,-unnies and Chick'Dowýntown Orono Saturday T\wo aster Bunnies ,and an Easler Chick wvill greet al those in downltown OrI.ýlooon Saudyand wýill be presen- îing the traditional- easter- eggsfrom 1l1:0)a.m1. to 1:00 ncîon anid tronm1:00)pm. (o 2:00) p.m . Do bring thle cildren t(o tainied by [the bunikcsa cick who vll bK, qi n lle stetand vstn i iic in he Vlae [lie cuildren entlerIlle 0!hi1In n nîcIwith colourinig in age 12 years. Ptrizes for the wmniners of each age brackei. The pr-izes will be awairded Saturday afternoon by the Eastrc Bunlnies and the Chick, T'he colopuring sheets must bu rutured to aiîy of the Orono stores prior to closing lime on T'hursday, April 4th, 1985. Published Every Wednesday e.,,: rý,155 Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, Apnil 3, 1985 Area group visits Ottawa -Four outstandng members- 9th. affairs. Green, of R.R. 1, of 4-H Clubs in the Durham The Ottawa trip is an an- In the photo, taken in Mr. Blacktock; Krista McHolmn, area were entertained at the nual event sponsored by the Lawrence's Ottawa office, R.R. 1 Port Hope; Mr. House of Commons by the Durham Milk Committue, from left bo right arua: Lawrence; and Mr. and Mrs. Hon. Allan Lawrunce, M.P. whicb suluts the four youflg Robert Green, of R.R. Iï Neil Allun, of R.R. 1, Orono, for Durham- peoplu on the basis of their Blackstock; Jeff Caswell, of who brought the 4-H Northumberland, whun îhey prsonal contribuitioni to the R.R. 1, Newtonville; Marilyn memnbers to Ottawa. visitud Ottawa March th and 4-H program and commuflity [Ikapeunin-gg OPEN ACTION OFFICE IN ORONO The Durhamn East Progressive Conservative Associa- tion bas opened one of ils Action Offices in the Village of Orono locating tin the old firehaîl building;in the buisiness,, sec- tion. The office is alruady in constant use in the PC's effort 10 re-elect Sam Curtaz t0 his third termi in the legislature on May 2nd, election day. PLANE LANDS IN KENDAL, TOBACCO FIELD A Lakefîeld man, Gordon Mlillage, escaped injury last Wednesday whun the Cessna 150 hie was flying made an) emergency landing in a tobacco field east of Kendal and flip- ped over. The plane was on a fligbt from Port Hope 10 Peter- borough when a sîorm forced the plane dlown ni the Kundal area about 6 p.m.. The plane flippud ovur Mhen one of the wheels caught ni a soft miuddy fuirrow. Damage to the plane was estimated ai $5,000. MEMORANDUM 0F AGREEMENT SIGNED The Northum-rburlafld and Nuwcastle Board of Educa- ion and the secondary Tuachers Federation negotiating com- mittues have signed a mnemorandum of agreement as 10 îhetr conlract inugtiat ionsý. The contract bas yul to bu ratifiud ,by boîb parties. Dtails of the agreement havetobuen made known aI Ibis tm.The Memiorandum of Agreemient is expucied 10 avert a possible sîrike which may hav e beun punding if agreement had not buen ruached. RETURNINC, OFFICER OPENS OFFICE IN ORONO GeogePnlint, ReLurinig Officer for the M0ay2n1d Pr-() inýcial elecion hias openud is, office on Main, Street Orono0. Ov\ert he past \week-end Polliti lbas hld a numlber of, niffornaion sessions for- enumrreralors xlho are to comIIplcee Qi eir eniumerations throughou thull riding during the period ofi April I-sIt t April 4h. Ini ,peaking ith ith eRt uring l-Officer lhe said ilt 1akes i\r9X) be!jc lpst ass i thelection from day onu up to and incitliLg let i 1mio d IMangar applies for rezoning for garage The General Purposu Committue of the Town of Newcastle bas received a report concerning an ap- plication for ruzoning in the Village of Orono from M. Manger of Mill Street. The report bas buen ruturai- cd 10 the planning staff for processing t0 bu followud by a staff report and a public buaring 10 bu h eld on May 6th, 1985 aI Courtroom Two in Bowmanville. The proposed zoning by- law amendmunt would amend the Town of Nuwcas- tle Comprehensivu Zoning by-law Lo permit Manger wbose properly is Iocaîed at 17 Mill Street, Orono 10 con- duel miotor vebicle sales and rentais, sale of automnotive, parts, body wvork and pain- ting for safely cbecks, under- take propane conversions andI as weillContinue With general automlotivu repairs. Under Ihe existing by-law Magris allowed 10 carry oui thiose services related to a' miolor vehicle service station. The puiblic metngwîll allo thepublic 10 make eiter rilenor verbal rcpresentation uîflher in sup- port or in opposition t0 the proposed zoning by-law amendmenî. Following the public meeting theu Town covùncil will pass on Ibuir judguenunt to the application. The passing of thu zoning ,Itendment would mnake pro- vision for Manger 10 con- struetan addition 10 the ruar of, tbu existing