()rono Weekfylv imes, Wjqtnesdaiv. Ibe.ember12. 14ML Hanijitous0 Insu 1rance Midgets Orono Tri - Count»y'Midge"ts' laKçe two iig-matîgin wins "- ORONO9- BOBCAYGEON 3 On Monday December 3, 1984 the Hamilitons in- surance O.M.H.A. Midgets played hast ta the Bob- caygeon Cougers in anr ex- hibit ion gamne and came away with a 9 - 3 victory. The first period saw Orana open the scoring on a goal by Brad Roberts assisted by Shawn Bailey and Keith Vey. Bobcaygeon came riglit back with ane of their awn to tie the game at 1-1. With 1:-59 left in the period Mike Cairns made it 2-1 for the local lads assisted by Robert Snoek and Steve Lycett anly ta have Bobcaygeon came back 0:16 seconds later ta tie the gamne at 2-2. The second perîad saw the local lads up the score ta 3-2 an a goal by Richie Dupe assisted by Make Cairns and Jim Wood. With 9:27 left in the period the Bobcaygeon Club evened the score at 3-3, this was ta be the last goal of the nighit far Tennant Fuelers (Continued from page 4) abead but unfortuniately ran into a couple more penalties which slowed their attack. Great saves by Robin Leth and Chad Vandamn in the Orono goal helped Orono a great deal. Heading inta the third period, Orono really was try- ing desperately ta pickup a goal as was Millbrook. Orono picked up their fourth penalty ta nane for Millbrook at the 3:01 mark .and once again were suc- cessfu I in stapping the Millbrook power play. With only 3:31 ta go in the gamne Jeff Grills put Millbrook ahead 2-1. Orano pulled out ail the stops but thley were unable ta tie the gamne. The loss was the first for Orana in 12 games sa they have nathing ta be ashamied of because they have played very Weil. On Sunday afternooni, the same twa teams played in Millbrook. Orono was out ta hand Millbrook its first loss of the year. it took Orona only 45 secands ta jump intio a l1-0 lead on a goal by Dustin Reid. The teamns fought very hard but were unable ta score due ta the fine goaltending at bath ends of the ice. In the secand Oieriodi Oronio extended their lead on an excellent high shot from thec blueline by -fimi Partner that the Millbrook goalie ney.er saw,ý. Twenty-four seconds later Millbrook camne back with a goal fallowed eleven seconds later, at 2:13, by the tieing goal. The resýt of the second periad wa.s scoreless but there sure wýas a lot of' action. The third period continuied wýith bath teams missing an somec very close chances. Even in the closing seconds bath teams wvere gaing full out but the gamne ended in a 2-2 tie. Orono's record nIaiw stands at an impressive 10 wins, I loss 2tics. Keep diggLing boys. the Cauigeis while the local lads opened the flood gates and came up with six uinanswered goals ta win the game by a score of 9-3. Scoring for Orana were: David La France - 2, Mike Cairns, Paufl Henry, Keith Vey and Steve Lycett; with assists going ta Shawn Baîley - 2, Keith Vey, Kevin Hart- wiJim Wood, Paul Henry and Brad Roberts. ORONO 6 - MAN VERS 0 Sunday, December 9, 1984 saw the Hamilton Insurance Midgets tr avel ta Manvers for a league gamte and came away with a big win. 6 - 0 shut-aut aver the Manvers club. Play- ing with on[y 8 skaters, the lacal lads gave it everything they hiad, playing somne ex- cellent sound two-wÀay hockey backed up by somie excellent goal tending by Allan Hall between the pipes. The first period saw David La France came up with his firsi of îhree ta put the local lads ahead I -O with assists ga- ing ta Kevini Hartwig and Paul Hny The second period saw the lacal lads came up with two mare ta up the score ta 3-0, on goals byv Paul Henryv assisted by Richie Dupe, the David La France assisted by Scott McCullough and Kevin f-artwig. The third period saw the -local lads put in three more while shutting down the ap- positian camipletely even do- ing a super job of killing off a double penalty.1 Scorinig the Orana goals were Jimi Wood, unassisted, Paul Heniry assisted by Shiawni Bailey and David La France with Ihis lhat trick with assists gaing ta Kevin Hart- wig and Paul Henryv. Special mention ta Shawn, Steve, Paul, Jimi, Richie, Kevini, Scott, David, and Allani for giving it that little extra - hiard work pays guiys - keep it up. Sam's ....0 Queen's Park Report AUTOMOTIVE PARTS