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Orono Weekly Times, 3 Apr 1985, p. 11

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LE Vk LRI -NOTICES If yout have questions or ccrncerns about-your mnunicipality, please feel free to caîl me at ileihr 983-5505 or 987-5039, Diane Hamire, Counc. Ward 3, Townr of Newicasile. Durham East Liberal Assocation meeting to eleet can- didate April 8, 8:00 p.m. Memnorial Park Clubhouse, Liberty St. S., Bowmanville. Guest Speaker Bob Nixon, M. P.P. Membership cul off for new mnembers eligible to vote at meeting 8:00 p.m. Friday, April 5th. Contact 987-5241, 433-4240 or 576-2990. 3,a.c. TAX SERVICE Main Street, Orono PETER LAMMERS Phone 983-9787 I I4WY 115 0. CHATTERTON TRUCK & AUTO Electrica4 Contracting -ý REPAIfiS LTD. Pole LUne Construction To Ail Car's and Trucks PHONE TOWVING 983-5546 or 983-5940 983-9151 or 983-9152 Orono, Ontario Job Printing LETTERHEADS Phone 416-623-3393 Orono cali 983-9547 For prompi, couirteýous efficient servce wheni buying or seilimg and for the largest selctioit of properlies in the area. 234 KING ST. EAST 'Orono Meals on Wheels. Those înîerested in receiving a hot dinner two days per week phone 983-5702 Marlene Risebrough, 3,a. c. EAR PIERCING 1/2 price ear piercing special - (iold StudL $4.99, Bir- thstones $7.50, Pearîs, Hearts and Stars $8.50. Hooper's Jewellers Limited, 39 King- Si. W., Bowmian- ville - 623-5747. HELP WANTED Nanny wanted to corne in to our homne Monday Io Friday7 a.m. -. 5 p.m. daily Io care for us. We are 6 and 3 years old. Ple.ase reply after 5 at 983-5847. References required. 3,10,17,24,31,a. WORK WANTED Cleaning Lady Just moved to Oronlo. 10 years experience in the Village of Greenwood. $40.(X) a day. Caîl 983-5612 or 9%3-9660. 3, l0,a.c. - ______COMING EVENTS The Clarke Township Museum and Archives wNi1l open Sattirday, April 6 at Il arn. for its 1985 season. One location only, aI the Kirby Schoolhouse on Hwy. 35 & 115 at Kirby. Spring hrs: Tuesdays through Saturday s 11-5 p.m.; Sundays 25p.m. Orono Tennis Club registration meeting Tedy April 16 at 7:30 p.m. at the Orono Town r Hall. 3,10, a.c 1 l LOST Ganaraska area, femrale puippy wffihibrindlec:olouri- AN MEMORIAM GREENWOOD, Lawrence - In lo in emory of a dear husband, fafi3er and grandfather who passed awvay April, 5, 1984. Nothing can ever take away The love a heart holdsý dear; Fond mnemories linger ever day Remnembrance keeps himn near. Sadl misedby wife Gl1adysý and lfamily 3, a.p. CAEE RAINING FREE Career Guiîde describes 200 learn-at home crepnec Diploma courses. Accounting, Art, lBookkeepîng, Bus,îinessMng ment, Clerk Typist, Secret ary, Journaliismi, Television Servtcin g, TraL,1 Granton (5A) 263 Adelaide West, Toronto, I-800-268-1121. McCRIMMON'S ANTIQUES THE HOLL0WVS HWJY.2, NEWCASTLE, ONTARIO -987-5204 WVe Buy andf Seil Antique and Old Furtiitbýre. OidI Hanqînq Lîght Fxue Also buy Estates - ENVELOPES BUSINESS CARDS ALL BUSINESS FORMS FLYERS Etc. Cali the Orono Times 983-5301 Cali fof a no obligation evaluation of your homre, acreage or fafm or for information on properties in the area. 6 23- 4 445 ok$-E Chris Stapletoni Associate Brok-,r 623- 7790 FOR SALE NORTHERN F-OOD TREES: OId fashioned apples, pear, apricot, nul trees, shrubhs, evergreens, seedlinigs. Guiarantced delivery. Reasonable pices. Catalog $1. Giolden B01gh Tree Farm.n Marlbank, ntro KOK 210. n/c QUJONSETS - SACRIFICE PRICES $ Manufacturers rep sellillg'ofi inveintor tor rock bottom irîces. 