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Orono Weekly Times, 13 Mar 1985, p. 4

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4-Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, March 13, 1985 No joy in Orono as Camsport Tykes take their final f al Frîday, March 8th was "D Day" for Orono Tri County Atoms. Ennismore returned to Orono for the fourth game of thîs playoff match. The score was 3-0 for Ennismore. John Buttigieg was alone between the pipes for this game and tried very hard. The Ennismore goalie faced many shots from our guys but 1 guess it just wasn't meant 10 be. He was very hot. Scoring began at 9:10 of the first period by a devastating shot thai jusi blasted past John. We had ntany, many shots and a superb effort on ail the boys parts, but we just couldn'i find a hole that the puck could fit in. Brandon Ovenden received the only penalty for bodly checking. Orono foughi very hard during the game. They passed and checked with the Ibesi of them. The "Pantasmic Play" of the evening had to be when one of the Orono boys losi his stick on the ice and decid- ed il takes 100 much lime 10 pick it up so he went on down with the play and even got in a couple of kicks ai the puck. Way to play "Sonny"! Better luck nexî year boys! 'Old Legs' and 'Young Pups' to do battie at Orono Arena On Sunday, Marchi 10 the Orono Shoppers Drug Mart Oldtimiers hosted the Bowmnanville Nite Shifters in a cliffhanger. Orono o-pened the scoring in thie second perîod on a goal by Dave Armstrong. They clung t0 this one goal lead ihanks 10 some fine defensive play and sonie solid goaltending by Bob "Lemon-Fresh" Boumne. Bowmanville lied it up however when Boumne mnisplayed a, clearing pass. Bob Nixon put Shoppers Drug MIvari up 2-1 going mbt the third period.Bom- ville lied up again ai 2-2 after a miad scramble in front of, thie Orono net. After many close moments at both ends of the rink, Dave Sheiler turned in his goat horns, eamned îwo weeks ago, and noîched the winner with a wicked shot 10 the top righî corner. Nexi week the Shop- pers Drug Mari Oldiimers take on the Orono O.M.H.A. Midgets in a batile of OLD LEGS vs. YOUNG PUPS. Game lime 7:30 p.m. Orono Tri-Cou'nty Midgets in finals with Port Perry -team On Sunday, March 1th, Orono travelled to Douro for the 4h game of Ibis round of playoffs. The play in the first two periods was very closeas both teams fought for the advan- tage, but Orono dominated the 3rd period ending the game in a 4-1 win. This win gives Orono a 3-1 lead in a best four out of seven séries, The first period' was scoreless until 4:09 wben David Little, put Orono on the board assisted by Brian Souch and Mike Lane. Douro lied the score at 2:31 as Tim Crowley scored assisted by Phil Carlaw and Steve Scott endîng the first p)eriod in a 1-1 tie. Altbough. both teàms fought hard in the second period to gain the ad- vantage, il wasn't uintil 1:46 that John Cowan was able to pull Orono ahead on a pass from Darren Lewis. The 3rd period was Al Orono as ihey stopped Douro's every move. Darren Lewis scored Orono's 3rd goal ai 9:03 assisted by John Cowan and Mark Sargent made il 4-1 at 8:32 on a pass from John Cowan. Although they didn't gel any points, botb Rod Storsbergen and Blaine Bruton played great gamies. Allan Hall did a greai job of standing in for Ken Cameron who is injured. On March1 lth, Douro travelled 10 Oronio for what turned out 10 be the final gamne in the 4 out, of 7 series. Orono played an excellent game winning 7-3. They now go on to the finals againsi Port Perry. The first period was scoreless until the last two minutes of play as both teains fought for the- advantage. Jka Cowan put Orono on the scoreboard ai 2:02 unassisted. David Little got Orono's second goal seconds later assisted by Rob Jeromne and Rod Siorsbergen then Darren Lewis made il 3-0 on a pass fromn Russell Sulflivan and Brian Souch. Douro got o n ihe scoreboard at 6:23 of the 2nd. period wiîh a goal by Jeff Sinclair Stevens to visit district Wed. Allait Lawrence, MA. Durbami-Noritbbriand, hias arranged a meeting in Port Hope ai which the Hion. Sinclair Stevens, Minisier of Regional Industrial Expani- sion, will be in attendance. The meeting bas been set f'or Wednesday, Match l3th ai 4:30 ini the Port Hlope council chambers and is cx- pected to last one hour due to other comimitimecnts hy the minister. In a letter Allan LawrenicC state ire ihmeeting has; been arranged to discuss the futuiLre of' Eldorado Resources and the radio-active wasie pr-o- blemrs in Port H-ope, H-ope Townsihîp and thec Port Gran- by areas tin ihe Town of Newcasîle. The local MI.P. states the mieeting should pro- Bolton, unass;isîed. Rod Storsbergen came back seconds luter with