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Orono Weekly Times, 27 Mar 1985, p. 4

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41-0rouio Weeklý limnes, Ned.mtsdaY, March 27, 1985 SPORTSe-% "" Peranut Butter and jelly team up for Camsport Atoms On Friday, March 22, Orono Camrsport AtIomsI hosted an exhibition game against Millbrook. The sceý was tied at 2. Scott Hall played the first haif of the gamne betweecn the pipes, and then John But- tigieg played the last haif. They both played a tough gamne, mnaking some excellent savs. The frust penod ended vnth no score. They skated liard~ and played tight. In the second period, Mllbrook started the scoring off with a goal at 9:28. They came back quickly at 8:20 fos another. At 2:07 many tri4ï and comrbinations, ový fansous "Peanut Butter and Jelly team (Chris Yeo scored4ý Steve Shetier assist) andam assist to Jeff Wlsofinaill put us back in the mrning. The third period wj almnost over, when at 0:311 two hero's tied it up (Chý aind Steve) with -Bras ' Ovenden picking up an assist iIso. Againi Orono served penalties, Timmy HaUll for body checkmng - 2 mÙW Jay Hansen for holding- mins. and Nei aie Good gaine guys! ner glove side. 1After a standing ovation fromi the thousands of people who gathered at this game JTason went on to play an outstanding g1-amen. Todd "Chiipmuniý-k" Gray notch his second mnarker of thie gaine to close out the 2nd period with Orono in the lead by a 3-0 counit. David Sheridan earned bis 2nd assist on Todd's goal withi a nice. pass. Bowmanville fought back gamiely withi 2 unanswered1 goals to miake it a close match. Jason Brachvogel, Craig Nemis and Jason Adey played strong gamnes dlefen- sively wvitb Mike Goodmur- phy adding some offensivýe power wvith bis sick playmnak- tnig. Orono 10 - Whitby 2 On March 17, Orono travelled to Whitby for an ex- hibition match. The Matthews and Hill boys where short some regular players and had to br- ing up Jinm Partner, Bradley Minnis and Dustin Reid to help out fromn the O.M.H.A. atomns. The new additions not only held their own but combineçl notching 4 goals. Jeff Hart- ig potted the hat trick. Todd Gray tallied 2 goals. Brian Rodd a dded a single. Assists wýent to Mike Good- murphy (3), Brian Rodd (2), Todd Gray ( 1), Bradley Min- nis (i), J1eff H-artwig (2), Da,,id Sheridan (t) and Jason Miajor (1) and Jason Brachvo.gel (1). This was a super effort by the Oronio squad -who we2re passing the puick like pros. Orono 3 - Millbrook ,1 On Tuesday, Marcb 19, Orono defeated Millbrook to take a 1-0 lead in the best 2 out of 3 playoff for the con- sol;ation league champion- ship. Ibis was; an exciting tough fought typical playoff match. l'he first period was scoreless w,%ith Billy Todd comning up with some great goaltendWing to keep bis team in thle game. Millbrook took the lead at the 2:1 0 mark of the 2nd stanca. Eighteen seconds later BlaineSouch skated in un- molested and pùlled a perfect deke to slid the puck into the net and tie the contest up. It was filçine again who Orono 3 - Bowmanville with the Pee Wees to throttle stole the puck early into th On Saturday, March 12 t& the homte team by a 10-2 last period and fired a blister Bowmanville Toros Pee W#i counit. ing wrist shot which th tearn came to Orono for a% Orono struck lare into the Mllbrook goalie couldn' exhibition gaine against 0& lst stanca when Jeff Hartwig handle. Matthews and Hill boys. slapped the puck into the top Sbawn Hardy made son The end resaIt was a h cor:ner after receiving' a nice brîlliant stops after- takîr fought 3-2 victory for Orono. pass from Mike Goodmuf- over from BiLly Todd to bel, T e tean's fought eviieI phy. the cause. the 5:14 mark when Tod Whitby fought back and With just seconds remair Gray found the mark with 4 tied up jusi seconds later. ing in the game Brian Rod hard wrist shot to the top cI Brian Rodd made it 2-1 blasted home Jeff Hartwig1 ner. Dayd-ShetidanL..an4 Orono affer being set up by rebound to sait away the vic Jason Adey combined som~ Todd Gray and Jason Major. tory. Blaine Souch earned hi slick passing to set Todd upi:, The home team again 3rd point of the match with Jasn "okeChek" a~j fought back to tie if up at 2 well earned assist on the plaý jor upped the count to 24 apiece to close out the first Brent Osmond and Crai whivnhe flew into the slot., period. Mînnis put oni a great dispît received a nice pass out froW, At the drop of the puck go- of defensive hockey to he] David Sheridan and un1cashjý ing into the 2nd period if wa their team to victory. eti a bard low wrist