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Orono Weekly Times, 6 Feb 1985, p. 1

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Dontown Orono Ille Olrno DowntIown1 Buum[InessAss)ciation 1bas emlbarked Iis wevek on ils first Valent ime promiotioni with a good recSponsfr' foin Ilhe areabuiee. ShIoppers Io the Downitownl have itheeopport1unityin evertIoreu, lo try tbeir ges ing skilsesimIating Ithe number ofC inrinmon Hearts in thle containier. Thic cosesi guess winlsIthe Cinnlamlon l-larts'. Ilt h een noted that ibis contesî is, a[ready stirrjing somie inIterest. A page advertisemnlt in this issue o'f tliTmes g-ives sorne idea as Io the oppor- 1 unit y of obtainming Valen tue GJlits in] the Downîown Area. Merchiants baveC been issuied -I Love Orono" but- tons and similar signis to be exiited in tbeir stores. C ornel tol0 Orono Downtownr where tbe action is and wb0ere you cannot but belp find a 'Sweetbeart' of a gift f'or tbat someone special. Tbe promotion continues unitil February I4tb. Hamre boosts Orono at council Th ne rono IGirl Guidtes with their leaders paid their tributes to local guides, Lori Wood and Natalie Anderson who on Monday. evening of this week receiv'ed their Ail Round Cords and as weil moved up to the local Pathfinder's group. The two Orono Guides bave earned the bigbest boniour in guiding and were congraîulated by their leaders and 'Guide Commissioner, Helen Martin of Orono. Pictured above are Mr. and Mrs. Tony Wood witb tbeir daughter Lori and Mr. and Mrs. Keith Anderson wi(h their daugbîer Natalie. Congratulations are ex- tended to tbese îwo Gidsin Orono.. Pnblished Every Wednesday Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, February 6, 1985 JUNIOR KIDERGARTEN MEETING POSTPON'ED The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Educa- tion was to have held a special meeting Iast Thursday evening to consider the possible introduction of Junior Kindergarten tbroughout their jurisdliction. The meeting hiad to be postpooned but will be beld mid February whlen a decision is expected to made. Cupid's Capers Orono Town Hall Friday Evening The Great Pineridge Kinsnmen Club are sponsoring tbeir second Teen Dance in bti Orono Town Hall this Friday even- ing. The dance bias been titled Cupid Capers. j Tbe first dance promioted by tbe club was a huge suc- cess w?,ith a good turnout. i is again expected that Cupid Capers will mneet wth e sanme success. Tickets now, available for pre-dance purchase or available ai tbe door. Considering Future E vents A commnittee 0t mie Orono Towni Hall Board are con- sidering future events wbicb would bave interest wviîbin Itle Last week consideralion was given to tbec annual art show whieb would be extended tis year to include a opening event with wine and cbeces being servecd for those purcbasing pre-sold tickets. Another itemi of interesi was a formai dance to be held in tbe hall. Tbe art show along- with wine and cheese would be beld in flie first part of May with the dance cornnge near the end of the mlontb. Kirhy PTA Lucky Draw Winners The Kirby Parent-Teacher Association held a draw on Friday, December 21 forf two Christrnas Food bampers. Thte winniers were: Clint Wood, R.R. 2 Orono and Beverly Leitbi of Kendal. To Hold Openi House for Frank Stapleton Friends of Frank Stapleton, Newî,onville, wbo last tweek-end wýas crownied World Champion aucLtioneer in Lon- don, Ontario, biave planned ani Openi House (o be bield titis Sunday, February 91h. l'le Open H1ouse wNil[ be beld in tbe Sunday Sebool Hall of tbe Newýtonville UnJiited CIsurch fromn two 10 five in tble afitern)oon. Culture and Recreation Planning Boa"rd Mleets in Orono The TFowni of Newcasîle Culture and Recreation Plann- tng Boarcl wîtlJ be meieiiiýng icb Orono T1own Hall tonigbt Wedrtesday, February 6tb, Tbe Boaird set-up by fie Town counicil bas completed 1 evF, and recoei ndation of tbe ofiiaI saement of and ils foie for- Culturle and recreation i tbe mni1Cipality. Fic mieeting, fin Oronlo is part oi'fltbe Board's planl to miet in Ible varions, centres tbrougbout flitecon Through, announcing the opening of a new business in Orono, the Village Bin, at council meeting on Monday Counc. Diane Hamre gave a, boost Io the downtown business section. She proudly pointed out that this most re- cent opening of a commercial enterprise in Orono was the fifth such business to open in Orono over the pasi year and a haif. Site said tliat one reads of dying downtown centres but that titis was not the case in Orono where expansion and growth along with a positive attitude was most evident. Counc. Hamre also made note of 68 business women who do work and operate businesses in downtown Orono. Sýhe, said the Region of Durham is considering affir- mative action but that in Orono it is a fact of life today and without being any cost to, the munlicipaity. Counce. Hamre moved se- cond b3 Mayor Rickard that a letter of congratulation he sent Io the Village Bmn in Orono and Rust Check in Bowmanville whose recent opening was reported by lte Mayor. On motion of Mayor Rickard and Counc. Hamnre council is to take action in an endeavour to curtail te clos- ing of thse Custom office in Bowmanville. Mayor Rickard said the wheels are in motion to see whia can he doue to re- tain the office rather than having it close. Benefit dance for Second candidate JKidney Foundati'On looks for NDP be Local residenits are being asked to circle their calendars to Saturday, March 2 for tbe fouirth annmal Kidney Foun- dation Dance being spon- sored by ilhe Ransberry fami- ly of north Orono. The dance will bc held at the Newcastle Community Hall in the village of Newcastle. Music will be provided by Bill Taylor and The Tradesmen, a five pièce band offering both country and western and contemporary music. The eveing begins at 8 p.m. and continues to 1 a.m. AIl proceeds from the event will go to th e Kidney Foundation of Canada. The Ransberry famiîy are memnbers of the Durbamn Region Unit of the Toronto and District Branch of the Kidney Faundation. Tickets to the dance are $15-a couple. Tickets will bc available at the door, residents are encouraged to caîl Harold Ransberry at 983-9597 for information. Harold and Norma Ransberry got involved with fund raising fro tbe Kidney Foundationi after thecir son Don uniderwýent a kidney transplant in 1969. Throuigh medical research made possi- ble tbrough funid raising- by tbe Kidney Founidation, Don Ransberry enijoys a becaîtby life style. Marcb bias been designrated Kidney Montb. Over 2,000O Caniadianls are waiting fori a kidniey transplant everyyer In addition to, a :ounitry-wide door-to-door camlpaigol, tbe Kidney Foundation will bold special events duiring Marcb. 1Local -residen ts are, beinrig encou raged to corne oui to enjoy this dance in Newcast le to belp support rearch into kidney disease. A second candidate has entered the fray for the New, Demnocratic Party nomiîna- tion in Durbam East provin- cial riding. Doug Smith, a 38-year-old Oshawa psychologist, an- (Conîioued page 2) Greet G, Ina Hughesý and Barb Swan, co-ownIers of Tb'le Villae Bm (S&H Bulk Foods) in Or-ono sbow tbecir excitement for their grand opening last Friday. The store is certainly a credit 10 tbe îwo girls being wecll appointed and cryn an interestîng, linie ot meri- ebandise. it make fo r anloiber -grand featurei in Lownitowuirono. Congraitulaitiomnsmustbe exîended lo tbe îwo in their effort in adding (c) the Comn- miercial asýpect of Orono. C 'Ono give Ai/I Round Cords c _ t1îIU~T%4.. M. MI-11 Il

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