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Orono Weekly Times, 3 Apr 1985, p. 8

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ECHOuES îFROM TH E NORT t-) HC I h ] R, i t i I i GERAL DTONI 1 IS A îioud Ceiatoii I %vou lt ît icif' I i i t iie ai leait oýilaricabotloui unqu,211101tC,\Nor1ilieriu iosu. seaie uique floi IMIiasresnistlile0f wlicli aieier nerosethnie w ups i liai col1priSe oui populatin, iluliaek tif iii- dusiirs wlîîîiîî oui to\wn Iiits. anîd Ille iiinber tif "Iran- ients" that pass îhroughi every year. MWe are remote anîd Nortîieru bhecauise of our local ioîî and prlobably\ a greai deal by eboice. Geraldion is only forîy- igbî y ears oîd so tiberefore doe.s 1o0 have a great deal of isîory 10 flal back on, bol weC are neetblssvry pro- Lud of wbaI we do have. Geraldion started out as a gold mniniug îowýn and as ai resulil aîiracîed various characters front aIl waîks of life witb varingll degrees of skilI. 'Many of fhese people "are silîl lhere, aîong vwiih ieir increasing lfamilles, even tbougb there is no longer any mining beinilg dIoue. Grdonis very proud of' ils in li nu, Iisl oryý, Itler eforeý wh lenev eribceeare auy celebirations g.,oing oniibere is uuaîly a goil inling ibeme. The (ýoîd bedraesîil stanids ai [thce;cl anýe to GieraIldi"inanis awicom sigbit forihe w \orld-wVery trattel eîîrinlhme Gerldon I kown ilas "ThelFieiiesi Tw (lfite Noth" and prudy dispiays thi, fact on a sigu iIta eau b seeni as you areaprabg ibie turu-off mb ow--on Highway Il. I îhinik you, shoutld know, ibat i \if yu ver plan to move up lii way, you sbouid not alwa\ , 1bclieve wbaî you read! I aitîlo t say- ing that we are not a friendiy lot but we arc not always very receptive 10 iransients. 'We mw'lIIdefiniitely niod and smile and answer questions poliîeiy tiil foii'i eetcei ay ivi ig -n-oic fr mlin îs nliffsyou aiec plaiiiiii g (mtiL- .iiig lîirc fcîî f'ive tir xý vars, CP4 l.yihen will we s7tiito Opent tp and ici voU t liii') ui-îlix es. A typical Ceraldttiiiaii likcs to feeli tbai lic is a iiiysiriousl beiîîg. Tiîs dties pott proteet us froin the iievilable gossip- iîîg but we eau tîîîy îmariage oiie week per persori as clber- wise we would not be able Ioi keep up wiîlî ibe demiandsl.' No one gels terribîy upset by ilie gossip as you know everyone else has doue as ucbh if not mtore iban you anîd ai leasi you kulow if tbcy are taîking about you, they care. Anoîber of Geraldtîn's quirks is the way everyone lu town driv-s up and dlown Main Street, wbich is, ýby tbe way, approximately one mile long. The ime of day is lu- significat and the smaîl mat- ici of hiaving a destination seeins to be toiaîly overlook- cd. When 1 first moved here I tbought the people were real- ly sîrange but I rmuiI adil ibai I bave become addicled to ibis very- odd bebavior. Wle jusi bave to chick îo sec wbIaî is going on lu îown and wave 10 ail OUr oîber frîends \who are oui ibere doinig 11 ibe am îbingz. 1I uîoved here afier liv lingi al [Ciîy111r1hil rî years and as a rel t\ii 1 bad ntoroeilimlple iîhing ike goll oîng (libe Posi Office îo pick up ibeý mail and spendîng tbe nexi haif bour chaiting wiîb ac- quaiîîîances about w bal.bap- penied iii the lasi îtweuîy-tour bours. Aio l iecîpasi ime ihai I bad aluio"-si forgolîcun about ix foliowing the fire truck every lime tbe alarm the souud. You donti realize bow oblivious you bave become Ioi ail tbe caring tbings in life JOEY SAYS. ..""PLAYSAFE"!1 I - 4,ey was oniilofour when fihe toboggan Ihawa d ng d n o ha pa h o Ian Onicomîlng rin Thetooggn asmovngsofas IlHa( outdn'i stop h orlump fIfilimef is ahf alm wl s saveed below the ebw IJoay,ra mambarof The War Amips' Child AptaProgram. doeaso t îhînà [is aricrm worlçs as wal iias hîsrcaliarrni dd PLAY SAFE Il: Don't Let It Happen To You is anl award wnnngflm fIaiuring Joy-anrichapsfromacri-, Cainada. n a kids 10 kdsaproc1 safiy warnes, ta yungampiee da ib indartihow i her]aycdeIs ri1 rdat to aoI Id danger1chidiren mu LI1 Isi flearn tb rPcognî.re tl ioey and1is fnenids war a( hildian to PLAYSAFE! PLAYSAFE tIs ai, ilai nflm or ideocassette, free of chargeCotc Plh, WarAm r II(s of C ada fori ihainfomation, Wish io cal] us? Dial toil free: Metro Torolo residenIÉs (416J 488-0600 Area Codes 519, 613, 705: 1-800-268-8821. Ail other codes: 1-800-268-8917. The War Ampuations of Canrada es a registered charitable organrization operaied on a non-profil basis. uinder tihe control and direction eniirely of .., zo e n ers Charritable institutionr Registration nonm- ber, 0286831 09 10 Thie War iAmpuitationis of Canada, National Headquarters. 