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Orono Weekly Times, 20 Feb 1985, p. 4

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4-Oronù WeekI3 ý l imes, Wed nesda', k elri'arý 2), 1985 SPOR TS Otrono Tri-County Midgets, advance to 2nd round series Oiono Tri-Counity Midgeîsý îravelled to Lindsay on February l6tritfor tie filf game of thie firsi round in playoffs. Orono played an excellent gaime, allowingv Lindsay very few shfois on goal as they conîtrolled ie play trirougriontrihe gamie. Darren Lewis opened tie scoring in trie fir-si minute of' play on a pass from Johin Cowan. %Mark Sargent got tie second goal at 5:30 as John Cowan made a beautiful pass once more. Blaine Brton scor-ed tlie first goal of' tie second period, unassisîed on a lap shot [rom ie point. Mark Sargent put one in ai 4:59 assisted by\ Mike Lane, ithen Tim MNer cer came fromn behind tie net -and slipped one pai tie Lindsay goalie uîîassisied ai 6:49. David Lit- île was trie nexi to score ai 10:213 assisîed by Scoti lrwiîî. Lindsay finally got on trie scoreboard ai 13:36 as Jeff Fleit scored, assisted by Ray- mond Nesbitt and Jason O'Dell. Trie tirnd lperiod was more of trie samie as Oroito coirolled trie puck and didn't give Lindsýay a chance. Liîîdsay's defenise was work- ing harder tris period and on- lv allciwed Oroino Iwo goals, trie firsi by Rod Storsbergeti, unassisîed and Ie seconid by Scott Jrwin assisted by Todd Mercer for at'huai score of S I [tir Oroio. Ait excellent gaine boys.! Orono now goes on t o t ie se- cond round against Duro. and eries as iI ey tred four uîianswered goals to wiîî the gaine 7-I1. Orono goal scorers iin tris period were Dnst ii Reid assîsted by Scott McAllister and Sean McKenzie; Scott Williams scored rom Paul Flinîoff; Dustin Reid again [rom Tyler Adey and Ryan Rock and Camet-rît Eser scored nnassisîed. Robin Letît and Chadt Vaiidani played iii goal for Orono aîîd tnade somne excellent saves. Trie gaine was a good telai effort witli exc1eitipay rs Bradlcy Muit ilis, G, re H oopet , Shan e Joncs, St epliten Stadel îîaîî itwhii ci hlciped therie tain wîit Illec gaine. Oi tiçnowîtw is S5 i îd -3 losses initiie playtiltIi tînid siîi trie itex\i gatiie on'Ilîtts diay it :00 Iii BC\sclles aga iii t Ileic iiici wpi t s Bewdlev Icaîn. Orono Tenniant Fuiel Atoms continuted iheir round robin playoffs last wýeek ih a loss; on Wedniesday niigrit to Bewdley and a win over Omnemee on Saîuirday. Duistin Reid tarted the Wledniesday nigrit same agaînsi Bewdley woii h .aal atiltie 2:40 mark wo put Orono oi in front. Adey assisîed on tie Bewdley ied it tup)bef'oro end of trlie f'irsi period. Thiriy secOnds into the second pieriod Greg Hooper scored for Orono assistIed by Sîepheîî Stadelmann and -inm Panner to nmake ii 2-h f'or Orono. Triis goal iusi openied tie goal scoring doîr as, Bewýdley rapped in lfour more bet'ore ie period ended whîile Olroo got nly onle more. roosgoal a[ 3:09 assied by Tyler Adey and Ryan Rock was sýcoreýd hby Dastn Reid. Going iîîîo trie third period Bewdley had a 5-3 lead anîd they managed to gooui to inî trie game 7-3. On Saturdsy iigit, Feb. 16( h Omemeeem e to pIas' int Orono. i looked like a îîew Orono eami in action as iley' scored îwo goals in the open- ing period. Sean McKenizie got the gamne rolling with a goal ai 4:48 assisîed by Scott MeAlister. Jim Partner maade a inice rush 10 score Oroio's seccînd -goal, assisted by Tyler Ad\Ley and Ryatî Rock. DuiiiReid 1put1Oroiio alîead 3-0 eaiy ýini i treecond periîd.Assits