from [lpe 11) FOR SALE $GUýARA-NT-EED BEST PRICES $ Manufacîui'er 0f Quonst buildings clearinig oui two odd sîZed buiildings up to 401'oiJeued. Sa- ,ce prices, first come 1f irst served. Dea!lifacory directi. Cal416) 4 .9.,n/ STEL BUILDINGS. ManOWufcuersCleararîce. L-imited quanta Buy Now, Iimmiediate or spring delivery. No initeresi or storage charl Substantial discount, during sale. Cail toi[lifee 1-800-461-7689. (A' Code 807 cal] (705) 335-597/2. "PENNYý-ROLLER" Wrap pennies, nickels, dimes and quart quickly and -asjly. One raps ail. Uses free bank wrappZrs.I postpaid. Senid cheque or mnoney order to Penny-Rouler 1rou ts. F Box 405, Fort Eric, Ont. L2A 5N2. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY on HOCKEY JERSEYS $10.00 ur. direct front the factory and save! Peter Upton Jacket Works. Cal free 1-800-661-6461 for your free catalogue. MONEY NEEDED WANTED high rtsk venture capital l'or Canadian National coq tion viewing international miarkets. Very lighl income potential, funding now. Cail Dan at (416) 673-0747. FOR SAILE HO0ME VIDEO Catalogue. Ail titlesý protected byl ýopy>right. Co frit boxe,. Cali toli free 1-8W0 663 6555 or Wýrite, On 1Trac.k Visio.n,1 72nd AeSurirey, B.C . V3W25 CAREER TRAINING TRUCK(IINGi CAREERS. Job, rinnad placement help). An Cantada's top 10 wýage earingii, group. Phoneiý Merv Orr's nershra Camrbridge (519) 623-2-430, Toronto (416)25903 BAIý4N R001FING li SII .3 auge gaKvamized and galvalu $41 per squIare. 30 gauge rpic d$80 Miimumiii orderi 30 s(i C'ustomj Farmi Mateial Sale,. L ard McKeKen (416) 779-3322. CAERFRAING TRUC KING ( ARýLRS. lob iftraînîng and placment help. An Cana1da's top, 10 wage earnîng, group. Phonec Mlerv (Orr's nearest bra 1oronto (416r25 1-90-73. Ortawýa <613)523-3489. FOR SA1ýLE FARMIERS: Sprayed Urethenie isato.Quality work at W.ý Ontario prices. Certifiedl applicators. Experiencedl in agricultural re silice 1975. Cail Warmith nlriation., (613)267-6711, Box 460, Perh, tario K7H 3G1l. CAREER TRAINING FREE 128 Page Career Guide describes 200 corries\pondence Dipl Courses. Start on your niew career today. <aranton lrtstitute (Dept. 263 Adelaide Street Weust Torono. 1-800-268-1121. BUDGET BLUES? ilep is available through Certificate Tax Ci ly corresponidenice. Free brochure. Write: U & R Tax Sehools, 207-1 Pemrbinia Hwy. Winnipeg, Mani. R3T 2B6. HELP WANTED PHARMACIST. Ontario licenised, fulîtime, benefits, high pres nion computerized pharmiacy. Apply in writing.- Coward Pharr Limnited, 143 Broadway, Tillsonburg, Ontario N4G 3P7. NEWXSPRINT WEB PRESSMIAN required imiiedliately. Experie Crew leader for HARRIS V15 or V25 WVeb Press. Splicer-equil $13.99/hiour plus shift differential. Aggressive growing company. celient conditions and benefits. Phone Terry, Westweb, Press, Edn ton (403) 962-6161. Are you premnaturely retired'?? Do vou wanî 10 get back into thev field? We are a newý Canadian Corporation lookig for mature pe with people experience Io hielp in the building ofl a corporation. For pointmrent phione Bine Maple PrýduIcts lic(. (416) 673-0747. HELP WANTED/SKILLED & TECHNICAL MECHANIC, Class A, Modemn weil equipped shop. Scnpe experi essentral. Contact -1own and C-ountfy Auto Serv ice (Mluskoka) Ltd.1 Carling (705), 765-5864 -Days; (705) 765-5618 Evenings. AUICTIONS ON1 ARIO'S Largest 1Farmn Machinery Consinent Sale, Non Ontario. Friday, Decembher 14, 1984 10 a.m. (Sales conducted sec Friday each mionth). Approximnately 150-175 tractors plus ail type, farm equiipmient. Consîgnntsn welcomne. For more information (519) 424-9998 or (519) 424-9093. Proprietors K.S. 1-amulecki & So LIVESIOCK AUCTION SHEEP AUCTION. Ail Femrale, Decembher 1, Markham Fairgrou I 450 bred ewes, somie close to lamrbtng. Dorset, Suffol k, Rorn (U.S. Im-ptirts), Lincoln and coloured ewes, plus good crossbreds.5 ing in lots I to 5. PERSONAL MEET YîOUR MATCH. For ail agLes and ujnattached. Thousatc miemrbers atrimous to mneet yOuI. Prestige Acquainitances. Cali Toîll )-800-263-6673. Hours: Noin 10 8 line AA>44-4 NVIRONMEN-r CUTS A TEP BACKWARIYS Th,ç new federal goverfi- ient has lost no lime in an- ouncing its priorities. And nivironmental protection oes ý .pear to be on the st. The details are just b ing Io emierge. But the:, direction seemns clear thec first round of pr cuts wthin Enviroi Canada and the Nï Resýearch Council. 