Vi nte r/Sprinv, A<uat le Programs. at the Town uf Sewcastle Fjtness Centre ~Here's our iasýt chance te "get in the swim" befere summer! Programs for children and adults cul run once a wveek foir fifteen lessons beginning the week of Februarlv 18, 1985 (Exceptions: sec Parent & Tot and Aquaii-Fitness Classes). Mail ylour registration ferm and cheque or meney order payable te the Toun of Neucastle TODAY te: Toun of Nercastie Departsent of Community Services 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville LiC 3A6 uishirig te drop in te CLASS PARENT & TOT (7 - 40 min, classes) \i1 be sccepted up until February 8, 1985 but persons the office mea' do se from FeIruary 4- 8 inclusive. DAY TIM E FEE PROGRAM, DAY IllEFEF CODE Tuesdays 2:30 - 3:10 1). l.(l1) 17.00 YW101121 Tuesdays 2:30 - 3:10p.(2 17.00 Y'41010122 Tuesdays 6:30 - 7:10 p.m.(l) 17.00 YW1010123 Tuesdays 6':30 - 7:10 m.2 17.00 YW1010124 Wednesdays 9:00 - 9:40 a.m,<1) 17.00 YW11010131 Wednesdays 9:00 - 9:40 a.m.(2) 17.00 YIVIO10132 Thursdays 6:30 - 7:10 p.m.(l) 17.00 YWI010141 Thursdays 6:30 - 7:10 p.m.(2) 17.00 '(1010142 Saturdays 12:30 - 1:10 p.m.(1) 17.00 V(5010161 Saturdava 12:30 - 1:10 p.m.(2) 17.00 Y1111010162 NOTE: (1) inidicates classes beginnimg %week ef February 18, 1985 (2) indicates cîssses beginning week of April 15, 1985 PR.-SC}lOOL (15 - 40 min, classes) Tuesdays Tuesdays Tuesdays Wednesdays Wednesdays Thursdays Thursdays Saturdays Saturdays Saturdays YELLOW Tuesdays (15 - 40 mmn, claes) Tuesdays Tuesdays Wed nesd ays Thursdays Thursdays Saturdays Saturdays Saturdays ORANGE Tuesdays (15 - 40 min. classes) Tuesdays Wed nesdays Thursdays Thursdays Saturdays Saturdays Saturdays RED Tuesdays (17 40 min. classes) Tuesdays Wednesdays Thursdays Saturdays Satugdays classes')' MAROON (15-55 min, classes) BLUE (15-55 min,. classes) GREEN (15-55 Min, classes) 2:30 - 5: 00 - 6: 30 - 9: 00- 9: 45- 5: 00- 5: 45- 8: 4 5 10: 15- 11:45- 3: 15- 5: 00- 7: 15 9: 45 - 5: 00 - 6: 30 - ): 3u - 11: 00 - 11:45 - 3: 15 - 5:4 5 - 9: 00 - 5:4 5- 7: 15- 9: 30 - 10: 15 - 12: 30 - 5: 4 5 7: 15- 9:4 5- 7: lE 8: 4 5 I1: 00- 3:10 p.m. 5:40 p. m. 7 :10 p.m. 9: 40 jp. m. 10: 25 a.m. 5: 40 p.m. 6: 25 p.m. 9 :25 a.m. 10 :55 a. m. 12:25 p. m. 3:55 p.m. 5:40 P. M, 7:55 p. m. 10: 25 a. m. 5:401p. M. 7 :10 p.m. 10:10 a. m. 11 :40 a.m. 12:25 p. m. 3:55 p.m. 6:25 p.m. 9: 40 a. m. 6i:25 p. m. 7 :55 p.m. 10: 10 a.m. 10:55 a.m. 1:10 P. M. 6: 25 p. m. 7:55 p.m. 10:25 a. m. 7:55 p. m. 9: 25 a.m. 11 :40 a.m. Tuesdays 4:30 - 5:25 p.m. Saturdays 12:00 - 12:55 p.m. Tuesdays Tuesdays Thu rsdays Thursdays Saturdays Saturdays Tuesdays Thursdays Thursdays Saturdays 41:30 - 6: 30- 5:30 7: 30- 9:00- 11: 00 - 5:30 - 4: 30 - 6: 30 - 9:00 - 5: 25 7:25 e,:25 8: 25 9: 55 il :55 6:25 p.m. 5:25 p.m. 7:25 p.m.i 9:55 a.m. Tu e sday s 6: 30 - 7:25 p.m. Thursdays 5:30 - 6:25 p.m. Saturdays 10:00 - 10:55 a.m. GREY( Tuesdays 5:30 - 6: 25 p.m. (15-55 min, classes) Thursdsys 7:30 - 8:25 p.m. Saturdays 10:00 - 10:55 a.m. Min, classes)ý LIFESAVINO I (15-55 min, classes) CLASS YOUTH FITNESS & ESSO TS=3min. classes Tuesdavs Thur sdays Saturdays 7:30 - 8:25 p.m. 4:30 - 5:25 p.m. 11:00 - 11:55 a.m. Tuesdays 7:30 - 8:25 p.m. Thursdays 6:30 - 7:25 p.m. Saturdays 12:00 - 12:55 p.m. SPEIAL ZD/AVANEDCOURSES DAýY Monday s S'NC1RONIZED SWIMMING eginner, 7Star 1& !ednefidays Star 3 and up Mondavs and Wednesdays T IME 5:00 - 6:00 P.m. 430 -6:00 P.m. 500 - 6:00 P.m. 4:30 - 6:00 pm. 26.00> 26.00 26.00 26.00 26.00 26.00 26.00 26.00 26.00 26.00 26.00 26.00 26,00 26.00 26.00) 26.00 26.00 26. or, 26.00 26.00 26.00 26.00 26.00 26.00 26.00 26.00 26.00 26.00 26.00 26.00 26.00, 26.00 26.