JEaff/,,'là, NOTICES If ouhae ueJstions or conicelrns, about your mun'iiciPality, pllease feel f'ree to caîl nie ai cni er 983-5505 or 987-5039, Diane Hamire, Couinc. Ward,( 3, Town of' Newcast le. Meals on Wel Tiiose intieresî,ed ini receivingi a hot dinnier twýo days per week phone 983-5702 - Marlene Risebrough. The Orono Senior Citizens wîll meet on Thursday, February 7th ai 1:30 pin. in the Oddf'ellows Hall. Everyone welcomne. 30,a. p., HELP WANTED Noone's Re5taurant requires cook and waitress. App- Iy in person. Ç83-9980. Make more money working overseas in couniries, like Kuwail, Saudi Arabia, etc. Also Mlaska and NWT. Workers needed are tradespeople, laborers, profesý- sionals, etc. For free inf'ormiation, send your namne and address to: World WVide Opporuntiles, Box 727, Station F, Toronto, Ontario NMY 2N6 30,a. / HWY 115 uoCATTRTO ~R U K & UTO lectrical Contracting - ',tEPAIRS LTD. Pole Lîne Construction SAil Cars and Trucks PHONE TOWiNG 983-5546 or 983-5940 3-91 51 or 983-9152 Orono, Ontarjo, or prornp(f, courteous ýfficienît service wvhen ng or selUing and for the largest selectioni of )roperties in the area. Job Printing LETTERHEADS ENVELOPES BUSINESS CARDS ALL BUSINESS FORMS FLYERS Etc. Cail the Orono Times 983-5301 COMING EVENTS Box Lunich Social and Dance, Feb)ruary 9h, 8:-30 io 1:00 aill.rn.Please bring ýyour Oflbox lunchi. Tickets $6,(x) Per couple, Di and refreshînenî11s. St. Francis of, Assisi Parish Haill,330ac Dance, Saturday, lFebruary 9, 1985, 9:00 - ]:00M)n Sponsored by MIorn's Kitchen Old-lirniers. Retreshmiienits and lunch. T -ickets available at Monti's Kitchen or fromn Old-timer player-; $ 10.00) a couiple. 23,30,6, a. c Shiloh U.C.W. Euchire Party, Kendal L.O.L.O. Hall, Saturday, February 9, 8:00 p.m. Admission $1.50. Lunch provided by U.C.W. 30,6,a.c. Feb. 2 ai the Oronio Arena & Community Centre "Cornie As You Are" Dance sponsoredi by thie Barntam Midg-et and FOBA. Music - D.J. Tickets $10/couple. Tickets available trom Btty Lyceit, 983-5908 or 983-9295, and Mom's Kitclcn. l6,23,30,a.c:. l'he Orono Tennis Club is having their annual partyý on Saturday, Feb. 9th at St. Saviour's Church, Orono at 8 p.m. Al members welcome. Also anyone interested ini joining (lhe club is welcome. Refreshments. 30,a.c. "Reductions of 10% t0 50% on sclected handmiade work and antiques at the Orono Showc:as Co- operative, corner of Church and Park Streets, Orono, on February 2nd and 3rd, 10 arn. 10 5 p.rn. 30,a.c. _-mOPEN HOUSE r The farnilY of' Ben and Nina Madill Sr. invite relatives, friends and neîghbours Io Open House to bie held at Ille Orono Oddfellows Hall otn [eh. 2/85 frorn iin honou)Ir (ofihieir 5th wedding anvray Besi wshs tly. -ARTICLES FOR SALE Arthur Drumrnond oilI ani 30" , 24'. Phone 987-4710. McCRIMMON'S ANTIQUES THE HOLLOWS" HWVY.2, NEWCASTLE, ONTARIO -98ï 5204 We Buy and Seil An) que and Old Fui1nîtute, (-)d Hanqîtiq Ltght F-xtures Alubuy Estates -WANTED TO BUY One used neal f'Our draw filing cabinet, 983-5014. 30) ax. LYCETT CONTRACTING JGeneral Carpentry. Renovattons, Rocftrg Tetephone (416) 983-5896 983-9366 or (416) 9839475 Orono. Ontarto - 214 IOS F, ICall for îa no oblgatonevaluatton Iof your home, acreage or tarmi or for informiation on ppr it ies , n tLh e a rea. 6223- 4 445e Chris Stapieton Sales Represenîativ~ 983.5093 CARD 0F THANKS We wo0uld like to express. sincere appreciation to friends and neighbours for the beauiful f'lowers, gifts and acts of' kindness received during the loss of a loving wif'e and miother-.- Special thanks !o the Orono Rebekah Lodge for a lovelyluncWéen Roy and Robbin Winter and farnily 30,a.p. D AH NOTICE BENTHAM, Samuel - At Memnorial Hospital on Fri- day, auLary, 18, 1985, Sain Bentham of Orono in his n21d year, beloved husband of' Margaret Evers, dear failher of' Peter and his wife Betty and grandfather of Jason. Rested ai the Northcutt Elliott Funeral Home, Bowrnanville. Funeral service was held at 2 p.m.. Janujary l9th. Cremnation. In lieu of' flowers donations to fthe Tor-onto Quadraplegic Society would be ap- preciated. 30,a.c. CAREER TRAINING FREF arerGuide describes 2(X) teairn-at homrie :orrespondencë Dipioina courses,: Accounting, Art." okeei,Buiness Maniage- mienti, (lek 1ypSt,:Sereary, Journal isi, Tlvso Servicing, Travel. (iranton (S5A) 263 \detaide West, Toronto. t-800l-268 t t21. n/c, EX( L LENT CAREER OPPORTlUNITIES aviliable, Enroli in te Hardwood Lumnber insplection 16 week course sponsored by the Canada Emrpînyment Centre at Sir Sandfoird Flemning Colleges, Haliburton Camn puis. Cus tais, February t11. For titformation cati Barb Rotin (705) ALUCTION SCHïOOL WetrnCnaaSchool (il Acîneig Ovr100 rdatsioussimmîc st Moniday or April, Au1gust, Dcembler. for patîcular iteBo\ 687, Lacmbe, AB TOC tso. n/c COMING EV ENTS CABI \FEVR Kîngston Wînter Antique Show.* Porîsmouthl Olym-t pic Harbo,, .kingo,o ntario. 1 eb. 2 & 3. Forty distîngýuishied dea1ers 10:30 a.m.i untti 5 pm., hoith days. n/c FARM SERVICES Use th le Mecadox and Pro-Banmiîîîh team itiyour starter/grower ieed and obtain broad spectrum control ni scours, roundworms and ascaris pnieurnonia. n/c (Continued page 9) Eleç.triç-Arç and Acetylene Welding KENNEDY'S CUSTOM FABRICATIONS Small repairs - 'ustom tfarmr equipment - ornamen- tai railings - speciatizes in custom buitt ornarnen- Governtmen C(ertifie-d Phofl 983W977 Corne to FREDnoiS NEW Y E AR'S SPECIALS Crîsp, Julcy Mac Intosti - 6 Ibs. - $1.95 ½/ Bus. SPYS - $3.45 & Up FARM ëFRESH EGGS, WAhîte and Brown BýRO"WN'S POTATOES FRUIT MARKET HWY. 35 O F ORONO