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Orono Weekly Times, 10 Apr 1985, p. 6

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6-Orono MWeekiy Times, Wednesday, April 10, 1985 Second place win for Lockhart's team A four-student team from was heid board wide recentiy. Lockhiart Public School plac- The Lockhart group was ed second in a Nor- coached by Mrs. Gail Smith.ý thumnberlaand Newvcastle a parent volunteer at the Board of Education 'Pro- school. T he team was within blem Solving' contest which two points of tieing for first HAPPINESS WOULD BE... According to Me: -a room to myselifwith the iock on the inside -waking up and finding the lumps had ail rearranged themseives in the right spots -getting to the check out counter just once and having the right amount of mioney to cover. -finding 1 couid talk mature at these parent/teacher interviews without stumbiing over my words -having night shift done away with -keeping a tan year round -havinig the family wait on me when I'm sick, instead of having to crawl out of bed and drum up a meal -having the fridge stay clean instead of iooking like a hord of pigs had mulched their way through -having my "bag-away" eye cream work -having more toierance with the littie people -having the gang deciare their emnotional need of -me rather than their materialistie need -finishing knitting a sweater just once -having the horse unders- tand that hot flashes at her age are not normal thereby minimnizing her risks of strangiing herseif on a six foot fence -having the Big Boy deciare his love for mue, promnise to babysit, while 1 spin thirough town ini.HIS corvtte According to theKis -mnore G.I. Joe parapher- nalia -Mommuy (HA!) -McDonaizlds (lappetites like apes whenità comnes to junik food) -war movies (grits and grease, guts and gore - viplence to them is like fairy takes were to us -scramibled eggs ('m sur.e the oidest will at one time or- another maniage a hen house of one kinid or another) -pancakes (Juniors ambi- tion in life is to be Pancake King of Baseline Road -Bed? (name me once that they were wilingiy), -frogs ijoys of summer, memocries of sippery wvet fingers) -ponds (hand in hand with frogs, smieiiy turf kills their clothes but keeps them oc- cupied for hours -Santa Caus (why do kids think the poor old gent has a hidden bank account in Switzerland?) - soccer (year after year after year) -bubble gum (the joys of watching mother pick it out of their hair -girls (how can you tel they're maies?), -life (oh ya! at whose ex- pense!) According to the Big Boy: -putting the corvette up on bilocks (big boys toys) -having a schnooze without the kids hurtling around the room -having a niight out with the boys and the, old womnan under-standinig and flot demianding equaity -beingýL able Io admit 1 stili have a cravin1g for the old glimmer sticýk withnout her threatenîng to end imy ife if I dare touch one -iving oni a fishing, trawlýer byr myseif ini B.C. -hiaving no vicîouse-if to ;Ontend i- place. Pictured above are: Angie In the competition the Deiaat, Dan Sithil,Mark teams were required to solve Pierce and Jili Br-own. probiems of various situa- Congratulations to the tions. Lockhart group. -being mortgage fr ee -the chance to quit work, stay home and dabbie with my time the way 1 see fit -being me without the rest of the worid ro contend with' -flot f eeling older thani my years -not having to eat liver just to set a good example for the kids -having good oid Canadian food on the table rather than those exotic German fares she conjures up -being re:ogn_-ized, as the head of the household without having- to share with the femnale countierpart - -truisting lier criving when, she has the corvette -aiga room'- to tiiyseZl to xallooi in, nmy den of i- quity, where kids and the womnan are only aiiowed on invitation. Health councîl (Contiuued froin page 5) Branch presented a proposai to establish a 24 hour super- vised co-operative housing programn for ex-psychiatrie patients. This programn would provide accomrmodation and rehabilitative programmining in a high-support environ- ment for Patients ability to eventuaiiy live independently in the communinity. Council hias endorsed both proposals for fundmng iunder the Ministry of Health's Community Mental Health Services Program and has recommiendý.ed ath h le Aliheimier's Society proposai be assig-ned top~ funding priority. Marsh osses at work THE FEDERATION 0F ONTARIO NATURALISTS "Couiqueree!" Retuirn of the cocky marsh-bosses trant- sforms er-rie silence into a jangie of souind and sighit. They chortde and screecb, race fromn perch to perch, and boidly bait dnyv challenger to "Just try!" to take over their 'turf'. Red-winiged biackbirds might weii be described as the epitome of chauvinisin The differences ini both colour behaviouir are as dramatic as they are important to the bird's stupendous success. The maie flashes about in his sleek black coat, repiete with gaudy red-anid-yeliow epaulettes. Cockily, he fiuffs and poses - it seems that in- flated chests, padded jackets and stretched-tall-stands ,aren't confined, at ail, to ~people. Flicking rail, hie shrieks to challenging maies, courting femnales and threats, alike. The female, by contrast, is muted. Softly patterned, she's a collection of streaks - brown-and -bIack above, and br-own-anid-black on white below. Rather quiet, she is as recessive as the maie is cocky. And just as the maie is superbly adapted as a show- off - to stake territory and at- tract a mate - the female disappears into the mnarsh scerre. As incpnspicuious as a branch or n t of dry leaves, she cani invisibly tend