Poet Robert Priest visited poems, songs and stories.- poetry writing contest and the the Pines Senior Public His visit ýto the school was winners were rewarded by Scbooi on Thursday of last arranged by teacher, Don having dinner at the New~ week to read his poems and Smith through a program run Dutch Oven with the poet. taik about writing poetry by the League of Canadian The winners are pictured with the students. Priest com- Poets. with Robert Priest being bines a career of rock music Prior to his visit the Mike Goodmurphy, Gwen and writing and is the students participated in a La-Fonte and Leslie Scîuk. author/composer of manY Classified Ads (Continued from page 11) AUCTION ONTARIO'S LARGEST FARM MACHINERY Consignment Sale, Norwich, Ont. Friday, Mar. 8, 1985, 10 a.m. (Sales conduced second Friday each montls). Approximately 150-175 tractors plus ail types of farm equipment. Consignmenîs welcome. For more information cali (519) 424-9998 or (519) 424-9093. Proprietors K.S. Hamuleeki & Sons. n/c LIVESTOCIC Exotic PERUVIAN PASOS CHAMPIONS and future champions, staiions, mares, geldings and filies. Siipping arranged. Cali or write Prairie Diamond Farmi, Lyata, Aberta TOJI1 YO (403) 935-4435. 1 n/c FARM SERVICES FARMERS WANTED Who are paying too much tax or are Pot using al lthe~ tax breaks avalabie. Phone us today! Appoinîment times available tu process 1984 tax returns in your home. FARM BUSINESS CONSULTANTS, 2109 Oxford St. . London, N5V 2Z9. Cail toi free 1-800-265-1002. In business year round helping farmers for over 33 years. n/c BROAD SPECTRUM SWINE PROTECTION; Use lthe Mecadox and Pro-flanminth team in your starter/grower feed and obtain broad spectrum control of scours, roundworms and ascaris pneumonia. n/c AGRICULTURAL FOR SALE BABY CHICKS: 12 varieties; 3 week-oid capons, and heavy meat types. Delivery parcel post, rail. Send for price list: Bonnie's Chick Hat- chery, Box 154, Elmira, N3B 2Z6. (519) 669-2561. n/c FARM EQUIPMENT FOR SALE MAPLE SUGARINO EQUIPMENT. New and Used evaporators, containers. Price our PLASTOFLEX Tubing Sysem "Stays Pliable in Coid Weather". Jakemani's Maple Produets, R.R. 1, Beacliville. On- tario (519) 539-1366 or 537-8863. n /c n/c FOR SALE NORTHERN FOOD TREES: Old fashioned apples, pear, apricot, nut trees, shrubs, evergreens, seedings. Guaranteed deiivery. Reasonable prices. Catalog $I. Golden Bough Tree Farm. Marklbank, Ont. KOK 2L0. n/c LINDSAY FLEA MARKET, Saturday/Sunday.,Crafts, homiebaking, lotlsîng, boots, bulk foodl, gifts, new, used flea items. Vendors and farmn produced wanted (705) 324-2783. n/c Gladys Tayior's new book "ALONE IN THE AUSTRALIAN OUT- BACK" 11.95 plus $2 postage. 286 pages travel and 60 years of living. Box 40, Irricana, Alta. TOM IBO. n/c STEEL BUILDINGS, Best Prices - White steel buildings last - factory direct - 20 year warrants - Unimited sizes - as low as 51.81/Square ft. for complete building. - Phone Brad - Coilect (416) 678-1585. n/c WI{OLESALE STEEL BUILDINGS Factory direct prices. No mid- dlemets. Quonset and straightwali buildings. Won't be undersold. Guaranleed best value on market today. Cali (416) 221-7353. (Save this ad.) STEEL BUILDINGS Manufacturers clearance. Limited quantîties. Buy now. Whiie supplies last. Substantiai discounts during sale. Widths 30' 10 120'. Cal toil free 1-800l-461-7689. Area code 807 caîl (705) 335-5972. n/c ltMILOYMENT OPPOI<1IUNITiES AUCTION SCHOOL - W,ýestern Canada School of Auctioneering. Over 1,00) graduates. Courses commence Ist Monday of April, August, December. For particulars Write Box 