2-Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, Apiril 3, 1985 Second (Cas Mail Reis1Ltation NumberOWSi8 EPubllshed Ever1t Wednesday aithteoffice of Publication Main Street, Orono Roy C. Forreter. Editor Hard To Beleive There have been mnany interesting developments of late especially at Ottawa which could have some far- reaching effects when the details are made public and the proposais broughit into force. The international oil companies appear more than satisfied with the new deai hammered out as to oul and gas and this would have to be a indication that they have been successful in their efforts in obtaining benefits. The Minister of Energy, Pat Carney, looks to the agreement producing jobs close to 200,000 as the oul companies are now to invest in more development in the oul fields in Canada. - It has also been noted that the federal govern- ment has lost considerable revenue under the new agree- ment running into the millions of dollars, There is no way the government can afford' this loss and one would have to suspect the genieral public will finance the loss throughi a further possible tax at the pump. Carney leads us to beleive she has no knowledge what Michael Wilson will do to refurbish this loss in revenue. But there would have ta be close contact of the two Ministries as to the new agreement for it is not plausible that Wilson, being Minister of Finance, would be left out of the discussions which affect the economics of his May budget. Iltvwil certainly be ;inter-estîng to see how\ the bal bounices. SPRING ART FESTIVAL The Spring Art Festival held on a annual basis a t the Orono Town Hall is again to bc presenited ta the public on May 4th and May 5 as well as a preview show- ing on Friday, May 3rd. The annual art f'estival lias in thepast and no doubt will this year bring forth mnany of the noted artists of the area whose wvork hias been enjoyed in the past by the generai public. The preview showing ta be heid on Friday, May 3rd wili provide flhe opportunity to meet and chat with the artists from the houf of 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. Wine and cheese will bc served. The preview is by invita- tion. TO BUILD THE LAST CEMETERY CAIRN Il The Clarke Abandoned Cemnetery Coammittee headed by Johnr Stone of W.R. 1 Oranaýi is expected ta complete their cemnetery cairn project which wýas started a number of vears agoaia Lawrence Cemneteiry east of Orana. Thre cammittee is.ta have a cairn erected with tamb- stanes at the Wh10ite Church Cemetery on the fifth uine of Clarke at lot 15. This, states Stone, is the iast cairn needed ta contain stanes in the last of the abandoned cemneteries in the formenuýi nicipality of Clarke Township. Stone also states that the Town of Newvcastie has inciuded the expenditure in the 1985 budge to taudetake the praject. The Lawrence Cemetery cairns cantain Stones cemnented in the cairns from the Lawrence 'Cemetery, the Antioch Cemntery and thie aid Orono Cemntery. The committee has also comipleted cairns at the Newtanviile cemetery -of the Presbyterian Church and also at the third fine corners, SUPPORT HOSPITAL FUND WITH LAUGHTER Have a night out and enjoy live theatre close ta home. The Bowmnanville D!rma Warkshop presents a comredy, "The Hantl that Cradies thec Rock", ta be staged at the Bawmanville High Schoot theatre an April 18, 19 and 2th with curtain cal at 8:U11. Tickets: Aduflts $4.(X), students $3.00 with ail praceeds ta go ta the Memiorial Haspital fund. For tickets cali 983-5867. STORM lHITS ORONO ANI) AREA The late SUnday afternloan ice and wind storm hit the Orona area as it had nin other areas af the province resuiting in broken trees and dawn red imbs which had become laiden wýith a covering of ice. Kendal1 News God Cares When he clothes the stately liles In garb of purest white; When he watches a'er the sparrows And pratects them in their flight; Yau may have the blest assurance That ail your lifetime thraugh God cares .. . .and every mo- ment He is watching aver you! There wasn't any daubt March went out like a lian. The weight of ice on trees and hydra wires combined witb high winds caused them ta faIl. Hydro crews worked al night ta restore power, 16 hydro pales feul in Markham. Fortunaiely the, freezing rain did nat arrive tili after we gat ta church. Our car was like a glass bouse when we camne out after the service. This ice is very hard an the itulips wbiich are up and the fail wbeat. The choir sang "There is roomn at the cross for you". MIrs. L. King laid the~ boys and girls the story of the girl ,,,ho lent ber colt ta Jesus an the first Palmi Sunday. The scripture reading w'as Zechariab 9: 9-12 and John 12: 12-16. The sermon was "Reflections on Holy k W k". One of the an- nauncemients was the new M emariai Window wiI be dedicated on April 28tb in mremory a& the Wannon, Faiiy. On Wedniesday evening Mlarcb 27, the tbree U.C.W.'s Newtonville, Shilob and Kendal met at Newtonvilie. It began witb a pot luck dinner then follawed a devational that was very tauching. Mrs. Marlenie Stacey sang very beautifully "Were you there when they crucified my Lard" ac- companried, by Mrs. Carol Gardner. In between each vers e a member read a verse "Yes 1 was there I carried blis cross. Yes 1 was there 1 was the centurian, etc." Then