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Orono Weekly Times, 16 Jan 1985, p. 3

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The Pines Win r- ifan VoIleyball Silver At the Great Pine Ridge local boys earned their H o m -eGrade 7 Volleyball Tour- mbt the championshipr naments heltI aI Clarke Hogh with a vicory on the thri AND THERE SHALL BE LIGHT It bas been with a great deal of enjoyment that during the month of December Bill Bunting and I spent many hours in the Orono Tree N'ursery property layîng out a cross country ski trail which is now open for the general public. The enjoyment came as both of us do enjoy the out- doors andI wanted to devise a trailt aking advantage of the terrain as well as having it pass through some of the in- teresting natural features that do exst on the property. With the co-operation of Glenn MeLeotI, superinten- dent at the Nursery and Bill Toddt the project was com- plted early last week and 1 did develop an itch t0 put on the skis to give the trails a try. As lime was limited over the weekend, I had 10 resort to Frîday night for the first excusion. Unfortunately Bill Bunting was a patient at Memorial Hospital at the time andI Sid Rutherford, who could have been a skiing partner for the outing, is now spending his time preparing for the weekly bible study classes at the Orono United Church on Wednesday evenings, The calI then went out tb the granddaiighters Xciii and Mandy, in the hope that they would escort grandpa and 10 which they replied they would be available. The Staintons arrived early in the evening with Kelly and her dad prepared btn rp off mi-th grandpa to try the trails andI put uip five signs. The question arose just how we were going 10 see 10 which i replied it was a clear night and the moon wouid provîde the necessary light. I was informed, yes there was a three-quarter moon but that il did not rise in this area until .well after mnidnight andI was in fact ai high noon in the early hours of the morn- ing. Grandpa mindful of many past experiences skiing ai night with Rutherford and cognizant of his present pur- suits has 10 retort "the gods will shed us light and we shal be able 10 see". AndI light was shed for the outing and with one exception we were able t0 make the route of seven and haîf kilometers with few pro- blems. It made for a pleasant evening. It does appear that the granddaughters are going 10 keep the rust out of grandpa's carberator this winter for early Sunday mor- ning he received a cal from Mandy that we had a date for an aflernoon ski in the Ganaraska Forest. It does feel great 10 again be on skiis andt 1 enjoy this aspect of the winter season. School on Fricday, Jan. 11, borh the boys' and girls' teams fromn The Pines cap- tured silver miedallions. By placing first in the round-robin series, the girls gained a bye int the finals. Having defeated M.J. Hobbs in the semni-finals, Bowmian- ville earned the right to face the local girls for the cham- pionship. Bowmanville's momnentumi carried them t0 vicory as îhey defeated The Pines' girls in two con- secutive games. The Pines' boys piaced se- cond in their round-robin series. lin the semi-finals against MJ.- Hobbs, the boys sarîed with a 15-11 victory. After M.J. Hobbs rebound 10 win the second game, the Dear Sir: I would appreciate it if you would publish thie following letter of thanks to the Great Pine Ridge Kinsemen: "I would like 10 publicli' thank the local Great Pine Ridge Kinsmen for ils sup- port of the Grade 7 Volleyball Tournament held at Clarke High School on Fni- day, Jan. il. The players ap- preciate greatiy the tourna- ment and thie fine trophies, medals and ribbons supplied by the Kinsmnen. The Kinsmnen Club is to be commended for its support of this and other athletîc ac- tivities in the local area." I thank you in advance for any pu-bliciti you mnight give to Ihis activiîy. I have enclos- ed a copy of a tournamnent write-up. Sîncerely, Bob Proie Physical Education Teacher The Pines Senior Public School ril way rounld id and deciding gan ie. In the chamn- pionship final against Bowvmanville, The Pines' boys lost two close 15-11 mat- ches. AIl matches were refereed in an excellent manner by studenis from Clarke High Sehool. The sponsor of the toUrnament, the Great Pine Ridge Kinsmen, provided very attractive trophies, medallions and ribbons for the boys and girls who par- ticipated. AIl teamis displayed MuIch enthusîasmi and good skill development throughout the matches. R. Proie The Pines Senior Public School J&-L I "J , A I-a a1% - at Fitness Centre Throughout the month of February, 'Heart Month", the Newcastle Fitness Centre will be participating in the Fourth Annual Heart Fitness Swim. The purpose of this special swim endorsed by the Ontario Heart Foundation, is to encourage aduits 10 "get in the swim" and become aware of their "heart fitness" white donating 10 a worthy clause. ANY ADULT IS ELIGIBLE to participate in a haîf-hour or one-hour swim or both. How Do You Gel lnvolved? Obtain an entry form at the Fitness Centre. Return the completed form and a cheque or money