eîît ttî Tyler Ades' and Rya ),Rok. Oiiicinlee so ldaiii tri e peî iod aII trciiîigîîaiî peîîalîii iiinii .15 Ca i Berrx. Orlo Iî cal1% took ct ii nd Ieillic iid iciiod The Federation of The Pipes Ontario Naturalists ]Report- FHANKS 1TO l-ESNoWlit11anilerie worlId, iaily lit by bluie-greeni rays, life is a collection o!, trie bizarre. Strange beasisý, linied on cacli side w&iîh a dozeni or more oar-like les, ow along in slow motion. Their prley ap- pears dazed. Somie Mo- i ioîlessý, as ilhougrhinii suspended aniiimationi. Others wanderiinimlssy some in-buili senise forbidding themn fromi eaîing. Majestic flowers, already perfecîly formed ini miniaiture, site tighîlly furled in non)ides;cripi capsule.s, awaiîing ithe animti rtiai will release thieir beauîy Ravenious mionsters feced, breed and even flourish. Stili bigger mlon-sters race through (ihe caiecomibs, dismemberingL and devouring mnonster after capable of devouLring b' oîi, lay nlearby iin astuortiri breaili cyîliigas a jevwel enicrtied case upon al it touchesý. lt's a balmy O egesC for weeks uipon) end. More ftasie ilian anyv science-flict ion crecation, itis real-wýorld lays aIl arounid us,. Trie fillini- l-sandich) bel ween deep soil and frigid snowý, it 's a wvorldd triai fwof' us cee glimpse. Yet, for triose- who'll pause to con- template iit, t is sandw\icýh liolds both draclia andiic wisdonî. Much m11orie tihan 'Col whitesuf' our sniow cover is a miagiiciLent blaniket, essential to trie \cvr urival otl counttless species of plaints and aniiimaIs. A'\il itricate, sef-eaiîg latt1icce of ice crystals, and hug,-e volumes of eîitraiîied air , ii insulates saperLy%. More triait illi, il liides plant s aitd animnats froi wul-b reat fsi gcnill roees roîit wier's violenîce. Il ei ioucsles Abuse Llie sî tiiiperaturcs cross ýic fez iîîg point severIal tuBes ýa day, doetso imies a wiiîcr. And as tie IcIaperaýturebnce ['rota plus 5 to miîîns 20, itius30 tir below. Fewv orgaiiisms can take cuIterc rapid ojr frequent fez-la cycles, or trie extrerne cold. TissuLes simply freeze. Th1eir celtori apari by [rosi, îhey iiîtgaeinto mere b1obs of, lieesîaîerial. A few birds and inammrals - equipped wviîh rem q rkable ini- sulatiou and iîl itheat engines - lîtd encîngr food energy w keep tîem going ini trie f'rigidair. Others head sont h. But trie vast 'majoity rely, iîîsîead, uponsnw Many itiberutate beneatri ii - like trie snakes, bear and skunks described above as -gargari- Iti naiýeasts". Otiiers --like th lineadow voie "drago)ns" fiîîd sîîow a warunanaîd effec- tive cover 'rciia hawks anid owls, under which to t unnel, f'eed aîd lbreed. Weasels of' every descripition - trie ".still larger -dragons" - race t irongli thre subivean caverîîis, devouring, prey. Woodfland wildflowversý - tIe (tijlinîns,- and hepaticas, ginger and orchids triai we wilt adnîire come spring - are rono m-H PeeWees edged by Buewdley, BEWDLEY 6 - ORONO 5 Orono Matthiews and Hill Peeweces travelled to B3ewdley for an exhibition gamne on Feb. 5 and came up jusi a lit- île Short. David Sheridan whio seemsi, w bhave a knack tris year of)1 scorbng jus i seconds afier Ie jlick is chopped did hiaain in tris gaine. Just 221 secotnds; m i le Lgale ie slapped Iin Todd Gray's rebound to put fis eam itio ie lead. Wý,iiîh just se2onds remaîn- iing David talliedý again when he rceived a ice pass rom Todd Gray and p)icke:ditie lower corne2r with wris so.2-0 Oroo. Atie 6 :57 m1ýark ut tue 2nd, [>avid n otcýhed tie hial-trick when rlie ired