Or-ono Public School ahead ini Although some commer- cial eniterprvises throughmout the country have been repor- ting somnewhai disappointing sales during thechsta rush it has not been the case in Orono Downtown. Local m-1erchants, on thec whole, have been content, with the Crsmssurge in buLis ines s repor-ti n- sales above those of last year- to anl increase of' some( fifty per- cent. One 1mierchant reports a gr-mwing incýrease withi a rise- of ixt-seenpercent over that of 1983. >rono kindied a further attraction for bsnsinthis commnuni- ty. 0f most importance is a positive attitude developing in that orono is a good place bo shiop and tisý viewpoint is being heard more anid more every day firom thec general pbi.Isa good omnen for commerce an d service in Come Februiary 1, 1985 w'ith the oeigof tofur- thler venItures Orono should agin hlýave a surge in interest for the public in that increas- and join an ceening of Christmas songL. The junior students of the school are shîlown above ORONO ODDFELLOW T', URKEY DRAW WINNERS Jusi prior to Christmas the 0Orono Oddflell1owýs held thieir annu Lal isîra ukey da and realized in thenehbuhd of $5ý00.OO from thec\event which monlies wîll be used foi- commiunity projects. The prize inners wer-e: Tom Moffat, Tonyý wood, D. Mcivailad Johin Ber ry, ail of Orono, Reg Elliot, Kendal, E. Kilmer, omrtilW.Penco and Marg Beamy of Cobourg and T. F. McGraih cof Toronto. REGSITERS FIRST UNE TIIOUSAND CUSTOMER Sandra Usbornie of Oronîo recefived a Reflýcion Gift Certificate onDcmbr2Lst bigthe one îhou- Sand customler at the gif't shlop sînces 'its oein inmid Sept ember. Thico-wesare w %elIlpleased with hle response to their venture in Downtown Orono and look forwýard to many miilestones ini the future. p r Lsenî cingiil- song'-s of, Chriims Followingll this ac:- tiv ity ail joinecd in C hrisîmasiý carols!-and ithe arriv\alI(of1San- ta was then a fealure lfor the younger set.- The shol as janm for iheu occasion with a il jorîtil ofthicparenlS ts of Com munity active Ilhe village caman l e for în1- the latter part oi me eNew Yer's Ev wîîh osîo îg the hialls riesouinding (to the revelry ofA suchlebain as faifies andfred in the communlity, anidifrmoui- side, joined tgehe ,1 wetcomne ini the new ar In ail cases there was plenîty of dancing, merrimlent, andl of course, refreshments dur- Ahthiinras-ses 0 ed services and goods will b be the patteirn in Orono and avaîlable. there is no doub-î that the The diollar value of con- mnmber of new\ stores ninthre nmerce in Orcoo;S on dowýntown area alonig wth defin.ite upswvingL, which ha the expansion of Armstrong been verified ;in inicrease IGA in thecir new location h-as Chrislimas sales. S.Saviour's usedu on Christmas card Orono's historic St. nierar a n Anglic. ried saviour's Angficýan Curhi' chuLrch, but ils history go, ina- dlepicted on th)is year's ba cvn furîheýr. Municip thle Christimas card of' thie Hon, records show that in Januar Affan Lawrence, MN.P. S869, Clarke Tws TFhis is another in a series Counicil gr1antedl the bill of sketchies of religions land- Chirisian Church in Oo marks in thýe Durham- 1, th e firepassage-of drawiJ Northumberland area by- the matefril hrough the tloli-ga welkon local artist for the erection of a bric ahrn McHolm-, of' Port cuch"By 1884 thec bit Hope, which have been Crisiancongrega3tion h; fetrdon Mr. Lwec' united with other Method: Christîmas cards for- the past1 churches, and this bheautifu] sevetral year S. nprrmond bul]ding wý st. Saviur'sChrh on sold to Anglicans in O(roit lMlI Streetnin Orono' i, î h nmditlStSi avîoutr year clbae ils loothl an- on1.N ew Year'qs Ev e 'en The Greai FPineridg-e insmni Club s ponlsored a danýe in Ilhe 0rono rn Communliiity' Ce-ntre whîch"ý again this yearwas asel-out. Actji1iie at thie Orono Oct- dfellow'sý Hall were alsoý in fulI wn for another Newý Yea's Eve party and follo- edi 0te suail pattern of su1ch pariesw \el! mb theNe Year mornings. Many vof temmes thle ir wýives anfiends,0 ofthe Orono NMasonic Loge oined in) the New Yeýarlebato with, a dance at thecir hall on Cenitre Streetu. The basmenlt of the i Orono Unliied hurc:hwas, anlother scene ofelbato for the cmn New Yearu a 'as Min ces pal ry, - ip Nie 'oI rig aIe ick >le las Vs ganmesan cocde te eveingwithdanifcing and According, to Rev . Fred Minsthis could wl eexý- panded next year. In ail, the comnmnity did weliA in their celebrations it aIl enjoying their outing wt iriends and f'amily. New Ye& Greetînqs lime to wish ail of our loyal itrie nds and patrons a happy, heaithy New Vear! Weé hope its the best one yet... filIed wit'h plen)ty of 900d times and beautiful memocries! Lots -If success ta aili OronoWeekly limes ElinelSirley, Tracy, Roy IleheGr eat P 1 incr1idgle broughî b Io h te[au! on Decinember 2nd that there Îis"a Snta ad a careing coin- Boyce Anderison1, presî,deni foowin)ýg aýfie wich (had o)f ithe locýal serv;ice ,clubi, sroethrhmeite preenedPegyand Brian Village e -.!day beforc. Spayo wthasum o On Sa1îurday vnigatihe1 $3W00 to assist the Orooor semn' danlce in ihel Couple and thir two cildrilen 01rono Conimunity CentreL Iihe spi!îit of the commiiiunity again \was revealied vwhen a coleciio svs aken up for it couple who had mnoved ini the Village in October. The Orono Ptiblic School students, parentls and t eachilers gathel redc at ther school onVWednlesday, December 191lh to preent Published Every Wednesday Ormoo Weely limies, Wedniesday, Jantiary 2, 1985 O~D ~, o