order made payable to the ONTARIO MASTERS HEART SWIM. For par- ticipating in either the haif- hour or one-hour swim the entry fee is $5.00 ($3.00 goes directly 10 the Ontario Heart Fund). If you wish to do both swims a charge of $8.00 will apply ($6.00 goes to the Heart Fund). Next you bring your lap counter/timer in during an adult swim lime andI go swim- ming! The Fitness Centre will waive the regular $1 .50 swim fee for the day you are at- tempting your special swim. After the swim, give the cashier your results 10 put on your formn andI have your lap counter/timer sign it. Our staff will take care of mailing in your donation and resuits. What's Your Reward? You will be sent a complete Orono-Lockharts Sehool News ORONO CAMPUS NEWS The public speaking con- test will be heltI on Feb. 8 at 1:30 in Orono School. Students from grades fOve and six will be taking part. The speeches have t0 be 3-5 minutes long. The judges will be people from the communi- ty. Anyone interested in hear- ing the speeches is welcome 10 attend. by Karie Forrester & Michele Rutherford - Gr. 5 LOCKHART CAMPUS NEWS On Wed., January 9/85 Brian Leonord broke his leg playing on our playground. He feil down the tube slide. We aiso had a visitor (Mr. Howard Davey) 10 taik about Fine Prevention. We had a film and questions. It was fun. Mr. Eames' class is star- ting speeches. We had a nice week. by Lauri Sokoljuk Durham East Agri-News Barry O'Neii CANADA FARM SHOW- R.O.S. Specialist JanuLary 29 - February : Farm Equipmeiiî is on DURHAM EAST JUNIOR display ai this year's Canada FARMERS TO Farmn Show fromi 10:00 am. CELEBRATE 70th AN- Io 6:00) p.mi. daily. Agri- NIYERSARY: This year, the compuIter Semninars take Durham East Junior Farrs place ail f'our- days from 10:30 Annual Banquet wii bc e he to 12:00) noon, as weil as on February 23rd at thec the Farmi Famiiy Program Blackstock Recreation Ceni- which is from 1 :30 - 4:30 tre. The thieme for the even- p.mi. The Initational Hols- ing is the celebrtion, of 70 tein Sale is JanutarN, 3lst at years as a club. 12:30 Hereford Show of AI!pa, ieibes reili- Sale- Animais at 10:00 ited and encouraged Io at- eia-,Is an te tend. A scrapbook wijII be HerefordL Winter Classic Sale çsemibled to remninisce old at 1:00) .mn. February ist. Mes. Tickets wi [)e -Thle show wýIII be held at dvailable soon for th-e ex- te Coiseum nComplex,Ex ective. hibition Place, Toronto. Cla rke Liaison Comm ittee (Continued from page 1) Linda Willshire (9 E) 987-4845 Lori Herring 00OA) 983-9690 Judy Plummner (lOB) 983-5327 Betty Lycett (]OC) 983-5908 Bonnie Reid (10D) 983-9228 Mrs. Vhosemer ( 10E) 987-4247 Greta Biersteker (j lA) 987-4657 Raye Davies (1 1 B) 987-5064 Beppy Siuymners (1iC 987-4053 Be rt ha Po w e1 (11D) 987-4575 Marie Tamblyn (i1lE) 983-5550 Carolyn Garnectt 112A) 983-5621 Lina Shetier (12B) 983-9582 Carol Hooper (1 2C) 983-5322 Maureen Mumiford (12D) 983-9443 Betty Amn Wood (12U) 983-5329 Diana Vanrcieen (13A) 987-5197 Marion, Milnes (13B) 983-5208 Town Io of fer reward Counic. Hobbs at the Town i of NewNcastle counFcil meletingÏ gained He!supp101ort of fellowcounicillors in that the Towni will nlow offe r a reward f'or information that leads to a cofcinfor wil1ful damage to bstop shlelters ,in Bowmanville. ]RED & WHITE From the Tropics Bananas .73 kg .33 1lb. Fresh Ontario No. 1 Mushro- OMS 12 oz. pkg. 1.88 U. S., C an. N o. 1 Large CELERY Stalks each .79 SIRLOIN STEAK Grade -"A"- Beef 7.25 kg 3.29 lb. Maple Leaf COOKED HAM 175 g pkg. 1,89 Maple Leaf SAUSAG E ROUNDS Reg. or Bavarian Ftavor 50qpg2.a39 LI BBY'S BEANS Deep Brown with Pork & Molasses with Pork n Tomato Sauce 14o.tin a5 0 Shreddies Breakfast Cereai 675 g pkg. 1.79 Kraft (Singles) CHEESE SLUCES 500 g pkg. 2n99 NO -NAME 'The Savings Are Yours' No Name PEACH SLICES, 14 oz. .89 No Name Diii Pickles 1.5 ml 2.45 No Name Corned Beef 340 g tin 2.29 No Name Prepared Mustard 750 ml jar 1.15 C O N S H, S Phone 9835201 Thanks to Kinsmen tournament sponsor - - -------- - ------ -- - set ol results comparing your fitness sw,ýim with other par- ticipants in your sex and age categ ory. You will alqo receive a special certfficate from the Ontario H-eart Foundation recording your personal achievement and a printed bathing cap. Last, but certainly not least, you will be donating 10 two wor- thy causes - the Ontario Heart Fund and your own personal heart fitness. Last year was the Town's first year involved in the Heart Swim and the follow- ing twelve speciai people represented us: Harold Anfossi Barb Cunningham Lola Kennedy Murray O'Brien Harold Ransberry Norma Ransberry Alison Reid Linda Reid Trudie Reid Joan Santomero Jane Thomas Duncan Tilîson Let's join these special people this February and try to triple the Town's donation this year. For mo~re informa- tion on the Heart Fitness Swim or when adult swim times are in order to swim contact the Fitness Centre at 623-3392. Please Note: If you are not actively swimming prior to this event, you are advised to have a medîcai checkup and your doctor's approval before participating.

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