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Orono Weekly Times, 19 Dec 1984, p. 14

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tafive viewing (the first of many!) f0 the signing of the offer f0 purchase -- mot f0 mention the closing -- can somnefimes run f0 several months. And that's the wa-y if should be. For besides be- ing a major sfep, buying a GLOBAL- TUELEVISOft There's a beautiful farm on the outskirts of the Southwestern Ontario city of Woodstock, with a big, white farmhouse that overlooks a most unusual barn.- -The barn is chock full of animais. Nothing too unusual about that, except they're ail on canvas. The barn is anart galiery jammed with what are some of the* world's best known paintings of domestic animais! The artist is Ross Butler. He's crowding 80, but has the same enthusiasm for his work as he likely had wý,hen, as a boy of 7, he began drawing the animais that roamed his father's farmr in the nearby village of Norwich. Visitors to the Butler gallery gasp when they walk in and see the variety of the paintings, and especially the orie of the Holstein cow they remember seeing wihen fhey were schoolchiidren. That cow made Butter famous in the late thirties. If was the True Type Holstein icommissioned by the Hols- tein Association. The idea was to show the ideal Hols- tein - something breeders could work toward.1 There were literally millions of prints and models of the cow sent around the world. A million or more were sent fo Canadian schools aione. Scattered around the gallery are paintings of horses, poultry, and ail sorts of domesfic animais that illust rate Butler's meticulous ar-Listry. The most spectacular single work is a huge painting of every farm animai you can think of. It shows cows, sheep, swine, and chickens moving from a farmyardi to a fair, and finally to the Coliseum at the C.N.E. The original painting took a full year to complefe, and Ross estimates that he touched the big canvas with paint more than 300,000 times before the work was finished. Another of Butler's called "Winners at the Royal." A typicai Oxford County farm landscape forms the background for nine magnificent Hoîsteins, ail of them the finest of the breed. Ross Butler has had ail sorts of honours heaped upon him. But if wasn't always that way. During the Great Depression, he'd seli a painting for a meal or a pair of pants. These days he can write his own ticket, and paints when he feels like if. One of his big joys in life is show- ing visifors around his gallery. He's a farm boy who went f0 the top - in his own well-cultivated field. 14-Orono Weekly Times, WeduResday, December 19, 1984 Shop with equal care for house and mortgage By Victor Faiko, CA Propane extension TORONTO -- Ontario Transportation and Com- munications Minister James way inferest rates are mov- img. If they're rising, go for the longest ferm' you cani get. If they' re fallirig, do just the opposite. But your guess is as good as anyone else's. So go for the best rate and ferm you kno-w you can live with. Snow and Consumer and Commercial Relations Mini- ster Dr. Robert Elgie said recentiy the effective date of the propane motor, vehicie ispection program hbas been extended from January 1sf f0 April 30, 1985. This extension to April 3th will allow for a more widely distributed number of inspection stations across the province. Ift will also pro- vide the estimatLed 50,000 propane-fuelled mofor ve- hicle owners in Ontario ample opportunity to have their vehicles fuel systems inspected. After. April 30, 1985, if will be illegal in Ontario to, fuel or drive an Ontario- licensed propane vehicle flot displayinig a windshieid sticker, indicafting ifs fuel system has been inspecfed and mneefs govermment stan- dards. Public and Safety Information Branch Telephone: 1416) 248-3501 Buying that first home is probably your most impor- tant financial step. So don't take if ightly -- or quickly. The business of home buying can be a long drawn ouf process, ail things con- sidered. From ýthe firsf ten- home is usually also the highest single expense that anyone faces. Dollar Sense offers gen- eral financial advice by mnembers of The Insti- tute of Chartered Ac,- countants of Ontario. Victor Faiko is withi Birnbaum Prenick S'teckel & Co., Chartered Accountants, Willow- dale. In light of ail that, why is if that the home buyer al too often grabs the first mortgage he's offered, with- ouf even bothering to exa- mine the alternatives? If doesn't make sense. Shopping for a morfgage should be done with af least as much care as shopping for the house itself. The dif- ference is that if won't take nearly so long -- a few days. or a week at most should do if. The first step is f0 check ,With a number of morfgage lenders -- banks, trust com- panies, credit unions, or even mortgage brokers -- t find ouf what's- available, and what the cosf is. 