their vuinerable-nest. Redwings have spent the winter 'lammiied' tog-ether tin the miarshcs, m-eadows and roosts of the southern U.S. and Caribbeani islands, feedjin-g anrid Ipat1i eniitly awvaiting spring's ciue. Trig- gered ati ast by lengrfhening_ phoitoperidd, they began thecir northward pilirimage. M ,4aies race out ahead, to reciaimn the stili-frozen mar- sites abandonecd to winter's onslaught. Glistenl- ing in the suni, theyv ie f'or the dominant perches. Ritualisticaliy, they- posture, bob and flick. Bodies e rect, heads high, theys hiek. Ter- ritorial dominanice establishi- ed, they race about, def'ining their 'turf'. Maies i;egin arriving in southern Ontario about thie first week of Marchl, and reconquer the countryside as a steadiiy-moving wave. When to move is always a dif- ficuit judgement cail. Too early, and they mnay be trap- ped by late-winter's kilier storms. Too late, and the prime meeting territories wili be taken. Unlike people, red- wings can't simply pack more territories into the samne breeding marshes. By the time the femnales begini arriving, 3 to 4 weeks later, the ponds and marshes are open and territories velli- defined. Th'le femnales im- mnediateiy set to work, choos- ing thé "best" - the cockiest and gaudiest - of the maies available. The marshes reverberate as dozens, or hundred, of maies put on their best performance. Mates chosen, each couple sets immedateiy to work, weaving a delicate 3" basket of dried grassýes. It's a fever- ace, for within weeks, 4 to 5 creamn-coloured eggs, will miake their appearance. Again, the couple's roies divergle. The inconspicuous, quiet femnale takes Sole responsibiliity For the 10 to 12 day incubation; shie biends perfectIy into the setting, inimizing risk of giing away the necst's location, or of drawving predators. T guady male, mnanwhile,f-i about, boidly defenduln-e h'ie îerritory , draýýwîgoff predators andi galicheing thle food necessary for both hie and his m~ate. The eggs hiatch +qickly, by bird-standards, Iroduci«ng miniscule, wikluyoung. Hardly recognizable even as birds, the're rnake,- pink and barely able to u',Jt their hleads. But they'll grow quickly, ravenously consuming paren- tal offerings of caterpîllars, grasshoppers and myriad othier insects. Doggedly, the parents race to and fro. From dawn titi dusk, they gather and feed, over and over, generating tomorrow.'s stili- bigger appetites. With weeks, the first brood will be off, making wýay for the couple to mate, to relay, and repeat the ritual yet again. By faîl, cued yet again by piotoper iod - this iimê,ý shortening days - they'll con- gregate and begin to make their \way south. (Gaudy males. Mute femnales. And the whole spectrum of "in- between" progeny, still wear- ing less-conspicuous juvenile plumfage. Ail on their way south to await next spring's cue. If you have any news items please feel f ree to phone the Orono Weekly Times we would be only to happy to receive them 983-5301 PARTICIPwi©[©uDn By Russ Kisby 4 The Perfect Spot To A sure sign that Sprig s here to stay? The numbe-r ofjoggers on our streets and highways. Oh, sure, certain hearty souls braved the winter cold and snow . 1 even have the impression that you woulId have found more jog- gers in thse middle of a blizzard this year than you would have found ten years ago on a beautifual May afternoon! A great number of joggers spent the winter cross-country skiing, But now they're back on the streets - aiong with the thousands of neophytes spendîng the good weather discovering thse greatjoys -- and smnali pains - of jogging. One of the advantages ofjogg- ing: you can do it aimost any- where. That's not to say there aren't spots that are nicer than others. So, to guide joggers, especialily new ones, I consuited François Barcelo. A few years ago, this noted Montreai novelist and devoted runner got alittie fed up running- the sanie route ail thetimne. Fait- ing to find a guide for runners similar to those availabie to cyclists and cross-country skiers, hie did what any self-respecting ,writer wouid: after running hun- dreds of kilomneters ail over Mon- treal and its suburbs for research, he wrote the book him-seli Following, then, you'll find Barcelo's Three Main Criteria for the choice ofajogging or-run- nîng ,route. First, safety. Avoid joggigi traffie. Parks, and bicycle paths aire safer. And if you mnust run on a sidevialk, choose a route that cuts across the fewest numnberof cross streets. Second, surface. After having run two or three kiiomneters, you'Il reduce the risks ofdaniag- ing your knees by running on a soit surface. Lawns and gravel pathis provide less shock than asphait. Avoid concrete at ail costs. Third, atmosphere. If you prefer the chirping of birdies to the noise of trucks, the soft green of the trees to factory gray, you'ii prefer any shady path to a downtown sidewalk! Most of the trne, you'd bc ad- vised to start running near your home - around the nearest park, for example. After a white, though, whien you've -had enough" or you wish to run longer, you'll be able to flnd a variety of spots that match Barcelo's Three Criteria. If you happen to live in Mon- treai, Barcelo recommends the t;. of Mt. Royal aiong the caieche path, or the bicycle path by the Lachine Canal. If you live someplace else, do what he did: go jogging, then write a guide to the best routes in your hometown! Heip yur hert: exercise' 44 Russ Kisby is President of PARTICIPaction, the Cana- dian movement for personal ritness. For Richer For Poorer Column by Viki Bates; ......... . . .......... . ........

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