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30).00 30.00 30.00 30.00 .30.00 30.00 30,00 YW1020121 YWI120122 YlV020123 ïWl02Ol3l YV'1l02013 2 VM102014 1 YWI5020142 YW020161 '(510201 62 YW020163 '(5,1030121 Yil10 3012 22 '(Wl 030123 YWI030131 Y'17103 014 1 YW1 03 014 2 VIIl 0301G1 IVlI030162 YW11030163 Y1111040121 YW1040122 '(¶51040131 YWI0401 41 '(Ç15140142ý YWI040161 '(15040162 'Wl04016-3 '(15150121 Y151050122 Y%11050131 YlYIO50141 '(11050161 YW050162 '(15210121 '(Wl 210161 '111060121 YW11060122 '(11060141 '(5160142 YW1060161 Y(Wl060162 YW'1070121 YU1070141 Y'11070142 YW15070161 30.00 YW11080121 30.00 '(11080141 30).00 VW080161 30.00 YYI090121 30.00 '(11090141 30.00 Y'.111090161 30,ý00 30.00O YWI5100121 Y'51100141 "ý-i1olc16 30.00 '(11110121 30.00 '(15110141 30.00 '(11110161 PF PROGRAM CODE 30.00 '(11200111 30.00 '(¶1190131 40.00 '(IV1190111 BRONZE M.EDALLION & Mondays 8:00- 10:00 p.m. 40.00 '(11120111 SK. RESUFCTAIO 7Fmin. 14 yrs. recommend (books $15,00 extra - exam fees not included) Wbite & Lifesaving III) BRONZE CROSSIA15ARD 0F %Wednesdays 8:30 - 10:30 p.m. MER 1'lT (min. Bronze led. and (books and exarn fee, eextra) 14 yrs. for Bronze Cross & 15 yrs. for Aard et Menrt) ADO LT PROGRAP'S Sheila Jamnes The Cornisb Emigrant's Song Oh! tbe castern winders are blowing; The breezes seem to say, We are going, we are going, To North Americay There the merry becs are humming Around tbe poor man's hive; Parson Kingdom is not com- ing To take away their tithe. R.S. Hawker Cornisb men :and women emnigratecd to this and other songs of a similar strain if the early and mid dccadcs of the nineeenth century. They lcft the fishing villages, the min- ing towns and the farms of their native Cornwall, England; selling landI and- possessions in order to gain passage to the "New World", and a ncw lifc. The eastcrn winds blew many of these emigrants to Upper Canada, and the District of Newcastle, wbcre the place known today as Solina became home to several Cor- fish families. Nearly all of the Cornish people who travellcd to Up- per Canada werc members of the working class, and were countcd among England's Protestant dissenters. Dissenters of any type did not enjoy the same privileges and opportunities for worship as did members of the Cburch of England. * The accounts of Upper Canada witb promises of in- *expensive and fertile Crown land, andI of the freedom of religion was a great attraction to the Cornisb people. While the emigrants would be far from home, Upper Canada bncI tbe advantage of being Englisb, witbout actually be- ing within EnglancI. ADVANCED BEGINNERS (15-55 Min, classes) STROKE I MPROVEM'.ENT (15-.15 Min, classes) SWIAI FOR FITNESS/ VIASTERS (1-T-hr. classes) ADULT BRONZE (15-2 hr. classes) Tbose wbo made the deci- sion to emigrate faced a long and unpleasant sea voyage~ in vessels wbich were often designed to carry timber ratber tban people. Tbey departed from porte like Padstow, Fowey and Pen- zance and landed after ive to six weeks in Quebec City and Moireat. The next leg of the journey was neither as long nor as treacherous. From Montreal many of tbe emigrants board- ed the flat-bottomed Durham boats, wbicb were pulled by steamn tug to Port Hope and Whitby, in tbe then District of Newcastle. By tbe time the first Cor- isbmen arrived, tbe land along Lake Ontario's shore bad already been settled by the United Empire Loyalists. However, in th~e 1830's there was still muclh good Crown land to be bncI inland from tbe lake, and this led tbe early Cornîsb emigrants to Toole's Corners, tbe village whicb, became Pilchardtown and finally Solina. The Cornish people wbo settled in Solina over tbe tbir- ty year period, generally fromt 1830 to 1860, wcre often rclated or acquainted, and werc linked by a common faith and membersbip in the Bible Christian Cburcb wbicb was described as a strict, no- frilîs, no-nonsense scct. Usually one family woid arrive and establish thiemselves, and then send *ord back to friends anjl relatives suggesting that tbey follow. Sucbh was in the car- lY 1850's wben several members of tbe Libby