6-Orono Weekly Timies, Wednesday, iebruary 14, 1985 From around the Region APPOINTE) MINISTER OF ENERGY George Ashe, M.P.P. Durham) West rn ing wa's ap- poînted Minister of Energy by the new Ontario Premlier, Frank Mîller lasi week. Ashe had rece tly served as Minisýter of Govrmnment Ser- vices and prior to that Minisier of Fin nce for the Ontario Go)vern nt. Ashe entered provincial politics in 1971 ,,-!en lhe defeated the NDP candidate Dr. Charles Godfrey and again won his ridinig in 1981. As.he had been a memiber of Pickering Council and was its first Mayor in 1974. WILL CONSIDER TAKINU OUT PARKING METERS A committee of the Port Hope council will give con- sideration to eliminate park- ing mieters on Walton Street in the downtown business section. New commercial developmtent outside of the downtown area has broughît the issue of parking meters Io the fore. The proposaI, by no means, has the support of the mnajority of council members, but the issue is 10 be dïscuss- ed. NOT ALL IS WELL WITH INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT The 1iamnond Tinl org1anization representing Port Hope, Coboung and the towýnship of Hope and Hamilton, wvith the aim Vto at- tract industry to flie area, is running mbt somie dif- ficulties. Port Hope, as of lasi week, had failed to give support f'or the appoinment of a niew ad- minisîrator even though the other three municipalities had backed the appointiment of Frankie Liberî. CUSTOM OFFICE GETS REPRIEVE The Port Hope eus! omns o f- fice xhich was Io close on, April 1, 1985 will naw remain open until October 1, 1985. Allan Lawrence, M.P. for Durhani-Norîhiumberland ,,as able to delay the closuing and hopes 10 negotiate that Ilhe office mnay stay open a! Ieast during the summier mon- ths. The Town of Newcastle council is seeking 10 say-off the closing of Ithe customs of- fice in Bowmianviile and ac- cording Io Mayor Rickard negotiations are underwvay to prolong the life of' the office in the Town of Newcastle centre. 458 UNITS OF BLOOD DONATED Shirley Coyle, Chaîrman of the Newcastle Blood Clinic, has announiced a mnost successf'ul donat ion last week in Bowmianville tallying 458 units. The Red Cross fbranh of' Torono had sougfil 400 nuits ai the Bowlianville Clinic and the local orgjaniza- lion, due Io flic shortages ini blood supp ly, selppcd up thecir phoning and advei ingi) campaign. Close to 500 1Ltrned tipfor -the clinic but 40 had lo be turned away f'or a numiiber of reasons. SEVEN WOMEN WORKING AT DARLINGTON SI1TE Three labourers, two iron- .1workers, a pipe fitter and a painter, aIl womieni, are amiongst the 3000 nom work- ing at the Darlingion Generating Station just west of Bowmanville. WANTS $75,000 FROM ONTARIO HYDRO Gary Herremna, Chairmiani of the Region of Durham wanis Ontario Hydro to par- tially foot the bill for flhe rewriting of the nuclear emergency plant which isno under way by the Region. Herrema suggesîs Ontýario Hydro should supply a grant in the amount of $75,000. He said Durham taxpayýers should not have t0 pay f'or something that someone else placed in the municipality. CRIME RATE DROPS IN DURHAM REGION Alhoghtere were ini- c:reases ini there porîing of eual asalIs 1y some 32 percent in 1984 over that of 1983 and an inicrease in arson and fraud, the crime rate in Durhiam Regin did drop againi in 1984. Crimînial Code offences dropped almnost one percent. The di-p in 19813 was 2.1 per- cent. Murders dropped from five to two, with store and banik robberies dropping by 34 percent and break-mns droppingl by thr-ee percent. Sexual assuults reported were 247 iv 1984' of which sorte 22 percent were comn- mited by sonie relative of the UNHAPPY OVER DIRECTOR'S COMMENT A Cobourg prîvate school spokesmian says commfienls miade by the director of'thre Nort 1humiberland and Newcastle Board of Eduica- tion, Gary Tush-iinghIam iare not anr accurate description of' local religious schools. Tuishinghami was quoted ta have said privale school teachers do rnot need t10lbe qualified in any way ais long as they fit mbiht le philosophy of' Ilheschool. Wybe Bylsmna, a mnember of, thieCobourg Chrisnai High school, sites that every [cacher tin ( the Nor- thumberland and thie Knox- Chrisuian School in Bowmnan- ville holds a valid Ontario teachcr's certificate anitt ai 11151 iof'the icachers tiithe. two cîeicilnt ar private schools hls ,4-ici icatubs PRO VIDE SENIOR'S ACTJVITY CENTRE The expenditure 01 $ 185,M00 in the Town of Port Hope has provided senior citizens in thle Town with a new Activity Centre which opened its doors on January 9th. Fifty