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Orono Weekly Times, 20 Feb 1985, p. 2

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-Oroao Weekly Times, Wednesday, February 20,1985 A Time to Blow the Horn Judgirtg from comments made recently over the latest promotion for the business section in Orono we ffel it is tirfie to blow the horn in recognition of the suc- cess of the promotion and the great interest shown by residents' of the area and vene from a wider scope out- side of the Village. It is difficult to predetermine what elements are r.quired Io stir up enthusiasm but whatever it was the pre-Valentine promotion apparently had the right ingre- clients. It -caught the imagination and support of the local businessmen and then-carried on into the general' public. To say the least the event did have âne hundred percent support from the business people in the business district wearing "I Love Orono" buttons, displyaing "Orono has it al" signs and taking part in the advertis- ing campaign. But most of ail the rewards do come from the general public and this was the case over the past couple of weeks. They were, also, purchaseing "I Love O)rono" buttons and enquirying of possible purchase of the "Orono lias it al" sigils. Coînniments of friendliness as well as. the wide vafiety of' stores and opportunity to shop were certainly made and one we do like is by a first-time shopper to Orono from not too far away makîng the comment they had decided to corne to Orono over the advertisement of the promotion. After spending a couple of 'hours in dows4own Orono she was elatea at what the commercial area had to offer and made it .known she and her friends would certainly be back-in the very near future. What more could one ask for. Firefighters 1ooý for your support The Oro,4o Firefighters Spring Danve is being held inthe Orono Community Centre and the local boys are looking for your support in this venture. The dance is being held on Marcb 9th, 1985. Tcîkets are available at $22.00 a couple including lunch and bar. T ickets available front any firefighter or' by phoning- 983-5140. Children Find for Durham Region The Children Find for Durham Region are holding a regular meeting on February 28 at 7 p.m.. The meeting is being held at the Whitby Public Library. The public is invited to attend and furtber infor- mation is available by phoneing 576-4926. Fact Finder issues report Mr. Emerson Lavender, Burlington, façt finder appointed by the Eduaction Relations Commission in negotiationis between the Elementary teachers and the Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education submitted bis report to the Commission on February 13, The teachers and the board have a further fifteen days for negotiations on the basis of the report. There is provision for a further five days if so requested by the two parties and approved by the Commission. If no agreement is reacbed at the end of this period the Commission' will make the report public. Both the Secondary and Elemnentary teachers have been without a contract sînce last September and neither group have as yet corne to termns with the local Board of Education. NOTICES DRESS LIKE A MILLIONAIRE FOR $3.00 Shop at the Salvation Army Thrift Store, 35 Division St., Bowmanville. Furniture needed. Pickup service THURSDAYS ONLY - 623-3761. Clothing drop box at Armstrong's IGA in Orono, 26,9,23,6,20,6,a.c. LOST Pair of grey shoes in black shoe bag near Oddfellows Hall. Finder please call 983-5150. 20,ap. Kendal News For bowling winds That make me bend And make me stronger In the end I tbank You, Lord! For hurricanes That tear at roots Forcing me To grow new shoots I thank You, Lord! For winds of love I tbank You, Lord 1 thartk YéOU,'Lordý Alice Joyce Davidson I didn't get to churcb Sun- day morning. My neighbour came in and ploughed out my lane about 9:30 a.m. However it was snowing and blowing so bard 1 was afraid to go out, for fear the snow would MIl itin, before I got back. It did. Then at -one p.m. the neighbour ploughed it open again. It soon filled in and at 5 p.m. another neighbour plougbed it open. I neyer saw a Town of Newcastle plough all day. Tbey will alI be out tomorrow morning to get tbe scbool buses tbrough then I can take in this news. They tel me there was about ten in the choir and ten in the cburcb. Let's hope the long expected thaw arrives by next Sunday. I see the water truck on the road frequently filling the dry cisterns and Wells. Mayor Rickard would be surpri$ed to read last week's news and find he-is a Major, Next timne be'll bhave the rank of Colonel. Why stop at ma- jor? 1 was listening toý Neigh,-bourly News a week ago with H. Gordon Green. IHe told of one contest he would like to have seen. It was a contest to see who could split kindling and bring a kettle to a boîl in the shortest timie. He said the latest statistics showed that the birth rate in Quebec had fallen to 1.5 child per famnily. H. Gordon Green said, "Why in Jean Chretien famnily there was seventeen, 1 believe. It cost $8.