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Orono Weekly Times, 13 Mar 1985, p. 11

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. ... ... . ........ .. . ....... àwýbRL'DYIDTH1 NOTICES If you h1ave questions or concernls about yvour m1un1icipality', please f'eel free to cail me at either 983-5505 or 987-5039, D:aane Hamire, Counc. Ward 3, Town of Newcastle. DRESS IKE A MILLIONAIRE FOR $3.00 Shop ai the Saivation Army Thlrift Store, 35 Divisioi.- St., Bowmnanv'ille. Furniture needed. Pickup service THURSDAYS ONLY - 623-3761. Clothinig drop box at Armistrong's ICA in rono. TAX SERV ICE Main Street, Orono PETER LAMMERS Phone 983-9787 twy 115 OM-ATTEgTON IXOCK& AUTO Etrica4 Contrctg - ~ A Ci'* n&tr~r4 PHONE TOWING 983-5546 or D5f 9034151, r 9839152 Ofono, Ontriro Phone 416-623-3393 Orono eall 983-9547 For prompt, courteous efficient service when buying or selling and for the largest selection or properties in the area. 234 KING ST. EAST Job Printing LETTERHEADS E NVE LO PES BUSINESS CARDS ALL BUSINESS FORMS FLYERS Etc. Cail the Orono Timnes 983-5301 -HELP WANTED Part-tlme gas attendiant. Must have flexile hours. Apply 115-35 ShelI (beside Oasis Retaur ant ) Monda% - Friday anyimie between 7 arn. - 3 pm. 6,13, a. c. EAR PIERCING 1/ price ear piercîng specia! - Gold S(ud $4.99, Bir- thstones $7.50, PearIsý, Hearîs and Stars $8.50. Hooper',s Jewellers Limîed, 39 King St. W., Bomaniý- ville - 623-5747. COMINU EVENTS The Townt of' Newcastle Pubhlic Libr,)aries pr-oudyIý preseflîs Erewhlon Th1eatre's production of (Charlotte's Web. The show wlltake_ place at the B3owmjjaniile Library on Friday, M-arch 15, 1985, 2:00)-3:00 p.mi. Tickets are $3 each and miay be purchased ai thc CIarke (OooNewcastle Memnorial, or BowmnanvÀlle Libraryv, WatchfoTH RAINBOWý\ COLLECTIO 1N coingl 13'a.. St. James UirdChurch ChoirofPerroh pre-sents a MscaeSeretnade to Spn[Ig" sunlday, 'March 24, 1985, _7:30 p.mi. at Newýcastleî1United Church. Choir numbersDuSls, Concert Whistîer. Tickets $3.IX) adults, under 12 Free.Adnc tickects phione 987-4313 - 987-4331 sposoedbyNewýcastle Uie Paper drive Orono anid Area Saîuirday, Marich16. Please bndcle anid lie ppr.Picýkup 1 [at aat9am For inf'ormation cal 983-5840 or 983-5858.Oro Amtateur A\thletic Ascain FOR SALE '84 Trans Am;i in exccieln condition, low ieae eeyextra, T-roof, air-, etc. Black wîith goldsrie 7 23-7197,6,3ac Table potatoes, $4.00 a bushel. CarscaddenFam 983-5769. 13,a.p. Purebred St. Barniard lyr old miaIe, 100 big to hian- dile, $5000. Phone 983-5776. 13a. -WANTED TO BUY OR LOA N- Mapfle Syrup artif'actsý for educatinalpups. poîtash pot, ladIes,, old spiles, îapping lols ook puils and covers, etc. Please contact tlie Gnaraska Forest Centre aI (41M) 797-2721. 