A hot dog is just fine Nursery Cross Country ski made soup_ were the order of' t raits. tbe afiernoon wiîh latter -Susan Erskine, outdoor disappearing quickly. teacher at the centre, chats RerehmnîIwr provid- with Christine about thie day ed by ihie Orono Downtown recognizing the opening of Busýines.s Association. The thle Cross Country Ski fTrails. af'ternoon ha.s been îlermed a Hot dogs, bot chocolate sUccess. and Bill Butitngil's homne- To play soccer in Brazit Mike Hamel, 18 years, R.R. 2, Orono and a student .of Clarke High School, bias his sights set on a two week Soccer tour in Brazil beginn- ing Marcb I9tb, 1985. Hamel is a member of the Oshawa Junior Turul Soccer Club wbicb bias been invited to take part ;n a two week Brazîlian Soccer Tour. Tbe Turul Club will represent Canada in what bas been described as two Mini-World Soccer Cups being beld in Sao Paula and in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Hamel lias played soccer for tbe past nînie years with tbe Turul group and bias ad- vanced to tbe Junior teami under tbe guidance of Nick Springer, coacb. Tbrouigb tbe years Hamiel bias comnpeted wtb the TuruLl Ci, at an International ToV,-arnent in Mlexiýco City wbere from twenty-twAo en- tries, tbe Oshawa Club finisb - ed in second place. Tbe Oono boy bas also competed witb the same group in numerous provincial tour- namnents wbere tbe club on tbree occasions won tbe cbampionsbip and were also declared cbampions of a na- tional tournament. Hamel hopes to continue tbe pursuit of bis interest in soccer and is bopeful in earn- ing a scbolarsbip to allow him to carry on tbat pursuit along witb bis education directed to somne area in tbe business field. Presently tbe Brazilian trip is foremost, on bis mind and to raise the necessary funding of $1400.00 for flight fare and other necessities for tbe two week triplhas been seek- inig sponsors from thle business, coinmnity and otbers whio may wish to help imn along. Tbe Brazilian government provides roomi and board wtIiie tbe tearn is in the couintry. Mlike Harnel mnav be con- îacted by pboning 983-5426. Decîsion closer for Ne wton ville water supply A decision on what course to take regarding a safe water supply for the1 Hamlet of Newtonville seemis now in tbe process. The Region of'Durbam will be contacting residents of Newtonville to ascertain if tbey are prepared îo assist in footing tbe bill for a new commuI.Lnal water systef'n. Tbe Town of Newcastle bas corne Out in support of a new communal system poin- ting out such a system does give assurances of a continua- tion of a safe water supply. An earlier report brougbt before council also recom- mended individual wells be drilled for eacb residence in the bamlet but there was no assurance tbat sucb a remedy would not in tbe future be as polluted as are tbe. present wells. Bill Twelvetrees, regional works commissioners inform- ed memnbers of the works committee tbat bis depart- ment will soon be sending let- ters to inhabitants asking for input on tbe proposed com- munal well. .The communal system will cost the region and bhorne owners approxiarnately $1 million. Resdents will also bave to pay other charges related to book-up to their homles. T'he individual well system is somiewhat cheaper for residents as the provincial goverrnment vill pay a larger portion of the cost for- those who take part in the scheme. WHAT'S THAT BLUE STUEF? Early Sunday afternoon having almost bad enough of playîng'cars with the grand- son and especially since hie had suggested that we now, play smash-up, somiething 1 detest,. 1 was called to thre phone to hear the voice of' granddaughter Kelly'. "Hi grampa, what are you doing? lit didn't take long to deter- mine there were two little girls out north of the Village looking for some formn of ac- tion. When 1 suggested that perhaps we could take a tnpl to Peterborough the response came quickly, "When will you pick us u? The thought of go_(ing tb Peterborough had more than laking the grandchildren for a drive. It stemnred from the fact that in December Aif Perrin, formerly the postmas;ter in Newcaste Village and now a resident in Peterbororugh, had dropped into the office and graciously presented me with a bird book relating to birds in the Peterboroug-h area. The book was written by Doug -Carpentier, a noted bird watcher and writer from, the Peterborough area and held with considerable esteem throughout the prov ince for his knowledge of birds. His book also contained in- formation as t' some oft he best places to look for birds and we had noticed that the Oîonabee River was home for some ducks during the Wihthis in the back of my, mind we departed for the city wvith the two men in the front and as usual the two females in thie back. Peterborough always presents a problemn for mle as to direction and 1 bad to res>ort in driving to Lakefield to get on the east side of the river. Yes we nïoted some ducks as passing through city but tbey were city ducks in Little L ake and yes we saw some on the river but 1 decided it was a litile too risky taking the kids too close to the banks of the river and suggesred we go the Zoo for 1 could corne back another day. at home. Oui went the fag and down w\ent the windows and 1 was remilnded of the new genera- tion of non-smokers and the pictures of the babies given, T-shirts at Memorial bospital that appeared in the Times last week. Cornered again 1 had to admit. We did arrive ai the Zoo and with Kelly organizing the tour, Mandy capably baby- sitting Jamie 1 had to onlly tag along. And how do you top off the afternoon? You go îo MacDonalds and try to restrain the purchase so as not to affect dinner. FREE LEGAL HELP fice in the PHI Building, AT NEW CLINIC Bond Street, Oshawa offer- . Afer n amos thee ear ing free legal help for t he AfuglteD almThenayetr poor or a small fee for others. Hotline has a firm hold on its wiThea lawy e, twof operation tbrough assured wt avr w provncia funing.The counsellors anid a legal prainistostu an of-e secretary. The cliic is 'to opertio isto st u anof- open February 4, 1985. We're ready fo-r R EValentine's Day F Alre you? L Ecç MAIN STREET N ORONO, ONT, SI 983-9757 RED & WHITE EXTRA SPECIAL RED & WHITE'S OWN Peameal Bacon lb.2.69 TICK, LEAN PIECES OR SLICED kg 5.92 MAPLE LEAF FINEST SPECIAL COOKED HAM lb. 2.59 Canada "A" Beef ROASTS SHORT RIB and-or BLADE 3.95 kg Maple Leaf 500 g1 Maple Leaf IL 1.79 450 g Rindless Bacon 2.69 j Skinless Wienersl.89 Capri Brand Toilet Tissue .99 4 Roll Pack Reg. 1.89 White Swan- 2 Pac. Reg. 1.69 TOWELS pkg. .99 Fancy Ontario Maclntosh APPLES, 3- L bag 1.19 Phone983-5201 C O R I S H, S PonoOntario Christine 'Henderon of R.R. 2 Orono stops off at tbe Board of Educationi Outdoor Education Centre oni Satur- day foi a bot dog anld bot, chocolate. Christinie vws one of some 80 to 100,who drop- ped into the ceintre on their way around the Orono Tree