(00 a day to raise a cnuai. That amnounts to eighty thousand for eighteen years to raise a chîld. The church tells themn to 'consider chlrna gift not a burden.' Congratulations to Ruth Munro and Edward (Ted) Robinson who were married on Friday, February the fif- teenth. The reception was held at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. A. Monro when thirty-four guests sat down to the wed- ding dinner on Friday even- ing. Mr. Charlie Bishop was taken to Bowmanville Hospital on Wednesday, Feb. 13. We hope he will soon be able to corne home again. This is the time of year those Halibut liver oul tablets are most needed to ward off the children's colds. The health unit used to supply them free to aIl school children but the cost becamne too great, Other home remedies to prevent and ýcure colds are chieken soup, lemons, oranges, apples and onions in fact Vitamin C. I have been reading "Bat- ter My Heart- by Sam Rod- dan - Telling the stiory of the United Cburch in British Col- umbia. Here is a paragraph .Letters to the Editor Dear Roy: Reading your article 'From Around Home' of January 2tb, I was rather surprised to, see that I was formerly Postmaster in Newcastle. While I would have been pleased to have been listed with those worthy gentlemen, Jack Wade and Charlie Gray, I was neyer in the Newcastl e office, baving spent my time as a clerk in Bowmanville. And the book in question was written by Doug Sadler. Geoff Carpenter assisteg greatly in the preparation etc., but Sadler is the author. It was unfortunate that Pet erborough could only produce some ducks on the river for your grandchildren. There is a ravine (actually the proposed Parkway) behind cour apartment building; a great spot for snowmobiles and skiers. Last year about this time I found a flock of eight or ten robins wintering there, There is a spring, more of an artesian well as it'bouls up several inches, whicb, of course, neyer freezes,- and also a very dense growth of bushes. One of those bîtterly cold days Iast week, I. walked down the, trail and Io, the robins were there- again. Sanie flock? There were also several cedar wax wings, pur- pIe-finches, and a bird I took to be a Northern Shrike. The comibination of dense cover and a profusion of some sort of red berry miakes an ideal habitat. Don't know what the bernies are. Reasonably sure neither raspberries or strawberries, tbough. Hopefully, the next time you corne t our fair city a-birding, we can chase out a few of our best specimens. Sincerely, Alf Perrin Editor's Note: Sorry about the dîscrepancies but it does happen at times. Letter to the Edîtor To: The Editor: 11n response Io your "Arounid Hom-e" colum,,n of last week, ltied "A Feelingu of Dismnay" I have only one thing to say - REAL men do not feel tbr-eatenýed by REAýL women. Debbie Boum--e entitled "Gold" by Ralph Connor. The mighty magic word there was Gold. From aIl the continents and islands of the sea they came; at first in scores, then in hundreds, then in thousands and ten tbousands -- the maddest rush ever seen on this conti- nent .... But there was one man who had stood upon the Vancouver wharves piled higb witb outfits and stoves, scannmng the crowds embark- ing, in whose beart there was no0 thought of gold, but men. That mani was the Great Superintendent Robertson. Already over ten tbousand men had gone north to find their fortunes in the frozen placer beds ot the Klondike, and wmith them had gone the runseller, the gambler, the courtesan, the pimp, the vile parasitic vermin from the city slums but flot a single mis- sionary. Our new Premier Frank Niiler- is-t-he samie m-aiwbo wben Minister of Healtb tried to close down Al the small hospîtals like Bowmianville Hlospital. Whaf à mistaîke that would have been! However somne citizens in outlying places like En- niskillen wrote letters stating how difficult it would be to rush' maternity cases aIl the way to Oshawa often it mnigbt be too late. The same was true of accident victims perhaps the resuit of pile ups on the bighway. A year ago 33 were admîtted to Bowmanville Hospital treated'and released the result of a pile up of 65 cars at Mapl e Grove, Sunday, March IIth, 1984. I drove every week to Bowmanville hospital for a year and a haîf. If I had to go to Oshawa I would have bad to hire a taxi. Others went every day to -the Bowmanville Hospital and are stili doing it. Far away people often have big ideas about saving money in rural areas. Kendal's new four roomed school had to bc closed down to save money. I watched the oil truck ploughing through the snowdrifts to put oil into Kendal Scbool the other day, for of course it must be kept heated. Then I see five school buses pass my door each mor- ning. Those buses are real "1gas gobblers". Where iýý the saving? At least it ai1 peared on mny tax bil. - The United Cburch took the. notion that al smaIl chur- ches should be closed a number of years ago. They sent out a man who started at Belleville and closed down thirty-five churches. For- tunately the people of Durham County got lùm stopped and we were able to keep Kendal Church open. Christians open churches flot close themn, no matter how much money it saves. Later, the United Church acknowledged it was a mistake. st Sac-viour'sO Anglican Church MILL STREET ORONO, ONTARIO REV. ALLAN HALDENBY ST. SAVIOUR'S CHURCH February 24, 1985 9:45 a.m. Morning Prayer Church School OttONO UNITED ORONO PASTORAL CHARGE SUNDAY FEBRUARY 24, 19ý BIBLE STUDY Wednesday 8-9:30 p.m. Friendship Room FOCUS ON FAMILY Sunday, February l4th 7:00 p.m. Christian Fatbering Orono United Church WORLD DAY 0F PRAYER Friday, March lst 1:30 p.m. Kirby United Church ORONO UNITED CHURCH Church School 11.15 a.m. Morning Worship 11: 15 a.m. Scout and Guide Sunday KIRBY UNITED CHURCH Church School 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship 9:45 a.m. MMN S. OrffiON . 1.. 935

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