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Orono Weekly Times, 27 Mar 1985, p. 3

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day ai Ganaraska Onl Samtuday, Aprîl 131h, th li<antaaka Rugion (on- servation Autbority will be offering ils animnal spring event. The general public is invited 10Joli us in elCOm1- ing this season by par - licipating in Maple Syrup Day ai the Ganarasýka Forest Centre. Tours 0f the sugar bush.l1 lasting 12 bour, will com- mence ai 10 a. m. and proceed until I p.m. or until eeyn bas the oppori-tuniity 10 view the mnaple buish a nd evaporating facilîties. Thli content of' the tour wllbe aimed ai ail age levels and we pI4Ia cppli'lu Oàd1h thîs a lniyotmng. Note: Please dress for early spring condition.s. Phis evenIt is irce 10 thle genieral pubC. lc HWeverf, in addition JIo the ltur, pani- cakes and mnaple syrup wvill bc servled Lup 1botat a cost Of $1.00 per- personi. The GnrsaFoirest C'entre is located approx- imately 4 kilomectre.s north of Counllty Road No. 9 midway between (lhe illag-es of Elizabethville and Kendal. Please direct any inquiries to the Ganiaraska Forest Centre at (416) 797-2721. Hydro proposes lowest rate increase S&S Garage oped in Orono Orono. The garage ssiill un mwo weeks ago in the former be including -gasoline sale as location of Rabmis Garage on part of thebsnc. MaI'in Street.Thle couIple are 10 be mai- The co-owner-s, Sandý lied in ih l rv nar futuu. James and Spy,.ro Spyrou, are Savudx Jmes w pici ured above . 0lHC\baiUlaiîed on Moni- Spyrou taeshe 1bas been dayi\ ICI liavingdwonalce' kept bus iîh ecanial 'liliblAu oSUNsýhine Girls eirs sf, ince oviingil, New Manager ai Beckers \Vanda Simeunovicb of Osbaýwa bas taken over ibhe management of tbe Becker store in downiown Orono. Thainis t undîng provided by tbe Alax-Pickerrng Unîled Waiy, the Dsressý Centre s Oappyte anneiiunce thai this bas cr a nrew slitîlpositio1ii Itial "i tjtreacbuWrîre We(!y Puy ri long-li ,im rient e bearea, rs the new Oureacb Wrker fer A ckering Witb new ser- becomîg avaiabead new p)eople mevuinq nIe ie are Waîîda is a residcnI of' 0sIia\ý[a and s(rated lier ness dutic îcs ý lai Fbasday. al a rate et areund 100 per mIontn, it was becemiflg increas- înigly dîttîcult le prupeiy service t he Alax Pi(ckerinq aria Wend's nw ob 5 ý o provine avaees Sbe s gatberîn11( data on servies in tbe area se tble Centre can etter up j)te dJate, ara te ilrmtoit t lîcci lcadiing squad. Slhe was onc ol 34 choseri by a paniel 'l 1h îîi iiudges 10 he on ibe. stîaad aqiid the cboice ,was mîiîd, lrom a group of 160 WVendy is very excited about beri new dulties wvhich began in February. She leels the Distress Centre oflers excellent services and wants everyone Ie be awvare ot tbem. The liistress Centre is a be-triending, counisellinig and crisisitervention service wbicb operates oni a 24-bouir contiden-' tial basis. Manned by trained veluntis [,; lie re aiso et- te eeri a i, ja i miatien on Se(i ' ~ Njew speilz i viies iii- clude ai You(llbine,, wbîcbi operates from i4-7 p.mi pro- viding peer couniselling, and a Kidsine,wbicb operates 24 bours a dlay and provîdes a friend for cbîldreni. Somie 'lat- cbkey 'cbildren arrive home te ar nipty bouJse and leel lonely. 1Ihe KîdJs 1iin e aiseottfers aissistance ni case of, emergen- cy Une need net be in a crisîs situation te cail the Dstress Cen- tre. People usîng the service range trem teenagers wbo need te talk, te seniors wbe îust need someone te check in wtb. The many new resîdents et Ajax-Pickering can gel informa- tien on services in their new community by caiiing the Cen- tre. Vlunteers are aiways need- ed. The Distress Centre etters a very înterestîng training pro- gram and vlunteers say tbey tînd the werk extremeiy rewarý ding. AnyoeP nterested in heip- îng others can cati the Centre at 723-4461. These înterested in counseling or information can calI 68-î 26 F-or more iniermation please con- tact Wendy Roy Outreacb Worker 723-4461 Ontario Hydro's Bo--ard of Directors hias directed the utility Io finalîze a proposaI lfor an average 3.6 per cent in- crease in 1986 rates, Cbair- man Tom Camipbell said to- day. "The 3.6 per cent increase would be the lowest in 20 years for municipal uitilities and the lowest since 1972 for direct induistrial customiers," Campbell said. Campbell said the proposýaI will help Hydro hold rate in- creasesat or below the infla- lion level over tbec decade of' the 1980s. 'It also reaf'fir nis our comi- mitrment 1tov Liing a Io\\- cost, reliable Suipp[1ly ofeec- tricity 1to Ont ariîo consumers- Camplbell said ssrlfac- tors bave enabled Hyd o keep ils rate inicrease prop- osaI t0 3.6 per cent. "lmrproved nuclear effi- ciency, increased demand for ecrctand tigbitt financial deep-cut Specials and more 0 Has vaniety and interesting new products *Has fine assortment of meats 0 Has a good selection of ciomestic and imported produce iiews items please fecdIf ree 1()phone the Orono VWeekIy Times we would be only to happy tr) receive thein 983-5301 controls on operating and ad- ministration costs have imn- proved our financial picture. Another reason is that Hydro's debt in real terms (taking inflation into ac- court) bas already peaked and is forecast to decline dur- ing the rest of the 1980s." Over the next few weeks, Hydro staff vill develop detailed rate proposais for direct industrial customers and municipal utilities. The Board of Directors also instructedi Hydro staff to defer any proposed changes in the rate structure for the next few years. This decision allows requests from the On- tario Municipal Electric Association and the Associa- tion of Major Power Con- sumners of Ontario. :d (200'S) m-ppItt ULUIr 1ua(;aICl You Save .76 48 ()z. Titi .99 1Tissue - Reg. 1.39 plsg Of <You Save .50) 8 IMPORTED FROM ISRALL Asparagus Mushroom NO NAME- GOURMET DRY French Onion Makes 1 litre SoU p Mixs ég Fresh Loin Roast o' Park, Tenderloin Portion Rib Portion 3j.06 kg /1.39 lb. 2.84 kg 11. 29 l b. Canada No., 1 P.E.I1. 20 lb. Potatoes nly1.88 CORNISH'S Phone 983-5201 Orono, Onltaivi ATTENTION! Your local Kînsmen present a Kinsmen Awareness Day on Saturday, March 30th from 12:00 to 5:00 at the O~roMasonic Hall on Centre Street, Orono ý,V i' anxious to meet yoLIýg men between the ge of 21 and 40 w1ho are inteîested ini gettong rivolved in comm-runîty service work. Won i you cotrne join us and find ou[ why men eveywhreare proud ta be Kinsmi. L îght Ilunch and relr(,shm-enits served F oe 'uLrther information 983-9506, 983 9451 Is Con venîently Locate Competîtîve Everyday Prîces Allen PureKleenex e a these~ IIf~ PhJ~ Dii"eistress Centre increases staff . .......... ..... .... ... 1

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