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Orono Weekly Times, 5 Dec 1984, p. 13

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Classif ied Ads (Continued from page 11) FOR SALE Give a gift that finds money! Fun and profit for young and old begins with a GARRET METAL DETECTOR! For free buyer's guide or nearest dealer contact: Canadian Meta Locators, R.R. 5, Waterford, NOE 1 Y0 (519) 443-5193. n/c inunediate deivery on HOCKEY JERSEYS - $10 up. Buy direct front thse factory and save! Peter Upton Jacket Works. Cati toit free 1-800-661-6461 for your free cataogue. n/c STEEL BUILDINGS. Manufacturera ceaiÏance. Limnited quantities. Buy NOW. Immediate or sprmng deivery no interest or storage charges. Substmntiai discounts during sale. Cai toit free 1-800-461-7689. (Area code 807 cati (705) 335-5972. n/c S OVERSTOCKED MUST SELL $ Quonset buildings avaitlable at remendous savings. Limnited quantities. Manufacturer overstocked. NO REASONABLE OFFER REFIJSED. Spring or Fali defivery. Won't be unçersold. Cati (416) 486-1807. n/c An Atlas ati ast. Tihe perfect Chrismas glft for Ontario travellers. "BIG RED" the street atlas of Ontario in compact book fonts. Contains over 300 street guides of Ontario towns and cities with mleage indicators and highway guide. Big Red is the "Good Buddy" of anyone who uses Ontario roadways. Order before December 18 to enisure deivery before Christmas. We wili ship by courier. Get $350 worth of srcet guides, ail in one compact ibrary sized book. Easy to read, lits giove compartment. Atl for onty 529.95 ptus sales tax and $2 shipping. Money back guarantee if flot compieteiy satisfied. Cati (416) 239-5553 or (416) 239-845. Credit cards accepted or send cheque or Money Order tcs Mapie Leaf Map, 4800) Dundas Stret West, lslington, Ontario. M9A t Bt n/c Amazing New Dilon MK 111 GAS WELDING TORCH. Weids and cuts Atuminum, Staintess Cast mron and alt mifd steets. Fantastic new design saves 50% fuel easity and sharply reduces slag and oxidization. A better torch and we can prove it. M.R.B. Dist. Box 33, R.R. 2, Frankford, Ontario 1<0K 2C0 (613) 962-9717. n/c HOME VIDEO CATALOGUE. AIl tities protected by copyril Cotourful boxes. Cati 1011 frcc, 1-800-663-6555 or writc, On Track sion, 13381 72nd Ave., Surrey, B.C. kVi- n/c Fi-. years the argument has been advanced that west coast Canadians of Japanese extraction were intern- ed during the Second World War because our political leaders at the time believed they were a threat to this country's security. 1 have neyer bought the security argument. 1 have talked to too many of the people who wvere interned. Some people have suggested reasonably that 1 wvouldn't be so critical of the King government if 1 had any idea how worried w/e were about a Japanese inva- sion in the months wvhich followed Pearl Harbour. Others have ranted awvay at me about the wily Orien- tal, their belief that -aIl these Canadians they chose to refer to as Japanese were subversive, and their suspi- cion that most of them could hardly wvait to help the Imperial Japanese forces land on these shores and put us in thumbscrews. Those last arguments, in particular, have always been long on vitriol and short on evidence. If there WERE spies among the Canadian Japanese who were intern- ed, wvhy wvere there no records ? 1 found it hard to believe that the vast majority of those interned were not wvhat they appeared to be - hard-working, thrifty, gifted people who were a wvelcome addition to a coun- try founded on those very virtues. And, finally, thanks to the Freedomr of Information Act, wve have a paper pre «pared by the National Associa- tion of Japanese Canadians, replete wvith references to government documents of the day, wvhich PROVES that the Canadian Japanese were NOT a security threat, and that the King government knew it. The RCMP, the Ar- my and the Navy repeatedly told the government that the Japanese Canadians constituted not the slightest menace to national security, and that the real threat to security was posed by a handful of west coast bigots who wvould be downright dangerous if they