Qassif ied Ads (Col im d lim lpi-L1 niiddei î aii I l'uid l I l'u ilîs isi ccssuu l c-.. S i ii p' il n i' $ p vear o ,Iiuu Cu u l nîcî.is, o\ 65 1F, iciil] 1,1 e.Alia 1 1,1 314 'uaiplec cîpv $1. 51 Doii 'i a% cici ongel u , l uu'i s ipi uioiis,i uaN 1-Ff RM( oniîneoial Truekig pli ai Isl, iicsand aIl steecl huield dorsinuiaiioc. D, i vuse îrw' ciciC al ulicci Riilu Buildinig Syseîîî (63)473-2883. WANTED TO B0lîk Y Wýe buy lie iodcl 1TRACOS lir ieu.kiiîe. hiied damiagcd jusi îred. aw1 1iaiu Suppk Iý d R R. -'. SiMai s,s NOM 2 BUSINESS <)PPORTUNIT1iES COSTUME JL El LERY Disiriiuis W iiicd. Hsii -Alleig1 earrngs. large assorIminni Ii ashiuîîîs anîd cîrlIiuirs11%11, 11o' . îîî i -Ilîî îiIi inieiiCANAZON inporîs. Buis 213, Siaiimii"A.kiiiisiiîiîK7Mi (613)~4-O5 ENXlRA CASH . Repr eseîîîai i\ e iellIlircd iii luîi oiiî-c paies tef, iîîg Chirian iliies oîieii iî , u(enIiiiqliicýd. Wîîliod a Treasurers, Box 2194, Baiiilord. OîîîarîîîN.11 5M8,. PERSONAL MEET YOUR MATC H. For ail wages 41iiic iaiîaciic. Lîii members anximiio i usetou. Puîg Auîaiiaîe.Ci[l b 1-8W-263-9163. Hui':Nuiuuii iS. i, îi CAREER ThAININ(, fWEER IN TRUCKING. Traîîspuîrî drlýieecded. Nowsts lie î tWtman forvoar i ass 'A"license. F[,ri esrelii îdjîîpaeîe trfornmaîioni cîîîcMrs Or's TraiispoiiDriver Training. ('aîîîbridgpe (519) 623-2430. Torontou 416) 251 973. CA\REER IN TR('KIN( i. iisp idriversneeded. Nîius siehe i id iraili or %your Ciass '-A- lc 1emFirpre-creenngand juîbpacementîî ilormaîloîr. contact Mers Orr'S Traîîsport Driver Trainingîu. Foroiiii (416) 251-9073, Ottawa (613) 523 3489. WNANTED FARMI - Minimum l5(1acres for býeef/eo/caifopera1iui. Wiii cuii ider reuu, lease wîîh ptirclîase or purcliase. AGRITEK, Bus SuS. ýKciip- ti11 îe, Oniiarl, oCGi 1,10 FOR SALE CALFMNýNA (C ARNATFION) Fuir vuir lîurses anîd îepiaceiîeîîi un Show Caille ýiaaable bu bag îîr îîuî. 'ail (613) 989-20141 ailci 9 p.iii THUEMAN"ki AUORIL&W IFOP, GLZAL NEWI It isn't often that a single book has a notîceable ef- fect on an entire city, but 1 don't think I m exaggerating when 1 say that Ottawva is enthralled with Sandra Gwyn's "The Private Capital: Ambition and Love in the Age of Macdonald and Laurier." Reading Ottawva, at least, is now sensitive ta this ci- ty's Victorian heritage in a way it wasn't before the book was published last FaIt. I'm flot usually much interested in parties but there is one annual event here that would cause me ta con- template forgery if 1 didn't get an invitation t'a it: the Governor General's annual skating party for reporters and other news people. In winter, the wooded estate which surrounds the Governor General's officiai residence, Rideau Hall, is a fairyland. A skating rink and toboggan stide have nestled in the trees near the residence since the last century. A long procession of English governors-general took ta the wvinter here the same way they took ta the mer- ciless Sun in other parts of the Empira And it was THEY who showed Victorian lumber barons, senior civil ser- vants, the country's statesmen and Ottawa society generally how ta enjoy a Canadian winter. It is in this tradition realiy, that CANADIAN governors-general have held the annual skating party for the press. This year was no exception, and an enthusiastic Governor-General, Jeanne Sauve, near death only a year ago, added some touches of her own. She is also under the speli of Sandra Gwvyn's book. Andso she and her husband, Maurice Sauve, came down ta the skating rink in Victorian winter dress. They were magnificent. Two young skaters appeared in Victorian costume as wveIl, she in a long dress, replete with beads and lace and a busie, and one of those putl-box hats in fur per- ched jauntily on her head. Her partner wore the same kind of fur pil-box trousers very slim in the leg and a thigh-lerngth coat, buttoned up ta the neck. They skated with exquisite grace, and with the waltz music at the rink, and the jangle of sleighbells in -the background, it was easy ta believe at Rideau Hall that time had been s'ding still for a century. wý2vere ail part of a Bartlett print, a Notman ph-otograph, and for a moment it made the people we' ve ail wondered about in those ancient pictures, flesh and blood. 