687, Lacombe, AB TOC ISO. Job Prining LETTERHEADS ENVELOPES BUSINESS CARDS ALL BUSINESS FORMS FLYERS Etc. Orono Times 983-5301 Homemade chocolate Easter eggs will dd Laster morning. Surprise the childrer, homemade Eastere Here comes Peter Cotton- taii - and in bis trail leaves behind beautifully colored Easter eggs to surprise and deligbt the children. Easter is, of course, a religious occasion. For early Christians, eggs symboiized tbe resurrection of Christ, and were an important part of the Easter meai since tbey were forbidden during Lent. Today tbey're a cbarming part of Laster celebrations and the Easter Bunny bas acquireci a cherisbed role to children ail over the worid. This year, surprise tbem Easter morning with bomemade chocolate Easter eggs. They're fun to make and the time spent is wel worth the effort. Or make it DUJSINESS OPPORTUNITY MRB DISTRIBUTORS Needs Dealers for Mr. Run)ninigboard Bra Running Boards, Canada's finest with 30 month warranty inld finish, fits for ail vehicles, unsurpassed quality, competitive prici Business or Personal inquiiries welcomie. No Srings Also DILI( GAS W&ELDING TORCH - Welds, stainless, AILlumIum. castiron, c per, brass, ail mild steel, just like a T.l.G;. for 1125 the cost, andp table. Cuts fuel consumpt ion 50-70%, Tremnendous Tool- Swiss nia CalI M.R.B. Box -13, R.R. 2, Frankford KOI< 2C0. (613) 962-9717. PERSON&wL MIEET YOUR MAT-CH. For ai' ages and unattactied. Thousand members anxious to meet you. Prestige Acquaintances. Cail Toli- 1-800-263-9163. Hours: Noon Io 8 p.m. Would you like to correspond with unattached Christian peopl Canada and the U.S.A. with thre object being companionship orr nage. Write to Ashgrove 2821E. Arthur Street, Thunder Bay, Ort Canada P7E 5P5 for more information. CAREER TRAINING CAREER IN TRUCKING. Transport drivers needed. Now is thef to train for your Class "A" license. For pre-screening and job placer information contact Merv Qrr's Transport Driver Training. Canribr (519) 623-2430, Toronto (416) 251-9073. TENDER For DEMOLITION OF THREE STORY PARISH HALL and Tower of St. Paul's Anglican Church, Minden. Work to be comph by April 15, 1985. For further details, contact the Church Warder, Paul's Church, Box 83, !vInden, Ont. KOM 2K0 (705) 286-3( Tenders 10 be received by March 1, 1985. FOR SALE "DORAL AND THUNDERCRAFT BOATS". AIl modeis in sti Competitive prices. Delivery anywhere in Ontario. Large seiection owned boats. Ail sizes. King's Marina, Fenelon Falî, (705) 887-33: WESTEEL BARN ROOFING & SIDING, 30 gauge galvanized galvalumed $40 square. 30 gauge prepainted $57. Minimum ordei square. Custom Farm Materiai Sales. Laird McKeen. (416) 779-332 CAREER TRAINING CAREER IN TRUCKING. Transport drivers needed. Now is(tiset to, train for your Class "A" licenise. For pre-screening and job placer information contact Merv Orr's Transport Driver Training. Tonc (416) 251-9073, Ottawa (613) 523-3489. COMING EVENTS KINGSTON DOLL SHOW April 6/85. Dealer tables and competii forms are ready. Cali Napanee (613) 354-2305. Kingston (613) 544-47 Ottawa (613) 837-1537. Register now t0 avoid disappointmnent. FOR SALE FARMERS: Sprayed Urethene insulation. Quality work at Wesi Ontario prices. Certified applicators. Experienced in agriculturai ret] since 1975. Cali Warmth Insultion-. (613) 267-6711, Box 460, Perth, tario K7H 3G I. and ding a famiiý kids inv The these sweeteng Combir sugar, a dients, i creamny dippedj Swee milk is of pure1 condens cess. DM evaporai not the canuot recipes. and vei sweeteng remove the can spatula1 Set aý - these1 eggs. TI to