continued unchecked. The new evidence indicates that the real reason for the interniment was to satisfy this vocal minority. A minority which one federal civil servant described at the time as "Nazi" and "evil." The question of compensation is not easy. For one thing, even the econornic losses, wvhen one considers inflation and forty years of interest, would be difficuît to estimate. And it would be impossible to compensate for the suffering and the psychological carnage that in- terniment created. But in a free society, there should be no debate wvhatsoever about a ful and officiaI apology for every survivor and every descendant of Canadians who Iost theiL nr1gts i id their property in a- n .hoty soasm of bigotrv. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY EASY MONEYI Earn extra money as a part-time Regal Represen- tative. For your FREE Gift Catalogue write REGAL, 939 Eginton Ave. E., Dept. 638, Toronto, M4G 2L6. n/c PERSONAL MEET YOUR MATCH. For aIt ages and unattached. Thousands of memnbers anxious to meet you. Prestige Acquaintances. Cati toil free 1-800-263-9163. Hours: Noon to 8 p.m. n/c CAREER TRtAINING TRUCKING CAREERS. Job training and placement hetp. Among Canada's top 10 wage earning group. Phone Merv Orr's nearest branch. Cambridge (519)623-2430, Toronto (416)251-9073. n/c CAREER TRAINING TRUCKING CAREERS. Job training and placement help. Among Canada's top 10 wage earning group. Phone Merv Orr's nearest branch. Toronto (416)251-9073, Ottawa (613)523-3489. n/c COMIING EVENTS MIDWAY MARKET. Kingson's iargest collection of Arts, Cral'ts and Antiques under one roof. Open 9:30 to 5 every Sunday at the Frontenac Mai., Dial (6t13)547-2322. n/c FOR SALE Skjdding winches, FARMI, 3ph - P T O Driven. 165 ft. cables, for ail tractors. Log Spitters homeowner/commerciat disributcd by Monette Sales, Carleton Place, K7C2E4, (613)257-1661. n/C FARMERS: Sprayed Urethene insulation. Quaiity work at Western Ontario prices. Certified applicators. Experienccd in agricultural retrofit since 1975. Cali Warmth Insulation. (613)267-6711, Box 460, Perth, On- tario K7H 3G1. Straiglit talk on turkey The cavity of a turkey is an ideal place for hacterial growth; play it safle this Christmias and follow these tips when preparing, cooking and storing your Christmas, turkey, says Monica Beau- mont, foods and nutrition specialist with the Ontario Ministry of Agricultuire and Food"s rural organizations and services hranch. Thaw turkey i the refriger- ator or in cold wate+. Allowv 10 hours per kilogram (fiv e hours per pound) to thaw the bird in the refrigerator or two hours per kg (onle hour per lb.,)in cold water. If you must thaw your turkey at room temperatuire, j place the bird i its original wrap in a heavy brown paper bag, a covered cooler or wrap turkey i a towel; this will keep the surface cold while the in- terior thaws - reducing the chances of bacterial strowth. Allow three hours per kg (1-1/2 hours per lb.)I. Once thawed, refrigerate and cook within 24, hours. Neyer leave the thawed turkey sitting at room temper- ature, she says. Always stuff your turkey juist Meore cooking and nieyer rôast\your turkey at a temperature lower than 150 degrees Celsius (300 degrees Fahrenheit >. Use a meat thermnometer to check if the turkey is done. The thermiometer should register 70 degrees C 1W degrees F I in the stuffing. and 85 degrees C (185 degrees F in the thigh of ani unstuffed turkey. If a meat thermiometer is unavailable, use the following chart as a guideline: three kgr (seven lb.) turkey - cook for 3-1/2 hrs. to 4-1/4, hrs.; four kg (nine lb).j turkey - cook4- for four hrs. to 4-/hs;five kg 011 lb.> turkey - cook for -1/2 hrs. to 5-1/4 h rs.; sev en kg (15 lb.) turkey - cook for 5-1/4 hrs. to six hirs.; nine kg (290 lb.)I tu rkey - cook for 5-3/4 hri. to 6-1/2 hrs.; Il kg (24 lb.) turkey - cook for 6-1/4 hrs. to seven hirs. The turkey is done when the juices run clear and the drumstick mova's Pasily. Neyer partially cook a turkey one day and complete cookiug the next because this' will encourage hacterial growth, Beaumont says. After serving, always remnove the-stuffing from the turkey and the cooked mneat from the bones. Refrigerate for three to four days or f reeze for up to one month. 