family followed tbe Wbites. The Elfords emigrated in 1846, following a sister Dorothy and ber busband William Soucb, wbo settled in 1834 and were among tbe earliest Cornisb settlers in Solina, Mondays Tuesdays Wednesdays Satirdays Nlonda'ys Tu (,sd ays Wedesdsys Satuirdavs 8:00 1:30- 10: 30- 1:00- 8: 00 1 :30 10: 30- 1:00- From Cornwall to Solina 8:55 p.m. 2:25 P. M. 11:25 a. m. 1:55 p.. 8: 55 p.m 2: 25 p .M. 11: 25 a. m. 1:55 p.m. 1îAendays 9:00 -10:30 pm Wednesdays 8:30- 10:00 p.m. Both Dsys (see above> Monday s 9:30 - 11:30 a.m. (books; and exam fees extra) LADIES AQUA-FITNESS *TuLesdays (15 1 hir. classes) *1edneadatys (45 min.water exercise Thursdays 15 min. swim, sauna& whirlpool> 9:15 -10:15 s.rn. 8:00 9:00 9:15- 10:15 a.m. 32.00 32.00 32.00 32.00 32.00 32.00 32.00 32.00 AW1020111 AV1020121 AW1020131 AW1020161 AW1030111 AN10301;1 AW1030131 A1110301C61 32.00 AW1OSO111 32ý.00 AW1050131 40.00 AIV1050112 40.00 AWI1060111 40.00 AI?1040122 40.00 A11040132 40.00, A11040142 - *Tuesdays & Wednesdays start February 26 & 27 Thursdays start February 21 SEMI-PRIVATE AND PRIVATE CLASFSS Semi-Private and Private classes are also available for children and aduits upon request. MAIL in your application form with the class (eg:Semi-Private Orange - listed under PROGRANI) and your cheque or money order as soon as possible. SEMII-PRIVATE Pre-Schigol - Orange $30,00 for 15 - 25 minute classes (maximum 3 per class) Red - White & Adults $60.00 for 15 - 55 minute classes PRIVATE (1 person per class) (aîl levels) (ah levels) $ 4.00 for 1 - 25 minute class $20.00 for 6 - 25 minute classes 40.00 YW1140131 "REGISTRATION FOR¶4S" - are available from the Community Services Department (15-2 -CNur7h Street) and the Fitness Centre (Liberty Street North). For further information call the Fitness Centre«at 623--3392. CLASS SCARED SKINNIES (non-swimmers or people uncofortable in %yater)(15-55 min.) DAY Mondays Tuesdays I5ednesdays Saturdav, TIllE 8:00 - 8:55 p.m. 1:30 - 2:25 p.m. 10:30 - 11:25 a.m. 1:00 - 1:55 p.m. FEE PROGRAM CODE 32.00' AW10l11 32.00 AW1010121 32.001 AlYlOI0131 32.00 AWl01ci1 P.O. No. A 1218 Date: January 23, 1985 fish found in plenty off Corn- wall's shores). Among the other familles to corne to Solina fromn Corn- wall were the Reynolds#- Vices, Laingmaids, Ashtons, and the Werrys, one of the more visible families of Cor- nisb descent in Solina today. Peter Werry, born in 1800 in Fowey, Cornwall, arrived witb his wife Eliza and seven children in Solina in 1845. It was Peter Werry who donated the land for Eldad ,hapel, wbicb was buiit in 1855 in the south-easternmost corner of his one hundred acre farm "Roselandvale'". Eldad Bible Christian chapel became Eldad United Cburch in 1925 and continues to serve the needs of the Solina com- munity today. Many of the faitbful Cornish settlers are buried in the adjoining cemetery, jncluding Peter Werry, wbo died in 1880. His pl ot lies overlooking the farm which is now borne to Bd and Clare Werry and their two sons Chris and Wesley. Mrs. Werry is quick to point out tbat ber husband and her sons are the fiftb and sixtb generations of Werrys, descended directly from Peter and Eliza Werry, to live on and farm "Roselandvale". Tbe farmn and its picturesque .4urroundings baven't chang- etl ucb since Peter and Eliza's era. The original stone bouse and barns bave been maintained by the Werry famlly witb the greatest of care. Solina, like any place, bas cbanged over tbe years. Recently a numnber of new bornes bave been built witbin the village, bringing in a numnber of new families. Yet wbite tbe faces may change, some of tbe old names and place s remain. Histroy lives on in the peo- ple of the village, wbo bave managed to preserve a sense of'tbe community spirit and warrnth wbicb is tbe greatest legacy of tbeir Cornish forb.ears., SURVIVAL. (15-55 min. W ITE ( 1 --55r