4.Oromo Weely limes, Wednesday, April 10, 1985 Orono Tri-County Champions O.n -rrxlay, ivarcn 29tn, Ennismore travelled to Orono for gaine 5 of the finals. It was a do or die situation as the teams were tied at 2 gamnes apiece. There was a good crowd out to watch the gaine and they weren't disappointed. It was another close exciting game and Orono pulled off a 3-2 win. Orono opened the scoring in the first minute of play with a goal by Scott Irwin, assisted by Rod Storsbergen and John Cowan. They managed to hold this lead until 5:08, when Jamie Maxk- well tied it up for Ennismore, assisted by Marc Campbell. The score remnained tied al through the second perîod, although both teams tried hard to break it. It wasn't un- tii 4:49 of the 3rd perîod that Orono pulled ahead once more with a goal by Mark Sargent, assisted by Darreni Lewis and Darren Dennis. The action was not over, however, Ennismore tied it up again at 2:50 with a goal by Steve Bearwage, assisted by Brad Bethune and Marc Campbell. At 1:30,, John Cowan got what turned out to be the winning goal on a pass from Rod Storsbergen and Scott Irwin. A great On Saturday, Match 3lst, it was back to Ennismore for game six, through freezing rain snow andwind. Ahl the parents were keyed up and the boys didn't let us off the hook. It was another fast, ex- citing gaine. There was no scoring until midway through the second period, when David Little scored unassisted, with 2 men in the penalty box. It was a great moment for everyone, but they still had to hold on for a period and a half. Orono.put everything into it and held on to their lead. It was pandemonium when the final buzzer went and we had won thé championship. It has been a great season. Midget is a hard age group to handie, but Peter Swan, with the help of Dean Cox, Bob Lewis and Ken Cameron, did an excellent job. These men were liked and respected by boys and parents alike and turned this group of boys into a teamn that wanted to win. We also had a great bunch of parents who camne out to al the gameçs in ail kinds of weather and cheered the boys on win or lose. Congratula- tions boys. You did agreat job. The Orono Tri-County Midgets earned the right to hold the chamnpionship for the league for the 1984-85 hockey season 'and are pic- tured above. Front row (Ieft to right) Brian Souch, Tim Mercer, Mike Lane, Blaine Bruton, Mark Sargent and Dreen Lewis; (Back row) Bob Lewis, manager, Ken Cameron, Assistant coach, Rod Storesbergen, Russell Sullivan, Rob Jerome, Scott lrwin, Todd Mercer, David Little, Darren Dennis, John Cowan, Dean Cox, assistant coach, Peter Swan, coach. The singers, dancers and VlIayers are working hard to make this year's Music night a funfilled experience for ail. The date is Wed. April 24 at 7:30. The presentat ion will be eniioved by people of ail ages. The "great Easter egg" contests was held this weelc at the Pînes. Many students handed in decorated Easter eggs. For each egg con- tributed, the decorater receiv- ed one house point. The win- ners were Victoria Klepac 7B, Shaunna Mclnnes 7B, Heidi HartweillSA, Claudia Baien- tin 8B, Cathy Angi 8C, Rick Yaworski 8C, Kim Lycett 8C, Mike Mendonca 8D and Shana His 8D. The judging was done by Mrs. Sunstruin (secretary) and Mrs. Gibson (Home Economics Teacher) and was flot an easy task. Receive MVP trophy Ken Cameron, goalie for County Midget Champion- the Orono Tri-County ship. Midgets, hias been awarded Keni's aver-age has been as the Most Value Player award follows: for hîs efforts in the Oronio Regular season 2.34117 nets during the recent Plavoffsý 2.00% playdown series whichi won Final seies 1.16%' the Orono team the Tri- Congratulations. 'Outrea ch' group needs volun teers If you Would like to be in- volved as a volunteer in a community organization that helps children, then Outreach needs you. For the past two years Outreachi, a Women's Action Group (Durham), a non- profit organization, bas been involved in chld sexal abuse preentohand educaion and our miaterials have been sent as far awvay as British Columbia aln d N ew - foundland. As a resuit our nieed for volunteer-s is greater than eve. We especially need People to assist wthour streetproofing vworkshiops, artwýNork for books and pro- gramme miaterials, our drop- in centre and in the office. We will be holding an orientation n ig htLfor volunteers on Thursday, April 1 lth at Southininster United Church, 1173 Cedar Street, Oshawa fromi 7:00 to 9:00 p.mi. Anyone who is in- terested in finding out more about Our wý,ork is invited to .attend, or cail 728-3163 for morehinformation. *KEM PAINT- SALE* 1000 NEW COLOURS, TO CHOOSE FROM. in 5 DIFFERENT FINISHES' LATEX FLAT- LATEX LOW LUSTRE" LATEX SEMI GLOSS ALKYD LOW LUSTRLE - ALKYD SEMI GLOSS PLUS COU NTRY VWHITES in FLAT - LOWV LUSTRE - SEMI GLOSS, ROLP H we made our nainei hardware Main St., Orono Phone 983-5207-