2277 Riverside Drive ISuie 207), Ottase, Oniarlo. KIl-I 7X6 4-H program gearing Vacaion pay to Sup for, summer RUS. LJIIA 1IL bs' Baili y ('Neil, R (.S. Speciaisi 4-H PROGRAM Gi ARIN(i Up [OR SIIMMER: Il you'î c 12-21 yeai s of age anid iniciestcd nin ca rn ing about agr iculituirc, homnraking ait(] life skills wiî h fri euds0f your oxsn age, then, 4-H may be f'or you! 4-H Clubs are led by voluntleers froru ihe coin- munity who are wiflingto pass on sorne of' theb skills they have learned frorn ex- perience. lin addition to the tradional agricul ture and bomemnaking clubs, a new projeci called, "Score wi!h Safety" wlll be offerc» ibis year ini wbicb members cati learn about basic home safety and firsi aid. The 1 985 Leadership Pro- ject is ait excellent opportuniii- ty for ihose who are 16-21 years old to develop Iibeir capabilities as group leaders. Tbere is a loi 0f benefits to being invol1ved iii 4-H and i's a lot Z-f fun. It is easy to join.. here's boss.. The tirst 'Organizational Meeting for each club will bc hield in April (except "Score wiîh Satety" -wbvich wiIl be in May). Take a look and sec whati iterests you ....ti hen, go ahicad .... get inxoived! O R G A N I Z AT 1ION A L MEETINGS: HOPE CALE CLUB- Aprîl 1, 1985 ai 8:00 pin, ai the Wlcome Fic uni il vou noxeback lo a srnallI own. 1I had 10 bc reminded 10 niod and siiiie and say hello lb pcoplc on1 Ilie sîreci, cxcii if ih,ý\sxerc on the other side. Gevraidionians seldom walk anyw\\bere if îhey can heip îî, tiheretore 1 have spenti nanv an hour driving around Ioking tfor a parking space inirnediaicly in front of where 1 arn going. lime ibtis artile wouid nol be complete if I did not mentîion the total disrcgard exeryonc ýsecms 10 have tor liime. 1i used 10)beua very pro- mpîi person b ui who likes Io be ije -1ony1persetiaiapa for the . firsiiw hur.) found iis faci oi a few vears ago wben 1 was going oui wiîh sorne friends One nighit and we had agreed thiat 1 woulId pick tbem up ai sevecri o'lc.1, being my usuial punclual self, arrived sharpîy ai seven and found Io my chagrin that îhey were ini varying stages of readiîîess. One was wandering around wiib a towel on her becad (having just emerged from the shower) and the other %vas sîlîl lr the bathIub. We finial- Iy mnanaged to reach our destination ai ten o'cIoc:k ai ýwhich time I was readyý for bcd. I have silice iearned not to arrive anywhere uintil at leas itan hour afierib1le designated iurne and aiso îo hiave rested veil beforeband as Gçeraldtoii parties are krîowîîi w lasi into tbe wee h ours of tirnoriing anîd itill icri alIl îîgît - Ou i mayoi o fieciiinak cx icIcieccto 'tinigs bcîng donc "'Flic Geraldton Way" anid helieve nie lie is notl kid- ding! This community is dcef'iniicly unique anîd f love 1 laii. Ail olhlîi oî gaî/lîziionia lied îngs ýýwill bhe, 1ld ai i lic O)iîiario NMiiiisilry îi Agiriculitiirc anid Food ofc ai 234 King Streci 1 asi iii Bowiiaiivillc (above i hlc IFrank Real EiaieOfic) SHEEF CLUB Arl3. 1985 ai 8:0X) pin. BEEl Cl- UB- April 9 al 7:30 pi. SWINE CLUB, April 1) al 8:30 p.m. E A RMMACH INERY (CLU1B -Apr il 15 ai 8:00 p.m. EAý>,RM SAFETY CLUB- April 16- 8:00 p.m. JUNIOR& SENIOR DAIRY CLUB- April 17 - 8:00 p.m. LIVESTOCK EVALUAý-lION CLUB- April 18 - 8:30 p.m. POULTRY CLUIB - April 18, 7:30 p.m. LEADERSHIP (CLUB Ii- April 22, 80 p n. HORSE CLUB- April 24, 8:00 p.m. If you have any questions abotu 4-H, please feel free to caîl Barry O'NeiI or Barbara Weese aithie Bo\mnvii[lîe OMAF office 416-623-3348 or Zenith 7-3040. cost Town $13,188 Tlhe Town tif'Newcastle- cti)uncil mnembers ton Monday f'aced a billIlfor the amount of' $13,188.29 which lîad not beeni