garage building. This building would bu subjet to a set plan ap- proval. Manger states bu ruquirus the addition 10 the garage 10 instaîl a spray booth and that bu bas approval for the building, if allowud tbrougb tbu ruzoning, fromn the Ministry of tbu Environmient. Manger furîhur states t bat 10 undurlake certification of vehicles bu must bu able 10 carry out somne body work and painting as mnay bu ru- quired for the certification. In the past objections hiave been lodged againsi Manger for undertaking, auto body work aI tbe garage, a use whicb is not cover:ed nin ihu exîstîng by1-law or in tbe previous Township of Clarke by-law. Ho 0jspiv tal f und stii growing-over $63 ,OOO According 10 the lates, repo r ts thne fun d for MIemnio r ial Ho spît al1 has almost reached a total of $63 ,OO0. With a dozen or1 more canivassers still 10 be i heard from it would appear r that A those who have been involved in this fund raising 1 camipaign should bu anr- 5 ticipating a successful goal 1 wiin thIle lnext îwo weeks. 1 Remnember, lbowever, Ibat 1 futhier Conit ribut1ions milay bu given al Lanytimle durinig thre next thr-cueazrs. Therefore, if yo u have not, already responded 10 the need for this neccessary and worthwhi le public service - The Expani- 1 sion of Our Memorial Hosîtal 1 Mammoth Regioal1 Coune. Diane Hamire has been reported 10 Say that the choice of a nuw landfill site for thre Region of' Durham \vil! bu onle Of the tougbiest tests for [lie Region Sinice ils inception somne elven years ago. Counec. Hamlre said thefe is no other choice than 10 replace somne of the aging landfill sites in thu Region and that this will bu a real Challenge. She spoke of the neud of the f'acility, which, she said, no one will want in thuir par- t icular area. Thre councillor said she will have to listen to ail proposais - thenr please consider the privilege of doing so as soon as possible. Haeyou ever felt you mnight like Io assist in improv- ing the Emergency Depart- ment of our hospital by donating towa rd an E.C.G. mnachfin ie o r an extra equipped stretcher? If so, now is the lime to give so that our Memorial Hospital may be prepared better 10 meut the needs of' your future health concerns. Whén you care theni they can care better! Contriibutiionis may be given n1ow, biy contacting your local canvasser or a mnemyber of our Planning Comtii-ittee. dedsio0n1 indff111 and take a long, hard look even tbouigbheiconly safe site- is iiinmy owni municipality. Coune. Hamre has been most vocal as t0 the safety procedures and the effeet of suich facilities have on the un- virolnmen1t. Norah Stoner of Pickuring and a Regional councillor has been reported to agrue with many of the communts of Counc. Hamre but said she will oppose any such dump site in her muýnicipality. Stoner said Pickering bas donu more than its share to accept garbage from the Region. Asks if breakdowln i communications Counc. Marie Hubbard aI Monday's Genural Purpose committue meeting ruferrud 10 a malter concurninig the direction of the Rucreation and Culture Planning Com- milIeu relating 10 Town grants wbich wuru apportion- cdI to' various organizations throughout the municipality for 1985. The Planning Committe bad made rucommendations 10 coLucil as 10 tbu amount of grants 10 uach organiza- tion and group following considurablu study of the financial statemunts of the groups and-as to thuir ru- quesîs. The Town of Newcastlu council based thuir grants on the recommundations of the Planning Commillue. Counc. Hubbard drew at- tention Ibat somu rucommen- dations bad not been c:arniud out as rucommuindud and spoku of a request andI ap- proval for $12,000 for thie Village of Newcastlu Town Hall. Sbu said tbe grant was approved in tbat $6,000 would bu paid immediately whilu tbe rem ainder would bu paid wbun curtain conditions bad beun met. Coune. Hubbard said the total amount bad buen paid 10 thu Hall board and askud whuru the bruakdown in com- munication betwuun the corn- mittue, council and treasury badbappened. Sbu statud Ibat both tbe Chief Administrator and tbu Duputy Director of Com- munity Service wure muimburs of the Planning Committe Board. She askud if the monies were paid ouI in urror bow was tbu Town tb gel Ibis money back and as well askud that a report bu submnittud 10 the guneral purposu commit- tee relating to thu apparent breakdown in communica- THREE NEWCASTLE 0).P.P. OFFICERS IN TORONTO Tbruu O.P.P. officers of' tle Newcastle detacbment we aIwthe firt of tbhe weuk sîationed in Toronto to assée witb Ille protection of tbe 1Toronlo syîe fom tIllebomb Ibreat wbvich bias mnade headlinies ilhrougbioul the world.