Orono's fourth goal assisted by Dar- ren Lewis and John Cowan. Brian Souch was next to score for Orono assisted by Todd Mercer and David Little. John Cowan scored his se- cond goal of the game assisted by Mark Sargent and Darren Lewis. Douro wound up the period with their se- cond -goal of the game scored byJim Crowley, unassisied. Douro neyer gave up and came out figbtîng in the 3rd perîod. They held Orono to one goal, scored by Mark Sargent, unassisted ai the 12:01 mark. Douro also managed one more goal scored by Sieve Scott assisted by Don O'Grady bringing th e score to 7-3 for Orono. An excellent gamne boys! If you continue- to pa this way ihere is no reason why you cannot win the nexi round. ht was nice to sec a few more people oui 10 tonight's game. We can use the support. vide a good opportunity for interested parties to hear the Minister's view and to advise him ofi their conicernsý, An ivitaionhas been cex- icnded 10 A I ayors and couincils as well as, conccrned cnvironmient groups, and as ,,el! officiais of Eldorado and ils empiloyee's union. A(tihe Towýn of' Newcastlc meetingmoN 1Mo ii day,>a resolution by Counc. Hlamre made nteofth eeting and appointed Councs. Hlamre, Hubbard and C'owmýnan to at- tend. h wvas poinied out that Al mnembers of council were welcomne 10 attend. de,% Campus News ORONO CAMPUS NEWS by Tara Wallace Gr. 6 Pod C, gradies four, five and six are proud of their country. Each grade is study- ing something that deals with Canada in their Environmen- tai Studies classes. The grade sixes are studying the Cana- dian Mosaic. The Canadian Mosaic is the study of people thai came' Io Canada from different counîries. The grade fives are studying the provinces. They are learnîng about al the provinces in Canada including the iwo ter- ritories. The grade fours are siudying the Canadian government, the provinces and the capital cities of Canada. They are learning who is in goverrnment and where they work, for example Garnet Rickard hias an office in Bowmanville. Every grade has learned aloi about their country. LOCKHART CAMPUS NEWS by Patti Moreland& Angie deLaat Mrs. Trim iis a teacher ithat cornes in on Tuesdayýs and Thursdays. She hielpis the children wvho have spec:ial needs wiih thieir school work. Mos i of'(ihe library c:lasses have learnied about thle Newben award. Thecy are now lisîening t0 records. They have listened 10 Sounider, it is a story about a dog. Nowx they are hearing the mnatch lock gun. One of the classes recenîly visited the Outdoor Education Centre. They hiad fun going down hilîs ni inter- tubes, snowshoeing, playing weaîher sheets and going on a hour long hîke. Mrs. Ralfe's class wishes to thank the peo- ple ai the Ouîdoor Education Centre-for a very good lime. Heart Fund Skip-a-îhon Skipping has been the focus f'or house claue these lasi îwo rmonîths.Some children have been dliligentfly working 10 skip fifty uimes withOLtui misg ingwile others are trying to skip as many times in a minut as possible. The third group of syn- chronized skippers wilI be competing on Friday, March, 22 ai 12:30. Parents are mi than welcomiete attend. Ail lasî week, the children were skipping in teamis of ab-out eighit raising mioney for the heart fund and to win prizes such as skipping ropes and T-shirts. Mrs. Locke did an excellent job of organizing the P.T.A. group te provide MacDonald orange drinks for the children. * EM PAINT SALE* 1 000 N EW COLOU RS TO CHOOSE FRO M in 5 DIFFERENT FINISHES LATEX FLAT - LATEX LOW LUSTRE LATEX SEMI GLOSS ALKYD LOW LUSTRE- ALKYD SEMI GLOSS PLUS COUNTRY WHITES in FLAT - LOW LUSTRE - SEMI GLOSS 25 % OFF WALLPAPER - Book Orders In Room Lots RO LPH we made our naue in hardware Main St., Orono N y7g Phone 983-5207 REG ISTRATION Orono Summer Sports Programme 1985 Orono Arena Lobby Monday, April i st Wednes~, April 3rd Soccer, Girls Sofibail, Basebail, T-Bal Late registration will be at the discretion'of ail the Convenors and the Orono Amateur Athletic Assoc, SOCCER - Tyke to Junior 6 yeairs to 18 years BASEBALL - Tyke to Midget Under il years to under 17 years T-BALL - Boys and Girls 8 years and under - No charge GIRLS' SOFTBALL - Squirt to Midget 6 years to 20 years NOTE: Alý ages are as of December 31, 1985 FEES: $15.00, No Refund or Post Dated Cheques E.O.B.A. Bantam and Midget Basebail boys and Junior Soccer boys Must register at this time. Their fees wilI be charg- ed when the leagues are defiîiitely formed. Interested Coaches, Rets. and Umpires contact; Girls' Softball: Vi Vanderveen 983-9571 Betty Lycett 983-5908 Soccer: Gordon Lowery 983-5840 Basebail; Dennis Mumford ý83-9443; Don Lycett 983-5908. Orono Amateur Athletic Association 1

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