6, 13,ýa.c MVcCRIMMON'S ANTIQUES THE HOLLOWVS' HWVY. 2. NEWCASTLE, ONTARIO 987-5204 WVe Buy and Seli Antique and OId Furniltre, Old Hanginq Lighit Fixtures Als o buy Estates - BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT ST1APLES, Paul and Catherine happily annouince the birth of their daughiter Cay1lie Jane, born Feb. 15, 1985; a sister l'fo Aja. Grandparents are Bill and Mary Bun- ting, aind Don and Jeanne Staples aIl of Orono. Special thanks to Dr. Pauil Hoy, Dr. Dubinsky\ and mtriystaff at Bowmnanville MIemorial Hospitat. 1 3,a. C. -FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE Mr. George Kemip is pleased to annouance tlie for- thicomiiiin arriage of his eldest daughter Kendra Lee to David R. Mullins son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Muflins of Scar borough. This joyous event will take place on) Junie 22, 1985 ai 3:00 p).m1. filfthe Oronio United Church. 13,a.p. IN MEMORIAM SLATER, Joyce wýho passed away on March 16, 1982. Dear wîfe of thec late Williamn, moîher of Sheila, John and Bill, dear grandmOther of Connor and Kara. Lovingly riemnembered by family, relatives and friends. 13,a.c. CAREER TRAIN! NG FREFCarer Gide escrbes200 learn ai home Coýrrespondence Grno '(A 63 Adelaîde Wes, Tooto. t 80-268-t 121. ni/c EMPLOYMNENT 1 OI< lUNulI ES 'IlCTION SC-HoOL W -estern (Canada Sholof Aieîoneer-,iing, Over 000 raduiaies. Cusscommece tst Monday of ilAuut Deceber Forparlculrs rte Bo\ 687,aombe, AB rTOC iso. n1/c HIELP %WANTED MAR%',NI EN(lINE REBILDE -R/MANAGERImmiiiediate open- îng. Newmodem m arine rebuilding f, aci, Souîh)ii er eogian Býay, On1tarjo aaApplîcanîs m11jt usi e fllyexeieedin ai! aspects of P,(-),Box ,97, istwe Onîtarîo N4W, 3H2. TOU1RIST COMOAIN HOSEEPIN, COTGS1ohkn ae 2 pricelune and Sepiember. ideal toc iaiieg and snos sandy beach. The Homest,,ead Cottagc e-srt, Hy 35, R.R. 2, MinenOnarîo KOM 2?K0 ni/c VACAI IONS T. !PRfE BUOY S [HOU SEBOAT1 Vacaiion on ithe -Trei Severin Water- way . 4)es -10 popein complete privacy anrd luxury. As loiw ,as $430 pe sper erci week.rIncludes aesin, îdufnjeîskiinig and paraailng t xra cosl>t. or informiation and rsrainCali col- 1 -\k\lCFAR QUIIPMEN,"T MontlyClarnc &Cosin metAcîo.Fiday, March 22, 1985. l10 alm. Sharp. Sales held fourlt 1Frldnyo each monih. New and Ue qîmn nldn prxm ly 5 tacorssoe idusrtl euimen, rucs, eeingeqipmnîand ove 2 iecsofaltyps f arm lequîipmen plus lawn nd arden trýac- tors Sp-ialNote: Ibis salefeuresevralcosgnesfromare famr' lusanecllentlîneup of ui o wn invenî1orTernis caso good ceu a ffle.Not rspni fracienson properîy. 1 mLunch hoîh and trncking uavaliable. 1Tracýis t be otd inide. Aloc- tioner Clîf )[lîeri neo01 trosfsisrowijng monthly f aimn equîmen cosignentauionsIýII. Wayne Wad FarmEquimen Hgwyo.6, Wîaron, Oiro. Phone (519) 534 16,38. or 534-2980. (Con.tinued page 9) . HERE'S TO YOU R HEAM=f -uLT H * 1001/o Pure WiIey's Grape Juice 0 1000/ Pure F redis Apple Cider 0 Greaves Quality Jams 0 Unwaxed Juicy Apples 0 Farm Fresh Eggs FRUIT MARKET HWl. 35 SOUTH 0F ORONO 9 8 3-56 28

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