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Orono Weekly Times, 14 Feb 1985, p. 1

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,ctor Trailer turns over to Orono The annual tractor pull which was staged at the Oronio Fair griounids, in early September for a number of years but dropped tin 1984 mtay return. A delegation of inîteresîed persons met xith the ex- ecutive of thre Durhami Cenl- tral Agricultural Society on M/onday evenling in the Orono Communiirity (-cuentrin- terested in the return of thle tractor pull. The delegat ion was, open 10 suggestions for either wýork- ing on a percentage boasis or renîîng the grounids for thie event to operate the Pull on their own. The Pwo groups are to meet again 10o finalize plans and financing of such an evenit. The Agricultural Society are to again hold their annual banquet with the date yet 10 be arran-ged. The executi-ve is also to consider suggestions for a revamping of the prize list for the annual rabbit show as well as the daily catle sh1ow of Jerseys and Genes Howar-d Bradley, presi- dent, D)on Welshi, past pr-esi- dent and fair manager, Harold RansbLerryý were ap- pointed a comiîtee tb draft plans for- a inew fair- building whichi would house thre 4-H displays s wýell as other educational features of an agricultural naturewic could be ecncouraged Io ex- hiibit ai the annual fair in Orono. fit was consideredJ ai a pr-evious meeting that the bilidinig could also be used for- MacDonialdJ's Farmbut thle executive first vvant to try to encourTage othler educa- tional features on a tr-ial basis before ovngthe farm toic the new ,buiildingL. Thre executive of rthe Boar-d mneets on a mnonthly basis on flhe third Monday of the mronth in thec Orono Com- munity Centre. FVbui rIy ut,,a. -4.4D.'a.,,. a tractor trailer loaded with squared posts went out of control on Highway 115 south or the north entrance t0 the Village and rolled over into the ditch with al wheels TL own sets budget 2.03 percent increase A Geineral Purpose Com- mittee meeting~ on Monday, following council m eeting gave approval to the 1985 current and capital bLgets.- whicb will now go befoft council for its approval oui February 25thi. The general municipal mill rate has been set at 94.187 milîs an increase of 2.03 pe- cent over tbat of last year. This approval camne after five full-day sessions on the budget which were completed on Friday afternoon of last week. The final debate on the budget teryginated on Mon- day sbowiig the 2.03 percent increase. Th-, genieral municipal ser- vices levy did decrease fromr 92.40 mnilis in 1984 to 87.530 mills in 1985, a decrease of 5.27 percent. However rhis decrease bas been offset wý,ith the inclusion of 1.957 milîs for the Memorial Hospital showing skywards. Ken Bay of Bancroft, 26, suffered major injuries and was rushed 10 Memorial expansion levy and a further 4.70 milîs for funds t0 be directed t0 a newý or revamip municipal office fund. The Memorial HospIital funds. amount Io $83,334 while that for the municipal building amouint 10 $200,000). Thie ITown has been comi- iied o0 supporling Ithe hospital expbnsioni through three annuAl grants of $83,334. The Towni now lias close t0 $600,0M in a municipal oif- Hospital in Bowmanville. Damage to the tractor was estimated ai $35,000, a total loss. fice fund reserve. The averag-e residential tax- payer will pay $5.63 10 the Hospital fund and $13.63 to the municipal office fund. In total for municipal pur- poseswhc includes the grant t0 the hospital and the municipal office the average residential taxpayer in the Town of Newcastle will pay $273.14 in taxes compared 10 $267.96 nin1984. This amouint does not in- (Continued page 5) Planning Board to consider museums The Culture and recreation Planning Board, made up of four citizens fromt eachi ward plus sonie Town staff, bave been requested by couincil to unidertake a study of the mnuseumis in the Town of Newcastle wt the view of bringing museum unider the jurisdliction of one board. The propo-saI was broughit to coun.cil by Cuunc. Taylor on Monday who suggested the Planning Board report back Io, counicil oin their fin- dings prior to the 1986 budg-et discussions. Taylor also wanted the Iwo existing boards to be part of the dialogue ih the Planning Board. Counc, Woodyard said the suggestion had alI the ear- marks of passing the buck and said the decision as to the future of museumns should be between council and the Boards thmevs-We are failing to bite the bullet-, he said. Counc. H-ubbard said she did not share the views of Counc. Woodyard and noted the budget request of $50,000 from the Bowmiarnville museumn board and $20,000 fromi the Clarke board. She said the Planning Board had shown it operates well wth its research and that members do have expertise. She furîher stated that both boards have 10 bc mindful of change and council lias to be assured they are getting the best for their dollars. Counic. Hobibs said hie had no d-ifficulty wiîb the Plann- ing Board uindertaking the study as long as the Museumn Boards are part of the discus- sions. Counc. Hamre spoke in (Continued page 5) Orono Public school Orono Town Hall Card Game resuls At the miost recent euichre pariy at thie Orono TFowni Hall the following results were recorded: Joyce Cowan and pieorge McDonald, 85 eachi; Dawn Deînnis, 82; Joe Forg-et arnd .Pearl Clarke, both 81. Low score went to Ruth Giradyv. Lucky draw winniers were: Marion Sears and Ray Brown. The next ar pariy is bein-, held toight,Wdedy February l3îth. Clarke Stuidents lake part in Blood Clinic A contingent of 58 Clarke H-ighi School students imade their regular isit last week btheli Red Cross Blood Clinie. This- bas been a patternl for Clarke stuidenits f'or the past five years. Rick Essex( who plans the Clarke cnign said they wecre teaching flhc stuiderits to be sociilv i responsýible and gvn blood i a good wýay 10 accomiplisli this end. Wili Oppose Junior Kindergarten Th'le Association of Early Childhood E-ducation ofOnl- tajNorth Shore Branci, hav\e made a presentation 1th le Nothumiberland and Newcastle Board of EduIcaionI on Tures;- day evening at a mieting i which thle BoMadwscnierin the implem-entation of Junior Kindergarten thruhu heir [fThe O.E.C.E.O. who provide private Nursery School akayCaie faiities iîhroughouti the Iprovince and aswel locally opposed thec iimplement ation of a Junior- Kindlerga1Irte (Continured page 2) Volleyball is an niooni-time ac- Scholdwrng thewinter from the school are learing the fine art of the gamie. ific h OrilooPublic mnîsand above--a group - Published Every Wednesday Orono Weekly Times, W'ednesday, February 1,18

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