'You might be surprised fa find there are different terms, conditions and interest rates for what is essentially the same mortgage. But before you start shop- ping serîously, if helps if you make a quick che ck-ist for yourself. This will help you compare options. You should know and under- stand, for exampie, the types of mortgage that are avaîlable for the amounf you need; the interest rate and the period for which it applies; your monthlv pay- ment and what if 'covers; your prepaymenf options and what charges, if any, are involved; your renewal priviieges; and any other conditions that may he attached. You should know, f00, whether you can assign your mortgage when you selI your house. This could be impor- tant. And make sure you are clear about any fees the lender may charge f0 set up the mortgage, f0 renew if, or f0 discharge if. Finally, shouid you go for a short-'or long-ferm mort- gage. That depends on the The purpose of this amendment f0 Ry-law 84-63 iS f0 1 ) correct techoicai errors inciuding cross- re ferences, section numbers, omissions and references fe Provincial legisiation; 2) provide further clarification wif h respect f0 the defiiions of "Private Club"' and "Total Floor Area"; 3) revise the parking requirements in respect of "apartments" and changes in uise of buildings or lots; 4) f0 respond fo appeals filed in respect of By-iaw 84-63. By-iaw 84-155 specificaiiy affects the foliowing Sections of By-law 84-63: Section 2 definit 1ns of "Private Club" and "Total Leaseabf e Floor Area"; Sections 3.7 (c) i); 3:9; 3.14 (a) & (e); 3.18; 6.1 (a)iii), <b) and (c); 6.3(g); 6.4.1 (a)iii); 11,2<d)ii); 12.2(d)iii); 12.4.1; 12.4.2; 12.4.11; 1 32(c)iii); 14.6.5; 16,1(c),; 16.2(b); 19.4; 20.3(c); 20.4.3; 20.4.7 and 22.2. n addition, Schedules 2, 3, 4 and Sf0o By-iaw 84-63 are affected as folows: Schedule 2 - "C4-1 4" zone on Part of Lot 24, Concession 8 (Clarke) is changed f0 Schedule 3- The "RI -12" zoning of properties f ronting on the norfh side of Church Street, befween Silver and Temperance Streefs, and commercial properties on the easf side of Silver Street, north of Church Street, is changed f0 "CI -1 ". The "CV" zone in Part of Loet 15, Broken Front Concession (arlingt on) is changed to "Ml Schedute 4 - An "Ri " zone symbof is added to lands located in Part of Lot 33, Con- cession 3 (arfington) fronting on Nash Road and lands lccated on Part of Lot 34, Con- cession 3 (Darlingt on) wifhin a draft aproved plan of subdivision; Sohedule 5 - The "A-il1" zone symbol on Part of Lot 25, Concession i (Carke) is changed f0 "C4-8". By-law 84-157 - The purpose of this amendment by By-law 84-63 iS fo introduce a speciai exception in respect f0 cemeteries and zone the Bethesda and Bowmanviiie cemeferies accordingiy. By-law 84-158 - The purpose of this amendment f0 By-law 84-63 is f0 respond f0 an appeal by changing the zoning of Part of Lof i1, Concession 5 (arlingfon) from an "A-i 8" Special Ex- ception te a "C4-9" Special Exception. The effect of the amendmnent is to change fthe zone name and to, more cfosely, reflect a prior zonng approval. Oated at hie Town of Newcasftle tisi 9th day of December, 1984. j David W. Oakes, BA., A.M.C.T. -~~ft -,Cierk of the Town ef Newcast le. File No.' 60.35.6 THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F NEWCASTLE TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Tomn of Newcast le passed By-Iaws 84-150, 84-151, 84- 152, 84-153, 84-1 54, 85-155, 84-157 and 84-158 on the 1 Oh day of December, 1984. AND TAKE NOTICE that any person or agency may appealIto the Ontario Municipal Board in respect of any one, or ail, of the aforementioned By-laws by fit ing, with the Clerk of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle, flot later than the i 4th day of January, 1985, a Notice of Appeai setfing ouf the objection fo the By-iaw(s) and the reason(s) in support of the objection. An expianat ion of the purpose and effect of the By-iaws and a description of the lands to which the By-iaws appiy foiiows. Copies 0f the By-aws are availabie for inspectio n in the office of the Cierk of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle during regular office hours. By-iaw 84-150 The purpose of this amendment to By-iaw 84-63 is fo respond f0 a concern0f the Minis- try of Munficipal Affairs and Housing in respect of tfie use of the (H) Holding prefix on Part of Lots 2 & 3, Brokçen Front Concession (Carke) and to replace same Nith an Agri cultural Exception "A-20" zoning restricting the future -use of the lands to conser vation and forestry uses. By-iaw 84-151 - The purpose.0f this ameodment fo By-iaw 84-63 is fo respond fo an appeai and f0 recoignize the existing uses of landfs presentiy zoned "M3-1" and to add an 'M3-2" zoning for Part of Lot 1 3, Broken Front Concession (Darington) f0 recognize the ex- isfing transport depot and cernent manufacturing plant. 8y-iaw 84-152- The purpose of this amendment to 8y-iaw 84-63 is fo recognize the existing Mosport Mot or Vehicie Race Track iocated in Part of Lots 33, 34 and 35. Concession 9 (Clarke). By-iaw 84-153 - The purpose of this amendment f0i By iawv 84 63 is to correct the zone symibois and Zone boundcaries of the folowiing lands: Part of Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, Broken Front Concession (arington) "(iH)Ml " changed fo "A" for Officiai Plan conformnity. Partof Los 31 and 32, Broken Front Concession (Care) "(H)Mi"- changed] to "A"' for Officiai Plan conformity; Part of Lot 28, Concession 3 and 4 zone bouindaries corrected fo reflect existing uses. 8y-iaw 84-154- The purpose of this amendment by By-iaw 84 63 l5 Io brinq the zoninq of Part of Lot 17, Concession 5 <Daringfon), Part of Lots 8, 9 and 10, Concession 7 (arlington) and Part 0f Lot 19, Concession 2 (Oarington) lto conformify with the approved Officiai Plans by changing the zone symbois from "(H)"RH and "RH" f0 "A" anid/or "A-1 By-iaw 84155 Thie Orono Downtown Business Association would like to extend their ap- preciation to those who have taken part in the downtown activities over the past two weeks and do hope that you have enjoyed yourself. The Association would like to say 'Thank You' for coming to Downtown Orono and may ail our best wishes be yours during the holiday season. Orono Downtown Business Associationi

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