l,'.assif ied Ads (Continued fromi pagc 11) FARlA "S WANTED who are paying ttoo much tax or are trotL ail ,the( ireaks availabte. Phone us, toda -Y! Appointmiient r avaiiabIý"re<rocess 1984 tax returns in your home. FARMI BUSIN CONSULTANTS, 2109 Oxford St. E., London, N5V 2Z9. Caîl toit 1-800-265-1002. ti business year-round helping farmers for ove years. LIVESTOCK FOR SALE ATTENTION BROIL ER GROWERS! Top cluality United S broiler clticks. Marek's Iiij., duty. brokerage. delivery, 307 extras charge. Depending on loadi sizes 23 cents United States fUnds each cents Canadian) Stull's Poultry, c/o Warren Stuil Jr., Milroy, t sylvannia. (717) 667-3791 or 667-2269. AUCTION Ornarjo's Largest Farmn Machinery Consigrnment Sale, Norwich, tario. Friday, February 8, 1985 10 arni. (Sales conducted second Fr each month.) Approximaitely 150-175 tractors plus aIl types of F equipment. Consignmients welcorne. For mnore informnation caîl 414-9998 or (519) 424-9093. Proprieters K.S. Hamiulecki & Sons. PERSONAL MEET YOUR MATCH. For ail ages and uinattachred. Thousand rinembers anxious to meiet you. Prestige Acquaintances. Cali tol1 1-800-263-9163. Hours: Noon to 8 p.m., BUSINESS PERSONAL If you like flowers and gardening you'll love this opportunity toe iextra mnoney in your spare time. Like selling a breathi of spring. Sam available for $10. Satisfaction Guaranteed or your money back. For formation please write: Jack G. Mclntyre & Associated, I190 Some St. WSuite 2102, Ottawa, Canada. K2P,0.14. COMMUNITY BASEBALL '85. Earn extra incomne commisston ing basebal unifo)rms jackets in your community. Cali High Gea (416) 248-6181, ask for Paul King. GARDENING GA RDENING STARIS NOW. Indoor or greenhouse. Metal hallid HPS. We have over 20,000 produets at low prices. Sendi $2.00 jcatalogue. Retailer inquiries welcome. Western Water Farms,1 Seymour Street, Vancouver. V6B 3N9 (604) 682-6636. EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY Full Timne AMBULANCE DRIVER ATTENDANT required fi bcd hospital. EMCA graduate. Duties include male nursing. Espanola General Hospital, Espanolla, Ontario. (705> 869-1420. Northern Ontario Community Newspaper requiref reporter/pliot ographer. Car required. References, Experienice prefet Chance for advancement. Write: Box 1629, Espanola, Ontario. F I CO or call: (705) 869-2860. FOR SALE INCOME TAX for Farmers - Farmi Income and Expenses- 194 p; tby a Chartered Accountant farmer explains everything for repor 1984 income and expenses. Easy to read and highly recommended. F helpful and interesting book now used in seven provinces. Send $2: 10 Eric Farden, C.A. Box 3, Mecdstead, Sask. SOMI IWO. AMAZI.NG NEW4, DILL-ON MIK li TORCH is now being car across Canada hy Mac T'ools &Mac Tool service trucks everywhere. mnore informnation contact your local MIAC Tool Dealer. A better t and wýe c:an prove it. GUN BARGA-'INS - Save up to 4001 by subscrihing to "IThe Gui ner'" the Caniadiass monthly newspaper f'or bingii, setling and tra modemn and antique ftrearms and accessories,. Suibscrîptî on: $15.0c year: Guinrunner, Box 565T, Lethbridge, Alta. T Il 3Z.4 Sample $1.50 Don't delay - gut on ournbt ipintsttdy STEEL. BUILDING MANUFACTIURERS CLEARANCEï. Lin quantities. Boy Now. Immediate or spring deliveryý, no intereý storage charges. Substantial discounts during sale. CatI tlt 1-800-461-7689. Area code 807 catI (705) 335-5972. Taylor fa ils Orono Weekly Times, Wedlresday, january 30~, 19859 Another tehf f again Ç"iD N (Continued fromn page 5) han ger I*e could nol support the anend- er33 ment and as Counc. Hiamre nc spoke of concernis il' induisry should opt out. She spoke of Stales the unit charge and the dif- :h no2 ficulties such a charge would Pen have in accouinting. R/C Wheni asked to respond the treasurer, Kathryn Campbell On- said the unit charge systemi riday would be difficuit but using farmn the individual milI rate as a (519) charge would cause no pro- n/c blems at ail provideing there were not a lot of exclusions. ds of Counce. Hobbs said you free talk about fairness but wbat n/c of the urban area subsidizing the rural areas. He said you earn can't pick up in the rural )rpte areas and in the urban areas erset at the samne costs. "it can't be done on an equal basis"', he n/c said. The councillor then sug- isett gested that the amendment ,ar l wa outof order. n/c Counc. Woodyard said the es & issue goes deeper than council ),u had touched to this point. He 1244 suggested council would have n to define areas. He then sug- nc gested tbat