three make th, a cool,. I Poet visits Pines Senior Public School ,ON- mornlng. Or you can make Po- tbem in stages - the fon- acie. dant filing can be made one 7/c day; the dipping and n decorating done on anothier. ds of Chocolate Cream-Filed -Free Easter Eggs 1 can (300 mL) Eagie n/c BrandTM Sweetened sie inCondensed Miik ia- 250 mL (I cup> softened ssario butter 15 mL (l tbsp) corn syrup fl/c 10 mL (2 tsp) sait lime 10 mL (2 tsp) vanilla ,ment 2.75 to 3 L (1l to 12 cups) ridgie icing sugar Yellow food coioring n/c Dipping Chocolate 1Bell* (recipe foliows) 'eted In a large bowl mix rSi. together sweetended con- 043. densed miik, softened but- ter, corn syrup, sait and n/C vanilla. Add icing sugar in 3 'Ck or 4 batches, stirring weii 1ock. fe ec adton i 321re-l ate eadditon M 21.C wtltre nedwith bond - and is smooth and pliable. 2r 30 Divide mixture into four. 122 Color one-quarter yellow for n/c yolks; form into 20 sinal balis (approximately 25 g! lime 3/4 oz each). Set aside. nent Form the remaining mixture onto into 20 larger bals (approx- n/c imateiy 75 g/2-1/2 oz each). Flatten a large bail in lion palm of bonds, place a sinail U96. yelow bail in centre, then n/c shape white mixture around yeliow bail to form an egg ternl shape. Repeat with remain- rofil ing bals. (Total weight of On- eacb egg should be about 90 to 100 g/3-1/2 oz.) Orosu Weekly Tinies, Wednesiday,, February 27, 1985-9 Place eggs on tray or pan; cover welI with plastic wrap so they do not dry out. Chili in refrigerator at least 4 hours until firm. Prepare Dipping Choco- late: Use a fondue fork to dip eggs; coat well then gent- ly tap fork to remove excess chocolate. Place eggs on waxed paper-lined tray. Place in a cool place for a few minutes until chocolate is firm. Decorate as desired with Ornamental Icing (recipe foilows), being sure to cover mark made by fon- due fork. Wrap eggs in * plastic wrap or place in plastic bags and tie wîth col- ored ribbon. Makes 20 Easter Eggs (approximiately 100 g/3-1/2 oz). Variations: Add 250 ML (1 cup) dessicated coconut, delight the children finely chopped mixed fruit or nuts to the white mixture. Dipping Chocolate .1 1 kg (2 lbs) semi-sweet 7 witn chocolate (in squares or pieces) 1?ggs Place z)chocolatean y' project and get the paraffin in a bowl over bot, 'olved too. Bot botbing water. Sir con- sere igrdinti stantly, scraping down sides beautiful eggs is so chocolate meits evenly. ied condensed mJik. Remove bowl from bot ed witb butter, icîng water wben melted chocolate ind a few other ingre- reaches 42'C (108'F). Stir t makes a deiiciousiy frequently until chocoiste centre which is later cools to 30'C (86'F), then in chocolate. stir a few minutes longer. (If tened condensed temperature drops too low, a rich creamny biend r.ewarm chocolate by sitting miik and sugar that's pan in a bowl of warni water ed by a speciai pro- to try to maintain the 30'C ýon't confuse it with (86'F) dipping temperature) ited milk; tbey are saine product and ôflIlmentltIcikng be intercbanged in 500 g (1 lb) icing sugar lt's concentrated 2 mL (1/2 tsi» creain of ýry thick. To pour tartar ied condensed milk, 3 egg whites the entire lld from 2 mL (1/2 tsp) vanilia 1and use a rubber Combine ingredients in to dlean the sides. mixer bowl and beat until side a day to make very stiff. Tint as desired bomemade Easter with food coloring. Keep 'ey keep weli for up container covered witb a -months, so you can damp cioth whle working .emn eariy and store in with icing as it dries quickiy. dry place until Easter Makes 500 mL (2 cups).