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Orono Weekly Times, 6 Feb 1985, p. 2

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2-Orono Weekly Timnes, Wednesday, February 6, 1985 Second Class Mail Regstration Number 000368 Publtshed Every Wednesday at the ofice of Publication Main StrEýet, Orano Roy C. Forrester, Editor Free Enterprise and the Domne At one limie during his term as Prime Minister of Canada Pierre Trudeau made a statement tbat Free Enterprise, as a fact, did flot exist. As can be expected this was not well received, by the Bay Street boys and those who expound the greatness oU whai is called free enterprise. The dealing with the Metro Domed Sadium may well be one to give some credence Io the Trudeau state- ment. The free enterprise spirit of such as Labat's, Coca-Cola, Macdonald's and others is ridînig on the back .of taxpayers for the lune of $60 million which is more than a third of the cost of the new stadiumii. The fact that the contributions from the private sector wI have to be supported by preferences, and make no doubt these have to come for an amiount of $5 million, gives these entepreneurs an advantage which is flot open to the general public. They are, in fact, being favoured through taxpayers' monies. If the entepreneurs are so supportive of the free enterprise systemi then there is cause that they should undertake such a money-making scheme as the domed stadium. There is no reasoni they should ride on the back of the taxpayer who faces cut-backs by the province in the very funds the taxpayers provide. Conservatism bas always spoke bravely of free enterprise but on the other hand often scoff at welfare payments for the less fort unate. We would have to con- tend in this case, and in many others, the welfare paymenis, in more than one way, are going to the entepreneurs. 0f course we cali it a forgiveable loan or grant flot welfare. David Lewis certainly made a point whenhe spoke of the corporate welfare bums. Focus on the Family Film Series Focus on the Family Film series opens in the Orono United Church on Sunday, February 101h with the showing of "The Strong Willed Cbild". It is a 63 minute film of childish irresponsibility v ersus willful de- fiance. The film outlines understanding your guilt when disciplining your child. Shaping the Will without Breaking the Spirit will shown on Sunday, February l7th. Bo4h sbowings 7: 00 p.m. F., stapleton earns auctioneer titie Frank Stapleton of Newtonville was crowned the 1985 World Champion Auc- tioneer on Friday in London, Ontario winning out over for- ty compeitors competing for the top world tille. Stapleton, 37, and owner of his own auction co.npamny bas been auctioneering for the pas( fifteen years and puts as mnuch effort in selling a fif- ty cent item as lItai of a $200,000 article. Stapleton picks up a $ 1,200 gold bell buckle and a $1,000 in cash. Seven judges marked the forty cofftestants on clarity, voice quality, control, alert- ness, courtesy and presenta- lion. Stapleton states tbey are trying 10 promote auctioneer- ing a metbod of selling. He said tbey want 10 make the public aware that there is more go the job than thag which appears on the surface. He said auctioneers generate millions and millions of dollars. Council lifts humting from Master Plan The General Purpose com- mittee of the Town of Newcastle on Mondayý sup- ported a staff recommenda- (ionl as 1<> the master plan for the Long1 Sault Conservation area in Darlington Township and prOPosed by thie Central Lake C:oniservation Authori- ty. The report did recommnnend the elimination of biunting and the inclusion of borseback riding whdich bad been s>ught aI a prevýious mneeting at wbich area residents bad made (beir desires known. A sizeable delegation was also in attendance on Mon- day with the majority having no objection (o the master- plan as revised by tw staff. Tbree area residenîis did however objecito1 the inclu- sion of their property being included in the master plan and said tbey bad no inten- tion of gelling their lands to the Conservation Authority. On motion of Connc. Hamre aund Mayor Rickard the Conservation Authority is to be asked to delete the pro- perties from tbe plan as re- quçsted by the area residents. Kendal News Valentine Greetings St. Valentine's a friend of mine Because upon bis day Love's greeting true, 1 send 10 you, Convention says 1 may. Since New Year's Day 1985 we have bad real winter weatber. January only bad three 'days that the ther- mometer rose above zero celsius. However this writer managed 10 gel ber stove pipes burned out witb paper. Sometimes we have a tbaw on Valentine Day. 1 remember more than one skating party that had 10 be postponed because of mielting ice. The farmers are still boping for rain 10 replinisb the welîs and cisterns. Suniday morning was clear and cold. The Kendal choir sang "Leaning on the Everlasting Arms". Then Mrs. A. Cathcart toîd tbe boys and girls the story of Mary Weir a teacher and minister (Professor) wbo is totally deaf. The story of ber hUfe thus far is written in the January "Observer". She lost ber hearing when five after she bad "Chicken pox and a strep tbroat. A special teacher taught ber lip reading. At thirteen she knew she was going 10 be a minister and sîudied the bible diligent- ly. After graduation from a Two seek NDP nominaion nounced loday Ihat be will seek the NDP nomination for Durham East in the Ontario election expecîed later tbis% year. Srmith's announcement means a contested nomina- lion for the NDP nod in ýthe riding. Courzice businesswomnan Bernice Camreron--HilI declared ber candidacy last faîl. A nomination meeting is set for Feb. 12 at the Bowmnanville Public Library. Claiming, "it's limie for a change," Smith said: "We need newv represenîtaîaîion, in Durham