1researeh and pntblic edU itics. rges. trea n/c rters, '5.95 P. 0. . Buy aII tol nc ,rpora- need, lour- 13381 ýmong ranch. umned quare. n /y. ýmong ranch. n/c 'estern trofit 4, On- The Chiristmas Seal Cam- paign takes on a seasonal look this Saturday (December 8th) as local Lung Associa- tion volunteers turn out in force for their annual "Holly Day" fundraiser. On Saturday, December 8th, fresh B.C. holly will be distributed at shopping mails in Oshawa, Bowmanville, Ajax, Pickering-, and Whitby. Port Perry volunteers will be Programs will disappear on April 1, 1985, in what is only the first phase of major reductions to the federal budget aimed at freeing the entrepreneurial zeal of Cana- dians tb spur- economnic recovery. The strongest blows to date have been dealt to the Cana- dian Wildlife Service. One third of its' scientists have been g-iven their walking papers. With (hem wlll go a, unique expertise and research effort that is world class and vital to our ability to track the circulation of poisons in our environment. In addi- lion,-across the country the axe hasalso fallen on wildlife interpretation centre s and a variety of research and rein- troduction programs for en- dangered species. Here in Ontario, the hemr- ing gulI egg research pro- gram, carrne dout on a n/c shoestring budget, and responsible for pointing out the presence of dioxins in the lomua Great Lakes, tops the list of 5A) casualties. Chopping - this -programt is akin to killing the ourse fabled canary whiich miners .1345 took underground Io warn (hemn of unseen dangers. We nc simply won't know the hazards We face. scrtp- Does ýail this sound 7macy somewhat familiar? It should., There are definite n/c parallels wih the eariy ac- enced lions of the Reagan ad- iped. ministration when it unleash- y. Ex- ed James Watt and Ann Bur- Imon- ford to attack the American n/c government's envromnental programs. work Whatever the Mulroney co0pIe r ap- government's motivation, it was flot elected with a man- n/c date to reduce the federal committment to environmen- rtc tal protection. Repeated public opinion polis show nc that a huge majority of Cana- dians favour stronger, not sc, weaker, efforts to dlean up 0f the environment. Canadians caîl do not- see environmenîal iri. quaîity as a non-essential n/c "service" that in any way unds blocks economiic recovery, as inney it has been described by one SeIl cabinet minister. Further- n/c mnore, a mamnmoth federal survey, sumnmarized in\ 1983 s of in The Importance of free Wildlife to Canadýans, revealed that wildlife ac- n/c ivities generate billions of dollars in consumer spending - every year. And the goverfi- ment has identified increased consumer spending as a prerequisite for economic growth. D The Mlulroney government was elected With a clear man- >eginin- date to increase co nsultation overaîl with Canadians about -fromi policies 10 guide the future of ogram our society. Yet there ha been mnment been no0 co0nsýýultaitio0n ational wvhatever "ýith the agencies key and nidividual citizens ef- catioti working through local banks, trust companies and grocery stores. The holly wili be available bagged for $2.00, or as loose sprigs dis tributed ini return for donations to the Christmas Seal Camnpaign. Durham Holly Day Chair- man, Margaret Couchi, is confident that funds raised this year will