percent of' the- money came through thle Ontario Neîghborhood Inmprrovement Program w'ith the Town of Port Hope providing, the other fifty percent. APPLIES FOR GENETIC CENTRE The Durham Region Health Counicil has recom- mended, as a provincial ad- isory comittee on genietics, a regional genetie centre for Oshawa General Hospital. The centre would provýide couniselling and diagnostic services for pregnant womi-en known to be most îikely to have disabled children. Women with a famiily history of genetic disorders and over thirty-five years of ,age, would also be servedi with the service- YOUTH TRUST A NEW ORGANIZATION Youth Trust being set up to tackle the problemn of unemployed youth in the Region is looking to have in- volvemlent from everyone concernied. it hias been pointed out that there are mnany organiza- tions that are inv\olvedl in one way or another wýith youîh. emlyeîbut that there is a greal deal of overilapping and that the agencies arc fighting fror-the saile funl- ding.- The Youth Trust(, to be recognlized on Februlary 22nid, is to review thle existing services and to help co- ordinate existing programs s0 that young people can be more efficiently served. Trust is tuo explore the probleuuî of youth unemploymient in the Region and to heighitenl comn- munity awareness. SECOND STRAIGHT SALES RECORD General Motors of Canada hias recorded its second straight annual sales record. Total GM Canada sales reached $16.3 billion in 1984 compared to $13.8 billion in 1983. WELCOME CHRONIC CARE BEDS Diane Hamre, chairman of Durhamn Social Services credited Frank Drea, Minister of Social Services for the province for seeing the need for an increase of ex- tended care beds within. the Region and for taking action. Counc. Hamre was referr- ing to the 30 extended care beds that are 10 be split bel- ween Fairview Lodge and Hlilsdale Manor and to cost nearly $449,000 of which amount $65,000 will be pro- vided by the taxpayers of the Region. Fi For Poorer Column by Viki Bates EVERYTHING POINTS TO OVER THE H[LL. Somnewhlere along Ilhe way I've overstepped my youîhi and rnestled imb mriddle age. It',s nol anl easy îhing ta ad- it, but unfortunaîely lime is beginning 10 do a numnber on me. For years (hias il been Mart 1long?) I expecîed that maybe SOMEDAY I would are staying in their own homes longer but when they do need cýare il is greater thani in the past. She said the samne care àlhich wiIl cost fromn $50 10 $60 a day in the senior citizens homes would cast ttp- wards of $200) a day in hospît aI. APPEALS LAUNCHED The Ontario Attorney General*s office has launched an appeal against a îhree and a haîf year jail sentence im- posed on former Port Hope Iawyer, Claude Fitzgibboni for 29 cases of fraud. The At- torney Genieral's office is seeking anr extension 10 thre jail termi. Fîtzgibbon 's defence lawyer lias entcred anr appeal againsl the compensation order, one for $359,000 10 be paid 1theicLaw ýSociety of Upper Canada and another for $45,0(X) w Rudo'lh Ga- tein. 1The Law Society lhas paid oui!Ithe $359,OOOIo some1 of those defraudii(ed byFit zgibbon. The appeal againsît the compensation order is being lauinched on thre bssthat Fitzgibbon is bankrup nd the court hias handed dowvn the sentence may have been out of ils jurisdliction. COBOURG WOMAN HEADS LOCAL P.C.'s Ruth Gardon of Cobourg was acclaimed a wýeek ago Monday night presideni of the Durham- Norîhiumberlanid Progressive Conservative Association. She succeeds Dr. Peter Zakarow, Bowmianville, who held the pasition for tihe pas! three years. Gordan imoved up fromn the firsi v ice- president position. The annual meeting wvas held in the Tyronie Commnii- tv Centre with niearly îwo hundred in antendance. Others eîected Io office were lrwin Hamnilton, Bowmanville, first vice- president; Bruce Colwil, Bowmanville,lfourthli vice- president.; Everett Kerr, Hope Townsh ip, fi fth vice- president; Allan Rednier, Port Hope, sixth vice-president. <The executive will decide the position of ,econd and third vice-presidents as Roger Wilson oif' Hope Township and L.orrainc Lover of Newcasîle ticd for- the posi- tion of second vice-president. Auidrey Jukes of' Hamnp(on holds Ilhe position of secretary wilh Jack Plooard of Campbellford being ii reur. have to hang up my girlish imimaturity and resýign myself 10 thle easy chair. What 1, didn't expect this soon was to look in the mnirror andi have wrînkles smniling back aI mie. The gray hair I became ac- quainîed w\ith long ago since il alinost arrived the day 1 turnied twenty. But Io notiLce a colony of crowsfeeî