12-Orono Weekly Timies, Wednesday, Apri417, 1985 "We Love Telling Stories"- risen 88 per cent, far above the inflation rate for the same period. Th'le announcemnent, ýoming as the couniry lheaves a collec- tive sigh of relief that the econ- omy is flot to be crippled byI yet another postal strike, leaves crucial questions unan.swered. First, of course, howý much will the increase be and Mhen will it hit? Second, will those in power -both within the post office and in government-persîst in this increase in the face of such substantial Opposition from clients and voters, respectively? Certainly the post office has mnade somne progress n reduc- îng its deficit, getting a handie on some of the initernai prob- lemrs that plagued it w,ýhen it wvas a goverment department. But there remnainis much it Cani dIo bytighiteing its own beit rather than passing oni its excessive costs to the public. Surely, the opinions of' the people of' this land oughit to count for somiething. Just one more feature of Pictured above (back row) Charlene Lewis, karen the recent Orono Figure Tammy Hansen, Andy Hackett, Tracy Doty, (front) Skating Carnival ntitled "We Haines, (Centre row) Kyle Colville. Love Telling Stories". A nother successfut carnivat Following another suc- cessful Orono Figure Skating Carnival this year Dreams On Ice past president, Rorie BY Tony Car/son7 Talk to people on the average street in Canada and, chances are, four oui of fIve will tell Woods, (right) presents a bouquet of flower t0 Gail McKenzie, president of the club for the 1984-85 season. you they oppose any increase in the price of staiips> Terenot saying that be- cause they are against ail price hikes on principle. Rather, they féee an increase is uinjustified considering the service they get fromn Canada Post. That's the finding of a re- cently released Gallup poilî in which 81.5 per cent of re- spondents said a rate hike is unwarranted. Only 6.6 per cent supported an increase and 8.5 per cent said they'd have no objection. That's an overwhehning ma- jority in a survey that is ac- curate within 3 per cent 95 times out of 100. It's significant, too, because it does not represent the coin- plaints of special interest groups with familiar axes to grind. To be sure, the poil was commissioned by the Coalition Against Postal Abuse (CAPA), a group of more than -three dozen business, professional and other non-profit organiz a- ions which have concerns with the way the post office does business. But the pollsters admînis- tered the survey independently and in accordance with the rules of statistiçal accuracy to monitor the general public's opinion. The result is the voice of average Canadians, of ail ages, ail regions, alI walks of life, al political stripes saying they've had enough of paying for the inefficîency that is fast becom- ing synonymous with Canada Post. The polI was conducted Iast faîl, just be fore the post office backed off its plan to maise rates and imposed a price freeze until the end of March. But CAPA did flot release the results then out of respect for the sensitivity of negotia- tions between the Crown cor- poration and its major unions. Now, with the ink barely dry on a tentative agreement with inside postal- workers, senior post office executîves are in the final stages of unveiling a rate increase. It would be the third since 1981, back when you could senid a recipe to Aunt Minnie or a photo of Junior to Grand- ma f'or 17 cents. The price has FOR THE BEST IN SPRING Se*AVINGS U Cattie Manure 29 20 kg 29 Vigoro Lawn 799 FertilIizer 20-6-3 9 kg covers 425 sq. met res Fertilizer Spreader 29.99 40 lb. capacity 19" Canadiana 3 H.P. Lawn Mower 189.99 20" Spirit 3 H.P. Briggs and Stratton Lawn Mower 219.99 SA VE $4000 Garden Wheelbarrow 24.99 Steel Lawn Rake 5.49 G,.S.WV. Sump Pump 54.99 5 Foot ALUMINUM Step Ladder 29.99' Romex 1412 Wireft.1 250 foot Coilis .1 CHAR-BROIL Gas Barbeque Wagon SA VE OVER sio0oe 199.99 10-PEED CENTURY Mens and Ladies BICYCLES PROSONIO AM/FM STEREOI CASSETTE RI 149.99 anc SANYO VACUUM RADIO 99.99 ECORDER d 199.99 ROLPH Main St., Orono Phone 983-5207 Canadians Say &"NO"3 to postal increase