top the 1983 total. ý'This is the fourth year fected by the environmenîal cutbacks. No doubt, there are ways to improve the effi- ciency of federal programs and reduce public sector spending. But this round of hastily conceiv ed and damag- ing program cuts does not count as one. The other shoe will fall when the federal buldget is released in March of 1985. We have three months t0 convince the new governmen t that it wilI flot pay, economically or politically, to disregard our concern for a healthy en- irotiment. Start 'today by sending a letter to Prime Minister Mulroney and En- vîrofiment Minister Suizanne BIais-Grenier. Job Printing Cail the Orono Times 983-5301 Tennant Fuel A toms (Conîinued from page 7) Minnis unassisted. Orono's 6th goal was scored by Pal Flintoff from Trevor Lomax and Stephen Stadelmats. Scott McAllister scored unassisted for the 7th goal and Dustin Reid got the th goal assisted by Tyler Adey. The other players did a finle job, although not involved in the scoring, they were Chad Vandam and Robin Leth in goal, Ryan Rock, Scott Williams, Greg Hooper, Shane Jones and Brent Gates. On Saturday night in Orono, -the boys continued their fine play with a 7-I vic- tory over Bewdley. In the firsî period Seani McKenzie opened the scoring assised by Scott McAllister. Stephen Stadelman made it 2-0 assisîed by Greg Hooper and Trevor Lomax. Bewdley made iî 2-1 at the 3:49 mnark of the second period. Orono cha rged ahead ,ih three more goals fromn Dustin ReidJ assisted by Tyler Adey and Bradley Minnis;- Bradley Minnis scored assisted by Dustin Reid and Sean McKenzie got his second goal of the game assisted byv Scott McAllister. In the third period Orono added two more goals one byý Ryan Rock assisted by Dustin Reid and TylerAdy and the final goal of thige wiîh 33 seconds, remaining scoredl by Trevor Lomaxt ass"isîed by Greg HFooper. Final score Or-ono 7,'ewle I-cTam record 9 uwins, O losse's, 1 lie. Keeip opilie good ,wrkbos Holly Day in Durham Region Chrîstmnas which is becominga tnicreaismfgly "plastic". AliL funds raised on Holly Day wvill support local Lung Association programis, which aid vîclimis of asthma, ein- physemna and lung cancer. Advance orders can be takeB by calling 723-3151. Schedule of Fees: (1) For the first and second dog For a neutered or spayed dog <2) For the third dog (3> For the fourth and each additional dog $15-00 $8.00 $25.00 $50.0 1985 Dog Licences may be purchased at the following locations: 01) Town Hall, 40 Temperance Street, Bowvmanville (2) Animal Control Facility, Liberty Street South, Bowvmanville (3) Motor Vehicle Licence Office, 72 King Street Wlest, Bowmranville (4) Municipal Offices, Hampton (5) Hope's Variety, 15 King Street WVest,Nýewcastle Village (6) M & M Variety and Arcade, Main Street, Orono Daïte ()tfPuLI Wcation: November 28. 1984 David W. Oakes, B.A., A.M.CT., Town iCierk, 40 Temiperapce Street, Bownanville. Ontario LiC 3A6 File: 10.38.99. PO. No. A0339 we ave participated ini Holly Day" she says, -and each year public demand for our holy incereases". Fresh holly is the ideal Christmias decoration, withl its shiny leaves and brighit red bernies adding an authentie touch to an- Oiitario NEWCASTLE CHIROPRACTIC CLINIC Dr. Jtohannes Baarbe, D.C.,B.P.E.,B.Sc. CHIROPRACTOR 29 King St. WV. (formerty Bankof Commerce) Village of Newcastle Telephone 987-4600 SHOP NOW FOR BEST SELEGUON 0F ALL CLOGNFS and PERUMIES Somn at Real Sawîngs mm a . S», e PUBLIC NOTICE TO ITS CITIZENS DOG LICENCES 1985 1985 Dog Licences wiII go on sale December ist, 1984. Town of Newcastle By-Law No. 78-41, a By-law to provide for the icencing and regulating the keep- ing of dogs requires, in section 2 that: "the owner' of a dog in the Town of Newcastle shall purchase a dog licence for the current year."

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