shoî ail Orono with Dustin Reid whicb caught the lower cor-, SUnrise4lrs nip Shoppmers Old tumers 'by a 2 to i1 count On \Wvediie sd ay, 'MarichJ 2th, thie Crono Shoppers -Drug Mart Olditiniers traveli- ed to Bomanville to tackie the Suise-iý Oldtimeris. Un- fortunately the Shoppers Drug Martltam hdter miodestwing streak snlap- ped as ithe Snrses ippedý tIm bu a 21S ore. The Sunrise opened the scoringi on a rebouind. OnosKith Andet son tied the soeai 1-1I ith abuet like drive from tLhe ]ceft point. Bowmnanille ntbdthe wilnner on a shIot from thIle blueine Ithat hla d Bob ' 'LemonIl0 l- Freshc', l Boume mluttering Ito imislf about carrying a flasbfilit the ex time he played in that arena. This ended a three gm series; between the Shloppercs Drug Mart and [lt:e Bowýman- ville Sunriiise wýith Orono up11)2 gnesc, to otnc. Every game was a naiIilitr as 1they were ,e er- le I't ,e ng -I [d 9's ic- his ia ly. lig iy 21P each decided Il\,one goal. On Sunday, NMar. 24, Orono visited the Manvets Oldttmers and again lost' a squeakermb a 4-3 score. Shjoppers Druig Mart's Brian lreland was the bero in this game as lie scored aIl 3 of Orono's goals. Winners ot the Glass Turkey draw were Richard Dennis, Bowman- ille, Elizabeth Whittaker, Oshawa and Brian IreIan1d, O ro no. Orono T-ennant Fuel Atoms take on Bowmanville Toros, Ormoo TnatFe Arom plyedan xitio am ithheBwravil Major Minlot Toros on Sutirl da\,.\Miîuh 2-3 t lic Duril inigton rea.Sean McKers- bie 5:5i maol th! eI tirst1 prid w : t1a ol asi s b SÇQtt MAilîtcramid Dui.tsi Rid.Wtho I2 scnt p~ay i the eriod Oron with Ennismore On Sutiday, Marchi 24th, Orono travelled to VEn- nîsmiore for the 3rd gamne in the\was anothecr close game. EnnliiSiore got the fit 1 goallinthile fis minute of play scored by Joeý Stewýart, asisted by Derrik Twa. Ormookept try ýing bult were flot able to conneet. Enismlore opened [tie scoing l-once nmoree arly linthe second pecriod as Mlark Campbell made it 2-0 on a pass fromt Brad Beltune. Oronio continued to play hiard but things just didni't comen together. It wýasn't until the end of the 3rd period that they were able to soe David Little got the goal on a pass front Rod Storsbergen and .Scott Ilrwin. 1They did stop Ennismiore firomn scoring again however and the gaine ended in a 2-1 loss. On Monday, March 251th Ennismore travelled to Orono for gamie four. The play, as withi the othier 3 games was very lose. Orono opened the so in idwýay through the f'irst period withi a goal byv David Little, assisted by Rod Storsb'ergeni. There wasý no miorescrg until 4:19 of thle second period when Ennisýmore tied the score w\ithi a goal by Stev e Bearivage, assisted by\ Greg Englishi. Erîrisîrîor-c upened the scoring early in the 3rd period, pulling ahecad 2-1 on a goal by Mark Campbell assisted by Derrik Twa and Jamie Maxwell. Orono con- tinued to play bard but things just didn't corne together. Ennismore's MAartin Porter 'cored in (heiemnply net at thle 3 second mlark on a passfriomi jay YCo!rcorailnmaking thîle s:ore .3-I f'or Ensoe Theicei i ow t ied at 2 gamies aIece. ThenextLaine i dýt 1rdy March 29th ati815 in Ooo tpoie ob anl exiiggme whatever the, otoeasboit] teams ar e ev enyly matýlced. Com le out and support[ us. * KýEM PAINT SALE* 1000 NEW COLOURS TO CHOOSE FROM in 5 DIFFERENT FINISHES LATEX FLAT - LATEX LOWV LUSTRE LATEX SEMI GLOSS ALKYD LOWJ LUSTRE - ALKYD SEMI GLOSS PLUS COU NTRY WHITES in FLAT - LOW LUSTRE,- SEMI GLOSS 25 % OF F WALLPAPER Book Orders In Room Lots ROLPH we made our namnein hardware Main St., Orono Phone 983-5207 REGISTRATION Orono Summier Sports Programme 1985 Orono Arena Lobby Monday, April lst Wednes., April 3rd 7 P.M. to 9 P. Soccer, Girls Softbatl, Basebali, T-Bal Laie registration will be at the discretion of al hie Corvenors and the Orono Amateur Athletiç Assoc. SOCCER - Tyke ta Junior 6 years Io 18 years BAS EBALI Tyke ta Midget Under il years to under 17 years T-BALL - Boys and Girls 8 years and under - No charge GIRLS' SOFTBALL - Squirt ta Midget 6 years to 20 years NOTE: Ail ages are as of December 31, 1985 FEES: $15.00. No Refund or Post Dated Cheques E.O.B.A. Bantamn and Midget Basebali boys and Junior Soccer boys Must register at this time. Their fees wili be charg- ed when the leagues are definitely formed. lnterested Coaches, Ref s. and Umpires contact; Girls' Softbaýl: Vi Vanderveen 983-9571 Betty Lycett 983-5908 Soccer: Gordon Lowery 983-5840 Baseba1li Dennis Mumnford 983-9443; Don Lycett 983-5908. Orono Amateur Athletic Association Qg

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