4 ~ s 12-Orono Weekly limes, Wednesday, D)ecember 12, 1984 Everyone enjoys a hay ride Sale of Tyrone Hall put on council 'hold'- The hay rides as part of Iast niumber of trîps ta get of many features of the week. prizes of $25.0n. Cbildren's weeks Oronio Downtown everyone around the route i n- Put yaur name in the draw free movie Saturday in the Business Association promo- ta the Tree N ursery and back which continues downtown ýOrono Town Hall at 2:00 ion was mare papular than to the Town Hall. this week with a further four P. M. usual and it required a The hay rides were but one Council of the Town -of Newcastle on Monday placed on hold the sale of the oId Tyrone Hall to the Orange Lodge following a presenta- tion ta council by a represen- tative of the Tyrone corn- mnunity Hall board and a peti- tion carrying 185 names who opposed the sale of the hall ta the Lodge as recommended by the General Purpose corn- mit tee a week ago. Mr. Hamilton, speaking of behalf of the new Tyrone Hall Community Centre Board, who have been operating both the old Hall and the new Community Centre, said the community was opposed ta the sale and that upon such action council and the Town would have no control over the future of the hall. He also said the new community Centre board was wîlling ta provide funds ta fix' Up the oId Hall and said th-e Lodge who were unable ýo pay a monthly rent of $2W0.00 for the building would flot have sufficient funds ta make capital im- proven if-toTffe -,ui1idin-g. 11 .A motion by Councs. Taylor and Ann Cowman, who bath sit on the Hall Board gained the support of the majority of counicil ta have the miatter referred for anc month and that a staff report corne back ta counicil with ail information pertain- ing ta the aid hall and developmnents that have taken place over the years. Caun- cillor Woodyard and Major Rickard supported the mo- tiont with Councillors Hamnre, Hobbs and Hubbard voting against the motion. 1It has been determined the hall has deficiencies which will cost $l500.0O ta correct and some members of council believe this should not be sad- dled upon taxpayers and it warrants the sale of the building ta the Lodge. There were charges and counter charges as ta com- munication over the sale and Hamilton said the board did not know until Friday that the recommendation taselI ta the Lodge had been made.