roosi1cg comfortably around the eyes is a litîle too much Io take. Once I had children 1 ace- epîed the graduai "rounding out". WhatI 1dîdn'î expeet was for my waist 10 disappear and the other apparels 10 become a "used to be". In fact when I dare Io peek in the fulIl ength mnirror, what stares back ai nme is a large gourd shape. My shopping travels find me browsing in the "How 10 look younger' , section. l'ni becoming unthrifty, wasîing scads of money on wrinkle repellent, genîle hair dyes for aging hair. Any day now 1 ex- peet to find miyself in the gir- die section lookîng for the one piece kind that kilîs and cures alilai the samne time. My panty hase will have a vicious snap 10 them 10 keep those varîcose veins from running amnuck. AIl I need now is 10 suddenly wake up one morn- ing and notice my arches have disappeared and l'mn now resigned to fiat feet. lts ,sadi but t rue lim a comn- mercial addicî. 1 don't unrderstand however, w1hy îhey always uise the pretîy youLý hiîngs on TV. Let's face il, their looks can'l be imiproved, s0 why don't îhey use fadied rose on the tube jusî 10 give middle agers like mie somne hope.* And the îwen- ty minute work out. Thiat's a laugh! After a five minute flounicing *,arountd the floor keeping in lune wiîh my jig- gles, 1 find l'mn gasping for air frantically searchinig for the reserve oxygen tank we keep handy around the place, for emiergencies. 1- figure the last thing that couldnow happen would be to rise fromr my pillow and flot have my hair rise with mie. A typical case of the over dlyed, over tried 10 look younger syndrome. On the other hand it would be much easier la simiply buiff you craniumn everyday than 10 îry ail the latest produets advertised to give your hair that bounice and shine it used to have. A-lot cheaiper 10'. Have you ever noticed the commercial products are ail labeled gently. Noîhing is ever robust and lively f'or uis. such products as "Nice and Easy, 2no Debut, Loving Care". ts a coton baton îreainment. Maybe l'mi over the hill and don't know II yet, and this is their way of' letîing me know gentlly that any day now you should resign yourself to [the rocking chair. As ifrmy case of depression isn't bad enough already, I was fortuniate to receive a questionaire in the mail thie other day. Against mny better judgemient I read the silly thing. Il a.sked whielhem or not 1 would be interesled in an or- thiopedic vehicle and were we in ii e of a wheel chair, you Èx amsi are st art îng and you'd better study! The dates set f'or examns are as follows: Monday, Feb. Il - English Tuesday, Feb. Science 12 - Wednesday, -Feb. 13 - Geography (Gr. 8) Thursday, Feb. 14 - math Friday, Feb. 15 - History (Gr. 8) Examis begin at 9:10 in the morning and mnake up 25Wo of the term mark. The Valentine's Day dance is approaching and wiIl be held on Feb. 151hnin the seventh and eighth periods.- The cost will be 50C per per- son and 750 per couple. The Pines will be welcom- ing its first poetry contest. The person who wins the con- test wiII get a free meal with Robert Priest, the poet. The winners will be picked from grade 7 and 8. The due date for the poems' is February 1th and you may enter as often as you wish. by- Amnu Wesselink Kim Gylytiuk know the kind wvith the mnotor attached. 1 sent it back statin.g as yet 1 was flot an almost statistic but could the wheel chair possibly have enough speed 50 thatI 1mighti be able to chase the horses' with it when they happened to get out on the loose again? SAVANNAH HOMES & GARDENS 8 Dey ... Depart Mar. 24 INCLUDES: HISTORIC TOUA AT SAVANNAH * OYSTEA ROAST a LOV COUNTRY SUP. PER AT FT. JACKSON - OUN- MER AT WILLIAM SCARSO- ROUGH MANSION4 - GATS8Y GRANDEUR ORIVING TOUA - WALKING TOUR AT FOUN. OEAS' PROMENADE - CAM- DLELIGI4T TOUA 0F CHIPPE. WA SQUARE, 13.PER PERSON TWIN WASHINGTON CHERRY BLOSSOM FESTIVAL 16 Day. ... Depart Apr. 10 8310. PER PERSON TWIN NWYORK CIY 4 Day....Depart Apr. 4 '270-,PER PERsoN TwiN WASHINGTON, D.C. 4 Day ... Depart Apr. 4 (Monlng Dph» NO aoght yTumI) 1290. PeR PERSON TWIN NASH VILLE COUINTRVMUSIC AT PTS BEST! 4 Dey ... De0art Apr. 4 INCLUDES: GUIOSO TOUA 0F NASHIVILLE - BARBARA MAN. ORELL COUNTRY - COUNTRY MUSIC HALL OF FAME * OP- RYLANO. U.S.A. - RESERVEO SEAT TO GRANDO LE OPRY. 5 Dey ... Depart Apr. 4 (Munhi oeptu. Ne Ngtt1r*vsiý INCLUDES: GUIOEO TOUR 0F NASHVILLE - BARBARA MAN- ORELL COUNTRY -COUNTRY MUSIC HALL OF FAME - Of- RYLANO. U.S.A. - RESEAVED SEAT To GRAND OLE OPRY *TWITTY CITY TH19M USSPflING - SJMMEN - FALI. BROCHUAI15 NO AVAILABLE FOR DETAË'ilS- CALL TOLL FREE 1-800-461-7615