11c February 7. 1985 d.liiui The number of clients egoid unemployed and registered for work at the Canada 11/ Employment Cbentres in Ajax, CL ; Whitby and Oshawa for the 2VO. month 'of January totalled 13,180. Placements in the three of- fices totalled 416 for the sei month, which compares to a 6R2 total of 860 placements during îîc December. The majority of clients were registered in Material Handling and nii:i Related: Construction Trades; Product Fabricating, Assembi- iC ing and Repairing; Service; ds ofi Sales; Clerical and Related. 1 ree During January. the greatest, employment oppor- Tuesda y, February 19, is a savouring day. for pancake loyers evervwhere! The origins of Pancake Tuesdav also knpwn as Shrove Tuesday, date baick to the i lth Century whien a dav of feasting was held prior to the Lenten fast be- fore Easter. Pancakes are the oldest form of bread. There is a re- ligious symbolism in their basic ingredients: eggs rep- resent rebirth and flour, the staff of life. Milk symbolizes innocence and saIt, the wholesomeness of Christ. Pancakes are popular, tur-ninig up vr'heeand .ini man\v ariations. TheY cani be referred to as; blinis, flannel cakes, flapjacks,, griddlecakes and bock-- wheats. Cousins to these great traditions include: Sourdough pancakes, Mexi- can tortillas, Scottish oat- cakes and Frenich crepes., Fromi appetizersz to de- ssert,.pancakes can. be a welcome part of any mieal, no longer to be serVed plain just for breakfast. By addi ng fruit, vegetables and/ýor dairy products, one cari make pancakes a nutritionis- ]y balanced nmeal. Try a light and delicate savourv pancake flavoured with a favourite vegetabie or tangv cheese. Pancakes can al-so be sîuffed or rolled with fresh fruit and topped with the Most tempting of treats. Terrific glazes include ,seasoned butters, warm or chilled sauces, sour creani and a varietv of svrups. Top off with sprinkles of nuts, raisins or coconut. These are ail simple Io do, but add a delicious îouch. tunities existed_ in Food and Beverage; Health and Social Services; Government Ser- vices, Retail Trade; Wholesale Trade. In January new trainees started in Industrial Training Programs; 36 on the jo)b train- ing and Il apprentices, at a cost of $14,000. These peo- ple will benefît fromn both train- ing and employment in the Region of Durhami. At the end of January, there were 226 students in the skill courses sponsored by the Canada Employmnent Centre and 67 people receiving academnic upgrading at Durham Colleqe. FANIAIIC AVîNS PEIlTl CuDINWVOOI) S'I)IOVS -tîîd quanini eui iieiieid cs lu,(AAppi u1cd ai gusuu stoves. AI DeaiercI Ni. (il 161'il612-928L Wîî:B"\ u681, Hawesii~.Oiia iu.k6A 22 FARM F KS: SpI as d Uîciliee ii ial oi. QuLIaIî s wk iiraiWclciî Ont a rio Ies (ii ledappli, a i uus. 'pcri-jIccd ii-aeîic Li iiai rî iii sînce 1975.,('ail Waîit iii I iilai ion. (613) 267-6711. Bos 460,. PeIii. 0Ou' ario K7H 3(11. Il. C People-on-the-go will find it convenient to mnix the bat- ter abead for quick, early breakfasts, late lunches or unique side dishes for din- ner, Pancake batter can be prepared a few ýýdays in adf- vance and stored in the re- frigerator. Ailo,. it to warmn to recru temperature (approx. U-2 hour) before using. Cooked panicakes may also be frozen for laier use. Extra pancakes should be wrapped securely in foul before placing thiem in the freezer. Freeze îndividuallv, or stack three pancakes withl 1itsp. (5 mI ) butter between eachi and on top. To reheat, place frozen foil-wrapped pancakes in a moderate ov en 3,5 0 F (180"C) until hot. Pancakes reheat becautifulîx% in a n i cri)ýa (1 S a fe(' pla t e. Microwýave on fluli power 55- 65seconds. or unitil hot. H-ere are sonie cooking (iip5 10 keep in mmnd: 0 Variations in the inois- ture content of flour cause variations in the consistenc.' of the batter- Test the batter by cooking one pancake. If the batter is 100 thick,dilute it with a little waîewr. If it is too thini, add a little flour. *For lighter and mnoister pancakes , allow batter ico sit 3 to 6 hours before cooking. 