East, we need new ideas, new, enthusiasmn. "As a professionalwbo bas devoted most of my life to helping people improve their lives, I believe I can help many more people in Durbami East by not just isrning to tbem but by br- inging their concerns 10 Queen's Park. "The people of Osbawa know wbat kind of service to expect from Ed Broadbent and those in the Town of Newcastle rememnber the ex- Canada. In May 1982 the London Conference received her int the United Church of Canada. She served there for two years. Then she took a position teaching aithIe Van- couver School of Theology. She hoped 10 teach a ctass of perhaps twelve but forty-two took the course. She re- quested the men to trim their moustaches so she could get a fullIlip view 10 hear whait hey said. At first they would not let bier and hearing-aid dog into the residence wbere out- of-town students ive but finally relenrizl. She can con- verse in six languages. Just as she imitated her teachers so the boys an d girls of Kendal can follow the teaching of the greatest teacher, Jesus the Christ, wbo told us 10 "Love one another"; "10 bear eachi other burdens" and "if we have lwo côats give t0 bimr that hias inone". The scripture reading was Micah 6: 1- 8, Mathlew 7: 13-23. Sermion: Walk humbly with your God. Nuxt Sunday Feb. 10 w,,ilt be open bouse ai Newton% ilte Cbiurch fromn 2 to 4 p.m. t0 honour Mr. Frank Stapleton who won th e comipetition as tbe World's Best Auctioneer. Congratulat ions. cellent job done by Doug Moffatt, I want 10 provide the saine type of representa- l ion. " Currently serving as presi- dent of the Osbawa federal NDP riding association, Smith is originally from Windsor wbere be was active in the party for many years. In addition to bis NDP in- volverihent, Smitb was also a trustee on the Windsor Board of Education from 1976 to 1978. Married with îwo children, Smith provides psycbological services forthe Scarborougb Board of Education and bias a private practice in Oshawa and Toronto. He and bis family reside in nortb Oshawa. The nomination meeting is set for 7:30 p.m. on Feb. 12 at the Ilibrary tocated at 62 Temperance St. Ontario NDP Leader Bob Rae wilI be guest speaker. In addition, Ibere \wilt be an election of officers for 1985. Durham East riding in- cludes tbe north and nor- îheast sections of Osbawa and the Town of' Newcastle. WITHDRAWS ESTATE.- RESIDENTIAL PLAN MIr. M. Pedwýell of R.R. Newcastle bas witbdrawn bis application of an amendmeng t0 the Durham Regional O)f- ficiaI Plan which would miake way for the devýelopment of 16- residential lots on Bellwood Drive in the 'owýn of Newcastle in the former Township of Clarke. The plan came b)efore coulncil of Newcastle on Monday but was not) deali with as Pedwell liait withdrawn bis application the latter part of lasi week. Staff report Io council on1 Monday recommended that the application be denied. are asi<edi 10provîcle squares and cookies. Bring themn whien you cotne or leave with Helen Hoy. AIl are welcome. On Neighbourly N.ews Sunday morning we learned of a man named Jerry who lives at Port Perry wbo has trained fifteen Canada Geese 10 fly along beside his speed boat at 50 miles an hour as he zips around Lake Scugog. The eggs were hatched in Japan and sent to hlm wbien the chicks were one month olçt. Ail he bas 10 do is gel in the boat and they follow. They come when he catis but won't come 10 anyone else's voîce. The Japanese want to film for their world fair of these geese following the speed boat. Cold Feet and Warmn Hearts by Janet Saunders (concluded) A letter arrived, bidding my husband report for duty as an army chaplain. Wle had a frantic week of packing, ar- ranging church affairs, atten- ding farewell parties, saying goodbye ai the back door, front door, on the telephone. At last we were ready to go. t walked through thre large emnpty bouse, going fromn room 10o room, thinking of thre laughter and affection those roomns had known. t took a last look at the rolling fields, the far horizon, the long purpie line of the hilîs. We boarded the local train, waving a finial goodbye. As we were passing the last of the familiar farmihouses, t went 10 the end of the coach and looked back at our town. It \vas as 1 had first seen it, silhouetted against the setting suni, the steeple of our church pointing to0ttre blue sky. t realized suddenlly that life in that town wouild henceforth go on without nme. My girls and boys would grow up and 1 wouldn't know what they were thinking or doing. A feeling of great desolation came over me. it was just as well that 1 could not look ahead to the long empîy days and years of the war that lay before me. 1 could not know that 1 would attend a beautifuil churchi in a bovely city and that I would stand on the steps of that beautiful church, in the ramn and long with aIl my beart t0 be standing on the steps of Miss Catberine Stewart was taken up 10 Scarborougb on Wednesday. She plans 10 be witb ber niece Jean for a couple of weeks. Her address will be 5 Bedlow Manor Dr., Scarborougb, Ont, c/o Mrs. Danny Keane. St. Saviour's Anglican Church MILL STREET ORONO, ONTARIO REV. ALLAN HALDENBY Rector St. Saviour's Church February 10, 1985 9:45 a.m. Morninig Prayer Cburch Scbool ORONO UNITED CHURCH Orono Pastoral Charge SUNDAY ORONO PASTORAL CHARGE- Focuis on the Family Main Hall Orono United Cbiurcb Film I The Strong Willed Cbild Discussion in groups will folîow. Hi-C- Valentine Dance Orono Town Hall Feb. 161h Contact: Gord Hardy, Robin Robinson or Randy Cowan Bible Sîudy Wednesday 8-9:30 p.m. Friendsbip Room ORONO UNITED CHURCH Church School 11:15 a.m. Morning Worsbip 11:-15 a.m. KIRBY UNITED CHURCI- Church School 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship 9:45 a.m. .I .. .......

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