9O0% job placement from Durham Col. Durham College reports excellent results in the place- ment of 1984 graduates. Over 90% of the 1984 graduates have obtained employmnent, and 81 % of the placements were in jobs related to a College course of study. This represents a 9% im- provement over the situation existing at this time last year, It is alIso a 1607 improvement in placements related to a College course of study. A divisional breakdown in regard to placement for the 1984 graduates shows that 86% of Business students, 89% of Applied Arts students, 90% of Technology students and 97% of Health Science students have obtain- of Student Affairs, com- pliments the Placement Of-~ ficer, Les Lear, and his staff for the improvemnent in the employment situation for graduates. He said that during the past year the College has in- crease its promotion of graduates to industrv. ami bas provided additional in. class time for students con- cerning the job search pro- cess-.-Excellent -initiative bas been shown by the graduates in "marketing" themselves to prospective employers. Mel Garland, Durham Col- lege President, is very pleased with the 1984 placement record, and emphasizes that the graduate employment results have hen achieved in, spite of a tight job tn-a!Itët. Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, December 5, 1984-13 Rmeceives Alzheimer Society Award. Evelyn Day and Tom Wilson, Board members representing the Alzheimer's Society of Durham Region, have presented a special award to a Durham College student specializing in geron- tology. The award of $200 was presented Wednesday, November 21, to Doris Ax- ford of Hamnpton, who is i her third year of the College's extension program in geron- tology. The award was given i recognition of the effort and interest shown by Doris i the area of field placement, and ber excellent progress, throughout the tbree years of lier programn. This award will be miade each year at this time during National Alzheimer Awareness Week, which br- ings attention to the nature of the disease and efforts being made to alleviate its effects on the familles and those who care for affected patients. NEWCASTLE CHIROPRACTIC CLINIC Dr. Johannes Baarbe, D.C.,B.P.E.,B.Sc. CHIROPRACTOR >29 King St. W. (formerly Bank of Commerce) Village of Newcastle Telephone 987-4600 Te dre rain f h MUNICIPAL GRANTS Alil organîzations seeking a grant f rom the Cor- poration of thle Town ft Nffewcstle~ for.-heir ac- tivities during 1985 mustsubmit a completed ap- plicat ion form to the office of, the Treasurer on or before DECEMBER 17, 1984. Application forms avici copies of the Municipal Grants Policy are avalable at the municipal o>f- f ices of the Corporation of theTown of Newcastle at 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanyille. Kathryn A. Campbell, C.A., B.CQrnm., Treesurer Date of publication. December 5, 1984 P.O. No. A1034 PUBLIC NOTICE REGULATIONS FOR WINTER SEASON Area Residents are hereby advised of the Privin- cial and Municipal Regulations applicable to the winter season, as follows: The Highway Traffic Act <R.S.O. 1980>: Section 147 (l0) rohibits the parkina of vehicles on any highway in such a manner as to interfere with the movement of traffic or the clearing of snow from the highway. Section 147 (13) provides the authority for the removal of any vehicle, at the owner's expense, found to be causing an obstr'uction on a $hghwey.- Section 157 prohibits the deDositing of snow or ice on a public roadway. By-Law 79-1 Town osf rNewcastle: Section 5(i) prohibits the parking of vehicles on any highway for a period of longer than three (3> hou rs, and is also applicable to over-night parking on any road under the jurisdiction of the Town of Newcastle. m-t, R.G. Dupuis, P. Eng., Director of Public Works, Town of Newcastle, HAMPTON, Ontario. LOB iJO Date of Publication: Decerrber 5, 984 ~OrNo~0O~i -I ýight - 1% r

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