followed the main event of the evening wben Mrs, Rowena Tizzard was asked ta came ta the front. Mrs. F. Henderson read a humourous paemn about Rowena's life and work in the church since camning ta Newtoniville. This poemn was campased by mrs. Caraol Gar- dner. Then R-wena \vas presented xith a leather purse, earrings and a trilliim pin. Rowena thanked us and niedus ta ber new home in Nova Scotia. We wvish hier God's ricbest biessing. H. Gardon Green quoted on his broadcast, "Parents are people who bear infants, bore teenagers and board newly weds". We are glad ta repart that Mrs. Ross Patton is able ta be home again after suffering a very severe heart attack. Mrs. Mabel Elliott is very mnuch imiproved, now, able ta go down the hall with the walker. Mrs. O. Wright who is Mrs. Len Fal's mnother has suffered a stroke recently and is confîned ta her bed. She is 93 years of age. Mr. and Mrs. Vernan Peacock had lunch with Mrs. A. Cathicart on Saturday afternaon. Pin-up Girl for the Hungry and Hom-eiess (cantinued) During the long years of the Thirties, Jeannie McDuff made imany friends. IIt was said that mien ridîng thre box- cars over the Rackies dreamn- ed of Jeannie's stew at the end of the lite. Men talked of il amost rceeently an str-eet corner nin WVinipeg nd Regina and an, loneiy prairie sîdings. Jeannie gat letters fram as far east as thec jungles in the Dan Valley in Toronto. Samne men wrate paemis ta Jeannie and lonely chaps ask- ed for- her phioto and hier ministerÉgave lher fthe ltie she was praud tolaia: The Pin- Up Girl for the Hungry and Homeless. In Vancouver the Jungles, were a sprawling assartmient of tar paper shacks, carcasses of wrecked automobiles and empty piano boxes. Mas ,t of them sprang up an the flats around Campbell Avenue and Priar and Heatley, and under the aId cGeorgia Viaduct and along the water- front. Sheets of tin f'or a roof and aid coal sacks for curtaîns and wails, were aften thie onily shelter many of the men couid rustle together. At Tips for Decorating Eggs: 1. Use only white-shelled eggs for decorating. 2. Hard-cook eggs in spinach water for a green colour; those boiled with raw beets will turn red. 3. Onion skins wrapped around the eggs and wound with cattan thread give an arange-brown moule effect. 4. Add a few draps of vegetable dye or food colouring to the' water ta dye the eggs blue, purpie or yeliaw. 5. Narrow strips of masking tape can be stuck onto the eggs in geamnetric patterns. Peeling them off wiil reveal white pat- terns on a coloured background. 6. Bail the eggs before decorating wîth crayons, vegetable dyes or watercolours. 7. Polish ail decorated eggs with a littie olive oil for a rich lustre. iniht the glaw of small fires, acras.s the ftlat s ofl False Creek resemlbled a va1st en- camipmenit of boyý sco)uts or siumer camlpers. except there was no sing-ing nor the sound of mouth organs. In the harshi lighit of morning thec wvhole place was a wretcbed battie field where unkemrpt broken men staggered arounid searching for kindling f'or their fires. "Those places wrnîfit for animais"', Jeannie says. "But the men who couldn't get inta the Central City Mis- sion or the Salvation Armî-y miade the Jungles their homes. We used ta filI up aur minister's car with potataes and onians and the men cooked their own meais in lard pails and billy canis. Soinetimes they didn't have any water and aur minister lugged it ta the Jungles in barreis in the back of his car". During the sumrmer months when the bread fines thinnied out. Jeannie spent her time cooking the meals for the under-priviledged women and children at Fircomi, the fresh air camp run by First St. Savîour'qs Anglican Church MILL STREET ORONO, ONTARIO REV. ALLAN HALDENBY Rector Holy Wecek, 1985 ,April 4 - Thursday 6:45 p).m1. Paschal Meal April 5 - Good Friday 10:00 a.mi. St. saiau1r's, 01r0no 11:15 a.mi. St.Gores New-\castie April 6 - Saturday Baptismis if arranged April 7 - Easter Day 6:30 Suinrise Service Lakec Ontaria-Foot of Mili st. 9:45 a.m. Haly Communion.- Orano Church on Gamibier Island. 1WenIfirst started, work in the summirler at C Fircomn, some fa th (le \wamen onily had beer botules wvillb a nipple an the end ta tee their ba1bies. Our new minister soon put an end ta that and it wasn't l ongabef ore the wamen had the best nursing bottles he could gel.'- "The Iast thing we want in the East Endof Vancouver is a bunch of beer boule babies", the minister said. "We've got enaugh aduits draining those kind of boutles as it is". ORONO UNITED ~ ORONO PASTORAL 16ý, CHARGE SUNDAY APRIL 7, 1985 ORONO UNITED CHURCH Morning Worship 11:15 a.m. Cburch Scbaal 11:15 a.mi. Jayfui Celebration of the Resurrectian, Special Chair Muilsic GOOD FRIDAY SERVICE Friday, April 50h 7:30 p. m. Service of Meditation on the Cross and Haly Communion Joint service with Kirby Church The Orono Chburcb will be open for prayer and medfitation fromt 12 noon and an. BIBLE STUDY Wýednesýday, 8:00 p.m. Friendship Raom Evýeryane Welcomie UNITED CHURCH FELLOWSHIP RENEWAL (dbwaÇapter) Sunday, April *th 7:30 pm. 01ron0 Uni& C-hurcrî Guest "eaker Rev. R. Davidson KIRBY UNITED CHURCH Morning Worship 9:45 a.mj. Cburch Schoal 9:45 a.mn. E'"'-'ASTER GIFTS and there are many ta choose Ail at SPECIAL PRICES MAIN SM. ORffN, ON ~-tso