budgeted for ini ibe 1985 budget. The amount represents vacation pay for tbe parI- Jlime firefigbîers wbo have or wNere employed by the fTown'sV fire deparîmeni over the past three years io perform fire figling duties îhrouglîtui the municipaliîy. Jim Aîdridge, fire chief, pointed out ibat the manier came to him tbrougb the lu- dividual Firefighter's Asso)ciations and Ibat in fact the vacation monies was 0wv- ed 10 tbe firefigbters. He also said prior Ici his employmient witb the town tbe sameisu camne up ai wbhich lime the firefigbters were told that they did not qualif y for vaca- tion pay. David Jobusion, Chief, Ad- niistrator, pointed ouI thiat the Town had neyer paid vacation pay since its incep- lion. Mayor Riekard went further and said he doubted vey mucb that tbe Town of Bowmnanvilfe had, foîr if they ~Stamps -Àjby Larry Mclnnîs Stories Behind Stamps: Interesting Facts Found D w tmiîi 198 . I x i hctî t e t u e 197 i G r n p e s a î ,îbt>ot lxx o ( i,titda (Scott 6X7). ai- suri iising.2 Plois iatios h'î i e flic taInip Pîetuu ex 1liL xxoî-ll ,hx tfl nie ot nîaîk le \Mari e aiid NotreL I (YI oîîtt 15(1 s ci s i o i iDafîie Chi-teh and x,î s. ndhi S. I lie lattet xx as Ie, Ixcbecîî tîldtI1 this ra bondrAcfd ti ouxxo i I n i cadirsSsci e So ltaket1 Ixi Ille c.iiîon 1I uc'-:Sea iatid tlle Ptostage Sliîip iliat \titu fîtîtde Iltle Mtînlieal dis isioîl tf C orpo lie C (lii- Itlinicatitins oi CanadaýL Ptostxx iuîcb prtidueed ilie publicýatitin. s iî i eue for coîpies.. ':iisuie aIl thlose v. o requestcd co'pies got tlîeîî: supplies vwerecacleiii froiniphilateliec iuîîters ail tiser thîe plaice ti f11Illthe requests. Ilii the PIocess of leanii- ing o tisx mucli demaîîd ilîcre ,vas for tbat puibl*ica- tiomi. I leauiîed of aîitbeî I liadn't seuil. Motîil a îd thie Potage Stainp. pub- isfîed ini 1983 bt the saine grtiup ihia t gae xtiuithe sfîip puîblicit nduifAirt and tuei>tstgeStaiîp, anîd b\ hc tuesi l uhot Deniîs Masse.ý It's a f 0-pagei biokcîî doxs n mb ses eraI C ctegul ries: Moîtea Iîtils1la- anid sviiei; iimtîtiOis:' ke\ iiditisLicat eeîs andt gicatxxî k tfMoli treaieî s. Storie bebitid xaip pi os ite InItl tii ac Stîîîe. stîei , st lic xtov ii'tf hiad, (lic praclîce would have been carricd on wii h lie for- mation of- the Town of Newcastle. The issue came bo council as a confidential matter but after Counc. 'Hobbs said 80 persons were ,aîready' knowledgeable about the issue he could not see why it was a confîdentiaI matter. Ai this point the issue was debated in counicil witb Coune.* Hobbs attacking the treasury for not baving vaca-' tion pay included lu the pay- ment. to the part-time empîoyees. He said part-time emiployees were more knowýledgeable than town staff., It was at this point that Mayor Riekard stated tbat il had, neyer been raised with the Town and be doubted that, in fact, it was a practice witb the former Town of Bowmanville., Coune,. Taylor said there was no need t0 dig up tbe past and he commended TossA staff in coming up with the proper legal interpreta- tion and a solution. Ntîîorc Darne Churcbi i iu the bcart tof Cld M on- treal, thc original c P tis olîc of the cits 's greajLtts tourlîtattractions. 1 certainly bclieved I t xxas 0 f _grcat antiquity . but I iound'it xs but betxseen a83~nd 1829 iiom a desîu b anAmnerican Auld bI x s. Poesat il lc \tLqCii s bjed ton Ntotre Darne in Paris. Flic (Coul jnued page 9) LADIES! Pull yourself-together with Separa tes fromn THE RAINB-OW COLLECTION Hobnobber Separates at unheard-of prices SKIRTS & SLACKS $1 7.00 Jackets $23.00 Do you have a blouse with no-skirts to match? A pair of slacks that need a jacket? Weil bring themn along to our MIX & MATCH PA RTY SAT., APRIL 6 - 10Oto 5 pim. ORONO TOWN HALL 983-9378 Why Not Ask the Apple Blossom Shop's Easter Bunny 10 deliver a Fresh Floral Centrepiece Silk Arrangement Easter Lily Hydrangia or Floweri'ng Spring Bulbs Order early to avoid disappointment 983-5291, or stop in to see our Lister spec.iais OPEN 9 - 6 Monday to Saturday 9- 9 Thursday, April 4th CLOSED - Good Friday and Fastci Monday

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