0* Try adding chopped nuts, candied fruits, choco- laie chips, wýheat germ, flaked bran or corn to vour batter. Allow ingredients to settle in mixture for haîf an hour before cooking. 0 Silver dollar sized pan- cakes can be made by drop. ping 1i Tbsp. (15ml) of batter mbt heaied pan. Here are two deiicious pancake recipes that one will flip for! Serve them plain or liven themn up with flavoured butters, syrups or sauces such as the Spicod Peach and Raisin sauce. Add fiber to your pancakes with whole, wheaî flour. Not only nutritiflus but delicious too! Whole Wheat Pancakes 3/4 cup ail-purpose flour 31'4 cup whole wheat flour 3 tbsp. s,.gar 2 ts.p. bakinig powdcýr 175 ml 175 mi 45 ml 10 ml 13,180 unemployed Oshawa-Whitby area Sift together flours, sugar, baking powder and sait. n a separate bowl lightly beat the eggs. Add the milk and melled butter. Combine the dry. ingredients with the liquid, using as few strokes as possible.' Using a greased grill, over medium to hîgb heat, cook pan- cakes on one side until air bubbles appear, then flip. Makes approximately 10, four inch paticakes. Try this baked pancake for breakfast, brunch or lunch. The run favoured raisins add a nice touch 10 a favourite Cana- dian tradition. Pancake Tuesday, Canadian Style 2 tbsp. raisins 30 mi 1/4 cup dark rum 50 ml 41 eggs, separated 4 3 tbsp, sugar 45 mi 2 cups haîf and haîf cream 500 ml 1 cup alI-purpose flour, sifted 250 mi 1 tsp. vanilla 5 ml 1 Isp. lemon peel, grated 5 mi 2 tbsp. mielted butter 30 ml Icing sugar Soak raisins in rumn for 30 minutes. Drain. Preheat oven 10 4000-F (200- C). In medium mixing bowl beat egg whites until stif'f but flot dryI. In large mnixing bowl beat together egg volcs and sugar unitil thick and lemon coloured. Gradual-, add cream and flour and stir unti î-nsooth, using as feis strokes as possible. Stir in villa and] lemon peel. Fold egg whites mb y olks un- fil no streaks of white remaîn. MleIt butter in a 10-inch (25 cm) ovenproof skiilet. Pour bat- ter inito pan and sprinkle top with raisins. Bake- 15 minutes or until top is puffed and golden. Invert pancake conto serving platter and dust with icing sugar. Serve immediatelv. Makes, 4-6 servings. This superb sauce can be served warmi or chilied. Try it with vour next batch of pancakes! Spiced Peach and Raisin Sauce 1 cup sukar 250 mi 1/4 cup cornistarchi 50 ml 4 cups sNIrup fromn canned peaches 1 L 1/4 tsp. salit Imi 1/4 cup lemnon juice 50 ml 1/4 cup butter or margarine 50 mi '4 cups peaches, coarselY chopped 1 L 1 cup raisins 250 ml 2 tsp. ground cinnamon 10 MI 1 îsp lemon rind, grated 5 mi Combine sugar and cornstarch;, add peach syrup and Sait,, blending well. Cook and stir over 1om heat until slightlx thickened. Add lemon -juice, butter, peaches, raisins and ciinnon. Bring to a houl. Remiove fromn heat and stir in lemnon rind. Serve, as a topping or filinig for pancakes. Yields 1-1/2 quarts (1.1/2 L). 1 ts-p. sait 2 eggs, 1.-1/Î4 to 1- 1/2 cu p,, milk 3 îbsp. mehled butter, 300 to 3753 MI 45 mi Oronào eekly"imes, Wednesday, February 14, 1985-9 The Northumberland and NewcstleBoard of Education Are You Interested In Late French Immersion Do You Have A ChiId Entering Gr ade 6 In 1985? Thie Nortliumber1and and Newcastle Board of Edlucation is oftering Late Frenicri i nmmer- s j,)n f r tre Towri of Newcastl e i i Septernber. 1985 A meeting has been scheduled for Tuesday, 19 February 1985 at 7:30 p.m. at M.J. Hobbs Senior Public Sohool HAMPTON Parents will have thie opportunity to indcate their jnterest n enrolling their children in trie program. ALL interested persons are welcome to attend. Pancake Loyers'- Tuesday