INVESTMENT FUND As well as employing somne 58,000 Ontarians, aur autoparts industry has played an important raIe in spurring the province's ecanomie recavery. !t is absolutely essential that this industry sharpen its competitive edge in the face of rapid changes in new technologies and con- sumer preferences. Frank Miller, Mînister of Industry and Trade, has announced a three-year, $30 million pro- gram that will help autaparts firms develop new produets, modernize plants and train their people. The Government of On- tario will provide repayable, five-year term boans of up ta $750,000: ail autoparts maufacturing firmis will be eligible, but the program will focus on small and mid-size firms. Those prajects which bring innovative praducts and production technologies ta Ontario may also be eligi- ble for performance incen- tives. As well, borrowers could earn a principle reduc- tion of as much as 15 per cent ta offset manpower training costs associated with the pro- ject. Through the' Automnotive Parts lnvestment Fund, firm.- can set an exam- pIe of how best modernize for success in a mare competitive environment. If you would like mare information on the fund, contact the regianal of- fice of the Ministry of In- dustry and Trade. The Ontario Advisary Council on the Status of Women has a new president. Sam Ion, c:olumnist and feature writer for the Toron- ta Sun, was appainted in Oc- tober. Ms. Ion holds office in a number of service clubs and community organizations, has produced and directed television shows, and serves as pre(sident of a coaperative nursery school. She has made a valuable contribution ta the Ontario Humant Rights Comi- mission. Deputy Premier Robert Welch also announced five additionaî appointments ta the Advisory Council: Sarah Band of Toronto; Mariah Seymour of Kenora; Ed Arundeli of Toronto; Diane Marleaus of Sudbury; and Dorothy Anin Kirby-Rawn of Toronto. Under- the very able direc- tion of Ms. Ion, the Ontario Advisory Council on the Status of Women will con- tinue its efforts ta achieve justice, faîrness and equity for the wamen of this pro- vince. The Ontario Government's Youth Works Program has received its second instalment of $11.5 million ta create 3000 jobs in 1984/85. This pro-gram provides full time and part time positions ta provide young people on the job experience - especially disadvantaged youth who are having the most difficulty finding a job. It enables themn ta acquire skills that can lead ta fuilI time emnployment. Young people and business interested in Youthi Works shouild contact The John Howard Society in Oshawa (tel. 579-8482) and The Durham Region Youth Employment Services in Pickering (tel. 427-7670). Might 1 congratulate the Bowmanville Museum in' securing a, $8300 grant and the Clarke Museum $5543 fromi the Ministry of Citizen- ship and Culture for operating costs in the upcam- ing year. Mlighit 1 also commend the Alzheimer Society of DuLrhiami Region for pro- moting awareness week ta in- crease public understanding of this disease. Finally, congratulations ta the new President of Senior Citizens Golden Club Polish Veterans in Oshawa, Ed Zalewski. suifer first loss in nine- games Orono Tri-Counity Midgets 1Lionel Deknecht and ioe scared biv -ay Woa6dcr-aT, suffered their first loss in niine l-amilton, assisted by Willy assisted by Joe Hamilton, gamnes at Port Perry on King. and Duane Stanley, assisted December 3rd. Orono At the .beginning oif the by Jeff Wallace and Ray dorminated the first period. t hird period Oronio had a Woodcroft. DavjdLittie scored the anly penialty shot. Darren Lewis Orono was not quitte finish- goal, assisted by Tim Mercer did an cxcellient job of' deak- ed,' hawever, Darran Lewis and Darren Dcnnis. ing rthe goaling, tyinig the gat one mare goal at 36 Orono seemed ta lose score and brinings Orono seconds, assisted by Mike rnomentum in thre second back into the camrpetition. Lane ta br-ing the scare ta 4-3 periad and weren't able ta The pilay was fierce, wvith for- Port Perry. Orono played score. Part Perry toak advan- baoth1) tecamns t ryiniig a good gante, especially Dar- tage of tis slumip and scored ta break thec tie, but a couple ren Lewis, who did an ex- the anly two goals of the se- of