ilits own reubonnd. Todd Gray and Jason Burnham lldid trie spadework t Dav Ilu for trhis (one. Not luh(riceied Bew\dley fougr,1it ack aad before Oronio raidil tIlcey [fred in66 unanswered goal c goahead hby a 6-3 Lcount by trleie -d period. Or onlofinally woke Ilp wilhri Bian Rodd iositig ilic gap Io 6-4 with 4 nîmintes me maining. Dav id Sîtt latim earnIed lus 4tll p- 'l'l ' i gaine wýhea lie, . ; tie with Newcastle [rom trie coriier wiî h a niýce 01rouo kepi tîtec pressurec oi whlîeuî odd Gray Iapped otte n t closeliteg1ap (o 6 5. Blinie Soncri eartîiîed trIie asiiafier hlis coistanit digg- un.llowver cwiîh j-iust 31 sconds ilfi iniici at Oronlo jusi rail oui of ilune. Fiee C Ol DidL Siierlidanl, Todd Gray anîd Jascîi BrLi l i lan111playved anîd Jas;outBrcisog hast îuîg tire w1rI i gnt. Thîis was al mus wýin si iua- lion t'or ie Maîîhews %ý,ariîd bc;.0Ieîî uta good t nsLV L, Oit flarsdav Feri.111tri Nlaîtewsandl-lius w ces Irlied ci Neseatoh tmm secn luSil ae i weî tlie Newvcasî1cLe oalie. Briai Rodd drew lst1 blood, ai Ie 7:08 mnark of the Isi per \iwleîr, ie frda lhard tlle mark. Tlîis gol was nat- Iy set up by Bklaîie ýSonclih t St icklltlaii ld asî 1lie Nesseaie delîeiirnan aand relayed Itle pwk bBriait. IVi k e 1(1Ld1n1pL1)1\ tysamîed lie p1lav wl(eîlitappied lite pnick iîie die inunad [ed il to B lîtC. NM1id ssayt iocgi iec 'ond period Necsited 1 i taIotie al pee iîîa goal utIiîir Jason BurnhamIopenied Iup tie 3ld peiJod when rlie jet 'slich angit ie op conter stick îde. Tits iolaea rS' ICIdd Ciray aLuîd h)IIdJj Siiet dati srio eaîîc.d t li îeamsý had thecir chances to wm trlie mratchi but hot go(alt etderldII1lite itort. Trlie dltisiiciisenitofMike .(11t 1 i l tprix. Jasoîî Maijor , (aig, NeîîîisBt cut Osînlond aiid lason Baetvîg i le tîîîe tI i tl ri rîgs at ,Il tII l eaoî [l o Otii FuekKis with 5 wins 3- losses in playoffs 4TH ANNUAL Kidney Foundation Dance Sat., March 2nd, 1985 Newcastle Community Hall Music by LBILL TAYLOR & THE TRADESMEN 5 PIECE -COUNTRY & CONTEMPORARY BAND LUNCH Timne 8:00 - 1:00 ar. ADMISSION $1 5.00 PER COUPLE Ti'Cesa or o nomtoal9399 *KEM PAINT SALE* 1000 NEW COL..OURS TO CHOOSE FROM in 5 DIFFERENT FINISHES LATEX FLAT - LATEX LOWV LUSTRE LATEX SEMI GLOSS ALKYD LOWV LUSTRE- ALKYD SEMI GLOSS PLUS COU NTRY VWHITES 'M FLAT - LOWV LUSTRE - SEMI GLOSS 25 0/ OFF WALLPAPER Book Orders In Roxr Lots ROLPH we made oux nante ini hardware Main St., Orono Phone 983-5207 Main St., Orono Phone 983-5207 flie boys' baskeîbaili eams. lromn Bowmanville Seniior Public Sehool, M.i. Hobbs Senior Public School and The Pines Senior Public School met ai Trie Pines for a tour- nament on Monday, February 1lthi. The Pines' boys started off the tournameni by beatîng 1-obris 24 t0 15. In the second gamre, we won again by beating Bowmanville 27 - 24. Ken Davies was the higri scorer in boih games. The Pines won the tournamenit with 2 wins and no losses. Congratulations boys! The dreaded examînations week is over and everyone celebrated ai trie Valentine',s Dance last Friday, February 151ri. by Mark Deveau gently niaiuring ai an eveni temperature, jusi above freezing. And the bizýarre in- vertebrates - uipon wh\Iich almosi everythiiing depends - awaiî spring in suspended animation, or slow-miotion inarch. Nexi lime you gaze acrioss tilat barren, desolate land- scape, pause a moment to contemplate. Beneatri ithat snow - indeed, ihanks to il - rich. and vibrant life :oni- tiîîues, awaiiing spring.

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