Orono Weekly 'limes, Wednesday, Decembher 12, 1984-3 More visitors for Sanla l'rom Durhtam Chýrisian -Iigli Shooliý Grade Twtv;Velvers write nuclear arms hearing We, the grade twelve students of Durhamn Chris- tian High School wrote a sub- mission to the nutclear a-ims hearings. sponsored by the Inter-Faith Group. The Inter- Faiîh Group being a Toronto based group representing several major denomninations in Canada. The-hear ings wer e a forum of discussing, especially the moral issues of' Nuclear Armsý and Nuclear Powers. Thie Hearings were also gîven so that the public would be further aware of' what is happening with nuclear ai-ms. As a class we discussed nuclear ai-ms in variou,, ways and wrote do wni the knowledge we gcained fromi our studies then put it in the foim of a paper that isshw below. We were asked to corne to the hearings in Toronto to discuss our paper with several panelists who asked us some questions on oui- submîssion. As a class we found it a vei-y knowedge and memoriable experience. As Christian young- people we are concerned withi what is going on with rnclear ai-ms and its effeet on the human race. So we have writteni this paper showing oui- viewN. SUBMISSION TO THE NUCLEARfARMS HEARINGS SPONS$ORED BY THE INTER-FAITH' GROUP We, the grade twelve students of' Durhamn Chris- tian High Sehool, are con- cernied about the danger of rncleai- war, thei- oIe Canada plays in nutclear ai-ms developmnent, and the neglect of' other pressing world priorities. We ai-e esp)ecially concern- edI that Canradians in general ai-e'noi aware of what is hap- p)enling ýai-ound them in the nucýlear ai-ms race. People do not seem 10o realize that if something is not done soon there may not be a future for us oi- oui- childi-en. People sem t o thii nk everything is up 10 the Amiericans and Rus- SI anIls We are concerned about ori- respc.,-sibility as Cana- dians, because at the moment we are involved in building parts for U.S. and N.A.T.O. nuclear weapons, which could give the U.S. first strike apability. As we help the U.S. develop the.MX missile, Cruise missile, and the Tri- dent submnarine systemis, the Russians will feel the pressure to catch up. This vicious cycle would one day wipe us out. If we are enabling the U.S. to reach fi-st strike capability, we are j ust as guilty as they are threatening wvôrld peace. Furthermore, Canada ex- ports large quantities of uranium to countries that have the technology to make nuclear weapons. Somne of this material hias been used. in the testing of nuclear devices even after our 1965 ban against such use of our ur anium. But, even when Oui- buyers only use our uranium and reactors for peaceful pur- poses, this frees up other reso urces for n uclea-r weaponis. lndirectly, we are still contribuiling to the, nuclear arms build Uip. (Continued page 8) Brody and Michael Hutton, Santa at the Orono Showcase last week. of Orono have their visit wilh Co-operative on Saturday of BORN TO GREATNESS it is held by many that those wvithi outstanding ac- comtplishmnents are 'born to greatness' rather than per- sonal developmnent throughi ingenuity, hard woi-k, good salesmanship and possibly good looks. No malter what thre attributes are few, attaini the ultimate but foriîunately many ti-y 1 atrain high goals tin their achievements. Three yeung ladies in Orono, possibly not born 10 greatiness, embarked last week to emulate Merv Giiffin wholoes in millions of dollars through his develop- ment anid promotion of game shows which ai-e most promi- nient on the television scene at almiost anry hour of any day of any wýeek. One couild hardly blamne the glirls becauise Debbýie Boumne anid Ann Dieslinski harbour aneei-prising work-woi-king and design business in their basemient andL as Weil are enIjOying 'SUC- ce2ss on fthe Main Street with Reflctions. They-w\ei-e sup- ported by Bai-b Swan wýho ofiecIils in wýith lots of en- thuisiasm nIand idelas. Th'le three gýirls vele quick 10 take up )thre challenge of preparinIg a pzl'or [the 01ro1o Downt1ownI BusinIess Association promotion which opened last week and con- tinues through Io Saturday of this week. Yes;, they would supply a puzzle f'or the promotion, tested and tried for accuracy, but like Merv Griffin, they wanied a 'credit line' as pro- ducers (something they may think twice of againi). Il was the debut of' a ne-w enterprise and lîke atnyîhling new there is the thi-ilI of, achievement aind, of :oujrse, some notoriety. The Times was piinted and no sooner mailed than the phone at Reflections began 10 ring. "Whaî's wýrong with the puzzle il just doesn't work out properly anid 1 have squares left over which is not to be the case as far as inistructins are con- cernled. The fact is thic allers had just cause and tlhe enthusiasm began 10 wither for the en- trepreneurs who had at least iwo blunders and then totally scutld b tie piinter who hald niot hýelped the cause with As we aeecomie involv- ein this, mueh b oui- chagrinl, e will have 10 Corne 10 [lic dcfcnsc eof fthe young laisand point out that even wviih the four minor mishaps Inspection increase Ontario Hydi-o has approv- ed an average 5 per cent fee increase for elecîrical inspec- tions, effective January 1, 1985. "The increase is due 10 a gener al rise in cos s," Manager of Elecîrical lnspec- îio, Jack Dicker, said. "This is the fi-st ime we've raised fees since July, 1982." The increase affects aIt in- spections for residential,' commercial and industrial in- Thle cost 10 inspect a typical single family residence will go up about $3.00 to $7200 under the news fee structure, Dicker said. the puzzle still works. You just have 10 be a little sinaiter and this we recognize oui- .-eaders are. The p uzzle competilion continu es until Saturday wh len a d73W wiIl be made of the righî answers which may be left at any store 'in downtown Orono. No doubt Downtown Orono wili t-y again with a puzzle corne rsext year and 1 wolthinik that readers wiII be just as iriteresled in seeing if the puzzle works properly asý geîîing the righî answer anid we wilI make sure the producers again gel thei- 'cred-it uine'. *BRE:AKFjwAST SALE, SUNSPUN GRADE "A" LARGE EGGS DOZ. .99 GAY LEA BUTTER- LB.2.29 FROM THE TROPIOS BANANAS kg .641I Ib..29 Rindless Bacon 500g pkg.249 RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOF Tea Bags pkg. of 62,19 FRESH FROM THE SHOULDER Pork Butt Chops kg 2.8411b 1 a*29 Check our flyer for many more qualîty foods SELLING AT THE RIGHT PRICE! C O R N I SnHaSio Give a kid a Christinas Send your donation to THE SALVATION ARMY 17 Saunders Ave., Bowmanville LiC 2A6 S4ee roln d. Home