Orano penalties niear the cellent job an his penalty cond period. They wýere end of' the period, gave Port shot. Orono mieet with Lind- scared byRoy Woodcroft, Perry an edge and they took say at Orana on December assisted bv Tracy Wright and fullt lvantaize off sh inp lOth... . . Theý côriýý)ratién of the TOWN ý0FNEWCASTLE SALE BY OU =TATION 1964 G.M.C. Fire Pumper SEALED QUOTATIONS, for offers to purchase the vehicie specified below are inviled and mil be received in the envelope provided by the under- signed until the closing time and date. ONE (1) ONLY USED 1964 G.M.C. FIRE PUMPER -King Seagrave -8 Cylinder, 348 C.L. Gas Engine -Hale 2 stage pump. 625 G.P.M. -500 Galion water tank, C/VV booster hose reel Bid forms consistingof ali terr-ns and condi tions of saýe are available at the Purchasirici Office, 152 Church Street, Bowman ville, Ontario LlC IIT6. Reference File: Quotation No. SD84-3 Closing Time and Date: 4:00 P.M. (Local Time) Thursday, December20,1984 A "Bid Deposit" in the amourit of 101/. of the offer must accompany each bid submission. Ilhe highest or any quotation not necessarily ac- cepted. Mýý D.M Hnrl)eniuk, P.P. Purcriasinq and Supply Agent _4 1416) 623-3379 Ext. 67 P-0. tNý,, ÀA1180 Datýe oi Pub"Iication: Decemtb,,,,r 12,1984. , 170%-a -j . - y - . ir.1t ai lu twvo mare goals. They were des wïth The Ruff Ruff Roughleys (ravelled to Millbrook a week ago Sunday and once again the gaine ended in a tic. The offence was able to carrv the puck more readily in this game, while the defence was steady and kept MiIlbrook,ý pàwer play well in lack. Milibrook opened the scoring, in the first peiiod w1iiie tii, Roughley No\ ice closed out the scorinÉ! cariv ni the third on a pass t'rom Michael Dieslinski to Brandon rvleztdo,,%,s \,ýitli Aaron Stapies carning the goal for the tic. Orono 1 - Milibrook 1. Millbrook 1 The teani suffered their se- cond loss of' the regular season Saturday night against Newcastle. The scoring was opeiied inidway of the first period by Newcastles- Jeff Darrach vvhose faster then a flash fire on his skates. Brian Good answered the call with 1:39 remaining in the second period to tic the score. Brian was assisted by Aaron Stapies. with 2:02 te- maining Flash Darrach of' Newcastle scored once again to finalize the game Newcas- tle 2 - 1. The teani plaved well with team ýonie good passes being made by our offense, but we appear to be ni a real scoring slump. Henry Kaldeway, Chris Miller and Brandon Meadows made some Super defensive nioves to keep the score tight. This game brought the season to inid-point and the stats Iliat follov, reflect the first ten ganies of a twenty gaine scheclule. It is a delight to sec that all oi the boys have sorne points, and that there hay-c been very few penalties, 1 0 8 2 2 0 6 0 2 1 3 2 6 0 12 3 4 0 Il 3 3 () 3 1 1 o 11 1 , 1 () 7 2 0 0 7 2 0 0 0 0 3 0- Philip Cunningham Ben Deremo Michael Dreslinski Mark Foster Brian Good Andrew Hansen Jeff Hughes Henry Kaldeway Michael Landers Chad Màartense Brandon Meadows TEAM STATS (League) GP W L T io 5 2 3 Chris Miller Jarnev Osmond Daryl Reid Aaron Staples Paul Woods 0 1 0 0 1 0 4 5 0 6 4 0 2 1 0 GOALTENDING Philip Cunningham - Chad Maartense G.P. SOC, GA AVG. 6 97 8 1.3 4 55 10 2.5 'Ruff 'Ruff' Roughleys a gain STATS (exci. exhibition games) Separate School Board plane expansions The Peterborough-Victoria Northumberland and Newcastle Separate School Board is to consider expan- ding wo clene,,jajý scilools in Cobourg and one in Port Hope due to growth in already crmýded schools. A grade 10 class is being added to St. MaWs ni ý'obourg mhich already lias one class of' ,rade nines The also extend itS french immersion to in- cludu ' uaidc 2 in the coming 1, likely to require the nec(l t'o i an extra classrooni. The d i r e c t o r o t t il c -SeParate School Board lia, been reported to haýc said ab provincial funding is C\teiii- -ed toall grades in Catholic High schoolstheie could, bc an increased dernand for sPace'in this region of' the board. He estirnates Iliat I(X) Io 150 Roman Catholic ýiLicieillý, will leave the public over the next five yeais. He said il will make things ýýorse for a while. The board is to considci the eçiIanýýioII plan", efrI\ý in the new vear,