1For examiple a 46 \70 forlessithan a40 N 60. Neyer priced lower. Alizc,. Ca]l 416-663 53ý22. CAREER TRAINING FREE BROCHURE on Income Tax courses. Special price reduction. $50 of f! Learn by home study. Writeft U & R Tax Schools, 1345 Pem- bina Hwyv., Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2B6. nic EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNJTY ESTIMIATOR, Draftsman. and Scheduler for aggressive Machine and Fabricating Shop. Salary Negotiable. Send resumies to0 rusch's P.O. Box, 294, fort Frances, Ont. n/c HELP WANTED Remiote MNTAIN HOTEL now acceptîng applications part-time andfuitm for summner season. Dningroomr waitresses, front desk clerks, hiousekeepers, cafeteria, gifr shop cashiers, gas statton atten- dants, and cooks. Please send self-addre.ssed stamiped eylope for ap- plication wo John Gialt, Glacier Park ILodge, Roger Pasýs, B.V7VE 2S0 n/c, P'HARMlAISI WANTED. WeilIestablishied Gjuardian affiliated Drug Store nin 5W. Ontario town. Computerized Dispensary. One Nurs- ing Home 40 hir. week. No Sundays or Holidays. Good salary and work- ing conditions. Benefits negotiable. Accommodation if needed. Apply in \Nritîng. NMrs. C.E. Forster, Pharrmacy Limited, 140 Quee St.i.,St. Mlarys, Ontario NOM 2V0. ni/c U:PHOL1STERS \WANTED: 10 to 15 years _experience nin re urpholstering. FuilI time, year-rouind work, toip %wages, 10,000M)sq. ft. shop. Stonies Uphlolstering, )4 lH2ihStreei, Batre, Ontario SALES HELP WýNANI ED STOP 'STOP. Stani a Watkinis Product Dwstibutiorshtpbuinesrm a iiiiil investmcntii in wiur arca. Direct Sales indced people neevded. Unlîniitd inocme. rtte or CalI M. Carrii, Wlkn- m.,2200 NMarie Aunie 1Lasi, Montriol N2H i]NI Tel. (s14) 598-8630 or Torontio (416) WAN I FTE TO BUY Webolaý1ie m 1rod el TRkACT1-0R S fori vwrec k in-, lbur1ned, damr aged or ijust tirid. FAWCETÎL TfR AC(TO R SUP P >L)YLTD. R. R. 2, 1St. Msiarys,) On fiar)o NOM',]2V(519) 2841-2379. AUýCTIONS O)ntaio',s1Largest FARM MAHINERY CONSIGNMENT SALE, Norwichi, Ontario Friday, April 12, 1985, 10 arn. (Sales conducted se- cond F'ridayý each monthi). Approx. 150-175 Tractors plus al typ-es of farin equipmnent. Consignments welcconie. For mlore information call (5 19) 424-9998 or (519) 424-9093. Pr opirietors K.S. Hamulecki & Sons. ni/c FOR SALE ANTIQUE REFINISHING SUýPPLIE-S. \Wholesae/Retail., For Catalogue, send $3 (Refundabile wirh first $25 or more order) to Double D) Enterprises, Box 183, Kincardline, Ontiario NoG; 2Go. n/c PINZONYA! Does yor) club, organizain ncd lapel Pins, medallions for fond ratsers? Rccive a free brochure and sample. Cana- dtan manufacturer. 1Emblcmnaic Jewellery, Box 70, Rodney, Ontario NOL 2C0. n /c 1TEEL BU11IlDNS 4 )iily Quonset M odsoder cancelled. Imi- meiatue deisvery. First comne first sre.2 44, 35 \ 52, 16 N 94 and 55r x 260 compieeihii large sliding, door. Caîl toll free 1-800-387-4932. (Continued page 9) WNeofter toyou ~ No. 1 Grade Ontaria Juicy No-Wax APLES From C.A. Storage Homeaý- M a de Cider Farmrn Fresh Eggs Stoekes Seeds FRUIT MARKET HWY. 35 SOUTH 0F ORONO 983% -5628% à m 1

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