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Orono Weekly Times, 12 Dec 1984, p. 10

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lOONoeekly Iîme, WeNC(jesda%, Dl)eeber 12,1984 Donates to Ethiopia Relief Fire Department Christmas Message lronically, there is an in- crease in homne fires, and related datsduring the traditionally joyouis Christmas Seasoni, dure to the age old problem o f carelessness and to the built- in fire hazards as.sociated withChrisýtmias decorations. Make sure Christmias ighits and electrically lit decora- lions are carefuilly checked for wýorn insulators, broken plugs or loose bulb sockets. Replace any damiaged or worrt equipmient wvith new Canadian Standard Associa- tion *:erîified and teted elec- trical equipmnent. Switch off the tree lighits at bedtîme or when leaving- the house. Do flot allow the tree to block ac- cess to doors or windows in the event of a f'ire and be sure 10 have a f'ire extinguiýsher at hand. While a smnoke alarmn won't prevent or ex\tinguishi fires, in yourhomne, il can save lives, and prevent injury. It makes *ageat, long lasting, useful gifti. Please exercise special care in ail 1.\oLir Christmas preparations activities. Remember, "Your Fire Department Says" the best gift at Chriistmnas is a Fire Saf'e Home. J. Aldridge, Fire Chiief Town residen ts receive Bicentennial medals George Ashe, NI.P . Durham West, on behiaif of' thý gm ernment of' Ontario did on December 9th aIt he Michael Starr Building, in Osaapresenit seventy-e Ontario Bicent(enniial Medals I0 recipients who had been Ch1osCn lrom Durh1am land 01 her suMrrunIng areas suChI asý M anIýeris anild Os Towmnish ips. ThIe medals werc given in r~C:ognitionI of service Io the community by thle recipienîs and is a tokeni of appreciation whichi Ontariolanis feel for these special people. Thlio se rec e iv inglLthlie Bicentennial Medals fromi the Towni of Newcastle were: MIr. Doug- Dewell, Mrs. Kathy Grundy, Mrs. Joan Higgin- soni, Mr. David Lawson, Mrs. Pat MacDonnell, Mr. James M. Richards, Mr. Reg. Roberts and Mrs. Marion Wiseman. Recipients from Manvers Township were. Mr. Curtis McKay and MissKathleen W. Morton. Oshawa was repreýented by: Mrs. M. Baxter, Mr. Jan Drygala, Mr. Ronald Guiiltinian, Mr. Armlour Hani- na, MIr. Terence Kelly, Mr. Jimi Kinilin, Mrs. Jeani Regim- bal, Mrs. Mlaryanne Sholdra, Mr. Melville Smith, Mr. Abe Taylor, Mr. David Thomrp- snMr.Lynn 1Tomiflinson, Mr. Do-uglIas Turner and Mrs Mary Heclen Wasik. Danny Colvn, prime mîinister at CJlarke High school presents a cheque in the amouint of $30000x to Mr. Bastian Reisch whlich is to be turned over to the Cantadiant Red Cross fior uselfor Etiod- pian Relief'. The fstudents ai the school raised $150.(X) through a re- Providing $359, 199 to Hospital Fund Through negotiations wh'Iich started last faîl bet- ween Memorial Hospital, the Town of Newcastle and On- tario Hydro, the Memorial Hospital foundation is 10 receive over the next two years a sum of $359,199 towards the expansion and Orono Garbage cost revîew (Continued from page 9) through the Town for garbage collection. Counc. Cowman then refer red to the costs in Courtice where gar 'bage costs $78.00 and hydro, costs are 26 per- cent more than in other built up areas of the Town. Conce. Taylor said if ser- vices were comparable then charges should be com- parable. He commented that council had brought street ighting mbt line whereby if service is equitable then charges are thre saine throughout specified areas. He said if charges can corne under a common rate then it possibly would be time to consider expanson of gar- bage services to other areas in the Tow.%i Couine. Woodyard said be would vote for the miotion but said Bowmianville should be left out Of thle reviewý for therie wsno reason t0 drag Bowmi-anv\ille imo the issue. Kathlrynl Camlpbell, tr-easurer, pointed out 10 council that the 2onîraci was set on a unit0 Prlce bult the charg-e t0 residents was thien establishied as a mill rate uis- ing the actual assessm-enti in eachi ot the ilhree areas. renovations, of the hospital in Bowmanville. Counicil on Monday gave their stamip of approval to a recommiendation from rthe- Newcastle Hlydro Laision cormmittee for the mnonies which will come fromn Station A and Station B aCCOuIntS hydro bas with the Towni. AIl paties have g-iven their approval of a transfer of $135,000 from th<e "A" ac- count which mnonies are t0 supply a special operating room and treainment centre at the hospital which bas been requested by Ontario Hydro. Hydro asked for the develop- ment of the area which couîd be used as a casualty recce- tion area for nuclear con- taminated patients fromi the Darlington site. Agreement was also reach- ed lin that the Town and, Hydro have authorized the release -of $224,1 99.00 from the "9" acount which is be- ing paid to the Foundation in Employment conditions Osha wa area DECEMBER 5, 1984 The number of -clients unemployed and registered for work at the Canada Employment Centres in Ajax, Whitby and Oshawa for the ,month of November totalled 17,287. Placements in the three of- fcstotailledl 1,196 for the n11onth, which compares t' o a total of' 680 1) m<ndur- cent dance with the Students' Council adding a further $150(> to the fund bringing- the total îo $300.00. two sums, $124,199.00 in 19 85,and u r urihe r $l0,00 r0in 1986. Thte amont)t of q'these itunds \were determninated throug,-h what was feit the impact he Dari- ington developmnent wýould have on the hospital. M'emial dHospitalsbit ted ail pertinent informa.tion on] which to base the impact judgemieni and suIpport also camie fromi the Durha ri Region Healt Council who stated in a letter that they were pieased that the hospital lias d-ieveloped ils plans to in- clude thleir- reconimmend ationis. They wýere pleased with the chronic care extension from the present 15 beds to 31) beds and did state that foliowing the completion of the Ajax and Pickering- Hospital pru- jecî and that ai Dr. J.O. Rud- dy ini Whitby that the Memorial project was strong- Iy supported by the Council with the Ministry of Health. The Health Council said the Darlinglon project, among other factors, did give impetus to the Ministry t0 ap- prove the projeci last year br- inging forth the liming by three years. ing October. The majority of clients were registered in Material Handling and related; Construction Trades; Produet Fabricating, Assembling and Repairing; Sales; Service; Clet ical and related. In November, 31 new trainees started in Industrial Training Programs; 10 on the job training and 21 appren- lices, al a cost of $ 149,300. These people will benefit from both training and employment in the Region of Durham. Ati the end ofl Noveýmber. there were 216 tudents, in the skill courses sponsored by the Canada Employment Centre and 52 people receiving academic t--pgrading al Durhlam College. Buy your Ioved ones a valuable gift Ibis Christmas -- a gift of FITNESS! Whether you pick up aten-swim pass as astockinig stuffer or asquash or pool membership, your special gift will provide that special person with hours of fun and fitness. Buy now and save aIt our 1984 rates

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