council defeat the r 32 ameadment and carry Caîl tbrough as in the past and n then study further during tbe year. "To be bigger is not bete .he coai ýs a rred. POP Counc. Taylor then made his summation stating (bat be, found counicil members did rages rting not have a grasp of the issue For a and there appeared to be a 22.50 mental block. He said it was a nc simple tbing he was asking, - "a single rate in the three i ried areas". He also said hie was ýFor not talking of a unit charge. orch He said he was aware what b/ is amendment would do and further said, "I plead for nrun counicil to support those areas acing that are now served. )( per copy Mayor Rickard stated he n. c warnted to be quoted ac- - curately and pointed out that nihed hie had suppored uniform cs' PIANOS LAN OKANS apartment-sîze, players, grands. New and used. Near wholesate rices. Free delivery Oiitario. Weý buy used pianos (519) 743-6000. 183 Ottawa Street, Kitchecner, N2G 3T. nc CAREER OPPORTUNITIES CAREER IN TRUC-KINGi. Transport drivers îîeeded. Now is the ltime to train for your lass 'A' license. For pre screening and job, placement informaion contact NMerv 01r's Tr anspor t Driver 1Trainý. (Camnbridge (519) 6213-2430 Torontro (416)ý 25-9073. n/c FOR SALE $ GARANTEED BE-SI PRICES $ Maniufacturer of Quonset buildings Acearing out remiaiing odd size buildingsý. up to 40e/o reducedi. Siacrifice prices. Firstcon firstseve.Fleible onudeivery date. Cat (416) 486-5149. We'steeî Barn Roo(ing and Stding. 3 auegalvanîzedJ and gatvalum- ed. $40 square. 30 gauge prepaintjed $57.(X). Miimum ori ,der 30 square. Cusîom F1armi Matertal Sales. Laird MAclen (416)79-32 ni. FOR SALE FARMERS: Sprayed Urethenie insulation. Quality wýork at Western Ontario pri:es. Certified atpplicators. Eýxperinýced in agricutural retrofit ince 1975. Cal Warmnth linsutiationi (6l3> 267-67 11, Box 460, Perth, On- tario. k7H 3G1l West eel Barn Roo finme and S id ing. 30 g auge gatvanized and gal va[ ed $410 square. 30 gauge prepainted $5700. Minimum order 30 squi CustIOIIJ armi Materal Sales. L aird McKeen (416) 779-3322. $ GUARA'ýNTEED BEST PRICES $ Manufacturer of Quonset building clearing 005 remaininig odd ize building. Up to 40% reducýed. Sacrifice prices. First corne first served. Flexible on delivery date. Caîl (416) 486-5 149. n/ AUCTION Ml Auc ion Cent re, Lindsay., needs estates, antiques, quality fur- niture. ,cusefuJls, (or our monthly antique and fine forniture sale. To conisign plume (701) 3241-2783. ;tor ree hydro rates and bad worked hard for an uniform water n/c rate which had brought tremendous benefits to some. When looking at tbe gar- bage issue be said he çigreed witb the theory but question- ed jumping into the proposaI as1 many bad done when the Region was formed without enough information. He said the tender in Orono for garbage pick-up was bigber than in Newcastle Village and (bat (bis could reverse at the next tender caîl. ",Wbat do wýe do then?" he asked, "rcvert back?" Thle Mayor said- a good deat more study was needed and said he was not prepared to support the amendment. n/e Mayor Rickard then pro- nounced (bat the Town was tum- relatively close (o a user-pay ur. policy and (bisshouldi be con- n/c sidered. (Conîtîinueu iiu,,ipage '4) premier of Ontario. The 1971 race was another cliff hanger taking fouir ballots before Bill David was elccted with 812 votes while Allan Lawrence, a strong contender came through with 768 following short by 44 votes. The 1971 race carried through Saturday until 2:00 a.ma. Sunday morning. The convention had in use voting machines but instead of speeding up the process the machines had. a habit of malfunctioning resulting in a general slow-up of the con- vention and declaration of a new leader and premnier. ý Allan Lawrence lcft pro- vincial politics in 1972 and ran successfully in the Durham riding in the federal election held in 1972. He bias held the riding ever since. TWO YEAR CONTRACT WITH SCHOOL BOARD The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Educa- tion bas ratified a two year contract witb its maintenance and custodial and cafeteria workers w 'hich gives a 5 per- cent increase in the first year and a 6.2 percent increase in the second year. The employees now make $9.32 an hour compared to the previous $8.87. The se- cond increase comes into ef- fcct in November 1985 going to $9.67 per bour. ANOTHER CHANCE FOR FRENCH IMMERSION The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Educa- tion will again ctrculate forms to parents of kindergarten age children, as of September 1, 1985, in Port Hope, asking if they wtsh a Kindergarten French Immersion class in Port Hope to returo the forms by February lst. Last year sucb education bas been requested in Port Hope but only 17 parents si.gned for their children.' The Board has set that it would require 20 students for the board to 1 open a kindergarten French Imimer- sion course ini the Town. DURHAM MEDICAL SUPPORTS PILL DISTRIBUTION Dr. Jean Gray, Durham Medical Officer of Health, bas corne out' in support of the distribution of potassium iodide pilîs to, residents i the Pickering area whicb live within four kîlometres of the Pickering Nuclear Generating Station. Late last year the Solicitor- General Officer issucj i'anl emergency plan calling for tbe distribution of the puIs to CAREER TRAINING CAREER IN TRUCKING. Transport drivers needed. Now is the time to train for your class 'A' licence. For pre-screýning and job placement information contact- Merv Orr's Transport Dt1ver Training. Toronto (416) 251-9073, Ottawa (613) 523-3489. 11/c comibat the et tec s 0ot an atomnic accident which could occufr through the operation of the Pickering plant. Gary Herremna, chairmian of the Region of Durhamn is uncon- vinced the distribution is necessary. Dr. Gray states the puis would reduce the risk of cancer following exposure to radioactive iodine. SEPARATE BOARD TO ASK FOR THIRD SCHOOL The Durhamn Separate School Board is asking for a third new high school which they want to locate in Picker- ing. The Denis O'Connor Catholic Higb School com- pleted last year in Ajax is already over crowded and bas an addition of' twelve por- tables. The Board bias to have the approval of the Ministry of' Eduicat ion before proceeding to final plans for the propos- ed new school. AGREES WITH TWO YEAR JAIL TERM Donald Tucker of Oshawa agreed with the pro.secution's demand last week that he be given the maximum sentence of two years in prison for im- paired driving. It was Tucker's twentieth drunk driving conviction dating back to 1971. WOMEN IN CRISIS MAKE PURCHASE Wih an offer of a one-year interest free mortgage for $45 ,000 the Northumberland Women fin Crisis group pur- chased a Cobourg house to provide 14-bcd accommoda- tion for- battered women and their children living in the Port Hope-Cobourg areas. The interest free loan for the onc year was made by a private citizen. The Northumberland group had raised the down payment of $13,400 through donations and fundraising events. HERREMA HEADS NUKE TASK FORCE Regional Chairman Gary Herremna heads up a seven- member nuclear task force updating emergency prepara- tions for a disaster at either the Darlington or Pickering nuclear generating stat ions. The Durham Region task force was formned following the release of' a provincial report whicb was critical of nuclear emergency plan if something should happen at the Pickering Station. Her- remna, on the other hand, was critical of the provincial report as were other members of Regional council, especial- ly those from the Pickering- Ajax area. MOLSON, WITHDRAWS FROM BIKE RACE Molson Brewery Ltd. has withdrawn its support of the what was to be an annual event-in Port Hope, Grande Prix of Cycling. Molson did support the initial event last year which attracted over 90 top- calibre professional and amateur cyclists to the Town. The event did not attract the crowd which was ex- pected last year. DECONTAMINA- TION CENTRE AT DARLINGTON Ontario -ydro is establishing a decontamina- (ion facility at the Darlington Generating Station just out- side of Bowmanville where daily shipment of 8,000 litres of tritium-rich heavy water will be received for tritium removal. The shipment will be made from. Pickering, Bruce and other Ontario Hydro nuclear facilities. After the tritium is remov- ed the heavy water will be returned. A hydro spokesman states there is lit- dec chance of the iquid escap- ing from the containers and that the only problem would be if one were to take some into the body. DURHAM - Victorian Order of Nurses Durham Region Br'anch The Regional Municipality of Durham Department of Health Services- DURHAM REGION COMMUNITY NURSES present Health Promotion Programfi Place- Orono Seniors Complex Station Street 4-T'Club Dates- Monday, February 4, 1985 Monday, February 11, 1985 Monday, February 18, 1985 Monday, March 11, 1985 Topics- Foot Care Nutrition Managing your medicatio n Mouth and dental cafe Safety and Accident p reve n tion. Cost- FREE 1 de or ucitui , ne S'aiu.